Commit 9a926f2d authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[FEAT] Annuaire Table with links to User pages (todo). Todo: refactor table...

[FEAT] Annuaire Table with links to User pages (todo). Todo: refactor table with options like pagination (from Corpus Document).
parent 9264eae1
......@@ -9,34 +9,58 @@ import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Lens (Lens', Prism', lens, prism, (?~))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import React.DOM (div, h1, h3, hr, i, p, text)
import React.DOM.Props (className, style)
import React (ReactElement)
import React.DOM (div, h1, h3, hr, i, p, text, thead, tbody, input, br', b, b', tr, th, table, td, a)
import React.DOM.Props (_type, className, href, onChange, onClick, scope, selected, value, style)
import Thermite (Render, Spec
, simpleSpec, defaultPerformAction
, PerformAction, modifyState)
import Effect.Console (log)
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Gargantext.Config (toUrl, NodeType(..), End(..))
import Gargantext.Config.REST (get)
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.User.Users.Types.Types (User(..))
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.User.Users.Types.Types (User(..), HyperData(..))
import Gargantext.Utils.DecodeMaybe ((.?|))
import Data.Argonaut (class DecodeJson, decodeJson, (.?))
type State = { info :: Maybe AnnuaireInfo
, table :: Maybe AnnuaireTable
, stable :: Maybe AnnuaireTable
type Offset = Int
type Limit = Int
type PageSize = Int
data Action = Load Int
-- | ChangePageSize PageSizes
-- | ChangePage Int
| ChangePageSize PageSize -- TODO
| ChangePage Int -- TODO
type AnnuaireTable' = Table IndividuView
newtype Table a
= Table
{ rows :: Array { row :: a }
, totalPages :: Int
, currentPage :: Int
, pageSize :: PageSize
, totalRecords :: Int
, title :: String
newtype IndividuView
= CorpusView
{ id :: Int
, name :: String
, role :: String
, company :: String
initialState :: State
initialState = { info : Nothing, table : Nothing }
initialState = { info : Nothing, stable : Nothing }
defaultAnnuaireTable :: AnnuaireTable
defaultAnnuaireTable = AnnuaireTable { annuaireTable : [Nothing] }
......@@ -70,18 +94,51 @@ render dispatch _ state _ = [ div [className "row"]
, div [ className "col-md-4 content"]
[ p [] [ i [className "fa fa-calendar"] []
, text
, text ("Last update: " <>
, p [] []
, div [] [ text " Filter ", input []]
, br'
, div [className "row"]
[ div [className "col-md-1"] [b [] [text "title"]]
--, div [className "col-md-2"] [sizeDD d.pageSize dispatch]
--, div [className "col-md-3"] [textDescription d.currentPage d.pageSize d.totalRecords]
--, div [className "col-md-3"] [pagination dispatch d.totalPages d.currentPage]
, table [ className "table"]
[thead [ className "thead-dark"]
[tr [] [ th [scope "col"] [ b' [text ""] ]
, th [scope "col"] [ b' [text "Name"] ]
, th [scope "col"] [ b' [text "Role"] ]
, th [scope "col"] [ b' [text "Service"] ]
, th [scope "col"] [ b' [text "Company"] ]
, p [] [text $ foldl (<>) " "
$ map (maybe "Nothing" (\(User u) -> show
$ maybe (toRows defaultAnnuaireTable) toRows state.table]
, tbody [] $ map showRow individuals
(AnnuaireInfo info) = maybe defaultAnnuaireInfo identity
(AnnuaireTable table) = maybe defaultAnnuaireTable identity state.table
(AnnuaireTable stable) = maybe defaultAnnuaireTable identity state.stable
individuals = maybe (toRows defaultAnnuaireTable) toRows state.stable
showRow :: Maybe User -> ReactElement
showRow Nothing = tr [][]
showRow (Just (User { id : id, hyperdata : (HyperData user) })) =
tr []
[ td [] [ a [ href (toUrl Back NodeUser id) ] [ text $ maybe' user.nom <> " " <> maybe' user.prenom ] ]
, td [] [text $ maybe' user.fonction]
, td [] [text $ maybe' user.service]
, td [] [text $ maybe' user.groupe]
maybe' = maybe "Unknown" identity
newtype AnnuaireInfo = AnnuaireInfo { id :: Int
......@@ -145,7 +202,7 @@ getInfo :: Int -> Aff (Either String AnnuaireInfo)
getInfo id = get $ toUrl Back Node id
_table :: Lens' State (Maybe AnnuaireTable)
_table = lens (\s -> s.table) (\s ss -> s{table = ss})
_table = lens (\s -> s.stable) (\s ss -> s{stable = ss})
_info :: Lens' State (Maybe AnnuaireInfo)
_info = lens (\s -> (\s ss -> s{info = ss})
......@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ derive instance genericCorpus :: Generic CorpusView _
instance showCorpus :: Show CorpusView where
show = genericShow
newtype Response = Response
{ cid :: Int
, created :: String
......@@ -91,6 +92,7 @@ newtype Response = Response
, ngramCount :: Int
newtype Hyperdata = Hyperdata
{ title :: String
, source :: String
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