Commit ba5cceb9 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[FEAT] Node Document view.

parent 1403e8a0
module Gargantext.Components.Node
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Data.Argonaut (class DecodeJson, decodeJson, (.?))
newtype NodePoly a =
NodePoly { id :: Int
, typename :: Int
, userId :: Int
, parentId :: Int
, name :: String
, date :: String
, hyperdata :: a
instance decodeNodePoly :: (DecodeJson a)
=> DecodeJson (NodePoly a) where
decodeJson json = do
obj <- decodeJson json
id <- obj .? "id"
typename <- obj .? "typename"
userId <- obj .? "userId"
parentId <- obj .? "parentId"
name <- obj .? "name"
date <- obj .? "date"
hyperdata <- obj .? "hyperdata"
hyperdata' <- decodeJson hyperdata
pure $ NodePoly { id : id
, typename : typename
, userId : userId
, parentId : parentId
, name : name
, date : date
, hyperdata: hyperdata'
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ data NodeType = NodeUser
| Corpus
| CorpusV3
| Dashboard
| Document
| Url_Document
| Error
| Folder
| Graph
......@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ urlConfig Children = show Children
urlConfig Corpus = show Corpus
urlConfig CorpusV3 = show CorpusV3
urlConfig Dashboard = show Dashboard
urlConfig Document = show Document
urlConfig Url_Document = show Url_Document
urlConfig Error = show Error
urlConfig Folder = show Folder
urlConfig Graph = show Graph
......@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ instance showNodeType :: Show NodeType where
show Corpus = "corpus"
show CorpusV3 = "corpus"
show Dashboard = "dashboard"
show Document = "document"
show Url_Document = "document"
show Error = "ErrorNodeType"
show Folder = "folder"
show Graph = "graph"
......@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ readNodeType :: String -> NodeType
readNodeType "Annuaire" = Annuaire
readNodeType "Children" = Children
readNodeType "Dashboard" = Dashboard
readNodeType "Document" = Document
readNodeType "Document" = Url_Document
readNodeType "Folder" = Folder
readNodeType "Graph" = Graph
readNodeType "Individu" = Individu
......@@ -215,4 +215,3 @@ sourcePageSpec = focus _sourcelens _sourceAction S.sourcespec'
termsPageSpec :: Spec State {} Action
termsPageSpec = focus _termslens _termsAction T.termSpec'
module Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Document where
import Prelude hiding (div)
import Data.Argonaut (class DecodeJson, class EncodeJson, decodeJson, jsonEmptyObject, (.?), (:=), (~>))
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Lens (Lens', Prism', lens, prism, (?~))
import Data.Generic.Rep.Show (genericShow)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import React (ReactElement)
import React.DOM (a, button, div, h4, h6, input, li, nav, option, p, select, span, text, ul)
import React.DOM.Props (_data, _id, _type, aria, className, href, name, onChange, onInput, placeholder, role, style, value)
import Thermite (PerformAction, Render, Spec, modifyState, simpleSpec)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Config (toUrl, NodeType(..), End(..))
import Gargantext.Config.REST (get)
import Gargantext.Components.Node (NodePoly(..))
