Commit cd3c671d authored by Przemyslaw Kaminski's avatar Przemyslaw Kaminski

Merge branch 'dev' into dev-frame-calc-corpus-csv-upload

parents 13c41d60 a849f70e
# Gauge - metadata dir
# Gauge - log files dir
# Gauge - reports dir
# Gauge - JavaScript node dependencies
......@@ -32,3 +45,4 @@ bundle.js
"Language": "js",
"Plugins": [
\ No newline at end of file
"name": "js",
"description": "Gauge template for Javascript and Taiko",
"postInstallCmd": "npm install",
"postInstallMsg": "Run specifications with \"npm test\" in project root.",
"version": "1.0.5"
......@@ -17,13 +17,14 @@
"clean": "rm -Rf output node_modules",
"clean-js": "rm -Rf node_modules",
"clean-ps": "rm -Rf output",
"test": "pulp test",
"server": "serve dist",
"prod": "yarn prod:compile && yarn prod:dce && yarn prod:bundle && yarn prod:pack",
"prod:compile": "pulp build -- -g corefn",
"prod:dce": "zephyr -f Main.main",
"prod:bundle": "pulp browserify --skip-compile -o dce-output -t app.js",
"prod:pack": "parcel build index.html -d prod --public-url . --no-source-maps"
"prod:pack": "parcel build index.html -d prod --public-url . --no-source-maps",
"test-pulp": "pulp test",
"test": "gauge run specs/"
"dependencies": {
"@popperjs/core": "^2.9.2",
......@@ -47,12 +48,14 @@
"sigma": "git://"
"devDependencies": {
"@babel/core": "^7.12.9",
"@babel/core": "^7.15.0",
"@babel/preset-react": "^7.12.7",
"@getgauge/cli": "^1.4.0",
"parcel": "^2.0.0-beta.2",
"react-testing-library": "^8.0.1",
"sass": "^1.35.2",
"serve": "^12.0.0",
"taiko": "latest",
"vscode-languageserver": "^7.0.0",
"xhr2": "^0.2.1"
# Logged in user specification
Tags: login
* Open gargantext
* User must be logged in as "user1" with password "1resu"
* Expand tree
## Successful list view
* Open the list view
module Gargantext.Components.App.Data (App, Boxes, emptyApp) where
import Data.Set as Set
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Set as Set
import Toestand as T
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.AsyncTasks as GAT
import Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.Sidebar.Types as GEST
import Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Lists.Types as ListsT
import Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Texts.Types as TextsT
import Gargantext.Ends (Backend)
import Gargantext.Routes (AppRoute(Home))
import Gargantext.Sessions as Sessions
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session, Sessions)
import Gargantext.Sessions as Sessions
import Gargantext.Sessions.Types (OpenNodes(..))
import Gargantext.Types (Handed(RightHanded), SidePanelState(..))
import Gargantext.Types (FrontendError, Handed(RightHanded), SidePanelState(..))
import Gargantext.Utils.Toestand as T2
type App =
{ backend :: Maybe Backend
, errors :: Array FrontendError
, forestOpen :: OpenNodes
, graphVersion :: T2.Reload
, handed :: Handed
......@@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ type App =
emptyApp :: App
emptyApp =
{ backend : Nothing
, errors : []
, forestOpen : OpenNodes $ Set.empty
, graphVersion : T2.newReload
, handed : RightHanded
......@@ -63,6 +65,7 @@ emptyApp =
type Boxes =
{ backend :: T.Box (Maybe Backend)
, errors :: T.Box (Array FrontendError)
, forestOpen :: T.Box OpenNodes
, graphVersion :: T2.ReloadS
, handed :: T.Box Handed
-- TODO: this module should be replaced by FacetsTable
module Gargantext.Components.Category where
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Data.Array as A
import Data.Either (Either)
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
......@@ -10,16 +13,13 @@ import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import Simple.JSON as JSON
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Components.Category.Types
( Category(..), Star(..), cat2score, categories, clickAgain, star2score, stars )
import Gargantext.Components.DocsTable.Types
( DocumentsView(..), LocalCategories, LocalUserScore )
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
import Gargantext.Components.Category.Types (Category(..), Star(..), cat2score, categories, clickAgain, star2score, stars)
import Gargantext.Components.DocsTable.Types (DocumentsView(..), LocalCategories, LocalUserScore)
import Gargantext.Config.REST (RESTError)
import Gargantext.Routes (SessionRoute(NodeAPI))
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session, put)
import Gargantext.Types (NodeID, NodeType(..))
