Commit 69858567 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[Chart] Radial tree.

parent 3a403771
......@@ -23,9 +23,6 @@ foreign import eChartsClass :: R.ReactClass Echarts
chart :: Options -> R.ReactElement
chart = echarts <<< chartWith <<< opts
chart' :: Options -> R.ReactElement
chart' = echarts <<< chartWith <<< opts'
chartWith :: Option -> Echarts
chartWith opts = { className : Nothing
......@@ -215,32 +212,6 @@ opts (Options { mainTitle : mainTitle
opts' :: Options -> Option
opts' (Options { mainTitle : mainTitle
, subTitle : subTitle
, xAxis : xs
, yAxis : ss
, yAxisFormat : (YAxisFormat { position : position
, visible : visible
, addZoom : addZoom}) =
{ title: title mainTitle subTitle
, legend : legend
, tooltip: { trigger: "axis"
, formatter: Nothing
, grid : {containLabel: false}
, xAxis : unsafeCoerce {}
, series : map toSeries $ ss
, yAxis : unsafeCoerce {}
, dataZoom: if addZoom then [zoom Slider, zoom Inside] else []
, children : unsafeCoerce []
data Zoom = Slider | Inside
instance showZoom :: Show Zoom where
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ data SeriesShape = Line
| Pie
| Scatter | EffectScatter
| Radar
| Tree | TreeMap
| Tree | Radial | TreeMap
| Sunburst
| Boxplot
| Candlestick
......@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ instance showSeriesShape :: Show SeriesShape where
show Heatmap = "heatmap"
show Line = "line"
show Pie = "pie"
show Tree = "tree" -- ^
show Sankey = "sankey"
show TreeMap = "treemap"
show Scatter = "scatter" -- ^
......@@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ seriesType = SeriesType <<< show
type Series = {}
data Serie = SeriesD1 D1 | SeriesD2 D2 | SerieSankey Sankey | SerieTreeMap TreeMap
data Serie = SeriesD1 D1 | SeriesD2 D2 | SerieSankey Sankey | SerieTreeMap TreeMap | SerieTree Tree
type D1 =
{ name :: String
......@@ -68,6 +69,7 @@ toSeries (SeriesD1 a) = unsafeCoerce a
toSeries (SeriesD2 a) = unsafeCoerce a
toSeries (SerieSankey a) = unsafeCoerce a
toSeries (SerieTreeMap a) = unsafeCoerce a
toSeries (SerieTree a) = unsafeCoerce a
-- | Sankey Chart
......@@ -93,47 +95,58 @@ mkSankey ns ls = SerieSankey {"type" : seriesType Sankey
-- | TreeMap Chart
mkTreeMap :: Array TreeMapTree -> Serie
mkTreeMap :: Array TreeData -> Serie
mkTreeMap ts = SerieTreeMap { "type" : seriesType TreeMap
, "data" : map toTreeMap ts
, "data" : map toTree ts
type TreeMap = { "type" :: SeriesType
, "data" :: Array TreeMapTree
, "data" :: Array TreeData
data TreeMapTree = TreeMapLeaf TreeMapLeaf
| TreeMapNode TreeMapNode
data TreeData = TreeLeaf TreeLeaf
| TreeNode TreeNode
toTreeMap :: TreeMapTree -> TreeMapTree
toTreeMap (TreeMapLeaf x) = unsafeCoerce x
toTreeMap (TreeMapNode x) = unsafeCoerce { name :
toTree :: TreeData -> TreeData
toTree (TreeLeaf x) = unsafeCoerce x
toTree (TreeNode x) = unsafeCoerce { name :
, value : x.value
, children : (map toTreeMap x.children)
, children : (map toTree x.children)
type TreeMapNode = { name :: String
type TreeNode = { name :: String
, value :: Number
, children :: Array TreeMapTree
, children :: Array TreeData
type TreeMapLeaf = { name :: String