type State =
inputValue :: String
{ document :: Maybe (NodePoly DocumentV3)
, inputValue :: String
initialState :: State
initialState =
inputValue : ""
{ document : Nothing
, inputValue : ""
data Action
......@@ -25,11 +38,244 @@ data Action
| SetInput String
newtype Status = Status { failed :: Int
, succeeded :: Int
, remaining :: Int
newtype DocumentV3 =
DocumentV3 { abstract :: Maybe String
, authors :: Maybe String
--, error :: Maybe String
, language_iso2 :: Maybe String
, language_iso3 :: Maybe String
, language_name :: Maybe String
, publication_date :: Maybe String
, publication_day :: Maybe Int
, publication_hour :: Maybe Int
, publication_minute :: Maybe Int
, publication_month :: Maybe Int
, publication_second :: Maybe Int
, publication_year :: Maybe Int
, realdate_full_ :: Maybe String
, source :: Maybe String
, statuses :: Maybe (Array Status)
, title :: Maybe String
defaultNodeDocumentV3 :: NodePoly DocumentV3
defaultNodeDocumentV3 =
NodePoly { id : 0
, typename : 0
, userId : 0
, parentId : 0
, name : "Default name"
, date : "Default date"
, hyperdata : defaultDocumentV3
defaultDocumentV3 :: DocumentV3
defaultDocumentV3 =
DocumentV3 { abstract : Nothing
, authors : Nothing
--, error : Nothing
, language_iso2 : Nothing
, language_iso3 : Nothing
, language_name : Nothing
, publication_date : Nothing
, publication_day : Nothing
, publication_hour : Nothing
, publication_minute : Nothing
, publication_month : Nothing
, publication_second : Nothing
, publication_year : Nothing
, realdate_full_ : Nothing
, source : Nothing
, statuses : Nothing
, title : Nothing
data Document =
Document { abstract :: Maybe String
, authors :: Maybe String
, bdd :: Maybe String
, doi :: Maybe Int
, language_iso2 :: Maybe String
, language_iso3 :: Maybe String
, page :: Maybe Int
, publication_date :: Maybe String
, publication_second :: Maybe Int
, publication_minute :: Maybe Int
, publication_hour :: Maybe Int
, publication_day :: Maybe String
, publication_month :: Maybe Int
, publication_year :: Maybe Int
, source :: Maybe String
, title :: Maybe String
, uniqId :: Maybe String
, url :: Maybe String
, text :: Maybe String
defaultNodeDocument :: NodePoly Document
defaultNodeDocument =
NodePoly { id : 0
, typename : 0
, userId : 0
, parentId : 0
, name : "Default name"
, date : "Default date"
, hyperdata : defaultDocument
defaultDocument :: Document
defaultDocument =
Document { abstract : Nothing
, authors : Nothing
, bdd : Nothing
, doi : Nothing
, language_iso2 : Nothing
, language_iso3 : Nothing
, page : Nothing
, publication_date : Nothing
, publication_second : Nothing
, publication_minute : Nothing
, publication_hour : Nothing
, publication_day : Nothing
, publication_month : Nothing
, publication_year : Nothing
, source : Nothing
, title : Nothing
, uniqId : Nothing
, url : Nothing
, text : Nothing
derive instance genericDocument :: Generic Document _
derive instance genericDocumentV3 :: Generic DocumentV3 _
derive instance genericStatus :: Generic Status _
instance showDocument :: Show Document where
show = genericShow
instance showDocumentV3 :: Show DocumentV3 where
show = genericShow
instance showStatus :: Show Status where
show = genericShow
instance decodeStatus :: DecodeJson Status
decodeJson json = do
obj <- decodeJson json
failed <- obj .? "failed"
succeeded <- obj .? "succeeded"
remaining <- obj .? "remaining"
pure $ Status {failed, succeeded, remaining}
instance decodeDocumentV3 :: DecodeJson DocumentV3
decodeJson json = do
obj <- decodeJson json
abstract <- obj .? "abstract"
authors <- obj .? "authors"
--error <- obj .? "error"
language_iso2 <- obj .? "language_iso2"
language_iso3 <- obj .? "language_iso3"
language_name <- obj .? "language_name"
publication_date <- obj .? "publication_date"
publication_day <- obj .? "publication_day"
publication_hour <- obj .? "publication_hour"
publication_minute <- obj .? "publication_minute"
publication_month <- obj .? "publication_month"
publication_second <- obj .? "publication_second"
publication_year <- obj .? "publication_year"
realdate_full_ <- obj .? "realdate_full_"
source <- obj .? "source"
statuses <- obj .? "statuses"
title <- obj .? "title"
pure $ DocumentV3 { abstract
, authors
--, error
, language_iso2
, language_iso3
, language_name
, publication_date
, publication_day
, publication_hour
, publication_minute
, publication_month
, publication_second
, publication_year
, realdate_full_
, source
, statuses
, title
instance decodeDocument :: DecodeJson Document
decodeJson json = do
obj <- decodeJson json
abstract <- obj .? "abstract"
authors <- obj .? "authors"
bdd <- obj .? "bdd"
doi <- obj .? "doi"
language_iso2 <- obj .? "language_iso2"
language_iso3 <- obj .? "language_iso3"
page <- obj .? "page"
publication_date <- obj .? "publication_date"
publication_second <- obj .? "publication_second"
publication_minute <- obj .? "publication_minute"
publication_hour <- obj .? "publication_hour"
publication_day <- obj .? "publication_day"
publication_month <- obj .? "publication_month"
publication_year <- obj .? "publication_year"
source <- obj .? "source"
title <- obj .? "title"
uniqId <- obj .? "uniqId"
url <- obj .? "url"
text <- obj .? "text"
pure $ Document { abstract
, authors
, bdd
, doi
, language_iso2
, language_iso3
, page
, publication_date
, publication_second
, publication_minute
, publication_hour
, publication_day
, publication_month
, publication_year
, source
, title
, uniqId
, url
, text
performAction :: PerformAction State {} Action
performAction (Load nId) _ _ = do
eitherInfo <- lift $ getNode nId
_ <- case eitherInfo of
(Right node) -> void $ modifyState $ _document ?~ node
(Left err) -> do
logs err
logs $ "Node Document " <> show nId <> " fetched."
