Commit 63b43fbf authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[Types] fix for backend (WIP)

parent 30d727dd
......@@ -46,32 +46,32 @@ update :: NodeType
-> (Action -> Aff Unit)
-> R.Hooks R.Element
update NodeList dispatch = do
meth @( method /\ setMethod ) <- R.useState' Basic
meth @( methodList /\ setMethod ) <- R.useState' Basic
pure $ panel [ -- H.text "Update with"
formChoiceSafe [Basic, Advanced, WithModel] Basic setMethod
(submitButton (UpdateNode $ UpdateNodeParamsList {method}) dispatch)
(submitButton (UpdateNode $ UpdateNodeParamsList {methodList}) dispatch)
update Graph dispatch = do
meth @( method /\ setMethod ) <- R.useState' Order1
meth @( methodGraph /\ setMethod ) <- R.useState' Order1
pure $ panel [ -- H.text "Update with"
formChoiceSafe [Order1, Order2] Order1 setMethod
(submitButton (UpdateNode $ UpdateNodeParamsGraph {method}) dispatch)
(submitButton (UpdateNode $ UpdateNodeParamsGraph {methodGraph}) dispatch)
update Texts dispatch = do
meth @( method /\ setMethod ) <- R.useState' NewNgrams
meth @( methodTexts /\ setMethod ) <- R.useState' NewNgrams
pure $ panel [ -- H.text "Update with"
formChoiceSafe [NewNgrams, NewTexts, Both] NewNgrams setMethod
(submitButton (UpdateNode $ UpdateNodeParamsTexts {method}) dispatch)
(submitButton (UpdateNode $ UpdateNodeParamsTexts {methodTexts}) dispatch)
update Dashboard dispatch = do
meth @( method /\ setMethod ) <- R.useState' All
meth @( methodBoard /\ setMethod ) <- R.useState' All
pure $ panel [ -- H.text "Update with"
formChoiceSafe [All, Sources, Authors, Institutes, Ngrams] All setMethod
(submitButton (UpdateNode $ UpdateNodeParamsBoard {method}) dispatch)
(submitButton (UpdateNode $ UpdateNodeParamsBoard {methodBoard}) dispatch)
update _ _ = pure $ H.div {} []
......@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Gargantext.Prelude (class Eq, class Read, class Show)
data UpdateNodeParams = UpdateNodeParamsList { method :: Method }
| UpdateNodeParamsGraph { method :: Metric }
| UpdateNodeParamsTexts { method :: Granularity }
| UpdateNodeParamsBoard { method :: Charts }
data UpdateNodeParams = UpdateNodeParamsList { methodList :: Method }
| UpdateNodeParamsGraph { methodGraph :: Metric }
| UpdateNodeParamsTexts { methodTexts :: Granularity }
| UpdateNodeParamsBoard { methodBoard :: Charts }
derive instance eqUpdateNodeParams :: Eq UpdateNodeParams
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