type TreeLeaf = { name :: String
, value :: Number
treeMapNode :: String -> Number -> Array TreeMapTree -> TreeMapTree
treeMapNode n v ts = TreeMapNode {name : n, value:v, children:ts}
treeNode :: String -> Number -> Array TreeData -> TreeData
treeNode n v ts = TreeNode {name : n, value:v, children:ts}
treeMapLeaf :: String -> Number -> TreeMapTree
treeMapLeaf n v = TreeMapLeaf { name : n, value : v}
treeLeaf :: String -> Number -> TreeData
treeLeaf n v = TreeLeaf { name : n, value : v}
-- | Tree
type Tree = { "type" :: SeriesType
, "data" :: Array TreeData
, layout :: String
mkTree :: Array TreeData -> Serie
mkTree ts = SerieTree { "type" : seriesType Tree
, "data" : map toTree ts
, layout : "radial"
-- | TODO
......@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ render dispatch _ state _ = [
, chart scatterEx
, chart sankeyEx
, chart' treeMapEx
, chart treeMapEx
, chart treeEx
myData = [SeriesD1 $ series Bar "Bar Data" [ {name: "val1", value: 50.0}
......@@ -140,20 +141,68 @@ sankeyEx = Options { mainTitle : ""
treeMapData = [ mkTreeMap [ treeMapNode "nodeA" 10.0 [ treeMapLeaf "nodeAa" 4.0
, treeMapLeaf "nodeAb" 5.0
, treeMapLeaf "nodeAc" 1.0
treeData :: Array TreeData
treeData = [ treeNode "nodeA" 10.0 [ treeLeaf "nodeAa" 4.0
, treeLeaf "nodeAb" 5.0
, treeNode "nodeAc" 1.0 [ treeLeaf "nodeAca" 0.5
, treeLeaf "nodeAcb" 0.5
, treeMapNode "nodeB" 20.0 [ treeMapNode "nodeBb" 20.0 [treeMapLeaf "nodeBb1" 20.0]
, treeNode "nodeB" 20.0 [ treeNode "nodeBa" 20.0 [ treeLeaf "nodeBa1" 20.0]]
, treeNode "nodeC" 20.0 [ treeNode "nodeCa" 20.0 [ treeLeaf "nodeCa1" 10.0
, treeLeaf "nodeCa2" 10.0
, treeNode "nodeD" 20.0 [ treeNode "nodeDa" 20.0 [ treeLeaf "nodeDa1" 2.0
, treeLeaf "nodeDa2" 2.0
, treeLeaf "nodeDa3" 2.0
, treeLeaf "nodeDa4" 2.0
, treeLeaf "nodeDa5" 2.0
, treeLeaf "nodeDa6" 2.0
, treeLeaf "nodeDa7" 2.0
, treeLeaf "nodeDa8" 2.0
, treeLeaf "nodeDa9" 2.0
, treeLeaf "nodeDa10" 2.0
treeData' :: Array TreeData
treeData' = [ treeNode "nodeA" 10.0 [ treeLeaf "nodeAa" 4.0
, treeLeaf "nodeAb" 5.0
, treeNode "nodeAc" 1.0 [ treeLeaf "nodeAca" 0.5
, treeLeaf "nodeAcb" 0.5
, treeNode "nodeB" 20.0 [ treeNode "nodeBa" 20.0 [ treeLeaf "nodeBa1" 20.0]]
, treeNode "nodeC" 20.0 [ treeNode "nodeBa" 20.0 [ treeLeaf "nodeBa1" 20.0]]
, treeNode "nodeD" 20.0 [ treeNode "nodeBa" 20.0 [ treeLeaf "nodeBa1" 20.0]]
, treeNode "nodeE" 20.0 [ treeNode "nodeBa" 20.0 [ treeLeaf "nodeBa1" 20.0]]
, treeNode "nodeF" 20.0 [ treeNode "nodeBa" 20.0 [ treeLeaf "nodeBa1" 20.0]]
, treeNode "nodeG" 20.0 [ treeNode "nodeBa" 20.0 [ treeLeaf "nodeBa1" 20.0]]
, treeNode "nodeH" 20.0 [ treeNode "nodeBa" 20.0 [ treeLeaf "nodeBa1" 20.0]]
treeMapEx :: Options
treeMapEx = Options { mainTitle : ""
, subTitle : ""
, xAxis : xAxis []
, yAxis : treeMapData
, yAxis : [mkTreeMap treeData]
, yAxisFormat : (YAxisFormat { position : ""
, visible : false
, addZoom : false
treeEx :: Options
treeEx = Options { mainTitle : ""
, subTitle : ""
, xAxis : xAxis []
, yAxis : [mkTree treeData']
, yAxisFormat : (YAxisFormat { position : ""
, visible : false
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