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
here :: R2.Here
here = "Gargantext.Components.Category"
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ instance JSON.WriteForeign RatingQuery where
writeImpl (RatingQuery post) = JSON.writeImpl { ntc_nodesId: post.nodeIds
, ntc_category: post.rating }
putRating :: Session -> Int -> RatingQuery -> Aff (Array Int)
putRating :: Session -> Int -> RatingQuery -> Aff (Either RESTError (Array Int))
putRating session nodeId = put session $ ratingRoute where
ratingRoute = NodeAPI Node (Just nodeId) "category"
......@@ -147,5 +147,5 @@ instance JSON.WriteForeign CategoryQuery where
categoryRoute :: Int -> SessionRoute
categoryRoute nodeId = NodeAPI Node (Just nodeId) "category"
putCategories :: Session -> Int -> CategoryQuery -> Aff (Array Int)
putCategories :: Session -> Int -> CategoryQuery -> Aff (Either RESTError (Array Int))
putCategories session nodeId = put session $ categoryRoute nodeId
This diff is collapsed.
module Gargantext.Components.ErrorsView where
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Data.Array (deleteAt)
import Data.FunctorWithIndex (mapWithIndex)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import Toestand as T
import Gargantext.Types (FrontendError(..))
import Gargantext.Utils.ReactBootstrap as RB
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
here :: R2.Here
here = "Gargantext.Components.ErrorsView"
type ErrorsProps =
( errors :: T.Box (Array FrontendError) )
errorsView :: R2.Component ErrorsProps
errorsView = R.createElement errorsViewCpt
errorsViewCpt :: R.Component ErrorsProps
errorsViewCpt = here.component "errorsView" cpt
cpt { errors } _ = do
errors' <- T.useLive T.unequal errors
pure $ H.div {}
( mapWithIndex (showError errors) errors' )
showError errors i (FStringError { error }) =
RB.alert { dismissible: true
, onClose
, variant: "danger" } [ H.text error ]
onClose = do
here.log2 "click!" error
T.modify_ (\es -> case deleteAt i es of
Nothing -> es
Just es' -> es'
) errors
showError errors i (FRESTError { error }) =
RB.alert { dismissible: true
, onClose
, variant: "danger" } [ H.text $ show error ]
onClose = do
here.log2 "click!" error
T.modify_ (\es -> case deleteAt i es of
Nothing -> es
Just es' -> es'
) errors
......@@ -3,16 +3,18 @@
-- has not been ported to this module yet.
module Gargantext.Components.FacetsTable where
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Eq.Generic (genericEq)
import Data.Show.Generic (genericShow)
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe)
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype)
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Set as Set
import Data.Tuple (fst, snd)
import Data.Show.Generic (genericShow)
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, launchAff_)
......@@ -21,22 +23,18 @@ import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import Simple.JSON as JSON
import Toestand as T
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Components.Category (CategoryQuery(..), putCategories)
import Gargantext.Components.Category.Types (Category(..), decodeCategory, favCategory)
import Gargantext.Components.Search
( Contact(..), Document(..), HyperdataRowContact(..), HyperdataRowDocument(..)
, SearchQuery, SearchResult(..), SearchResultTypes(..) )
import Gargantext.Components.Search (Contact(..), Document(..), HyperdataRowContact(..), HyperdataRowDocument(..), SearchQuery, SearchResult(..), SearchResultTypes(..))
