Commit 21038fac authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë


parent 93b6d5dc
......@@ -91,12 +91,12 @@ instance eqSessions :: Eq Sessions where
instance decodeJsonSessions :: DecodeJson Sessions where
decodeJson json = do
ss <- decodeSessions' json
ss <- decodeSessions json
pure (Sessions (Seq.fromFoldable ss))
decodeSessions' :: Json -> Either String (Array Session)
decodeSessions' json = decodeJson json >>= traverse decodeJson
decodeSessions :: Json -> Either String (Array Session)
decodeSessions json = decodeJson json >>= traverse decodeJson
instance encodeJsonSessions :: EncodeJson Sessions where
encodeJson (Sessions ss) = "sessions" := (encodeSessions ss)
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