Commit 3a1dc8f0 authored by Przemyslaw Kaminski's avatar Przemyslaw Kaminski

[Graph] doesn't flicker now at all!

Turns out the issue was also at parent getting rerenders.
So the trick is that I added an empty div with ref for parent node and,
next to it, the Graph component pointing to that ref.
Graph component calls react's usePortal with that parent ref and a small
'createElement' div to hold sigma canvases.
parent 0c587e36
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import Data.Sequence as Seq
import DOM.Simple (createElement, setAttr)
import DOM.Simple.Console (log, log2)
import DOM.Simple.Types (Element)
import Effect.Timer (setTimeout)
import FFI.Simple (delay)
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as RH
......@@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ graphCpt :: forall s fa2. R.Component (Props s fa2)
graphCpt = R.hooksComponent "Graph" cpt
cpt props _ = do
R.useEffect' $ do
R.useEffectOnce' $ do
el <- case R.readNullableRef props.elRef of
Just el -> do
pure el
......@@ -61,12 +62,12 @@ graphCpt = R.hooksComponent "Graph" cpt
pure el
case R.readNullableRef props.parentRef of
Nothing -> R2.addRootElement el
Nothing -> pure unit
Just parentEl -> R2.appendChild parentEl el
pure unit
R.useEffectOnce $ do
log "[graphCpt] calling startSigmaEff"
--log "[graphCpt] calling startSigmaEff"
startSigmaEff props.elRef props.sigmaRef props.sigmaSettings props.forceAtlas2Settings props.graph
delay unit $ \_ -> do
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ type LayoutProps =
type Props = (
graphElRef :: R.Ref (Nullable Element)
graphParentRef :: R.Ref (Nullable Element)
, graph :: Maybe Graph.Graph | LayoutProps
......@@ -53,11 +53,11 @@ explorerLayoutCpt :: R.Component LayoutProps
explorerLayoutCpt = R.hooksComponent "G.C.GraphExplorer.explorerLayout" cpt
cpt {graphId, mCurrentRoute, treeId, session, sessions, frontends} _ = do
graphElRef <- R.useRef null
useLoader graphId (getNodes session) (handler graphElRef)
graphParentRef <- R.useRef null
useLoader graphId (getNodes session) (handler graphParentRef)
handler graphElRef loaded =
explorer {graphElRef, graphId, mCurrentRoute, treeId, session, sessions, graph, frontends}
handler graphParentRef loaded =
explorer {graphParentRef, graphId, mCurrentRoute, treeId, session, sessions, graph, frontends}
where graph = Just (convert loaded)
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ explorer props = R.createElement explorerCpt props []
explorerCpt :: R.Component Props
explorerCpt = R.hooksComponent "G.C.GraphExplorer.explorer" cpt
cpt {graphElRef, sessions, session, graphId, mCurrentRoute, treeId, graph, frontends} _ = do
cpt {graphParentRef, sessions, session, graphId, mCurrentRoute, treeId, graph, frontends} _ = do
controls <- Controls.useGraphControls
state <- useExplorerState
x /\ setX <- R.useState' 0
......@@ -87,7 +87,8 @@ explorerCpt = R.hooksComponent "G.C.GraphExplorer.explorer" cpt
, RH.div {on: {click: \e -> setX $ \x_ -> x_ + 1}} [ RH.text ("Counter: " <> (show x)) ]
, row [ tree {mCurrentRoute, treeId} controls showLogin
, mGraph graphElRef controls.sigmaRef {graphId, graph}
, RH.div { ref: graphParentRef, id: "graph-view", className: "col-md-12" } [] -- graph parent
, mGraph graphParentRef controls.sigmaRef {graphId, graph}
, Sidebar.sidebar {showSidePanel: fst controls.showSidePanel} ]
, row [
......@@ -112,7 +113,7 @@ explorerCpt = R.hooksComponent "G.C.GraphExplorer.explorer" cpt
mGraph :: R.Ref (Nullable Element) -> R.Ref Sigma -> {graphId :: GraphId, graph :: Maybe Graph.Graph} -> R.Element
mGraph _ _ {graph: Nothing} = RH.div {} []
mGraph graphElRef sigmaRef {graphId, graph: Just graph} = graphView graphElRef sigmaRef {graphId, graph}
mGraph graphParentRef sigmaRef {graphId, graph: Just graph} = graphView graphParentRef sigmaRef {graphId, graph}
useExplorerState :: R.Hooks (Record GET.State)
useExplorerState = do pure {}
......@@ -139,17 +140,14 @@ type GraphProps = (
graphView :: R.Ref (Nullable Element) -> R.Ref Sigma -> Record GraphProps -> R.Element
