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Grégoire Locqueville
Jun 18, 2019
Nicolas Pouillard
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NgramsTable,Document,Annotations: refactoring
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@@ -14,22 +14,18 @@ module Gargantext.Components.Annotation.AnnotatedField where
import Prelude
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe ( Maybe(..), maybe, maybe' )
import Data.Lens ( Lens', lens )
import Data.Traversable ( traverse_ )
import Data.Tuple ( Tuple(..) )
import Data.Tuple.Nested ( (/\) )
import DOM.Simple.Console
import DOM.Simple.Event as DE
import Effect ( Effect )
import Effect.Uncurried (
import Effect.Uncurried (
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as HTML
import Reactix.SyntheticEvent as E
import Gargantext.Types ( TermList
import Gargantext.Types ( TermList )
import Gargantext.Components.Annotation.Utils ( termClass )
import Gargantext.Components.NgramsTable ( NgramsTable(..), highlightNgrams )
import Gargantext.Components.ContextMenu.ContextMenu as CM
import Gargantext.Components.NgramsTable.Core ( NgramsTable(..), highlightNgrams )
import Gargantext.Components.Annotation.Menu ( AnnotationMenu, annotationMenu )
import Gargantext.Utils.Selection as Sel
@@ -68,8 +64,7 @@ compile props = runs props.text
where runs = maybe [] (highlightNgrams props.ngrams)
:: forall t
. (Maybe AnnotationMenu -> Effect Unit)
:: (Maybe AnnotationMenu -> Effect Unit)
-> NgramsTable
-> E.SyntheticEvent DE.MouseEvent
-> Effect Unit
View file @
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
module Gargantext.Components.Annotation.Menu where
import Prelude ( Unit, (==), ($), (<>), unit, pure )
import Prelude ( Unit, (==), ($), (<>), unit, pure
, otherwise
import Data.Array as A
import Data.Maybe ( Maybe(..), maybe' )
import Effect ( Effect )
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import Gargantext.Components.ContextMenu.ContextMenu as CM
type Props = ( list :: Maybe TermList )
type AnnotationMenu = { x :: Number, y :: Number
, list :: Maybe TermList
type AnnotationMenu = { x :: Number, y :: Number
| Props
-- | An Annotation Menu is parameterised by a Maybe Termlist of the
-- | TermList the currently selected text belongs to
@@ -29,21 +29,20 @@ annotationMenu setMenu { x,y,list } =
annotationMenuCpt :: R.Component Props
annotationMenuCpt = R.hooksComponent "Annotation.Menu" cpt
{ list } _ = pure $ R.fragment $ children list
l = A.mapMaybe (\l' -> addToList l' l
) [ GraphTerm, CandidateTerm, StopTerm ]
props _ = pure $ R.fragment $ children props
props = A.mapMaybe (addToList props
) [ GraphTerm, CandidateTerm, StopTerm ]
-- | Given the TermList to render the item for zand the Maybe TermList the item may belong to, possibly render the menuItem
addToList ::
TermList -> Maybe
TermList -> Maybe R.Element
t (Just t')
addToList ::
Record Props ->
TermList -> Maybe R.Element
{list: Just t'} t
| t == t' = Nothing
| true = addToList t Nothing
addToList t _ = Just $ CM.contextMenuItem [ link ]
addToList props t = Just $ CM.contextMenuItem [ link ]
where link = HTML.a { onClick: click, className: className } [ HTML.text label ]
label = "Add to " <> termListName t
className = termClass t
click = mkEffectFn1 $ \_ -> addToTermList t
click = mkEffectFn1 $ \_ -> addToTermList
-- TODO: what happens when we add to a term list?
addToTermList :: TermList -> Effect Unit
addToTermList _ = pure unit
addToTermList ::
Record Props ->
TermList -> Effect Unit
addToTermList _
= pure unit
View file @
module Gargantext.Components.NgramsTable
( PageParams
, PatchMap
, Action
( Action
, MainNgramsTableProps
, NgramsElement(..)
, NgramsPatch
, NgramsTable(..)
, NgramsTerm
, Version
, Versioned(..)
, VersionedNgramsTable
, highlightNgrams
, initialPageParams
, initialState
, mainNgramsTableSpec
, loadNgramsTable
, ngramsTableSpec
, ngramsLoaderClass
, ngramsLoader
, ngramsLoaderClass
, ngramsTableClass
, ngramsTableSpec
, termStyle
import Control.Monad.State (class MonadState, execState)
import Control.Monad.Cont.Trans (lift)
import Data.Array (head)
import Data.Array as A
import Data.Argonaut ( class DecodeJson, decodeJson, class EncodeJson, encodeJson
, jsonEmptyObject, (:=), (~>), (.?), (.??) )
import Data.Either (Either(..), either)
import Data.Foldable (class Foldable, foldMap, foldl, foldr)
import Data.FoldableWithIndex (class FoldableWithIndex, foldMapWithIndex, foldlWithIndex, foldrWithIndex)
import Data.FunctorWithIndex (class FunctorWithIndex, mapWithIndex)
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype)
import Data.Lens (Iso', Lens', (?=), (%=), (%~), (.~), (^?), (^.), (^..), to, use, view)
import Data.Lens (to, view, (%~), (.~), (^.), (^..))
import Data.Lens.Common (_Just)
import Data.Lens.At (
class At,
import Data.Lens.Index (
class Index,
import Data.Lens.Fold (folded
, traverseOf_
import Data.Lens.At (at)
import Data.Lens.Index (ix)
import Data.Lens.Fold (folded)
import Data.Lens.Record (prop)
import Data.Lens.Iso.Newtype (_Newtype)
import Data.List as List
import Data.List ((:), List(Nil))
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
import Data.Monoid.Additive (Additive(..))
import Data.Ord.Down (Down(..))
import Data.Traversable (class Traversable, traverse, traverse_, sequence)
import Data.TraversableWithIndex (class TraversableWithIndex, traverseWithIndex)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Set as Set
import Data.String as S
import Data.String.Regex as R
import Data.String.Regex.Flags as R
import Data.Symbol (SProxy(..))
