Commit 64405219 authored by James Laver's avatar James Laver

New login component

parent e7f00a37
module Gargantext.Components.Login where
import Control.Monad.Cont.Trans (lift)
import Control.Monad.Except (runExcept)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Int as Int
import Data.Lens (over)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Traversable (traverse)
import Data.Tuple.Nested((/\))
import DOM.Simple.Console (log2)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, launchAff_)
import Foreign (MultipleErrors)
import Foreign.Generic (encodeJSON, decodeJSON)
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import React.DOM (button, div, h5, span, text)
import React.DOM.Props (_data, _id, _type, aria, className, role)
import Thermite (PerformAction, Render, Spec, _render, modifyState_, simpleSpec)
import Web.HTML (window)
import Web.HTML.Window (localStorage)
import Web.Storage.Storage (getItem, setItem, removeItem)
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Config (toUrl, endConfigStateful, Path(..), End(..))
import Gargantext.Config (Ends, BackendRoute(..), backendKey, url)
import Gargantext.Config.REST (post)
import Gargantext.Components.Modals.Modal (modalHide)
import Gargantext.Components.Login.Types
......@@ -28,104 +31,40 @@ import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
-- TODO: ask for login (modal) or account creation after 15 mn when user
-- is not logged and has made one search at least
type State =
{ username :: String
, password :: String
, authData :: Maybe AuthData
, errorMessage :: String
initialState :: Effect State
initialState = do
authData <- getAuthData
{ authData
, username : ""
, password : ""
, errorMessage : ""
data Action
= PostAuth
| SetCredentials String String
modalSpec :: forall props. Boolean -> String -> Spec State props Action -> Spec State props Action
modalSpec sm t = over _render \render d p s c ->
[ div [ _id "loginModal", className $ "modal myModal" <> if sm then "" else " fade"
, role "dialog"
, _data {show : true}
[ div [ className "modal-dialog"
, role "document"
[ div [ className "modal-content"]
[ div [ className "modal-header"]
[ h5 [ className "modal-title" ]
[ -- text t
, button [ _type "button"
, className "close"
, _data { dismiss : "modal"}
[ span [ aria {hidden : true}] [ text "X"]
, div [ className "modal-body"] (render d p s c)
type Auths = Map String AuthData
spec' :: Spec State {} Action
spec' = modalSpec true "Login" renderSpec
type Props = ( ends :: Ends, setVisible :: R2.Setter Boolean)
performAction :: PerformAction State {} Action
performAction (SetCredentials usr pwd) _ _ = do
modifyState_ $ _ { username = usr, password = pwd }
performAction PostAuth _ {username, password} = do
res <- lift $ postAuthRequest $ AuthRequest {username, password}
case res of
AuthResponse {inval: Just (AuthInvalid {message})} ->
modifyState_ $ _ { errorMessage = message }
AuthResponse {valid} -> do
liftEffect $ setAuthData valid
modifyState_ $ _ {authData = valid, errorMessage = ""}
liftEffect $ modalHide "loginModal"
renderSpec :: Spec State {} Action
renderSpec = simpleSpec performAction render
render :: Render State {} Action
render dispatch _ state _ =
[R2.scuff $ renderCpt dispatch state]
type ModalProps = ( visible :: Boolean )
modal :: Record ModalProps -> Array R.Element -> R.Element
modal = R.createElement modalCpt
renderCpt :: (Action -> Effect Unit) -> State -> R.Element
renderCpt d s = R.createElement el {} []
modalCpt :: R.Component ModalProps
modalCpt = R.staticComponent "Modal" cpt
el = R.hooksComponent "RenderComponent" cpt
cpt {} _children = do
(state /\ setState) <- R.useState' s
R.useEffect $
if (state /= s) then do
_ <- d $ SetCredentials state.username state.password
pure $ d $ PostAuth
pure $ pure $ unit
pure $ renderLogin (state /\ setState)
renderLogin :: R.State State -> R.Element
renderLogin (state /\ setState) = R.createElement el {} []
cpt {visible} children =
H.div { id: "loginModal", className: modalClass visible, role: "dialog", "data": {show: true}}
[ H.div { className: "modal-dialog", role: "document"}
[ H.div { className: "modal-content" }
[ H.div { className: "modal-header" }
[ H.h5 { className: "modal-title" } []
, H.button { "type": "button", className: "close", "data": { dismiss: "modal" } }
[ H.span { aria: { hidden: true } } [ H.text "X" ] ]
, H.div { className: "modal-body" } children ] ] ] ]
modalClass s = "modal myModal" <> if s then "" else " fade"
login :: Record Props -> R.Element
login props = R.createElement loginCpt props []
loginCpt :: R.Component Props
loginCpt = R.hooksComponent "Login" cpt
el = R.hooksComponent "RenderLogin" cpt
cpt {} _children = do
username <- R.useState' state.username
password <- R.useState' state.password
cpt {ends, setVisible} _children = do
(username /\ setUsername) <- R.useState' ""
(password /\ setPassword) <- R.useState' ""
(error /\ setError) <- R.useState' ""
(authData /\ setAuthData) <- R.useState' Nothing
pure $ H.div {className: "row"}
[ gargLogo
, H.div {className: "card-group"}
