Commit 5e770fd1 authored by James Laver's avatar James Laver

Use dysfun's fork of sigma, which has been defanged somewhat

parent 96d1d57c
'use strict';
const sigma = require('sigma').sigma;
const react_sigma = require('react-sigma');
const FL = require('react-sigma/lib/ForceLink');
const sigma = require('sigma/src/garg.js').sigma;
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
window.sigma = sigma;
require('sigma/plugins/garg.js').init(sigma, window);
function _sigma(left, right, opts) {
try {
return right(new sigma(opts));
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ function graphRead(left, right, sigma, data) {
return left(e);
function refresh(sigma) { sigma.refresh(); }
function addRenderer(left, right, sigma, renderer) {
try {
return right(sigma.addRenderer(renderer));
......@@ -46,18 +47,22 @@ function killSigma(left, right, sigma) {
return left(e);
function clear(sigma) { sigma.graph.clear(); }
function bind(sigma, event, handler) { sigma.bind(event, handler); }
function startForceAtlas2(sigma, settings) { sigma.startForceAtlas2(settings); }
function stopForceAtlas2(sigma) { sigma.stopForceAtlas2(); }
function killForceAtlas2(sigma) { sigma.killForceAtlas2(); }
function isForceAtlas2Running(sigma) { return sigma.isForceAtlas2Running(); }
exports._sigma = _sigma;
exports._graphRead = graphRead;
exports._refresh = function refresh(sigma) { sigma.refresh(); };
exports._refresh = refresh;
exports._addRenderer = addRenderer;
exports._killRenderer = killRenderer;
exports._killSigma = killSigma
exports._clear = function clear(sigma) { sigma.graph.clear(); };
exports._bind = function bind(sigma, event, handler) { sigma.bind(event, handler); };
exports._startForceAtlas2 = function startForceAtlas2(sigma, settings) {
exports._stopForceAtlas2 = function stopForceAtlas2(sigma) { sigma.stopForceAtlas2(); };
exports._killForceAtlas2 = function killForceAtlas2(sigma) { sigma.killForceAtlas2(); };
exports._clear = clear;
exports._bind = bind;
exports._startForceAtlas2 = startForceAtlas2;
exports._stopForceAtlas2 = stopForceAtlas2;
exports._killForceAtlas2 = killForceAtlas2;
exports._isForceAtlas2Running = isForceAtlas2Running;
......@@ -104,9 +104,13 @@ stopForceAtlas2 = runEffectFn1 _stopForceAtlas2
killForceAtlas2 :: Sigma -> Effect Unit
killForceAtlas2 = runEffectFn1 _killForceAtlas2
isForceAtlas2Running :: Sigma -> Effect Boolean
isForceAtlas2Running = runEffectFn1 _isForceAtlas2Running
foreign import _startForceAtlas2 :: forall s. EffectFn2 Sigma s Unit
foreign import _stopForceAtlas2 :: EffectFn1 Sigma Unit
foreign import _killForceAtlas2 :: EffectFn1 Sigma Unit
foreign import _isForceAtlas2Running :: EffectFn1 Sigma Boolean
newtype SigmaEasing = SigmaEasing String
......@@ -3701,10 +3701,8 @@ shelljs@^0.8.2, shelljs@^0.8.3:
interpret "^1.0.0"
rechoir "^0.6.2"
version "1.2.1"
resolved ""
integrity sha512-9Z0m1pssXv6sndPMvOzXnM1mVO73YCWDE6X5bKxJyG+9J0B9zJkgtgoBM7cnxEaJMzmrbxPceKTVpwF7cS/xqA==
signal-exit@^3.0.0, signal-exit@^3.0.2:
version "3.0.2"
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