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..), snd)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Foreign.Object as FO
import React (ReactElement)
import React as React
import React.DOM (a, button, div, h2, i, input, li, option, p, select, span, table, tbody, text, thead, ul)
import React.DOM.Props (_id, _type, checked, className, name, onChange, onClick, onInput, placeholder, style,
import React.DOM.Props (_id, _type, checked, className, name, onChange, onClick, onInput, placeholder, style, value)
import React.DOM.Props as DOM
import Thermite (PerformAction, Render, Spec,
defaultPerformAction, modifyState_, simpleSpec, createClass)
import Thermite (PerformAction, Render, Spec, defaultPerformAction, modifyState_, simpleSpec, createClass)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
import Partial (crashWith)
import Partial.Unsafe (unsafePartial)
import Gargantext.Utils.KarpRabin (indicesOfAny)
import Gargantext.Types (TermList(..), TermSize, readTermList, readTermSize, termLists, termSizes)
import Gargantext.Config (toUrl, End(..), Path(..), TabType(..), OrderBy(..), NodeType(..))
import Gargantext.Config.REST (get, put, post)
import Gargantext.Types (TermList(..), readTermList, readTermSize, termLists, termSizes)
import Gargantext.Config (OrderBy(..), TabType)
import Gargantext.Components.AutoUpdate (autoUpdateElt)
import Gargantext.Components.Table as T
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Components.Loader as Loader
type PageParams =
{ nodeId :: Int
, listIds :: Array Int
, params :: T.Params
, tabType :: TabType
, searchQuery :: String
, termListFilter :: Maybe TermList -- Nothing means all
, termSizeFilter :: Maybe TermSize -- Nothing means all
initialPageParams :: Int -> Array Int -> TabType -> PageParams
initialPageParams nodeId listIds tabType =
{ nodeId
, listIds
, params: T.initialParams
, tabType
, termSizeFilter: Nothing
, termListFilter: Just GraphTerm
, searchQuery: ""
import Gargantext.Components.NgramsTable.Core
type Props' = Loader.InnerProps PageParams VersionedNgramsTable ()
type NgramsTerm = String
newtype NgramsElement = NgramsElement
{ ngrams :: NgramsTerm
, list :: TermList
, occurrences :: Int
, parent :: Maybe NgramsTerm
, root :: Maybe NgramsTerm
, children :: Set NgramsTerm
derive instance eqNgramsElement :: Eq NgramsElement
derive instance eqNgramsTable :: Eq NgramsTable
_parent = prop (SProxy :: SProxy "parent")
_root = prop (SProxy :: SProxy "root")
_ngrams = prop (SProxy :: SProxy "ngrams")
_children :: forall row. Lens' { children :: Set NgramsTerm | row } (Set NgramsTerm)
_children = prop (SProxy :: SProxy "children")
_occurrences :: forall row. Lens' { occurrences :: Int | row } Int
_occurrences = prop (SProxy :: SProxy "occurrences")
_list :: forall a row. Lens' { list :: a | row } a
_list = prop (SProxy :: SProxy "list")
derive instance newtypeNgramsElement :: Newtype NgramsElement _
_NgramsElement :: Iso' NgramsElement _
_NgramsElement = _Newtype
instance decodeJsonNgramsElement :: DecodeJson NgramsElement where
decodeJson json = do
obj <- decodeJson json
ngrams <- obj .? "ngrams"
list <- obj .? "list"
occurrences <- obj .? "occurrences"
parent <- obj .?? "parent"
root <- obj .?? "root"
children' <- obj .? "children"
let children = Set.fromFoldable (children' :: Array NgramsTerm)
pure $ NgramsElement {ngrams, list, occurrences, parent, root, children}
type Version = Int
newtype Versioned a = Versioned
{ version :: Version
, data :: a
instance encodeJsonVersioned :: EncodeJson a => EncodeJson (Versioned a) where
encodeJson (Versioned {version, data: data_})
= "version" := version
~> "data" := data_
~> jsonEmptyObject
instance decodeJsonVersioned :: DecodeJson a => DecodeJson (Versioned a) where
decodeJson json = do
obj <- decodeJson json
version <- obj .? "version"
data_ <- obj .? "data"
pure $ Versioned {version, data: data_}
-- type NgramsTable = Array (NTree NgramsElement)
-- type NgramsTable = Array NgramsElement
newtype NgramsTable = NgramsTable (Map NgramsTerm NgramsElement)
derive instance newtypeNgramsTable :: Newtype NgramsTable _
_NgramsTable :: Iso' NgramsTable (Map NgramsTerm NgramsElement)
_NgramsTable = _Newtype
instance indexNgramsTable :: Index NgramsTable String NgramsElement where
ix k = _NgramsTable <<< ix k
instance atNgramsTable :: At NgramsTable String NgramsElement where
at k = _NgramsTable <<< at k
instance decodeJsonNgramsTable :: DecodeJson NgramsTable where
decodeJson json = do
elements <- decodeJson json
pure $ NgramsTable
$ Map.fromFoldable
$ f <$> (elements :: Array NgramsElement)
f e@(NgramsElement e') = Tuple e'.ngrams e
-- TODO: while this function works well with word boundaries,
-- it inserts too many spaces.
highlightNgrams :: NgramsTable -> String -> Array (Tuple String (Maybe TermList))
highlightNgrams (NgramsTable table) input0 =
let sN = unsafePartial (foldl goFold {i0: 0, s: input, l: Nil} ixs) in
A.reverse (A.fromFoldable (consNonEmpty sN.s sN.l))
sp x = " " <> S.replaceAll (S.Pattern " ") (S.Replacement " ") x <> " "
unsp x =
case S.stripSuffix (S.Pattern " ") x of
Nothing -> x
Just x1 -> S.replaceAll (S.Pattern " ") (S.Replacement " ") (S.drop 1 x1)
input = sp input0
pats = A.fromFoldable (Map.keys table)
ixs = indicesOfAny (sp <$> pats) (S.toLower $ R.replace theRegex " " input)
theRegex = case R.regex "[.,;:!?'\\{}()]" ( <> R.multiline) of
Left e -> unsafePartial $ crashWith e
Right r -> r
consNonEmpty x xs
| S.null x = xs
| otherwise = Tuple x Nothing : xs
-- NOTE that only the first matching pattern is used, the others are ignored!
goFold :: Partial => _ -> Tuple Int (Array Int) -> _
goFold { i0, s, l } (Tuple i pis)
| i < i0 =
-- Skip this pattern which is overlapping with a previous one.