import Gargantext.Components.Table as T
import Gargantext.Components.Table.Types as T
import Gargantext.Config.REST (RESTError)
import Gargantext.Ends (url, Frontends)
import Gargantext.Hooks.Loader (useLoader)
import Gargantext.Routes (SessionRoute(Search, NodeAPI))
import Gargantext.Routes as Routes
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session, sessionId, post, deleteWithBody)
import Gargantext.Types (NodeType(..), OrderBy(..), NodePath(..), NodeID)
import Gargantext.Types (NodeType(..), OrderBy(..), NodeID)
import Gargantext.Utils (toggleSet, zeroPad)
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
......@@ -124,7 +122,6 @@ instance Eq Rows where
-- | Main layout of the Documents Tab of a Corpus
docView :: Record Props -> R.Element
docView props = R.createElement docViewCpt props []
docViewCpt :: R.Component Props
docViewCpt = here.component "docView" cpt
......@@ -153,12 +150,6 @@ docViewCpt = here.component "docView" cpt
-} ]
buttonStyle = { backgroundColor: "peru"
, border: "white"
, color: "white"
, float: "right"
, padding: "9px" }
performDeletions :: Session -> Int -> T.Box Deletions -> Deletions -> Effect Unit
performDeletions session nodeId deletions deletions' = do
......@@ -180,7 +171,6 @@ togglePendingDeletion (_ /\ setDeletions) nid = setDeletions setter
docViewGraph :: Record Props -> R.Element
docViewGraph props = R.createElement docViewCpt props []
docViewGraphCpt :: R.Component Props
docViewGraphCpt = here.component "docViewGraph" cpt
......@@ -221,8 +211,8 @@ type PagePath = { nodeId :: Int
initialPagePath :: {session :: Session, nodeId :: Int, listId :: Int, query :: SearchQuery} -> PagePath
initialPagePath {session, nodeId, listId, query} = {session, nodeId, listId, query, params: T.initialParams}
loadPage :: PagePath -> Aff Rows
loadPage {session, nodeId, listId, query, params: {limit, offset, orderBy, searchType}} = do
loadPage :: PagePath -> Aff (Either RESTError Rows)
loadPage { session, nodeId, listId, query, params: {limit, offset, orderBy }} = do
convOrderBy (T.ASC (T.ColumnName "Date")) = DateAsc
convOrderBy (T.DESC (T.ColumnName "Date")) = DateDesc
......@@ -235,9 +225,12 @@ loadPage {session, nodeId, listId, query, params: {limit, offset, orderBy, searc
p = Search { listId, offset, limit, orderBy: convOrderBy <$> orderBy } (Just nodeId)
--SearchResult {result} <- post session p $ SearchQuery {query: concat query, expected:searchType}
SearchResult {result} <- post session p query
eSearchResult <- post session p query
case eSearchResult of
Left err -> pure $ Left err
Right (SearchResult {result}) ->
-- $ SearchQuery {query: concat query, expected: SearchDoc}
pure $ case result of
pure $ Right $ case result of
SearchResultDoc {docs} -> Docs {docs: doc2view <$> Seq.fromFoldable docs}
SearchResultContact {contacts} -> Contacts {contacts: contact2view <$> Seq.fromFoldable contacts}
errMessage -> Docs {docs: Seq.fromFoldable [err2view errMessage]} -- TODO better error view
......@@ -271,7 +264,6 @@ doc2view ( Document { id
contact2view :: Contact -> ContactsView
contact2view (Contact { c_id
, c_created: date
, c_hyperdata
, c_annuaireId
, c_score
......@@ -283,7 +275,8 @@ contact2view (Contact { c_id
, delete: false
err2view message =
err2view :: forall a. a -> DocumentsView
err2view _message =
DocumentsView { id: 1
, date: ""
, title : "SearchNoResult"
......@@ -312,15 +305,17 @@ type PageProps = ( rowsLoaded :: Rows | PageLayoutProps )
-- | Loads and renders a page
pageLayout :: R2.Component PageLayoutProps
pageLayout = R.createElement pageLayoutCpt
pageLayoutCpt :: R.Component PageLayoutProps
pageLayoutCpt = here.component "pageLayout" cpt
cpt { container, deletions, frontends, path, session, totalRecords } _ = do
path' <- T.useLive T.unequal path
useLoader path' loadPage $ \rowsLoaded ->
page { container, deletions, frontends, path, rowsLoaded, session, totalRecords } []
useLoader { errorHandler
, loader: loadPage
, path: path'
, render: \rowsLoaded -> page { container, deletions, frontends, path, rowsLoaded, session, totalRecords } [] }
errorHandler err = here.log2 "[pageLayout] RESTError" err
page :: R2.Component PageProps
page = R.createElement pageCpt
