H.div {style: {margin: "10px"}} [H.text "Yes, we are RGPD compliant! But you can not delete User Node yet (we are still on development). Thanks for your comprehensin."]
H.div {style: {margin: "10px"}} [H.text "Yes, we are RGPD compliant! But you can not delete User Node yet (we are still on development). Thanks for your comprehensin."]
cpt {action: Delete, dispatch: d} _ = do
cpt {action: Delete, dispatch} _ = do
pure $ R.fragment [
pure $ R.fragment [
H.div {style: {margin: "10px"}} (map (\t -> H.p {} [H.text t]) ["Are your sure you want to delete it ?", "If yes, click again below."])
H.div {style: {margin: "10px"}} (map (\t -> H.p {} [H.text t]) ["Are your sure you want to delete it ?", "If yes, click again below."])