{ i0, s, l }
| otherwise =
case A.index pis 0 of
Nothing ->
{ i0, s, l }
Just pi ->
case A.index pats pi of
Nothing ->
crashWith "highlightNgrams: out of bounds pattern"
Just pat ->
let lpat = S.length (sp pat) in
case Map.lookup pat table of
Nothing ->
crashWith "highlightNgrams: pattern missing from table"
Just (NgramsElement ne) ->
let s1 = S.splitAt (i - i0) s
s2 = S.splitAt lpat s1.after in
-- s2.before and pat might differ by casing only!
{ i0: i + lpat
, s: s2.after
, l: Tuple " " Nothing :
Tuple s2.before (Just ne.list) :
Tuple " " Nothing :
consNonEmpty (unsp s1.before) l
type VersionedNgramsTable = Versioned NgramsTable
data Replace a
= Keep
| Replace { old :: a, new :: a }
replace :: forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Replace a
replace old new
| old == new = Keep
| otherwise = Replace { old, new }
instance semigroupReplace :: Semigroup (Replace a) where
append Keep p = p
append p Keep = p
append (Replace { old: _m, new }) (Replace { old, new: _m' }) =
-- assert _m == _m'
Replace { old, new }
instance semigroupMonoid :: Monoid (Replace a) where
mempty = Keep
applyReplace :: forall a. Eq a => Replace a -> a -> a
applyReplace Keep a = a
applyReplace (Replace { old, new }) a
| a == old = new
| otherwise = a
instance encodeJsonReplace :: EncodeJson a => EncodeJson (Replace a) where
encodeJson Keep
= "tag" := "Keep"
~> jsonEmptyObject
encodeJson (Replace {old, new})
= "old" := old
~> "new" := new
~> "tag" := "Replace"
~> jsonEmptyObject
instance decodeJsonReplace :: (DecodeJson a, Eq a) => DecodeJson (Replace a) where
decodeJson json = do
obj <- decodeJson json
mold <- obj .?? "old"
mnew <- obj .?? "new"
case Tuple mold mnew of
Tuple (Just old) (Just new) -> pure $ replace old new
Tuple Nothing Nothing -> pure Keep
_ -> Left "decodeJsonReplace"
-- Representing a PatchSet as `Map a Boolean` would have the advantage
-- of enforcing rem and add to be disjoint.
newtype PatchSet a = PatchSet
{ rem :: Set a
, add :: Set a
instance semigroupPatchSet :: Ord a => Semigroup (PatchSet a) where
append (PatchSet p) (PatchSet q) = PatchSet
{ rem: q.rem <> p.rem
, add: Set.difference q.add p.rem <> p.add
instance monoidPatchSet :: Ord a => Monoid (PatchSet a) where
mempty = PatchSet { rem: Set.empty, add: Set.empty }
instance encodeJsonPatchSet :: EncodeJson a => EncodeJson (PatchSet a) where
encodeJson (PatchSet {rem, add})
-- TODO only include non empty fields
= "rem" := (Set.toUnfoldable rem :: Array a)
~> "add" := (Set.toUnfoldable add :: Array a)
~> jsonEmptyObject
instance decodeJsonPatchSet :: (Ord a, DecodeJson a) => DecodeJson (PatchSet a) where
decodeJson json = do
-- TODO handle empty fields
obj <- decodeJson json
rem <- mkSet <$> (obj .? "rem")
add <- mkSet <$> (obj .? "add")
pure $ PatchSet { rem, add }
mkSet :: forall b. Ord b => Array b -> Set b
mkSet = Set.fromFoldable
applyPatchSet :: forall a. Ord a => PatchSet a -> Set a -> Set a
applyPatchSet (PatchSet p) s = Set.difference s p.rem <> p.add
patchSetFromMap :: forall a. Ord a => Map a Boolean -> PatchSet a
patchSetFromMap m = PatchSet { rem: Map.keys (Map.filter not m)
, add: Map.keys (Map.filter identity m) }
-- TODO Map.partition would be nice here
newtype NgramsPatch = NgramsPatch
{ patch_children :: PatchSet NgramsTerm
, patch_list :: Replace TermList
instance semigroupNgramsPatch :: Semigroup NgramsPatch where
append (NgramsPatch p) (NgramsPatch q) = NgramsPatch
{ patch_children: p.patch_children <> q.patch_children
, patch_list: p.patch_list <> q.patch_list
instance monoidNgramsPatch :: Monoid NgramsPatch where
mempty = NgramsPatch { patch_children: mempty, patch_list: mempty }
instance encodeJsonNgramsPatch :: EncodeJson NgramsPatch where
-- TODO only include non empty fields
encodeJson (NgramsPatch { patch_children, patch_list })
= "patch_children" := patch_children
~> "patch_list" := patch_list
~> jsonEmptyObject
instance decodeJsonNgramsPatch :: DecodeJson NgramsPatch where
decodeJson json = do
obj <- decodeJson json
-- TODO handle empty fields
patch_list <- obj .? "patch_list"
patch_children <- obj .? "patch_children"
pure $ NgramsPatch { patch_list, patch_children }
applyNgramsPatch :: NgramsPatch -> NgramsElement -> NgramsElement
applyNgramsPatch (NgramsPatch p) (NgramsElement e) = NgramsElement
{ ngrams: e.ngrams
, list: applyReplace p.patch_list e.list
, occurrences: e.occurrences
, parent: e.parent