......@@ -335,12 +330,11 @@ pageCpt = here.component "page" cpt
, rowsLoaded
, session
, totalRecords } _ = do
path'@{ nodeId, listId, query } <- T.useLive T.unequal path
path' <- T.useLive T.unequal path
params <- T.useFocused (_.params) (\a b -> b { params = a }) path
deletions' <- T.useLive T.unequal deletions
let isChecked id = Set.member id deletions'.pending
isDeleted (DocumentsView {id}) = Set.member id deletions'.deleted
let isDeleted (DocumentsView {id}) = Set.member id deletions'.deleted
rows path' = case rowsLoaded of
Docs {docs} -> docRow path' <$> Seq.filter (not <<< isDeleted) docs
......@@ -367,17 +361,12 @@ pageCpt = here.component "page" cpt
documentUrl id { listId, nodeId } =
url frontends $ Routes.CorpusDocument (sessionId session) nodeId listId id
pairUrl (Pair {id,label})
| id > 1 = H.a { href, target: "blank" } [ H.text label ]
where href = url session $ NodePath (sessionId session) NodeContact (Just id)
| otherwise = H.text label
contactRow path' (ContactsView { id, hyperdata: HyperdataRowContact { firstname, lastname, labs }
, score, annuaireId, delete
, annuaireId, delete
}) =
{ row:
T.makeRow [ H.div {} [ H.a { className: gi Favorite, on: {click: markClick path'} } [] ]
, maybeStricken delete [ H.a {target: "_blank", href: contactUrl annuaireId id}
, maybeStricken delete [ H.a { target: "_blank", href: contactUrl id }
[ H.text $ firstname <> " " <> lastname ]
, maybeStricken delete [ H.text labs ]
......@@ -386,9 +375,9 @@ pageCpt = here.component "page" cpt
markClick { nodeId } _ = markCategory session nodeId Favorite [id]
contactUrl aId id' = url frontends $ Routes.ContactPage (sessionId session) annuaireId id'
contactUrl id' = url frontends $ Routes.ContactPage (sessionId session) annuaireId id'
docRow path' dv@(DocumentsView {id, score, title, source, authors, pairs, delete, category}) =
docRow path' dv@(DocumentsView {id, title, source, delete, category}) =
{ row:
T.makeRow [ H.div {} [ H.a { className: gi category, on: {click: markClick path'} } [] ]
, maybeStricken delete [ H.text $ publicationDate dv ]
......@@ -405,7 +394,7 @@ pageCpt = here.component "page" cpt
| otherwise = H.div {}
publicationDate :: DocumentsView -> String
publicationDate (DocumentsView {publication_year, publication_month, publication_day}) =
publicationDate (DocumentsView { publication_year, publication_month }) =
(zeroPad 2 publication_year) <> "-" <> (zeroPad 2 publication_month)
-- <> "-" <> (zeroPad 2 publication_day)
......@@ -417,7 +406,7 @@ derive instance Generic DeleteDocumentQuery _
derive instance Newtype DeleteDocumentQuery _
derive newtype instance JSON.WriteForeign DeleteDocumentQuery
deleteDocuments :: Session -> Int -> DeleteDocumentQuery -> Aff (Array Int)
deleteDocuments :: Session -> Int -> DeleteDocumentQuery -> Aff (Either RESTError (Array Int))
deleteDocuments session nodeId =
deleteWithBody session $ NodeAPI Node (Just nodeId) "documents"
This diff is collapsed.
module Gargantext.Components.Forest
( forest
, forestLayout
, Common
, Props
) where
......@@ -9,60 +8,33 @@ import Gargantext.Prelude
import Data.Array as A
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Gargantext.AsyncTasks as GAT
import Gargantext.Components.App.Data (Boxes)
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree (treeLoader)
import Gargantext.Ends (Frontends, Backend)
import Gargantext.Routes (AppRoute)
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session(..), Sessions, OpenNodes, unSessions)
import Gargantext.Types (Handed, switchHanded)
import Gargantext.Ends (Frontends)
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session(..), unSessions)
import Gargantext.Types (switchHanded)
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
import Gargantext.Utils.Toestand as T2
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import Record.Extra as RX
import Toestand as T
here :: R2.Here
here = "Gargantext.Components.Forest"
-- Shared by components here with Tree
type Common =
( frontends :: Frontends
, handed :: T.Box Handed
, reloadMainPage :: T2.ReloadS
, reloadRoot :: T2.ReloadS
, route :: T.Box AppRoute
type Props =
( backend :: T.Box (Maybe Backend)
, forestOpen :: T.Box OpenNodes
