Commit 29887531 authored by Przemyslaw Kaminski's avatar Przemyslaw Kaminski

[user] user edit page works now, with lenses

parent 0c2ecf5b
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import Data.Newtype (unwrap)
import Data.String (joinWith)
import DOM.Simple.Console (log2)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, launchAff_)
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Annuaire.User.Contacts.Tabs as Tabs
import Gargantext.Hooks.Loader (useLoader)
import Gargantext.Routes as Routes
import Gargantext.Ends (Frontends)
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session, get)
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session, get, put)
import Gargantext.Types (NodeType(..))
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
......@@ -43,112 +43,30 @@ display title elems =
, H.div { className: "col-md-8"} elems
getFirstName :: Maybe ContactWho -> String
getFirstName obj = fromMaybe "Empty title" $ getFirstName' <$> obj
getFirstName' = fromMaybe "Empty first name" <<< _.firstName <<< unwrap
getLastName obj = fromMaybe "Empty title" $ getLastName' <$> obj
getLastName' = fromMaybe "Empty last name" <<< _.lastName <<< unwrap
-- | ContactWhere infos
-- TODO factor below
getRole :: Array ContactWhere -> String
getRole = maybe "Empty Contact-Where" getRole' <<< head
getRole' = fromMaybe "Empty Role" <<< _.role <<< unwrap
getOrga :: Array ContactWhere -> String
getOrga = maybe "Emtpy Contact-Where" getOrga' <<< head
getOrga' :: ContactWhere -> String
getOrga' obj = joinWith ", " $ (\(ContactWhere {organization: o}) ->o) obj
getDept :: Array ContactWhere -> String
getDept = maybe "Empty Department" getDept' <<< head
getDept' :: ContactWhere -> String
getDept' obj = joinWith ", " $ (\(ContactWhere {labTeamDepts: l}) ->l) obj
getOffice :: Array ContactWhere -> String
getOffice = fromMaybe "Empty Office"
<<< maybe Nothing (\(ContactWhere {office:x}) -> x)
<<< head
getCity :: Array ContactWhere -> String
getCity = fromMaybe "Empty City"
<<< maybe Nothing (\(ContactWhere {city:x}) -> x)
<<< head
getCountry :: Array ContactWhere -> String
getCountry = fromMaybe "Empty Country"
<<< maybe Nothing (\(ContactWhere {country:x}) -> x)
<<< head
-- | ContactWhere / Touch infos
getTouch :: Array ContactWhere -> Maybe ContactTouch
getTouch = maybe Nothing (\(ContactWhere {touch}) -> touch) <<< head
getPhone :: Array ContactWhere -> String
getPhone obj = fromMaybe "Empty touch info" $ getPhone' <$> (getTouch obj)
getPhone' :: ContactTouch -> String
getPhone' = fromMaybe "Empty phone" <<< <<< unwrap
getMail :: Array ContactWhere -> String
getMail obj = fromMaybe "Empty info" $ getMail' <$> (getTouch obj)
getMail' :: ContactTouch -> String
getMail' = fromMaybe "Empty mail" <<< _.mail <<< unwrap
-- | TODO format data in better design (UI) shape
contactInfos :: HyperdataUser -> (HyperdataUser -> Effect Unit) -> Array R.Element
contactInfos h onUpdateHyperdata = item <$> contactInfoItems
item (label /\ defaultVal /\ lens) =
item {label, defaultVal, lens} =
contactInfoItem { hyperdata: h
, label
, lens
, onUpdateHyperdata }
-- item (name /\ value) =
-- { className: "list-group-item" }
-- (infoRender (name /\ (" " <> value)))
, onUpdateHyperdata
, placeholder: defaultVal }
contactInfoItems :: Array (Tuple3 String String HyperdataUserLens)
contactInfoItems :: Array {label:: String, defaultVal:: String, lens:: HyperdataUserLens}
contactInfoItems =
[ "Last Name" /\ "Empty Last Name" /\ (_shared <<< _who <<< _lastName)
, "First Name" /\ "Empty First Name" /\ (_shared <<< _who <<< _firstName)
, "Organisation" /\ "Empty Organisation" /\ (_shared <<< _who <<< _lastName)
, "Lab/Team/Dept" /\ "Empty Lab/Team/Dept" /\ (_shared <<< _who <<< _lastName)
, "Office" /\ "Empty Office" /\ (_shared <<< _who <<< _lastName)
, "City" /\ "Empty City" /\ (_shared <<< _who <<< _lastName)
, "Country" /\ "Empty Country" /\ (_shared <<< _who <<< _lastName)
, "Role" /\ "Empty Role" /\ (_shared <<< _who <<< _lastName)
, "Phone" /\ "Empty Phone" /\ (_shared <<< _who <<< _lastName)
, "Mail" /\ "Empty Mail" /\ (_shared <<< _who <<< _lastName) ]
contactInfoItems' :: Maybe HyperdataContact -> Array (Tuple String String)