, root: e.root
, children: applyPatchSet p.patch_children e.children
newtype PatchMap k p = PatchMap (Map k p)
instance semigroupPatchMap :: (Ord k, Semigroup p) => Semigroup (PatchMap k p) where
append (PatchMap p) (PatchMap q) = PatchMap (Map.unionWith append p q)
instance monoidPatchMap :: (Ord k, Semigroup p) => Monoid (PatchMap k p) where
mempty = PatchMap Map.empty
derive instance newtypePatchMap :: Newtype (PatchMap k p) _
_PatchMap :: forall k p. Iso' (PatchMap k p) (Map k p)
_PatchMap = _Newtype
instance functorPatchMap :: Functor (PatchMap k) where
map f (PatchMap m) = PatchMap (map f m)
instance functorWithIndexPatchMap :: FunctorWithIndex k (PatchMap k) where
mapWithIndex f (PatchMap m) = PatchMap (mapWithIndex f m)
instance foldlablePatchMap :: Foldable (PatchMap k) where
foldr f z (PatchMap m) = foldr f z m
foldl f z (PatchMap m) = foldl f z m
foldMap f (PatchMap m) = foldMap f m
instance foldlableWithIndexPatchMap :: FoldableWithIndex k (PatchMap k) where
foldrWithIndex f z (PatchMap m) = foldrWithIndex f z m
foldlWithIndex f z (PatchMap m) = foldlWithIndex f z m
foldMapWithIndex f (PatchMap m) = foldMapWithIndex f m
instance traversablePatchMap :: Traversable (PatchMap k) where
traverse f (PatchMap m) = PatchMap <$> traverse f m
sequence (PatchMap m) = PatchMap <$> sequence m
instance traversableWithIndexPatchMap :: TraversableWithIndex k (PatchMap k) where
traverseWithIndex f (PatchMap m) = PatchMap <$> traverseWithIndex f m
instance encodeJsonPatchMap :: EncodeJson p => EncodeJson (PatchMap String p) where
encodeJson (PatchMap m) =
encodeJson $ FO.fromFoldable $ (Map.toUnfoldable m :: Array _)
instance decodeJsonPatchMap :: DecodeJson p => DecodeJson (PatchMap String p) where
decodeJson json = do
obj <- decodeJson json
pure $ PatchMap $ Map.fromFoldableWithIndex (obj :: FO.Object p)
isEmptyPatchMap :: forall k p. PatchMap k p -> Boolean
isEmptyPatchMap (PatchMap p) = Map.isEmpty p
applyPatchMap :: forall k p v. Ord k => (p -> v -> v) -> PatchMap k p -> Map k v -> Map k v
applyPatchMap applyPatchValue (PatchMap p) = mapWithIndex f
f k v =
case Map.lookup k p of
Nothing -> v
Just pv -> applyPatchValue pv v
type NgramsTablePatch = PatchMap NgramsTerm NgramsPatch
type RootParent = { root :: NgramsTerm, parent :: NgramsTerm }
type ReParent a = forall m. MonadState NgramsTable m => a -> m Unit
reRootChildren :: NgramsTerm -> ReParent NgramsTerm
reRootChildren root ngram = do
nre <- use (at ngram)
traverseOf_ (_Just <<< _NgramsElement <<< _children <<< folded) (\child -> do
at child <<< _Just <<< _NgramsElement <<< _root ?= root
reRootChildren root child) nre
reParent :: Maybe RootParent -> ReParent NgramsTerm
reParent mrp child = do
at child <<< _Just <<< _NgramsElement %= ((_parent .~ (view _parent <$> mrp)) <<<
(_root .~ (view _root <$> mrp)))
reRootChildren (maybe child identity (mrp ^? _Just <<< _root)) child
-- reParentNgramsPatch :: NgramsTerm -> ReParent NgramsPatch
-- ^ GHC would have accepted this type. Here reParentNgramsPatch checks but
-- not its usage in reParentNgramsTablePatch.
reParentNgramsPatch :: forall m. MonadState NgramsTable m
=> NgramsTerm -> NgramsPatch -> m Unit
reParentNgramsPatch parent (NgramsPatch {patch_children: PatchSet {rem, add}}) = do
-- root_of_parent <- use (at parent <<< _Just <<< _NgramsElement <<< _root)
-- ^ TODO this does not type checks, we do the following two lines instead:
s <- use (at parent)
let root_of_parent = s ^. (_Just <<< _NgramsElement <<< _root)
let rp = { root: maybe parent identity root_of_parent, parent }
traverse_ (reParent Nothing) rem
traverse_ (reParent $ Just rp) add
reParentNgramsTablePatch :: ReParent NgramsTablePatch
reParentNgramsTablePatch = void <<< traverseWithIndex reParentNgramsPatch
applyNgramsTablePatch :: NgramsTablePatch -> NgramsTable -> NgramsTable
applyNgramsTablePatch p (NgramsTable m) =
execState (reParentNgramsTablePatch p) $
NgramsTable $ applyPatchMap applyNgramsPatch p m
type State =
{ ngramsTablePatch :: NgramsTablePatch
, ngramsVersion :: Version
, ngramsParent :: Maybe NgramsTerm -- Nothing means we are not currently grouping terms
( ngramsParent :: Maybe NgramsTerm -- Nothing means we are not currently grouping terms
, ngramsChildren :: Map NgramsTerm Boolean
-- ^ Used only when grouping.
-- This updates the children of `ngramsParent`,
-- ngrams set to `true` are to be added, and `false` to
-- be removed.