, reloadForest :: T2.ReloadS
, sessions :: T.Box Sessions
, showLogin :: T.Box Boolean
, tasks :: T.Box GAT.Storage
| Common
type TreeExtra = (
forestOpen :: T.Box OpenNodes
( boxes :: Boxes
, frontends :: Frontends
forest :: R2.Component Props
forest = R.createElement forestCpt
forestCpt :: R.Component Props
forestCpt = here.component "forest" cpt where
cpt props@{ backend
, forestOpen
, frontends
, handed
cpt { boxes: boxes@{ handed
, reloadForest
, reloadMainPage
, reloadRoot
, route
, sessions
, showLogin
, tasks } _ = do
, sessions }
, frontends } _ = do
-- TODO Fix this. I think tasks shouldn't be a Box but only a Reductor
-- tasks' <- GAT.useTasks reloadRoot reloadForest
-- R.useEffect' $ do
......@@ -76,32 +48,24 @@ forestCpt = here.component "forest" cpt where
-- TODO If `reloadForest` is set, `reload` state should be updated
-- TODO fix tasks ref
pure $ H.div { className: "forest-layout-content" }
(A.cons (plus { backend, handed, showLogin }) (trees handed' sessions'))
(A.cons (plus { boxes }) (trees handed' sessions'))
common = RX.pick props :: Record Common
trees handed' sessions' = (tree handed') <$> unSessions sessions'
tree handed' s@(Session {treeId}) =
treeLoader { forestOpen
tree handed' s@(Session { treeId }) =
treeLoader { boxes
, frontends
, handed: handed'
, reload: reloadForest
, reloadMainPage
, reloadRoot
, root: treeId
, route
, session: s
, tasks } []
, session: s } []
type Plus =
( backend :: T.Box (Maybe Backend)
, handed :: T.Box Handed
, showLogin :: T.Box Boolean )
type Plus = ( boxes :: Boxes )
plus :: R2.Leaf Plus
plus p = R.createElement plusCpt p []
plusCpt :: R.Component Plus
plusCpt = here.component "plus" cpt where
cpt { backend, handed, showLogin } _ = do
cpt { boxes: { backend, handed, showLogin } } _ = do
handed' <- T.useLive T.unequal handed
pure $ H.div {}
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -8,18 +8,12 @@ import Data.Symbol (SProxy(..))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, launchAff)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import React.SyntheticEvent as E
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import Record as Record
import Toestand as T
import Gargantext.AsyncTasks as GAT
import Gargantext.Components.App.Data (Boxes)
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action (Action(..))
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Upload (DroppedFile(..), fileTypeView)
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Upload.Types (FileType(..), UploadFileBlob(..))
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Box (nodePopupView)
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Box.Types (CommonProps)
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Settings (SettingsBox(..), settingsBox)
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Tools (nodeLink)
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Tools.ProgressBar (asyncProgressBar, BarType(..))
......@@ -31,43 +25,46 @@ import Gargantext.Ends (Frontends)
import Gargantext.Hooks.Loader (useLoader)
import Gargantext.Routes as Routes
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session, sessionId)
import Gargantext.Types (Name, ID, reverseHanded)
import Gargantext.Types (ID, Name, reverseHanded)
import Gargantext.Types as GT
import Gargantext.Utils.Popover as Popover
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
import Gargantext.Utils.Toestand as T2
import Gargantext.Version as GV
import React.SyntheticEvent as E
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import Record as Record
import Toestand as T
here :: R2.Here
here = "Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node"
-- Main Node
type NodeMainSpanProps =
( folderOpen :: T.Box Boolean
( boxes :: Boxes
, dispatch :: Action -> Aff Unit
, folderOpen :: T.Box Boolean
, frontends :: Frontends
, id :: ID
, isLeaf :: IsLeaf
, name :: Name
, nodeType :: GT.NodeType
, reload :: T2.ReloadS
, reloadMainPage :: T2.ReloadS
, reloadRoot :: T2.ReloadS
, route :: T.Box Routes.AppRoute
, session :: Session
, setPopoverRef :: R.Ref (Maybe (Boolean -> Effect Unit))
, tasks :: T.Box GAT.Storage
| CommonProps
type IsLeaf = Boolean