--graphView sigmaRef props = R.createElement (R.memo el memoCmp) props []
graphView elRef sigmaRef props = R.createElement el props []
graphView parentRef sigmaRef props = R.createElement el props []
--memoCmp props1 props2 = props1.graphId == props2.graphId
el = R.hooksComponent "GraphView" cpt
cpt {graphId, graph} _children = do
parentRef <- R.useRef null
elRef <- R.useRef null
pure $
RH.div { ref: parentRef, id: "graph-view", className: "col-md-12" }
Graph.graph {
pure $ Graph.graph {
, forceAtlas2Settings: Graph.forceAtlas2Settings
, graph
......@@ -157,7 +155,6 @@ graphView elRef sigmaRef props = R.createElement el props []
, sigmaSettings: Graph.sigmaSettings
, sigmaRef: sigmaRef
convert :: GET.GraphData -> Graph.Graph
convert (GET.GraphData r) = Sigmax.Graph {nodes, edges}
......@@ -220,23 +220,23 @@ startSigmaEff ref sigmaRef settings forceAtlas2Settings graph = do
let rSigma = R.readRef sigmaRef
case readSigma rSigma of
Nothing -> do
log "[startSigmaEff] calling useSigmaEff"
--log "[startSigmaEff] calling useSigmaEff"
sigma <- useSigmaEff settings sigmaRef
log "[startSigmaEff] calling useCanvasRendererEff"
--log "[startSigmaEff] calling useCanvasRendererEff"
useCanvasRendererEff ref sigma
log "[startSigmaEff] calling useDataEff"
--log "[startSigmaEff] calling useDataEff"
useDataEff sigma graph
log "[startSigmaEff] calling useForceAtlas2Eff"
--log "[startSigmaEff] calling useForceAtlas2Eff"
useForceAtlas2Eff sigma forceAtlas2Settings
Just sig -> do
log "[startSigmaEff] sigma initialized already"
--log "[startSigmaEff] sigma initialized already"
--Sigma.swapRendererContainer ref sig
--dependOnContainer ref "[startSigmaEff] no container" $ Sigma.setRendererContainer sig
--useCanvasRendererEff ref rSigma
--useDataEff rSigma graph
--useForceAtlas2Eff rSigma forceAtlas2Settings
log "[startSigmaEff] refreshForceAtlas"
--log "[startSigmaEff] refreshForceAtlas"
--Sigma.refreshForceAtlas sig
--if isFARunning then
-- Sigma.restartForceAtlas2 sig
......@@ -301,8 +301,7 @@ useForceAtlas2Eff sigma settings = effect
effect = dependOnSigma sigma sigmaNotFoundMsg withSigma
withSigma sig = do
log startingMsg
log sigma
--log2 startingMsg sigma
Sigma.startForceAtlas2 sig settings
--cleanupFirst sigma (Sigma.killForceAtlas2 sig)
startingMsg = "[useForceAtlas2Eff] Starting ForceAtlas2"
......@@ -313,10 +312,10 @@ handleForceAtlas2Pause :: R.Ref Sigma -> R.State Boolean -> Effect Unit
handleForceAtlas2Pause sigmaRef (toggled /\ setToggled) = do
let sigma = R.readRef sigmaRef
dependOnSigma sigma "[handleForceAtlas2Pause] sigma: Nothing" $ \s -> do
log2 "[handleForceAtlas2Pause] mSigma: Just " s
log2 "[handleForceAtlas2Pause] toggled: " toggled
--log2 "[handleForceAtlas2Pause] mSigma: Just " s
--log2 "[handleForceAtlas2Pause] toggled: " toggled
isFARunning <- Sigma.isForceAtlas2Running s
log2 "[handleForceAtlas2Pause] isFARunning: " isFARunning
--log2 "[handleForceAtlas2Pause] isFARunning: " isFARunning
case Tuple toggled isFARunning of
Tuple true false -> Sigma.restartForceAtlas2 s
Tuple false true -> Sigma.stopForceAtlas2 s
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import Data.Nullable (Nullable, null, toMaybe)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple)
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\))
import DOM.Simple as DOM
import DOM.Simple.Console (log, log2)
import DOM.Simple.Document (document)
import DOM.Simple.Event as DE
import DOM.Simple.Element as Element
......@@ -177,3 +178,12 @@ foreign import _addRootElement
appendChild :: forall n m. IsNode n => IsNode m => n -> m -> Effect Unit
appendChild n c = delay unit $ \_ -> pure $ n ... "appendChild" $ [c]
appendChildToParentId :: forall c. IsNode c => String -> c -> Effect Unit
appendChildToParentId ps c = delay unit $ \_ -> do
parentEl <- getElementById ps
log2 "[appendChildToParentId] ps" ps
log2 "[appendChildToParentId] parentEl" parentEl
case parentEl of
Nothing -> pure unit
Just el -> appendChild el c
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