_ngramsChildren = prop (SProxy :: SProxy "ngramsChildren")
@@ -633,20 +194,6 @@ tableContainer { pageParams
setTermListFilter x = setPageParams $ _ { termListFilter = x }
setTermSizeFilter x = setPageParams $ _ { termSizeFilter = x }
putTable :: {nodeId :: Int, listIds :: Array Int, tabType :: TabType} -> Versioned NgramsTablePatch -> Aff (Versioned NgramsTablePatch)
putTable {nodeId, listIds, tabType} =
put (toUrl Back (PutNgrams tabType (head listIds)) $ Just nodeId)
commitPatch :: {nodeId :: Int, listIds :: Array Int, tabType :: TabType}
-> Versioned NgramsTablePatch -> StateCoTransformer State Unit
commitPatch props pt@(Versioned {data: tablePatch}) = do
Versioned {version: newVersion, data: newPatch} <- lift $ putTable props pt
modifyState_ $ \s ->
s { ngramsVersion = newVersion
, ngramsTablePatch = newPatch <> tablePatch <> s.ngramsTablePatch
-- TODO: check that pt.version == s.ngramsTablePatch.version
toggleMap :: forall a. a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
toggleMap _ (Just _) = Nothing
toggleMap b Nothing = Just b
@@ -687,8 +234,8 @@ ngramsTableSpec = simpleSpec performAction render
pt = PatchMap $ Map.fromFoldable [Tuple parent pe]
-- patch the root of the child to be equal to the root of the parent.
performAction (AddNewNgram ngram) {path:
{nodeId, listIds, tabType}
} _ =
lift $
post (toUrl Back (PutNgrams tabType (head listIds)) $ Just nodeId) [ngram]
performAction (AddNewNgram ngram) {path:
} _ =
lift $
addNewNgram ngram params
render :: Render State Props' Action
render dispatch { path: pageParams
@@ -748,28 +295,6 @@ ngramsTableSpec = simpleSpec performAction render
, delete: false
convOrderBy (T.ASC (T.ColumnName "Score (Occurrences)")) = ScoreAsc
convOrderBy (T.DESC (T.ColumnName "Score (Occurrences)")) = ScoreDesc
convOrderBy (T.ASC _) = TermAsc
convOrderBy (T.DESC _) = TermDesc
loadNgramsTable :: PageParams -> Aff VersionedNgramsTable
loadNgramsTable { nodeId, listIds, termListFilter, termSizeFilter
, searchQuery, tabType, params: {offset, limit, orderBy}} =
get $ toUrl Back
(GetNgrams { tabType, offset, limit, listIds
, orderBy: convOrderBy <$> orderBy
, termListFilter, termSizeFilter
, searchQuery
(Just nodeId)
ngramsLoaderClass :: Loader.LoaderClass PageParams VersionedNgramsTable
ngramsLoaderClass = Loader.createLoaderClass "NgramsTableLoader" loadNgramsTable
ngramsLoader :: Loader.Props' PageParams VersionedNgramsTable -> ReactElement
ngramsLoader props = React.createElement ngramsLoaderClass props []
ngramsTableClass :: Loader.InnerClass PageParams VersionedNgramsTable
ngramsTableClass = createClass "NgramsTable" ngramsTableSpec initialState
0 → 100644
View file @
module Gargantext.Components.NgramsTable.Core
( PageParams
, PatchMap
, NgramsElement(..)
, _NgramsElement
, NgramsPatch(..)
, NgramsTable(..)
, NgramsTablePatch
, _NgramsTable
, NgramsTerm
, Version
, Versioned(..)
, VersionedNgramsTable
, CoreState
, highlightNgrams
, initialPageParams
, loadNgramsTable
, ngramsLoader
, ngramsLoaderClass
, convOrderBy
, Replace(..) -- Ideally we should keep the constructors hidden
, replace
, PatchSet(..)
, PatchMap(..)
, patchSetFromMap
, applyPatchSet
, applyNgramsTablePatch
, _list
, _occurrences
, _children
, _ngrams
, _parent
, _root
, commitPatch
, addNewNgram
import Control.Monad.State (class MonadState, execState)
import Control.Monad.Cont.Trans (lift)
import Data.Array (head)
import Data.Array as A
import Data.Argonaut ( class DecodeJson, decodeJson, class EncodeJson, encodeJson
, jsonEmptyObject, (:=), (~>), (.?), (.??) )
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Foldable (class Foldable, foldMap, foldl, foldr)
import Data.FoldableWithIndex (class FoldableWithIndex, foldMapWithIndex, foldlWithIndex, foldrWithIndex)
import Data.FunctorWithIndex (class FunctorWithIndex, mapWithIndex)
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype)
import Data.Lens (Iso', Lens', use, view, (%=), (.~), (?=), (^.), (^?))
import Data.Lens.Common (_Just)
import Data.Lens.At (class At, at)
import Data.Lens.Index (class Index, ix)
import Data.Lens.Fold (folded, traverseOf_)
import Data.Lens.Record (prop)
import Data.Lens.Iso.Newtype (_Newtype)
import Data.List ((:), List(Nil))
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
import Data.Traversable (class Traversable, traverse, traverse_, sequence)
import Data.TraversableWithIndex (class TraversableWithIndex, traverseWithIndex)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Set as Set
import Data.String as S
import Data.String.Regex as R
import Data.String.Regex.Flags as R
import Data.Symbol (SProxy(..))
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Foreign.Object as FO
import React (ReactElement)
import React as React
import Thermite (StateCoTransformer, modifyState_)
import Partial (crashWith)
import Partial.Unsafe (unsafePartial)
import Gargantext.Utils.KarpRabin (indicesOfAny)
import Gargantext.Types (TermList(..), TermSize)
import Gargantext.Config (toUrl, End(..), Path(..), TabType, OrderBy(..))
