Commit 801e3852 authored by Przemyslaw Kaminski's avatar Przemyslaw Kaminski

Merge branch 'dev-graph-explorer-ui-improvements' into 'dev'

Dev graph explorer ui improvements

See merge request gargantext/purescript-gargantext!129
parents 3e4eb3d8 c4bc5fb3
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ sizeButtonCpt = R.hooksComponentWithModule thisModule "nodeSearchControl" cpt
[ inputWithAutocomplete { autocompleteSearch: autocompleteSearch graph
, onAutocompleteClick: \s -> triggerSearch graph s multiSelectEnabled selectedNodeIds
, onEnterPress: \s -> triggerSearch graph s multiSelectEnabled selectedNodeIds
, state: search }
, state: search } []
, H.div { className: "btn input-group-addon"
, on: { click: \_ -> triggerSearch graph search' multiSelectEnabled selectedNodeIds }
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
thisModule :: String
thisModule = "Gargantext.Components.InputWithAutocomplete"
......@@ -26,29 +27,32 @@ type Props =
, state :: R.State String
inputWithAutocomplete :: Record Props -> R.Element
inputWithAutocomplete props = R.createElement inputWithAutocompleteCpt props []
inputWithAutocomplete :: R2.Component Props
inputWithAutocomplete = R.createElement inputWithAutocompleteCpt
inputWithAutocompleteCpt :: R.Component Props
inputWithAutocompleteCpt = R.hooksComponentWithModule thisModule "inputWithAutocomplete" cpt
cpt props@{autocompleteSearch, onAutocompleteClick, onEnterPress, state: state@(state' /\ setState)} _ = do
cpt props@{ autocompleteSearch
, onAutocompleteClick
, onEnterPress
, state: state@(state' /\ setState) } _ = do
inputRef <- R.useRef null
completions <- R.useState' $ autocompleteSearch state'
completionsS <- R.useState' $ autocompleteSearch state'
pure $
H.span { className: "input-with-autocomplete" }
completionsCpt completions
completions { completionsS, onAutocompleteClick, state } []
, H.input { type: "text"
, ref: inputRef
, className: "form-control"
, value: state'
, on: { blur: onBlur completions
, focus: onFocus completions
, input: onInput completions
, change: onInput completions
, keyUp: onInputKeyUp inputRef completions } }
, on: { blur: onBlur completionsS
, focus: onFocus completionsS
, input: onInput completionsS
, change: onInput completionsS
, keyUp: onInputKeyUp inputRef completionsS } }
......@@ -82,14 +86,27 @@ inputWithAutocompleteCpt = R.hooksComponentWithModule thisModule "inputWithAutoc
pure $ unit
completionsCpt :: R.State Completions -> R.Element
completionsCpt (completions /\ setCompletions) =
H.div { className }
type CompletionsProps = (
completionsS :: R.State Completions
, onAutocompleteClick :: String -> Effect Unit
, state :: R.State String
completions :: R2.Component CompletionsProps
completions = R.createElement completionsCpt
completionsCpt :: R.Component CompletionsProps
completionsCpt = R.hooksComponentWithModule thisModule "completions" cpt
cpt { completionsS: cmpls /\ setCompletions
, onAutocompleteClick
, state: _ /\ setState } _ =
pure $ H.div { className }
H.div { className: "list-group" } (cCpt <$> completions)
H.div { className: "list-group" } (cCpt <$> cmpls)
className = "completions " <> (if completions == [] then "d-none" else "")
className = "completions " <> (if cmpls == [] then "d-none" else "")
cCpt c =
H.button { type: "button"
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