Commit 24be1255 authored by Karen Konou's avatar Karen Konou

[Corpus header] conect field reneaming to backend

parent b2e461e7
...@@ -56,3 +56,23 @@ getCorpusInfo (FTFieldList as) = case List.head (List.filter isJSON as) of ...@@ -56,3 +56,23 @@ getCorpusInfo (FTFieldList as) = case List.head (List.filter isJSON as) of
, authors:"" , authors:""
, totalRecords: 0 , totalRecords: 0
} }
saveCorpusInfo :: CorpusInfo -> FTFieldList -> FTFieldList
saveCorpusInfo (CorpusInfo i) (FTFieldList fields) =
FTFieldList $ List.snoc (List.filter (not isJSON) fields) (Field {name: oName, typ: JSON { authors: i.authors
, desc: i.desc
, query: i.query
, title: i.title
, tag: oTag
oName = case o of
Just (Field {name}) -> name
_ -> ""
oTag = case o of
Just (Field {typ: JSON {tag}}) -> tag
_ -> ""
o = List.head (List.filter isJSON fields)
...@@ -3,12 +3,17 @@ module Gargantext.Components.Table where ...@@ -3,12 +3,17 @@ module Gargantext.Components.Table where
import Gargantext.Prelude import Gargantext.Prelude
import Data.Array as A import Data.Array as A
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..)) import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Sequence as Seq import Data.Sequence as Seq
import Effect (Effect) import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (launchAff_)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Gargantext.Components.FolderView as FV import Gargantext.Components.FolderView as FV
import Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Corpus.Types (CorpusInfo(..), Hyperdata(..), getCorpusInfo) import Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Corpus (saveCorpus)
import Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Corpus.Types (CorpusInfo(..), Hyperdata(..), getCorpusInfo, saveCorpusInfo)
import Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Lists.Types as NT import Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Lists.Types as NT
import Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Types (FTFieldList)
import Gargantext.Components.Renameable (renameable) import Gargantext.Components.Renameable (renameable)
import Gargantext.Components.Search (SearchType(..)) import Gargantext.Components.Search (SearchType(..))
import Gargantext.Components.Table.Types (ColumnName, OrderBy, OrderByDirection(..), Params, Props, TableContainerProps, columnName) import Gargantext.Components.Table.Types (ColumnName, OrderBy, OrderByDirection(..), Params, Props, TableContainerProps, columnName)
...@@ -63,6 +68,16 @@ type TableHeaderWithRenameLayoutProps = ( ...@@ -63,6 +68,16 @@ type TableHeaderWithRenameLayoutProps = (
, key :: String , key :: String
) )
type TableHeaderWithRenameBoxedLayoutProps = (
cacheState :: T.Box NT.CacheState
, session :: Session
, hyperdata :: Hyperdata
, nodeId :: NodeID
, date :: String
, key :: String
, corpusInfoS :: T.Box CorpusInfo
initialParams :: Params initialParams :: Params
initialParams = stateParams {page: 1, pageSize: PS10, orderBy: Nothing, searchType: SearchDoc} initialParams = stateParams {page: 1, pageSize: PS10, orderBy: Nothing, searchType: SearchDoc}
-- TODO: Not sure this is the right place for this -- TODO: Not sure this is the right place for this
...@@ -73,15 +88,27 @@ tableHeaderWithRenameLayout = R.createElement tableHeaderWithRenameLayoutCpt ...@@ -73,15 +88,27 @@ tableHeaderWithRenameLayout = R.createElement tableHeaderWithRenameLayoutCpt
tableHeaderWithRenameLayoutCpt :: R.Component TableHeaderWithRenameLayoutProps tableHeaderWithRenameLayoutCpt :: R.Component TableHeaderWithRenameLayoutProps
tableHeaderWithRenameLayoutCpt = here.component "tableHeaderWithRenameLayoutCpt" cpt tableHeaderWithRenameLayoutCpt = here.component "tableHeaderWithRenameLayoutCpt" cpt
where where
cpt { hyperdata: Hyperdata h, nodeId, session, cacheState, date } _ = do cpt { hyperdata: Hyperdata h, nodeId, session, cacheState, date, key } _ = do
let corpusInfo = getCorpusInfo h.fields
corpusInfoS <- T.useBox corpusInfo
pure $ tableHeaderWithRenameBoxedLayout {hyperdata: Hyperdata h, nodeId, session, cacheState, date, corpusInfoS, key} []
tableHeaderWithRenameBoxedLayout :: R2.Component TableHeaderWithRenameBoxedLayoutProps
tableHeaderWithRenameBoxedLayout = R.createElement tableHeaderWithRenameBoxedLayoutCpt
tableHeaderWithRenameBoxedLayoutCpt :: R.Component TableHeaderWithRenameBoxedLayoutProps
tableHeaderWithRenameBoxedLayoutCpt = here.component "tableHeaderWithRenameBoxedLayoutCpt" cpt
cpt { hyperdata: Hyperdata h, nodeId, session, cacheState, date, corpusInfoS} _ = do
cacheState' <- T.useLive T.unequal cacheState cacheState' <- T.useLive T.unequal cacheState
let CorpusInfo { authors, desc, query, title} = getCorpusInfo h.fields CorpusInfo {title, desc, query, authors} <- corpusInfoS