import Gargantext.Config.REST (get, put, post)
import Gargantext.Components.Table as T
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Components.Loader as Loader
type PageParams =
{ nodeId :: Int
, listIds :: Array Int
, params :: T.Params
, tabType :: TabType
, searchQuery :: String
, termListFilter :: Maybe TermList -- Nothing means all
, termSizeFilter :: Maybe TermSize -- Nothing means all
initialPageParams :: Int -> Array Int -> TabType -> PageParams
initialPageParams nodeId listIds tabType =
{ nodeId
, listIds
, params: T.initialParams
, tabType
, termSizeFilter: Nothing
, termListFilter: Just GraphTerm
, searchQuery: ""
type NgramsTerm = String
newtype NgramsElement = NgramsElement
{ ngrams :: NgramsTerm
, list :: TermList
, occurrences :: Int
, parent :: Maybe NgramsTerm
, root :: Maybe NgramsTerm
, children :: Set NgramsTerm
derive instance eqNgramsElement :: Eq NgramsElement
derive instance eqNgramsTable :: Eq NgramsTable
_parent = prop (SProxy :: SProxy "parent")
_root = prop (SProxy :: SProxy "root")
_ngrams = prop (SProxy :: SProxy "ngrams")
_children :: forall row. Lens' { children :: Set NgramsTerm | row } (Set NgramsTerm)
_children = prop (SProxy :: SProxy "children")
_occurrences :: forall row. Lens' { occurrences :: Int | row } Int
_occurrences = prop (SProxy :: SProxy "occurrences")
_list :: forall a row. Lens' { list :: a | row } a
_list = prop (SProxy :: SProxy "list")
derive instance newtypeNgramsElement :: Newtype NgramsElement _
_NgramsElement :: Iso' NgramsElement _
_NgramsElement = _Newtype
instance decodeJsonNgramsElement :: DecodeJson NgramsElement where
decodeJson json = do
obj <- decodeJson json
ngrams <- obj .? "ngrams"
list <- obj .? "list"
occurrences <- obj .? "occurrences"
parent <- obj .?? "parent"
root <- obj .?? "root"
children' <- obj .? "children"
let children = Set.fromFoldable (children' :: Array NgramsTerm)
pure $ NgramsElement {ngrams, list, occurrences, parent, root, children}
type Version = Int
newtype Versioned a = Versioned
{ version :: Version
, data :: a
instance encodeJsonVersioned :: EncodeJson a => EncodeJson (Versioned a) where
encodeJson (Versioned {version, data: data_})
= "version" := version
~> "data" := data_
~> jsonEmptyObject
instance decodeJsonVersioned :: DecodeJson a => DecodeJson (Versioned a) where
decodeJson json = do
obj <- decodeJson json
version <- obj .? "version"
data_ <- obj .? "data"
pure $ Versioned {version, data: data_}
-- type NgramsTable = Array (NTree NgramsElement)
-- type NgramsTable = Array NgramsElement
newtype NgramsTable = NgramsTable (Map NgramsTerm NgramsElement)
derive instance newtypeNgramsTable :: Newtype NgramsTable _
_NgramsTable :: Iso' NgramsTable (Map NgramsTerm NgramsElement)
_NgramsTable = _Newtype
instance indexNgramsTable :: Index NgramsTable String NgramsElement where
ix k = _NgramsTable <<< ix k
instance atNgramsTable :: At NgramsTable String NgramsElement where
at k = _NgramsTable <<< at k
instance decodeJsonNgramsTable :: DecodeJson NgramsTable where
decodeJson json = do
elements <- decodeJson json
pure $ NgramsTable
$ Map.fromFoldable
$ f <$> (elements :: Array NgramsElement)
f e@(NgramsElement e') = Tuple e'.ngrams e
-- TODO: while this function works well with word boundaries,
-- it inserts too many spaces.
highlightNgrams :: NgramsTable -> String -> Array (Tuple String (Maybe TermList))
highlightNgrams (NgramsTable table) input0 =
let sN = unsafePartial (foldl goFold {i0: 0, s: input, l: Nil} ixs) in
A.reverse (A.fromFoldable (consNonEmpty sN.s sN.l))
sp x = " " <> S.replaceAll (S.Pattern " ") (S.Replacement " ") x <> " "
unsp x =
case S.stripSuffix (S.Pattern " ") x of
Nothing -> x
Just x1 -> S.replaceAll (S.Pattern " ") (S.Replacement " ") (S.drop 1 x1)
input = sp input0
pats = A.fromFoldable (Map.keys table)
ixs = indicesOfAny (sp <$> pats) (S.toLower $ R.replace theRegex " " input)
theRegex = case R.regex "[.,;:!?'\\{}()]" ( <> R.multiline) of
Left e -> unsafePartial $ crashWith e
Right r -> r
consNonEmpty x xs
| S.null x = xs
| otherwise = Tuple x Nothing : xs
-- NOTE that only the first matching pattern is used, the others are ignored!
goFold :: Partial => _ -> Tuple Int (Array Int) -> _
goFold { i0, s, l } (Tuple i pis)
| i < i0 =
-- Skip this pattern which is overlapping with a previous one.
{ i0, s, l }
| otherwise =
case A.index pis 0 of
Nothing ->
{ i0, s, l }
Just pi ->
case A.index pats pi of
Nothing ->
crashWith "highlightNgrams: out of bounds pattern"
Just pat ->
let lpat = S.length (sp pat) in
case Map.lookup pat table of
Nothing ->
crashWith "highlightNgrams: pattern missing from table"
Just (NgramsElement ne) ->
let s1 = S.splitAt (i - i0) s
s2 = S.splitAt lpat s1.after in
-- s2.before and pat might differ by casing only!