nodeSpan :: R2.Component NodeMainSpanProps
nodeSpan = R.createElement nodeSpanCpt
nodeSpanCpt :: R.Component NodeMainSpanProps
nodeSpanCpt = here.component "nodeSpan" cpt
cpt props@{ handed } children = do
let className = case handed of
cpt props@{ boxes: { handed } } children = do
handed' <- T.useLive T.unequal handed
let className = case handed' of
GT.LeftHanded -> "lefthanded"
GT.RightHanded -> "righthanded"
......@@ -75,26 +72,26 @@ nodeSpanCpt = here.component "nodeSpan" cpt
nodeMainSpan :: R2.Component NodeMainSpanProps
nodeMainSpan = R.createElement nodeMainSpanCpt
nodeMainSpanCpt :: R.Component NodeMainSpanProps
nodeMainSpanCpt = here.component "nodeMainSpan" cpt
cpt props@{ dispatch
cpt props@{ boxes: boxes@{ errors
, handed
, reloadMainPage
, reloadRoot
, route
, tasks }
, dispatch
, folderOpen
, frontends
, handed
, id
, isLeaf
, name
, nodeType
, reload
, reloadMainPage
, reloadRoot
, route
, session
, setPopoverRef
, tasks
} _ = do
handed' <- T.useLive T.unequal handed
route' <- T.useLive T.unequal route
-- only 1 popup at a time is allowed to be opened
droppedFile <- T.useBox (Nothing :: Maybe DroppedFile)
......@@ -113,12 +110,12 @@ nodeMainSpanCpt = here.component "nodeMainSpan" cpt
-- tasks' <- tasks
pure $ H.span (dropProps droppedFile droppedFile' isDragOver isDragOver')
$ reverseHanded handed
$ reverseHanded handed'
[ folderIcon { folderOpen, nodeType } []
, chevronIcon { folderOpen, handed, isLeaf, nodeType } []
, nodeLink { frontends
, handed
, nodeLink { boxes
, folderOpen
, frontends
, id
, isSelected
, name: name' props
......@@ -128,6 +125,7 @@ nodeMainSpanCpt = here.component "nodeMainSpan" cpt
, fileTypeView { dispatch, droppedFile, id, isDragOver, nodeType } []
, H.div {} (map (\t -> asyncProgressBar { asyncTask: t
, barType: Pie
, errors
, nodeId: id
, onFinish: onTaskFinish id t
, session } []
......@@ -185,9 +183,14 @@ nodeMainSpanCpt = here.component "nodeMainSpan" cpt
name' {name: n, nodeType: nt} = if nt == GT.NodeUser then show session else n
mNodePopupView props'@{ id: i, nodeType: nt, handed: h } opc =
nodePopupView { dispatch, handed: h, id: i, name: name' props'
, nodeType: nt, onPopoverClose: opc, session }
mNodePopupView props'@{ boxes: b, id: i, nodeType: nt } opc =
nodePopupView { boxes: b
, dispatch
, id: i
, name: name' props'
, nodeType: nt
, onPopoverClose: opc
, session }
popOverIcon =
H.a { className: "settings fa fa-cog"
......@@ -232,7 +235,6 @@ type FolderIconProps = (
folderIcon :: R2.Component FolderIconProps
folderIcon = R.createElement folderIconCpt
folderIconCpt :: R.Component FolderIconProps
folderIconCpt = here.component "folderIcon" cpt
......@@ -243,27 +245,27 @@ folderIconCpt = here.component "folderIcon" cpt
type ChevronIconProps = (
folderOpen :: T.Box Boolean
, handed :: GT.Handed
, handed :: T.Box GT.Handed
, isLeaf :: Boolean
, nodeType :: GT.NodeType
chevronIcon :: R2.Component ChevronIconProps
chevronIcon = R.createElement chevronIconCpt
chevronIconCpt :: R.Component ChevronIconProps
chevronIconCpt = here.component "chevronIcon" cpt
cpt { folderOpen, handed, isLeaf: true, nodeType } _ = do
pure $ H.div {} []
cpt { folderOpen, handed, isLeaf: false, nodeType } _ = do
handed' <- T.useLive T.unequal handed
open <- T.useLive T.unequal folderOpen
pure $ H.a { className: "chevron-icon"
, on: { click: \_ -> T.modify_ not folderOpen }
[ H.i { className: if open
then "fa fa-chevron-down"
else if handed == GT.RightHanded
else if handed' == GT.RightHanded
then "fa fa-chevron-right"
else "fa fa-chevron-left"
} [] ]
......@@ -305,22 +307,27 @@ nodeActionsCpt = here.component "nodeActions" cpt where
graphNodeActions :: R2.Leaf NodeActionsCommon
graphNodeActions props = R.createElement graphNodeActionsCpt props []
graphNodeActionsCpt :: R.Component NodeActionsCommon
graphNodeActionsCpt = here.component "graphNodeActions" cpt where
cpt { id, session, refresh } _ =
useLoader id (graphVersions session) $ \gv ->
nodeActionsGraph { graphVersions: gv, session, id, refresh } []
useLoader { errorHandler
, loader: graphVersions session
, path: id
, render: \gv -> nodeActionsGraph { graphVersions: gv, session, id, refresh } [] }