performAction (ChangeString ps) _ _ = pure unit
performAction (Load n) _ _ = pure unit
performAction (SetInput ps) _ _ = void <$> modifyState $ _ { inputValue = ps }
getNode :: Int -> Aff (Either String (NodePoly DocumentV3))
getNode id = get $ toUrl Back Node id
_document :: Lens' State (Maybe (NodePoly DocumentV3))
_document = lens (\s -> s.document) (\s ss -> s{document = ss})
docview :: Spec State {} Action
docview = simpleSpec performAction render
......@@ -121,24 +367,24 @@ docview = simpleSpec performAction render
, div [className "col-md-8"]
[ h4 [] [text "Ultrasonic sensors in urban traffic driving-aid systems"]
[ h4 [] [text' document.title]
, ul [className "list-group"]
[ li [className "list-group-item justify-content-between"]
[ span [] [text "Sensors (Basel, switzerland)"]
, span [className "badge badge-default badge-pill"] [text "source"]
[ li' [ span [] [text' document.source]
, badge "source"
, li [className "list-group-item justify-content-between"]
[ a [href "http://localhost:2015/#/userPage"] [text "Luciano Alonso, Vicente Milanes, Carlos Torre-Ferarro, Jorge Godoy, Juan P oria, Teresa de pedro"]
, span [className "badge badge-default badge-pill"] [text "authors"]
-- TODO add href to /author/ if author present in
, li' [ span [] [text' document.authors]
, badge "authors"
, li [className "list-group-item justify-content-between"]
[ span [] [text "2011-01-11 0.00"]
, span [className "badge badge-default badge-pill"] [text "date"]
, li' [ span [] [text' document.publication_date]
, badge "date"
, span [className "badge badge-default badge-pill"] [text "abstract"]
, p [] [text "It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like)."]
, badge "abstract"
, p [] [text' document.abstract]
, div [className "jumbotron"]
[ p [] [text "Empty Full Text"]
......@@ -146,6 +392,13 @@ docview = simpleSpec performAction render
li' = li [className "list-group-item justify-content-between"]
text' x = text $ maybe "Nothing" identity x
badge s = span [className "badge badge-default badge-pill"] [text s]
NodePoly {hyperdata : DocumentV3 document} =
maybe defaultNodeDocumentV3 identity state.document
aryPS :: Array String
aryPS = ["Map", "Main", "Stop"]
......@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ showRow {row : (DocumentsView c), delete} =
[ td [] [div [className $ fa <> "fa-star"][]]
-- TODO show date: Year-Month-Day only
, td [] [text]
, td [] [ a [ href (toUrl Front Document c._id) ] [ text c.title ] ]
, td [] [ a [ href (toUrl Front Url_Document c._id) ] [ text c.title ] ]
, td [] [text c.source]
, td [] [input [ _type "checkbox"]]
......@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ import Prelude hiding (div)
import Gargantext.Pages.Layout.Actions (Action(..))
import Gargantext.Pages.Layout.Specs.AddCorpus as AC
-- import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Tabs as TV
-- import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Document as D
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus as Corpus
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Document as Document
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Tabs.Documents as D
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Graph as GE
-- import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Tabs.Terms.NgramsTable as NG
......@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ dispatchAction dispatcher _ (Annuaire id) = do
dispatchAction dispatcher _ (Folder id) = do
dispatcher $ SetRoute $ Folder id
dispatchAction dispatcher _ (Document i) = do
dispatcher $ SetRoute $ Document i
-- dispatcher $ DocumentViewA TODO
dispatchAction dispatcher _ (Document n) = do
dispatcher $ SetRoute $ Document n
dispatcher $ DocumentViewA $ Document.Load n
dispatchAction dispatcher _ PGraphExplorer = do
dispatcher $ SetRoute PGraphExplorer
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