Commit 78c93d7e authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[FEAT][FOREST] search component on each capable node.

parent f93761e8
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ type Props = ( root :: ID
, session :: Session
, frontends :: Frontends
treeView :: Record Props -> R.Element
treeView props = R.createElement treeViewCpt props []
......@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ settingsBox :: NodeType -> SettingsBox
settingsBox NodeUser = SettingsBox { show : true
, edit : false
, buttons : [Documentation NodeUser
, SearchBox
, Add [ FolderPrivate
, FolderShared
, FolderPublic
......@@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ settingsBox NodeUser = SettingsBox { show : true
settingsBox FolderPrivate = SettingsBox { show: true
, edit : false
, buttons : [Documentation FolderPrivate
, SearchBox
, Add [ Corpus
, Folder
......@@ -49,15 +51,14 @@ settingsBox FolderPrivate = SettingsBox { show: true
settingsBox FolderShared = SettingsBox { show: true
, edit : false
, buttons : [Documentation FolderShared
, Add [ Corpus
, Folder
--, Team
, Delete]
settingsBox FolderPublic = SettingsBox { show: true
, edit : false
, buttons : [Documentation FolderPublic
, SearchBox
, Add [ Corpus
, Folder
......@@ -68,20 +69,22 @@ settingsBox FolderPublic = SettingsBox { show: true
settingsBox Folder = SettingsBox { show : true
, edit : true
, buttons : [ Documentation Folder
, SearchBox
, Add [ Corpus
, Folder
, Delete]
, Delete
settingsBox Corpus = SettingsBox { show : true
, edit : true
, buttons : [ Documentation Corpus
, SearchBox
, Add [ NodeList
, Graph
, Dashboard
, Search
, Upload
, Download
, Share
......@@ -129,16 +132,16 @@ settingsBox _ = SettingsBox { show : false
data NodeAction = Documentation NodeType
| Search
| SearchBox
| Download | Upload | Refresh
| Move | Clone | Delete
| Share
| Share | Team
| Add (Array NodeType)
instance eqNodeAction :: Eq NodeAction where
eq (Documentation x) (Documentation y) = true && (x == y)
eq Search Search = true
eq SearchBox SearchBox = true
eq Download Download = true
eq Upload Upload = true
eq Refresh Refresh = true
......@@ -146,7 +149,7 @@ instance eqNodeAction :: Eq NodeAction where
eq Clone Clone = true
eq Delete Delete = true
eq Share Share = true
eq Team Team = true
eq (Add x) (Add y) = true && (x == y)
eq _ _ = false
......@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Add
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Rename
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Upload
import Gargantext.Components.Search.Types
import Gargantext.Components.Search.SearchBar
import Gargantext.Ends (Frontends, url)
import Gargantext.Routes (AppRoute, SessionRoute(..))
import Gargantext.Routes as Routes
......@@ -66,6 +69,7 @@ nodeMainSpan d p folderOpen session frontends = R.createElement el p []
, name:name'
, nodeType
, action: Nothing
, session
} popupOpen
else H.div {} []
, fileTypeView d {id, nodeType} droppedFile isDragOver
......@@ -161,6 +165,7 @@ type NodePopupProps =
, name :: Name
, nodeType :: NodeType
, action :: Maybe NodeAction
, session :: Session
iconAStyle = { color : "black"
......@@ -174,7 +179,7 @@ nodePopupView :: (Action -> Aff Unit)
nodePopupView d p mPop@(Just NodePopup /\ setPopupOpen) = R.createElement el p []
el = R.hooksComponent "NodePopupView" cpt
cpt {id, name, nodeType, action} _ = do
cpt {id, name, nodeType, action, session} _ = do
renameBoxOpen <- R.useState' false
nodePopupState@(nodePopup /\ setNodePopup) <- R.useState' {id, name, nodeType, action}
pure $ H.div tooltipProps $
......@@ -191,7 +196,7 @@ nodePopupView d p mPop@(Just NodePopup /\ setPopupOpen) = R.createElement el p [
, onClick : setNodePopup $ const {id,name,nodeType,action :Nothing}
} []
else H.div {} []
, panelAction d {id,name,nodeType,action:nodePopup.action} mPop
, panelAction d {id,name,nodeType,action:nodePopup.action, session} mPop
......@@ -208,7 +213,7 @@ nodePopupView d p mPop@(Just NodePopup /\ setPopupOpen) = R.createElement el p [
H.div {className: "panel-heading"}
[ -- H.h1 {className : "col-md-12"} [H.text "Settings Box"]
H.div {className: "row" }
[ H.div {className: "col-md-10"} [ renameBox d {id, name} renameBoxOpen ]
[ H.div {className: "col-md-8"} [ renameBox d {id, name} renameBoxOpen ]
