[NGRAMS] Missing type change

parent 9d791a18
......@@ -259,8 +259,11 @@ applyNgramsTablePatch p (NgramsTable m) =
type State =
{ ngramsTablePatch :: NgramsTablePatch
, ngramsParent :: Maybe NgramsTerm -- Nothing means we are not currently grouping terms
, ngramsChildren :: Set NgramsTerm -- Used only when grouping, this is the set
-- of future children of `ngramsParent`.
, ngramsChildren :: Map NgramsTerm Boolean
-- ^ Used only when grouping.
-- This updates the children of `ngramsParent`,
-- ngrams set to `true` are to be added, and `false` to
-- be removed.
, searchQuery :: String
, termListFilter :: Maybe TermList -- Nothing means all
, termTypeFilter :: Maybe TermType -- Nothing means all
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