Commit 4151742f authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[Config] Front or Back sugar toUrl function.

parent 69d93c2b
No related merge requests found
......@@ -26,103 +26,138 @@ import Data.Map as DM
import Data.Maybe (maybe)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
-- | Versions will used later after the release
data ApiVersion = V10 | V11
endConfig :: EndConfig
endConfig = endConfig' V10
endConfig' :: ApiVersion -> EndConfig
endConfig' v = { front : frontCaddy
, back : backDev v }
frontCaddy :: Config
frontCaddy = { proto : "http://"
, port : 2015
, domain : "localhost"
, prePath : "/#/"
instance showApiVersion :: Show ApiVersion where
show V10 = "v1.0"
show V11 = "v1.1"
frontHaskell :: Config
frontHaskell = { proto : "http://"
, port : 8008
, domain : "localhost"
, prePath : "/index.html#/"
data End = Back | Front
frontProd :: Config
frontProd = { proto : "https://"
, port : 8080
, domain : ""
, prePath : "/index.html#/"
-- | Main options of the configuration
data Mode = Mock | Dev | Prod
config :: FrontEndConfig
config = mkConfig Dev V10
backDev :: ApiVersion -> Config
backDev v = { proto : "http://"
, port : 8008
, domain : "localhost"
, prePath : "/api/" <> show v <> "/"
mkAdress :: Mode -> String
mkAdress Mock = "localhost"
mkAdress Dev = "localhost"
mkAdress Prod = ""
backProd :: ApiVersion -> Config
backProd v = { proto : "https://"
, port : 8080
, domain : ""
, prePath : "/api/" <> show v <> "/"
mkPort :: Mode -> Int
mkPort Mock = 2015
mkPort Dev = 8008
mkPort Prod = 8080
mkProto :: Mode -> String
mkProto Mock = "http://"
mkProto Dev = "http://"
mkProto Prod = "https://"
type EndConfig = { front :: Config
, back :: Config
urlConfig :: Map NodeType Url
urlConfig = DM.fromFoldable [ Tuple UserPage "user"
, easy Corpus
, easy Project
, easy Document
, easy Annuaire
, easy Individu
, easy Tree
easy :: NodeType -> Tuple NodeType Url
easy n = Tuple n (show n)
type FrontEndConfig = { proto :: String
type Config = { proto :: String
, port :: Int
, address :: String
, apiVersion :: ApiVersion
, urls :: Map NodeType Url
mkConfig :: Mode -> ApiVersion -> FrontEndConfig
mkConfig mode v = { proto : mkProto mode
, address : mkAdress mode
, port : mkPort mode
, apiVersion : v
, urls : urlConfig
, domain :: String
, prePath :: String
type UrlBase = String
type UrlPath = String
type UrlParam = String
type Url = String
doUrl :: UrlBase -> UrlPath -> UrlParam -> Url
doUrl b p ps = b <> p <> ps
endBaseUrl :: End -> EndConfig -> UrlBase
endBaseUrl Back c = baseUrl c.back
endBaseUrl Front c = baseUrl c.front
baseUrl :: Config -> UrlBase
baseUrl conf = conf.proto <> conf.domain <> ":" <> show conf.port
-- | Main function to use in the Front-End developpement
-- for more complex urls, use urlConfig and smart constructors
endPathUrl :: End -> EndConfig -> NodeType -> Id -> UrlPath
endPathUrl Back c nt i = pathUrl c.back nt i
endPathUrl Front c nt i = pathUrl c.front nt i
pathUrl :: Config -> NodeType -> Id -> UrlPath
pathUrl c nt i = c.prePath <> urlConfig nt <> "/" <> show i
toUrl :: End -> NodeType -> Id -> Url
toUrl end nt i = config.proto <> config.address <> ":" <> show config.port <> end' <> path
toUrl e nt i = doUrl base path params
end' = case end of
Back -> "/api/" <> show config.apiVersion <> "/"
Front -> "/"
path = subPath <> "/" <> show i
subPath = maybe "errorSubPath" identity (DM.lookup nt config.urls)
base = endBaseUrl e endConfig
path = endPathUrl e endConfig nt i
params = ""
type Url = String
data NodeType = UserPage | Folder | Corpus | Document | Annuaire | Individu | Project | Tree | Error
data End = Back | Front
type Id = Int
data NodeType = UserPage | Corpus | Document | Annuaire | Individu | Project | Tree | Error
data ApiVersion = V10 | V11
instance showApiVersion :: Show ApiVersion where
show V10 = "v1.0"
show V11 = "v1.1"
urlConfig :: NodeType -> Url
urlConfig UserPage = "user"
urlConfig Corpus = show Corpus
urlConfig Project = show Project
urlConfig Project = show Project
urlConfig Document = show Document
urlConfig Annuaire = show Annuaire
urlConfig Individu = show Individu
urlConfig Tree = show Tree
urlConfig _ = "error Url Config with That Node Type"
instance showNodeType :: Show NodeType where
show UserPage = "user"
show Project = "project"
show Folder = "folder"
show Corpus = "corpus"
show Document = "document"
show Annuaire = "annuaire"
show Individu = "individu"
show Project = "project"
show Tree = "tree"
show Error = "errNodeType"
readNodeType :: String -> NodeType
readNodeType "NodeUser" = UserPage
readNodeType "Project" = Project
readNodeType "Folder" = Folder
readNodeType "NodeCorpus" = Corpus
readNodeType "Document" = Document
readNodeType "Annuaire" = Annuaire
readNodeType "Individu" = Individu
readNodeType "Project" = Project
readNodeType "Tree" = Tree
readNodeType _ = Error
instance ordNodeType :: Ord NodeType where
compare n1 n2 = compare (show n1) (show n2)
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