Commit 6d0cb66c authored by Przemyslaw Kaminski's avatar Przemyslaw Kaminski

[ngrams] some refactoring in NgramsTable

parent f142e8f1
......@@ -118,27 +118,34 @@ addNewNgramA ngram = CommitPatch $ addNewNgram ngram CandidateTerm
type Dispatch = Action -> Effect Unit
tableContainer :: { path :: R.State PageParams
, dispatch :: Dispatch
, ngramsParent :: Maybe NgramsTerm
type TableContainerProps =
( dispatch :: Dispatch
, ngramsChildren :: Map NgramsTerm Boolean
, ngramsParent :: Maybe NgramsTerm
, ngramsSelectAll :: Boolean
, ngramsSelection :: Set NgramsTerm
, ngramsTable :: NgramsTable
, path :: R.State PageParams
, tabNgramType :: CTabNgramType
, ngramsSelectAll :: Boolean
-> Record T.TableContainerProps -> R.Element
tableContainer { path: {searchQuery, termListFilter, termSizeFilter} /\ setPath
, dispatch
, ngramsParent
tableContainer :: Record TableContainerProps -> Record T.TableContainerProps -> R.Element
tableContainer p q = R.createElement (tableContainerCpt p) q []
tableContainerCpt :: Record TableContainerProps -> R.Component T.TableContainerProps
tableContainerCpt { dispatch
, ngramsChildren
, ngramsParent
, ngramsSelectAll
, ngramsSelection
, ngramsTable: ngramsTableCache
, path: {searchQuery, termListFilter, termSizeFilter} /\ setPath
, tabNgramType
, ngramsSelectAll
} props =
H.div {className: "container-fluid"}
[ H.div {className: "jumbotron1"}
} = R.hooksComponent "G.C.NT.tableContainer" cpt
cpt props _ =
pure $ H.div {className: "container-fluid"} [
H.div {className: "jumbotron1"}
[ R2.row
[ H.div {className: "panel panel-default"}
[ H.div {className: "panel-heading"}
......@@ -215,7 +222,6 @@ tableContainer { path: {searchQuery, termListFilter, termSizeFilter} /\ setPath
-- WHY setPath f = origSetPageParams (const $ f path)
setSearchQuery x = setPath $ _ { searchQuery = x }
setTermListFilter x = setPath $ _ { termListFilter = x }
......@@ -362,7 +368,15 @@ loadedNgramsTableSpec = Thermite.simpleSpec performAction render
wrapColElts (T.ColumnName "Select") = const [R2.buff selected]
wrapColElts (T.ColumnName "Score") = (_ <> [H.text ("(" <> show scoreType <> ")")])
wrapColElts _ = identity
container = tableContainer {path, dispatch, ngramsParent, ngramsChildren, ngramsSelection, ngramsTable, tabNgramType, ngramsSelectAll}
container = tableContainer { dispatch
, ngramsChildren
, ngramsParent
, ngramsSelectAll
, ngramsSelection
, ngramsTable
, path
, tabNgramType
setParams f = setPath $ \p@{params: ps} -> p {params = f ps}
ngramsTable = applyNgramsPatches state initTable
orderWith =
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