{ i0: i + lpat
, s: s2.after
, l: Tuple " " Nothing :
Tuple s2.before (Just ne.list) :
Tuple " " Nothing :
consNonEmpty (unsp s1.before) l
type VersionedNgramsTable = Versioned NgramsTable
data Replace a
= Keep
| Replace { old :: a, new :: a }
replace :: forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Replace a
replace old new
| old == new = Keep
| otherwise = Replace { old, new }
instance semigroupReplace :: Semigroup (Replace a) where
append Keep p = p
append p Keep = p
append (Replace { old: _m, new }) (Replace { old, new: _m' }) =
-- assert _m == _m'
Replace { old, new }
instance semigroupMonoid :: Monoid (Replace a) where
mempty = Keep
applyReplace :: forall a. Eq a => Replace a -> a -> a
applyReplace Keep a = a
applyReplace (Replace { old, new }) a
| a == old = new
| otherwise = a
instance encodeJsonReplace :: EncodeJson a => EncodeJson (Replace a) where
encodeJson Keep
= "tag" := "Keep"
~> jsonEmptyObject
encodeJson (Replace {old, new})
= "old" := old
~> "new" := new
~> "tag" := "Replace"
~> jsonEmptyObject
instance decodeJsonReplace :: (DecodeJson a, Eq a) => DecodeJson (Replace a) where
decodeJson json = do
obj <- decodeJson json
mold <- obj .?? "old"
mnew <- obj .?? "new"
case Tuple mold mnew of
Tuple (Just old) (Just new) -> pure $ replace old new
Tuple Nothing Nothing -> pure Keep
_ -> Left "decodeJsonReplace"
-- Representing a PatchSet as `Map a Boolean` would have the advantage
-- of enforcing rem and add to be disjoint.
newtype PatchSet a = PatchSet
{ rem :: Set a
, add :: Set a
instance semigroupPatchSet :: Ord a => Semigroup (PatchSet a) where
append (PatchSet p) (PatchSet q) = PatchSet
{ rem: q.rem <> p.rem
, add: Set.difference q.add p.rem <> p.add
instance monoidPatchSet :: Ord a => Monoid (PatchSet a) where
mempty = PatchSet { rem: Set.empty, add: Set.empty }
instance encodeJsonPatchSet :: EncodeJson a => EncodeJson (PatchSet a) where
encodeJson (PatchSet {rem, add})
-- TODO only include non empty fields
= "rem" := (Set.toUnfoldable rem :: Array a)
~> "add" := (Set.toUnfoldable add :: Array a)
~> jsonEmptyObject
instance decodeJsonPatchSet :: (Ord a, DecodeJson a) => DecodeJson (PatchSet a) where
decodeJson json = do
-- TODO handle empty fields
obj <- decodeJson json
rem <- mkSet <$> (obj .? "rem")
add <- mkSet <$> (obj .? "add")
pure $ PatchSet { rem, add }
mkSet :: forall b. Ord b => Array b -> Set b
mkSet = Set.fromFoldable
applyPatchSet :: forall a. Ord a => PatchSet a -> Set a -> Set a
applyPatchSet (PatchSet p) s = Set.difference s p.rem <> p.add
patchSetFromMap :: forall a. Ord a => Map a Boolean -> PatchSet a
patchSetFromMap m = PatchSet { rem: Map.keys (Map.filter not m)
, add: Map.keys (Map.filter identity m) }
-- TODO Map.partition would be nice here
newtype NgramsPatch = NgramsPatch
{ patch_children :: PatchSet NgramsTerm
, patch_list :: Replace TermList
instance semigroupNgramsPatch :: Semigroup NgramsPatch where
append (NgramsPatch p) (NgramsPatch q) = NgramsPatch
{ patch_children: p.patch_children <> q.patch_children
, patch_list: p.patch_list <> q.patch_list
instance monoidNgramsPatch :: Monoid NgramsPatch where
mempty = NgramsPatch { patch_children: mempty, patch_list: mempty }
instance encodeJsonNgramsPatch :: EncodeJson NgramsPatch where
-- TODO only include non empty fields
encodeJson (NgramsPatch { patch_children, patch_list })
= "patch_children" := patch_children
~> "patch_list" := patch_list
~> jsonEmptyObject
instance decodeJsonNgramsPatch :: DecodeJson NgramsPatch where
decodeJson json = do
obj <- decodeJson json
-- TODO handle empty fields
patch_list <- obj .? "patch_list"
patch_children <- obj .? "patch_children"
pure $ NgramsPatch { patch_list, patch_children }
applyNgramsPatch :: NgramsPatch -> NgramsElement -> NgramsElement
applyNgramsPatch (NgramsPatch p) (NgramsElement e) = NgramsElement
{ ngrams: e.ngrams
, list: applyReplace p.patch_list e.list
, occurrences: e.occurrences
, parent: e.parent
, root: e.root
, children: applyPatchSet p.patch_children e.children
newtype PatchMap k p = PatchMap (Map k p)
instance semigroupPatchMap :: (Ord k, Semigroup p) => Semigroup (PatchMap k p) where
append (PatchMap p) (PatchMap q) = PatchMap (Map.unionWith append p q)
instance monoidPatchMap :: (Ord k, Semigroup p) => Monoid (PatchMap k p) where
mempty = PatchMap Map.empty
derive instance newtypePatchMap :: Newtype (PatchMap k p) _
_PatchMap :: forall k p. Iso' (PatchMap k p) (Map k p)
_PatchMap = _Newtype
instance functorPatchMap :: Functor (PatchMap k) where
map f (PatchMap m) = PatchMap (map f m)
instance functorWithIndexPatchMap :: FunctorWithIndex k (PatchMap k) where
mapWithIndex f (PatchMap m) = PatchMap (mapWithIndex f m)
instance foldlablePatchMap :: Foldable (PatchMap k) where
foldr f z (PatchMap m) = foldr f z m
foldl f z (PatchMap m) = foldl f z m
foldMap f (PatchMap m) = foldMap f m
instance foldlableWithIndexPatchMap :: FoldableWithIndex k (PatchMap k) where
foldrWithIndex f z (PatchMap m) = foldrWithIndex f z m
foldlWithIndex f z (PatchMap m) = foldlWithIndex f z m
foldMapWithIndex f (PatchMap m) = foldMapWithIndex f m
instance traversablePatchMap :: Traversable (PatchMap k) where
traverse f (PatchMap m) = PatchMap <$> traverse f m