contactInfoItems' Nothing =
[ "Last Name" /\ "Empty Last Name"
, "First Name" /\ "Empty First Name"
, "Organisation" /\ "Empty Organisation"
, "Lab/Team/Dept" /\ "Empty Lab/Team/Dept"
, "Office" /\ "Empty Office"
, "City" /\ "Empty City"
, "Country" /\ "Empty Country"
, "Role" /\ "Empty Role"
, "Phone" /\ "Empty Phone"
, "Mail" /\ "Empty Mail" ]
contactInfoItems' (Just (HyperdataContact {who:who, ou:ou})) =
[ "Last Name" /\ getLastName who
, "First Name" /\ getFirstName who
, "Organisation" /\ getOrga ou
, "Lab/Team/Dept" /\ getOrga ou
, "Office" /\ getOffice ou
, "City" /\ getCity ou
, "Country" /\ getCountry ou
, "Role" /\ getRole ou
, "Phone" /\ getPhone ou
, "Mail" /\ getMail ou ]
[ {label: "Last Name", defaultVal: "Empty Last Name", lens: _shared <<< _who <<< _lastName}
, {label: "First Name", defaultVal: "Empty First Name", lens: _shared <<< _who <<< _firstName}
, {label: "Organisation", defaultVal: "Empty Organisation", lens: _shared <<< _ouFirst <<< _organizationJoinComma}
, {label: "Lab/Team/Dept", defaultVal: "Empty Lab/Team/Dept", lens: _shared <<< _ouFirst <<< _labTeamDeptsJoinComma}
, {label: "Office", defaultVal: "Empty Office", lens: _shared <<< _ouFirst <<< _office}
, {label: "City", defaultVal: "Empty City", lens: _shared <<< _ouFirst <<< _city}
, {label: "Country", defaultVal: "Empty Country", lens: _shared <<< _ouFirst <<< _country}
, {label: "Role", defaultVal: "Empty Role", lens: _shared <<< _ouFirst <<< _role}
, {label: "Phone", defaultVal: "Empty Phone", lens: _shared <<< _ouFirst <<< _touch <<< _phone}
, {label: "Mail", defaultVal: "Empty Mail", lens: _shared <<< _ouFirst <<< _touch <<< _mail} ]
--type HyperdataUserLens = L.Lens' HyperdataUser String
type HyperdataUserLens = L.ALens' HyperdataUser String
type ContactInfoItemProps =
......@@ -157,16 +75,16 @@ type ContactInfoItemProps =
, label :: String
, lens :: HyperdataUserLens
, onUpdateHyperdata :: HyperdataUser -> Effect Unit
, placeholder :: String
contactInfoItem :: Record ContactInfoItemProps -> R.Element
contactInfoItem props = R.createElement contactInfoItemCpt props []
contactInfoItemCpt :: R.Component ContactInfoItemProps
--contactInfoItemCpt :: forall r. R.Component ( lens :: L.Lens' HyperdataUser String | r )
contactInfoItemCpt = R.hooksComponent "G.C.N.A.U.C.contactInfoItem" cpt
cpt {hyperdata, label, lens, onUpdateHyperdata} _ = do
cpt {hyperdata, label, lens, onUpdateHyperdata, placeholder} _ = do
isEditing <- R.useState' false
let value = (L.view cLens hyperdata) :: String
valueRef <- R.useRef value
......@@ -177,9 +95,16 @@ contactInfoItemCpt = R.hooksComponent "G.C.N.A.U.C.contactInfoItem" cpt
cLens = L.cloneLens lens
usePlaceholder valueRef =
if R.readRef valueRef == "" then
Tuple true placeholder
Tuple false $ R.readRef valueRef
item (false /\ setIsEditing) valueRef =
H.span {} [
H.text $ R.readRef valueRef
H.span { className: if (fst $ usePlaceholder valueRef) then "text-muted" else "" } [
H.text $ snd $ usePlaceholder valueRef
, H.span { className: "fa fa-pencil"
, on: {click: onClick} } []
......@@ -189,7 +114,8 @@ contactInfoItemCpt = R.hooksComponent "G.C.N.A.U.C.contactInfoItem" cpt
H.span {} [
H.input { className: "form-control"
, defaultValue: R.readRef valueRef
, on: {change: \e -> R.setRef valueRef $ R2.unsafeEventValue e} }
, on: {change: \e -> R.setRef valueRef $ R2.unsafeEventValue e}
, placeholder }
, H.span { className: "fa fa-floppy-o"
, on: {click: onClick} } []
......@@ -229,6 +155,8 @@ userLayoutCpt = R.hooksComponent "G.C.Nodes.Annuaire.User.Contacts.userLayout" c
onUpdateHyperdata :: HyperdataUser -> Effect Unit
onUpdateHyperdata hd = do
log2 "[onUpdateHyperdata] hd" hd
launchAff_ $ do
saveContactHyperdata session nodeId hd
-- | toUrl to get data
getContact :: Session -> Int -> Aff ContactData
......@@ -243,6 +171,10 @@ getContact session id = do
-- throwError $ error "Missing default list"
pure {contactNode, defaultListId: 424242}
saveContactHyperdata :: Session -> Int -> HyperdataUser -> Aff Int
saveContactHyperdata session id h = do
put session (Routes.NodeAPI Node (Just id) "") h
type AnnuaireLayoutProps =
( annuaireId :: Int
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