Commit c96a6996 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[DOC] GraphExplorer

parent 5c8c3efa
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Components.Lang (Lang(..))
import Gargantext.Components.Search (SearchType(..), SearchQuery(..))
import Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.Types as GET
import Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.Types (SidePanelState(..), SideTab(..))
......@@ -85,8 +86,10 @@ sideTabNav (sidePanel /\ setSidePanel) sideTabs =
sideTab :: SidePanelState -> Record Props -> R.Element
sideTab (Opened SideTabLegend) props@{metaData} =
let (GET.MetaData {legend}) = metaData
H.div {} [ let (GET.MetaData {legend}) = metaData
in Legend.legend { items: Seq.fromFoldable legend}
, documentation EN
sideTab (Opened SideTabData) props =
RH.div {} [ selectedNodes props (SigmaxT.nodesGraphMap props.graph)
......@@ -290,4 +293,41 @@ query searchType frontends (GET.MetaData metaData) session nodesMap (selectedNod
documentation :: Lang -> R.Element
documentation _ =
H.div {} [ H.h2 {} [ H.text "What is Graph ?"]
, ul [ "Graph is a conveniant tool to explore your documents. "
, "Nodes are terms selected in your Map List. "
<> "Node size is proportional to the number of documents with the associated term. "
, "Edges between nodes represent proximities of terms according to a specific distance between your documents. "
<> "Link strength is proportional to the strenght of terms association."
, H.h3 {} [ H.text "Basic Interactions:"]
, ul [ "Click on a node to select/unselect and get its information. "
, "In case of multiple selection, the button unselect clears all selections. "
<> "Use your mouse scroll to zoom in and out in the graph. "
, "Use the node filter to create a subgraph with nodes of a given size "
<>"range (e.g. display only generic terms). "
, "Use the edge filter so create a subgraph with links in a given range (e.g. keep the strongest association)."
ul ts = H.ul {} $ map (\t -> {} [ H.text t ]) ts
Conditional distance between the terms X and Y is the probability to have both terms X and Y in the same textual context.
Distributional distance between the terms X and Y is the probability to have same others terms in the same textual context as X or Y.
Global/local view:
The 'change level' button allows to change between global view and node centered view,
To explore the neighborhood of a selection click on the 'change level' button.
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