......@@ -141,7 +80,7 @@ renderLogin (state /\ setState) = R.createElement el {} []
H.a { target: "blank"
, href: ""
[H.text " ask to get an access"]
[H.text " request access"]
, H.div {}
......@@ -152,11 +91,11 @@ renderLogin (state /\ setState) = R.createElement el {} []
, H.div {className: "form-group"}
[ H.p {} [H.text state.errorMessage]
, usernameInput username
[ H.p {} [H.text error]
, usernameInput username setUsername
, H.div {className: "form-group"}
[ passwordInput password
[ passwordInput password setPassword
, H.div {className: "clearfix"} []
, H.div {className: "center"}
......@@ -167,7 +106,7 @@ renderLogin (state /\ setState) = R.createElement el {} []
, value: ""
, className: "checkbox"
, H.text "I accept the terms of uses "
, H.text "I accept the terms of use "
, H.a {href: ""}
[ H.text " [ Read the terms of use ] "]
......@@ -177,7 +116,7 @@ renderLogin (state /\ setState) = R.createElement el {} []
, type: "submit"
--, on: {click: \_ -> dispatch $ PostAuth}
, on: {click: onClick username password}
, on: {click: onClick ends setError setAuthData setVisible username password}
[H.text "Login"]
......@@ -190,13 +129,9 @@ renderLogin (state /\ setState) = R.createElement el {} []
gargLogo =
H.div {className: "col-md-10 col-md-push-1"}
[ H.h2 {className: "text-primary center m-a-2"}
[ H.i {className: "material-icons md-36"}
[H.text "control_point"]
, H.span {className: "icon-text"}
[H.text "Gargantext"]
usernameInput (username /\ setUsername) =
[ H.i {className: "material-icons md-36"} [ H.text "control_point" ]
, H.span {className: "icon-text"} [ H.text "Gargantext" ] ] ]
usernameInput username setUsername =
H.input { className: "form-control"
, id: "id_username"
, maxLength: "254"
......@@ -207,7 +142,8 @@ renderLogin (state /\ setState) = R.createElement el {} []
--, on: {input: \e -> dispatch (SetUserName $ R2.unsafeEventValue e)}
, on: {change: \e -> setUsername $ const $ R2.unsafeEventValue e}
passwordInput (password /\ setPassword) =
passwordInput password setPassword =
H.input { className: "form-control"
, id: "id_password"
, name: "password"
......@@ -217,14 +153,41 @@ renderLogin (state /\ setState) = R.createElement el {} []
--, on: {input: \e -> dispatch (SetPassword $ R2.unsafeEventValue e)}
, on: {change: \e -> setPassword $ const $ R2.unsafeEventValue e}
onClick (username /\ _) (password /\ _) = \e -> do
setState $ \st -> st {username = username, password = password}
onClick ends setError setAuthData setVisible username password = \e ->
launchAff_ $ do
res <- postAuthRequest ends $ AuthRequest {username, password}
case res of
AuthResponse {inval: Just (AuthInvalid {message})} -> liftEffect $ do
setError (const message)
setAuthData (const Nothing)
AuthResponse {valid} -> liftEffect $ do
setAuthData (const valid)
setError (const "")
setVisible (const false)
-- getAuth :: Effect Auth
-- getAuth = do
-- window >>= localStorage >>= getItem
-- setAuth :: Auth -> Effect Unit
getAuths :: Effect (Maybe Auths)
getAuths = pure Nothing
-- getAuths = window >>= localStorage >>= getItem "auths" >>= traverse decode
-- where
-- decode :: String -> Effect (Maybe Auths)
-- decode = ret <<< runExcept <<< decodeJSON
-- ret (Right v) = pure $ Just v
-- ret (Left e) = log2 "Error reading serialised auths:" e *> pure Nothing
setAuths :: Auths -> Effect Unit
-- setAuths Map.empty = -- window >>= localStorage >>= removeItem "auths"
setAuths _ = pure unit -- auths = window >>= localStorage >>= setItem "auths" (encodeJSON auths)
getAuthData :: Effect (Maybe AuthData)
getAuthData = do
w <- window
ls <- localStorage w
ls <- window >>= localStorage
mto <- getItem "token" ls
mti <- getItem "tree_id" ls
pure do
......@@ -234,15 +197,20 @@ getAuthData = do
setAuthData :: Maybe AuthData -> Effect Unit
setAuthData Nothing = do
w <- window
ls <- localStorage w
ls <- window >>= localStorage
removeItem "token" ls
removeItem "tree_id" ls
setAuthData (Just (AuthData {tree_id, token})) = do
w <- window
ls <- localStorage w
ls <- window >>= localStorage
setItem "token" token ls
setItem "tree_id" (show tree_id) ls
postAuthRequest :: AuthRequest -> Aff AuthResponse
postAuthRequest = post $ toUrl endConfigStateful Back Auth Nothing
-- useLocalStorageAuths :: String -> R.Hooks (R.State Auths)
-- useLocalStorageAuths key = do
postAuthRequest :: Ends -> AuthRequest -> Aff AuthResponse
postAuthRequest ends = post $ url ends Auth
getCurrentAuth :: Ends -> Auths -> Maybe AuthData
getCurrentAuth ends = Map.lookup (backendKey ends.backend)
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Generic.Rep.Eq (genericEq)
import Data.Lens (Iso', iso)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe)
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype)
type Username = String
type Password = String
......@@ -32,9 +33,10 @@ newtype AuthData = AuthData
, tree_id :: TreeId
derive instance genericAuthData :: Generic AuthData _
derive instance newtypeAuthData :: Newtype AuthData _
instance eqAuthData :: Eq AuthData where
eq = genericEq
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