@use "./abstract/_members" as * .cache-toggle cursor: pointer .side-panel background-color: #fff padding: 0.3em width: 28% top: 3.7em position: fixed .corpus-doc-view .annotated-field-wrapper .annotated-field-runs max-height: 200px overflow-y: scroll .list-group .list-group-item-heading display: inline-block width: 60px @include right-handed left: 70% .header float: right @include left-handed left: 2% .header float: left .simple-layout height: 100% .license padding-top: 10px .spinner position: absolute left: 50% top: 50% .table tr td color: #005a9aff .active font-weight: bold text-decoration: underline .ngrams-selector display: flex .ngrams-chooser padding: 3px .trash text-decoration: line-through .action-search margin: 10px .context-menu position: fixed .search-bar margin: 10px /* */ .body ul li color: #005a9aff .nav color: #005a9aff .btn-primary color: white background-color: #005a9aff border-color: black ul .nav color: #005a9aff li color: #005a9aff .frame height: 100vh iframe border: 0 .join-button padding-bottom: 100px padding-top: 100px // Add pointer to Bootstrap Select select.form-control cursor: pointer #app width: 100% .router-inner display: flex &.left-handed flex-direction: row &.right-handed flex-direction: row .main-page $self: & $page-padding: space-x(3) space-x(4) $topbar-height: 56px // ~ unworthy empirical value (@TODO topbar height calculation) flex-grow: 1 // quick workaround, stretching block when subjected to flex API &__main-row display: flex &--with-y-tiles #{ $self }__main-route width: 60% #{ $self }__vertical-tiles width: 40% &--only-y-tiles // ensure minimum height, so that the border delimiting "main route" and // its "vertical tiles" will not end abruptly min-height: calc( 100vh - #{ $topbar-height }) // main route ~ main tile &__main-route padding: $page-padding width: 100% // optional vertical tiles ~ y axis column &__vertical-tiles display: flex flex-direction: column // optional horizontal tiles ~ x axis row &__horizontal-tiles display: flex flex-direction: row // dynamic width according to number of tiles @for $i from 1 through 10 &--#{ $i } .tile-block width: calc( 100% / #{ $i }) .tile-block $tile-padding: space-x(0.5) space-x(2) space-x(1.5) &__header display: flex @include right-handed justify-content: flex-end @include left-handed justify-content: flex-start &__body padding: $tile-padding .action-upload-button $spinner-size: 23px // @TODO use futur bootstrap button deferred status here $spinner-left-offset: -32px $spinner-top-offset: 6px position: relative &__spinner position: absolute width: $spinner-size height: $spinner-size left: $spinner-left-offset top: $spinner-top-offset .jitsi-iframe height: 70em