sequence (PatchMap m) = PatchMap <$> sequence m
instance traversableWithIndexPatchMap :: TraversableWithIndex k (PatchMap k) where
traverseWithIndex f (PatchMap m) = PatchMap <$> traverseWithIndex f m
instance encodeJsonPatchMap :: EncodeJson p => EncodeJson (PatchMap String p) where
encodeJson (PatchMap m) =
encodeJson $ FO.fromFoldable $ (Map.toUnfoldable m :: Array _)
instance decodeJsonPatchMap :: DecodeJson p => DecodeJson (PatchMap String p) where
decodeJson json = do
obj <- decodeJson json
pure $ PatchMap $ Map.fromFoldableWithIndex (obj :: FO.Object p)
isEmptyPatchMap :: forall k p. PatchMap k p -> Boolean
isEmptyPatchMap (PatchMap p) = Map.isEmpty p
applyPatchMap :: forall k p v. Ord k => (p -> v -> v) -> PatchMap k p -> Map k v -> Map k v
applyPatchMap applyPatchValue (PatchMap p) = mapWithIndex f
f k v =
case Map.lookup k p of
Nothing -> v
Just pv -> applyPatchValue pv v
type NgramsTablePatch = PatchMap NgramsTerm NgramsPatch
type RootParent = { root :: NgramsTerm, parent :: NgramsTerm }
type ReParent a = forall m. MonadState NgramsTable m => a -> m Unit
reRootChildren :: NgramsTerm -> ReParent NgramsTerm
reRootChildren root ngram = do
nre <- use (at ngram)
traverseOf_ (_Just <<< _NgramsElement <<< _children <<< folded) (\child -> do
at child <<< _Just <<< _NgramsElement <<< _root ?= root
reRootChildren root child) nre
reParent :: Maybe RootParent -> ReParent NgramsTerm
reParent mrp child = do
at child <<< _Just <<< _NgramsElement %= ((_parent .~ (view _parent <$> mrp)) <<<
(_root .~ (view _root <$> mrp)))
reRootChildren (maybe child identity (mrp ^? _Just <<< _root)) child
-- reParentNgramsPatch :: NgramsTerm -> ReParent NgramsPatch
-- ^ GHC would have accepted this type. Here reParentNgramsPatch checks but
-- not its usage in reParentNgramsTablePatch.
reParentNgramsPatch :: forall m. MonadState NgramsTable m
=> NgramsTerm -> NgramsPatch -> m Unit
reParentNgramsPatch parent (NgramsPatch {patch_children: PatchSet {rem, add}}) = do
-- root_of_parent <- use (at parent <<< _Just <<< _NgramsElement <<< _root)
-- ^ TODO this does not type checks, we do the following two lines instead:
s <- use (at parent)
let root_of_parent = s ^. (_Just <<< _NgramsElement <<< _root)
let rp = { root: maybe parent identity root_of_parent, parent }
traverse_ (reParent Nothing) rem
traverse_ (reParent $ Just rp) add
reParentNgramsTablePatch :: ReParent NgramsTablePatch
reParentNgramsTablePatch = void <<< traverseWithIndex reParentNgramsPatch
applyNgramsTablePatch :: NgramsTablePatch -> NgramsTable -> NgramsTable
applyNgramsTablePatch p (NgramsTable m) =
execState (reParentNgramsTablePatch p) $
NgramsTable $ applyPatchMap applyNgramsPatch p m
type CoreState s =
{ ngramsTablePatch :: NgramsTablePatch
, ngramsVersion :: Version
| s
putTable :: {nodeId :: Int, listIds :: Array Int, tabType :: TabType} -> Versioned NgramsTablePatch -> Aff (Versioned NgramsTablePatch)
putTable {nodeId, listIds, tabType} =
put (toUrl Back (PutNgrams tabType (head listIds)) $ Just nodeId)
commitPatch :: forall s. {nodeId :: Int, listIds :: Array Int, tabType :: TabType}
-> Versioned NgramsTablePatch -> StateCoTransformer (CoreState s) Unit
commitPatch props pt@(Versioned {data: tablePatch}) = do
Versioned {version: newVersion, data: newPatch} <- lift $ putTable props pt
modifyState_ $ \s ->
s { ngramsVersion = newVersion
, ngramsTablePatch = newPatch <> tablePatch <> s.ngramsTablePatch
-- TODO: check that pt.version == s.ngramsTablePatch.version
loadNgramsTable :: PageParams -> Aff VersionedNgramsTable
loadNgramsTable { nodeId, listIds, termListFilter, termSizeFilter
, searchQuery, tabType, params: {offset, limit, orderBy}} =
get $ toUrl Back
(GetNgrams { tabType, offset, limit, listIds
, orderBy: convOrderBy <$> orderBy
, termListFilter, termSizeFilter
, searchQuery
(Just nodeId)
convOrderBy (T.ASC (T.ColumnName "Score (Occurrences)")) = ScoreAsc
convOrderBy (T.DESC (T.ColumnName "Score (Occurrences)")) = ScoreDesc
convOrderBy (T.ASC _) = TermAsc
convOrderBy (T.DESC _) = TermDesc
addNewNgram :: NgramsTerm -> PageParams -> Aff Unit
addNewNgram ngram {nodeId, listIds, tabType} =
post (toUrl Back (PutNgrams tabType (head listIds)) $ Just nodeId) [ngram]
ngramsLoaderClass :: Loader.LoaderClass PageParams VersionedNgramsTable
ngramsLoaderClass = Loader.createLoaderClass "NgramsTableLoader" loadNgramsTable
ngramsLoader :: Loader.Props' PageParams VersionedNgramsTable -> ReactElement
ngramsLoader props = React.createElement ngramsLoaderClass props []
View file @
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Config (toUrl, NodeType(..), End(..), TabSubType(..), TabType(..), CTabNgramType(..))
import Gargantext.Config.REST (get)
import Gargantext.Components.Node (NodePoly(..))
import Gargantext.Components.NgramsTable (NgramsTable(..), NgramsElement(..), loadNgramsTable, Versioned(..))
import Gargantext.Components.NgramsTable
(NgramsTable(..), NgramsElement(..), loadNgramsTable, Versioned(..))
import Gargantext.Components.Annotation.AnnotatedField as AnnotatedField
import Gargantext.Types (TermList(..))
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix ( scuff )
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