Commit 4cc77edb authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[FEAT] external APIs adding Isidore.

parent afec4c08
No related merge requests found
......@@ -23,19 +23,35 @@ import Gargantext.Components.Modals.Modal (modalHide)
import Gargantext.Utils (id)
import URI.Extra.QueryPairs as QP
allDatabases :: Array Database
allDatabases = [All, PubMed, Isidore_EN, Isidore_FR]
data Database = All | PubMed | HAL | IsTex
| Isidore_FR | Isidore_EN
data Langs = FR | EN
-- | Types needed for now maybe not useful later
instance showLangs :: Show Langs where
show FR = "FR"
show EN = "EN"
instance showDatabase :: Show Database where
show All = "All"
show PubMed = "PubMed"
show HAL = "HAL"
show IsTex = "IsTex"
show Isidore_FR = "Isidore_" <> show FR
show Isidore_EN = "Isidore_" <> show EN
readDatabase :: String -> Maybe Database
readDatabase "All" = Just All
readDatabase "PubMed" = Just PubMed
readDatabase "HAL" = Just HAL
readDatabase "IsTex" = Just IsTex
readDatabase "Isidore_FR" = Just Isidore_FR
readDatabase "Isidore_EN" = Just Isidore_EN
readDatabase _ = Nothing
derive instance eqDatabase :: Eq Database
......@@ -44,9 +60,6 @@ instance encodeJsonDatabase :: EncodeJson Database where
encodeJson a = encodeJson (show a)
allDatabases :: Array Database
allDatabases = [All, PubMed]
data SearchOrder
= DateAsc
| DateDesc
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