, if edit then editIcon renameBoxOpen else H.div {} []
, H.div {className: "col-md-1"}
[ H.a { "type" : "button"
......@@ -263,7 +268,6 @@ buttonClick ({id,name,nodeType,action} /\ setNodePopup) _ todo@(Documentation x)
buttonClick ({id,name,nodeType,action} /\ setNodePopup) d Delete = H.div {className: "col-md-2"}
[ H.a { style: iconAStyle
, className: "btn glyphitem glyphicon glyphicon-trash" <> if action == (Just Delete) then " active" else ""
--, className: (glyphicon "trash")
, id: "delete"
, title: "Delete"
, onClick: mkEffectFn1 $ \_ -> setNodePopup $ const {id, name, nodeType, action : Just Delete}
......@@ -283,6 +287,18 @@ buttonClick (node@{action} /\ setNodePopup) d (Add xs) = H.div {className: "col-
buttonClick ({id,name,nodeType,action} /\ setNodePopup) d SearchBox = H.div {className: "col-md-2"}
[ H.a { style: iconAStyle
, className: "btn glyphitem glyphicon glyphicon-search" <> if action == (Just SearchBox) then " active" else ""
, id: "search"
, title: "Search and create " <> show nodeType
, onClick: mkEffectFn1 $ \_ -> setNodePopup $ const {id, name, nodeType, action : Just SearchBox}
......@@ -329,8 +345,11 @@ panelAction :: (Action -> Aff Unit)
-> Record NodePopupProps
-> R.State (Maybe NodePopup)
-> R.Element
panelAction d {id,name,nodeType,action} p = case action of
panelAction d {id,name,nodeType,action, session} p = case action of
(Just (Documentation x)) -> R.fragment [ H.div {} [H.text $ "More information on" <> show nodeType]]
(Just SearchBox) -> R.fragment [ searchBar {session, databases:allDatabases}
, H.div {} [ H.text $ "Search and create a private corpus with the search query as corpus name." ]
(Just Delete) -> case nodeType of
NodeUser -> R.fragment [ H.div {} [H.text "Yes, we are RGPD compliant! But you can not delete User Node yet (we are still on development). Thanks for your comprehensin."]]
_ -> R.fragment [ H.div {} [H.text "Are your sure you want to delete, if yes, click again ?"], reallyDelete d]
......@@ -24,21 +24,13 @@ searchBar :: Record Props -> R.Element
searchBar props = R.createElement searchBarCpt props []
searchBarCpt :: R.Component Props
searchBarCpt = R.hooksComponent "G.C.Search.SearchBar.searchBar" cpt
searchBarCpt = R.hooksComponent "G.C.Node.SearchBar.searchBar" cpt
cpt {session, databases} _ = do
open <- R.useState' false
search <- R.useState' Nothing
onSearchChange session search
pure $ H.div { className: "search-bar-container pull-right" }
[ toggleButton open
, searchFieldContainer open databases search ]
pure $ H.div { className: "" } [ searchField {databases, search }]
searchFieldContainer :: R.State Boolean -> Array Database -> R.State (Maybe Search) -> R.Element
searchFieldContainer (open /\ _) databases search =
H.div { className: "search-bar " <> openClass } [ searchField { databases, search } ]
openClass = if open then "open" else "closed"
onSearchChange :: Session -> R.State (Maybe Search) -> R.Hooks Unit
onSearchChange session (search /\ setSearch) =
......@@ -46,19 +38,19 @@ onSearchChange session (search /\ setSearch) =
triggerSearch q =
launchAff_ $ do
liftEffect $ do
log2 "Searching db: " $ show q.database
log2 "Searching term: " q.term
r <- (performSearch session $ searchQuery q) :: Aff Unit
liftEffect $ do
log2 "Return:" r
modalShow "addCorpus"
searchQuery {database: Nothing, term} = over SearchQuery (_ {query=term}) defaultSearchQuery
searchQuery {database: Just db, term} = over SearchQuery (_ {databases=[db], query=term}) defaultSearchQuery
toggleButton :: R.State Boolean -> R.Element
toggleButton open =
H.button { on: {click: \_ -> (snd open) not}, className: "search-bar-toggle" }
[ H.i { className: "material-icons md-24", style } [ H.text "control_point" ] ]
where style = { marginTop: "-2px", color: "#000" }
searchQuery {database: Nothing, term} =
over SearchQuery (_ {query=term}) defaultSearchQuery
searchQuery {database: Just db, term} =
over SearchQuery (_ {databases=[db], query=term}) defaultSearchQuery
......@@ -5,16 +5,18 @@ import Prelude (bind, const, identity, pure, show, ($), (/=), (<$>), (||))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
import Data.Tuple (fst)
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\))
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
import Effect.Uncurried (mkEffectFn1)
import FFI.Simple ((..))