pure $ R.fragment pure $ R.fragment
[ R2.row [FV.backButton {} []] [ R2.row [FV.backButton {} []]
, ,
R2.row R2.row
[ H.div {className: "col-md-3"} [ H.h3 {} [renameable {text: title, onRename: onRenameDummy} []] ] [ H.div {className: "col-md-3"} [ H.h3 {} [renameable {text: title, onRename: onRenameTitle} []] ]
, H.div {className: "col-md-9"} , H.div {className: "col-md-9"}
[ {style: {height: "2px", backgroundColor: "black"}} ] [ {style: {height: "2px", backgroundColor: "black"}} ]
] ]
...@@ -89,11 +116,11 @@ tableHeaderWithRenameLayoutCpt = here.component "tableHeaderWithRenameLayoutCpt" ...@@ -89,11 +116,11 @@ tableHeaderWithRenameLayoutCpt = here.component "tableHeaderWithRenameLayoutCpt"
[ H.div {className: "col-md-8 content"} [ H.div {className: "col-md-8 content"}
[ H.p {} [ H.p {}
[ H.span {className: "fa fa-globe"} [] [ H.span {className: "fa fa-globe"} []
, renameable {text: " " <> desc, onRename: onRenameDummy} [] , renameable {text: " " <> desc, onRename: onRenameDesc} []
] ]
, H.p {} , H.p {}
[ H.span {className: "fa fa-search-plus"} [] [ H.span {className: "fa fa-search-plus"} []
, renameable {text: " " <> query, onRename: onRenameDummy} [] , renameable {text: " " <> query, onRename: onRenameQuery} []
] ]
, H.p { className: "cache-toggle" , H.p { className: "cache-toggle"
, on: { click: cacheClick cacheState } } , on: { click: cacheClick cacheState } }
...@@ -103,16 +130,41 @@ tableHeaderWithRenameLayoutCpt = here.component "tableHeaderWithRenameLayoutCpt" ...@@ -103,16 +130,41 @@ tableHeaderWithRenameLayoutCpt = here.component "tableHeaderWithRenameLayoutCpt"
] ]
, H.div {className: "col-md-4 content"} , H.div {className: "col-md-4 content"}
[ H.p {} [ H.p {}
[ H.span {className: "fa fa-calendar"} [] [ H.span {className: "fa fa-user"} []
, renameable {text: " " <> date, onRename: onRenameDummy} [] , renameable {text: " " <> authors, onRename: onRenameAuthors} []
] ]
, H.p {} , H.p {}
[ H.span {className: "fa fa-user"} [] [ H.span {className: "fa fa-calendar"} []
, renameable {text: " " <> authors, onRename: onRenameDummy} [] , H.text $ " " <> date
] ]
] ]
] ]
] ]
onRenameTitle newTitle = do
_ <- T.modify (\(CorpusInfo c) -> CorpusInfo $ c {title = newTitle}) corpusInfoS
corpusInfo <- corpusInfoS
let newFields = saveCorpusInfo corpusInfo h.fields
save {fields: newFields, session, nodeId}
onRenameDesc newDesc = do
_ <- T.modify (\(CorpusInfo c) -> CorpusInfo $ c {desc = newDesc}) corpusInfoS
corpusInfo <- corpusInfoS
let newFields = saveCorpusInfo corpusInfo h.fields
save {fields: newFields, session, nodeId}
onRenameQuery newQuery = do
_ <- T.modify (\(CorpusInfo c) -> CorpusInfo $ c {query = newQuery}) corpusInfoS
corpusInfo <- corpusInfoS
let newFields = saveCorpusInfo corpusInfo h.fields
save {fields: newFields, session, nodeId}
onRenameAuthors newAuthors = do
_ <- T.modify (\(CorpusInfo c) -> CorpusInfo $ c {authors = newAuthors}) corpusInfoS
corpusInfo <- corpusInfoS
let newFields = saveCorpusInfo corpusInfo h.fields
save {fields: newFields, session, nodeId}
cacheToggle NT.CacheOn = "fa-toggle-on" cacheToggle NT.CacheOn = "fa-toggle-on"
cacheToggle NT.CacheOff = "fa-toggle-off" cacheToggle NT.CacheOff = "fa-toggle-off"
...@@ -126,7 +178,15 @@ tableHeaderWithRenameLayoutCpt = here.component "tableHeaderWithRenameLayoutCpt" ...@@ -126,7 +178,15 @@ tableHeaderWithRenameLayoutCpt = here.component "tableHeaderWithRenameLayoutCpt"
cacheStateToggle NT.CacheOn = NT.CacheOff cacheStateToggle NT.CacheOn = NT.CacheOff
cacheStateToggle NT.CacheOff = NT.CacheOn cacheStateToggle NT.CacheOff = NT.CacheOn
onRenameDummy _ = do
save :: {fields :: FTFieldList, session :: Session, nodeId :: Int} -> Effect Unit
save {fields, session, nodeId} = do
launchAff_ do
res <- saveCorpus $ {hyperdata: Hyperdata {fields}, session, nodeId}
liftEffect $ do
_ <- case res of
Left err -> here.log2 "[corpusLayoutView] onClickSave RESTError" err
_ -> pure unit
pure unit pure unit
tableHeaderLayout :: R2.Component TableHeaderLayoutProps tableHeaderLayout :: R2.Component TableHeaderLayoutProps
...@@ -163,13 +223,13 @@ tableHeaderLayoutCpt = here.component "tableHeaderLayout" cpt ...@@ -163,13 +223,13 @@ tableHeaderLayoutCpt = here.component "tableHeaderLayout" cpt
] ]
, H.div {className: "col-md-4 content"} , H.div {className: "col-md-4 content"}
[ H.p {} [ H.p {}
[ H.span {className: "fa fa-calendar"} []
, H.text $ " " <> date
, H.p {}
[ H.span {className: "fa fa-user"} [] [ H.span {className: "fa fa-user"} []
, H.text $ " " <> user , H.text $ " " <> user
] ]
, H.p {}
[ H.span {className: "fa fa-calendar"} []
, H.text $ " " <> date
] ]
] ]
] ]
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