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML (text, button, div, input, span, ul, li, a)
import Gargantext.Components.Search.Types (Database)
import Reactix.DOM.HTML (text, button, div, input, span, ul, li, a, option)
import Gargantext.Components.Search.Types (Database(..), readDatabase)
:: forall props
. R.IsComponent String props (Array R.Element)
=> Record props -> Array R.Element -> R.Element
select :: forall props.
R.IsComponent String props (Array R.Element)
=> Record props
-> Array R.Element
-> R.Element
select = R.createElement "select"
type Search = { database :: Maybe Database, term :: String }
......@@ -33,7 +35,8 @@ searchField :: Record Props -> R.Element
searchField p = R.createElement searchFieldComponent p []
placeholder :: String
placeholder = "Query, URL or FILE (works with Firefox or Chromium browsers)"
placeholder = "Query, URL or FILE"
-- TODO add elsewhere "(works with Firefox or Chromium browsers)"
searchFieldComponent :: R.Memo Props
searchFieldComponent = R.memo (R.hooksComponent "SearchField" cpt) hasChanged
......@@ -44,30 +47,31 @@ searchFieldComponent = R.memo (R.hooksComponent "SearchField" cpt) hasChanged
db <- R.useState' (Nothing :: Maybe Database)
pure $
div { className: "search-field input-group" }
[ databaseInput db props.databases
, searchInput term
, span { className: "input-group-btn" }
[ submitButton db term ]
[ searchInput term
, databaseInput db props.databases
, span { className: "input-group-btn" } [ submitButton db term ]
hasChanged p p' = (fst /= fst p'.search) || (p.databases /= p'.databases)
hasChanged p p' = (fst /= fst p'.search)
|| (p.databases /= p'.databases)
databaseInput :: R.State (Maybe Database) -> Array Database -> R.Element
databaseInput (db /\ setDB) dbs =
div { className: "input-group-btn search-panel dropdown" }
[ dropdownBtn db
, ul {className: "dropdown-menu", role: "menu"} (liItem <$> dbs)
R.fragment [ div { className: "form-group" }
[ { className: "form-control"
, onChange: mkEffectFn1
$ \e -> setDB
$ const
$ readDatabase
$ e .. "target" .. "value"
} (liItem <$> dbs)
liItem db' = li { onClick } [ a {href: "#"} [text (show db') ] ]
onClick = mkEffectFn1 $ \_ -> setDB $ const $ Just db'
dropdownBtnProps = { id: "search-dropdown"
, className: "btn btn-default dropdown-toggle"
, type: "button"
, data: {toggle: "dropdown"}
dropdownBtn (Just db') = button dropdownBtnProps [ span {} [ text (show db') ] ]
dropdownBtn (Nothing) = button dropdownBtnProps [ span {} [ text "-" ] ]
liItem :: Database -> R.Element
liItem db = option {} [ text (show db) ]
searchInput :: R.State String -> R.Element
searchInput (term /\ setTerm) =
......@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ allDatabases = [All, PubMed
, IsTex_EN
, IsTex_FR
, Isidore_EN, Isidore_FR]
, Isidore_EN, Isidore_FR
data Database = All | PubMed
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