graphVersions session graphId = GraphAPI.graphVersions { graphId, session }
errorHandler err = here.log2 "[graphNodeActions] RESTError" err
listNodeActions :: R2.Leaf NodeActionsCommon
listNodeActions props = R.createElement listNodeActionsCpt props []
listNodeActionsCpt :: R.Component NodeActionsCommon
listNodeActionsCpt = here.component "listNodeActions" cpt where
cpt { id, session, refresh } _ =
useLoader { nodeId: id, session } loadCorpusWithChild $ \{ corpusId } ->
useLoader { errorHandler
, path: { nodeId: id, session }
, loader: loadCorpusWithChild
, render: \{ corpusId } -> nodeActionsNodeList
{ listId: id, nodeId: corpusId, session, refresh: refresh
, nodeType: GT.TabNgramType GT.CTabTerms }
, nodeType: GT.TabNgramType GT.CTabTerms } }
errorHandler err = here.log2 "[listNodeActions] RESTError" err
module Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Add where
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Data.Array (head, length)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe, isJust)
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype)
......@@ -13,6 +16,7 @@ import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Settings (SettingsBox(..), setting
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Tools (formChoiceSafe, panel, submitButton)
import Gargantext.Components.InputWithEnter (inputWithEnter)
import Gargantext.Components.Lang (Lang(..), translate)
import Gargantext.Config.REST (RESTError)
import Gargantext.Routes as GR
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session, post)
import Gargantext.Types (NodeType(..), charCodeIcon)
......@@ -27,22 +31,23 @@ import Web.HTML (window)
import Web.HTML.Navigator (userAgent)
import Web.HTML.Window (navigator)
import Gargantext.Prelude
here :: R2.Here
here = "Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Add"
addNode :: Session -> GT.ID -> AddNodeValue -> Aff (Array GT.ID)
addNode :: Session -> GT.ID -> AddNodeValue -> Aff (Either RESTError (Array GT.ID))
addNode session parentId = post session $ GR.NodeAPI GT.Node (Just parentId) ""
addNodeAsync :: Session
-> GT.ID
-> AddNodeValue
-> Aff GT.AsyncTaskWithType
-> Aff (Either RESTError GT.AsyncTaskWithType)
addNodeAsync session parentId q = do
task <- post session p q
pure $ GT.AsyncTaskWithType {task, typ: GT.AddNode}
where p = GR.NodeAPI GT.Node (Just parentId) (GT.asyncTaskTypePath GT.AddNode)
eTask :: Either RESTError GT.AsyncTask <- post session p q
case eTask of
Left err -> pure $ Left err
Right task -> pure $ Right $ GT.AsyncTaskWithType { task, typ: GT.AddNode }
p = GR.NodeAPI GT.Node (Just parentId) (GT.asyncTaskTypePath GT.AddNode)
-- TODO AddNodeParams
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ module Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Contact where
import Prelude
import Data.Either (Either)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Effect.Aff (Aff, launchAff)
import Formula as F
......@@ -11,6 +12,7 @@ import Toestand as T
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action (Action(..))
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Contact.Types (AddContactParams(..))
import Gargantext.Config.REST (RESTError)
import Gargantext.Routes as GR
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session, post)
import Gargantext.Types (ID)
......@@ -20,7 +22,7 @@ import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
here :: R2.Here
here = "Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Contact"
contactReq :: Session -> ID -> AddContactParams -> Aff ID
contactReq :: Session -> ID -> AddContactParams -> Aff (Either RESTError ID)
contactReq session nodeId =
post session $ GR.NodeAPI GT.Annuaire (Just nodeId) "contact"
......@@ -56,7 +58,7 @@ textInputBox :: R2.Leaf TextInputBoxProps
textInputBox props = R.createElement textInputBoxCpt props []
textInputBoxCpt :: R.Component TextInputBoxProps
textInputBoxCpt = here.component "textInputBox" cpt where
cpt p@{ boxName, boxAction, dispatch, isOpen
cpt { boxName, boxAction, dispatch, isOpen
, params: { firstname, lastname } } _ =
content <$> T.useLive T.unequal isOpen
<*> T.useBox firstname <*> T.useBox lastname
module Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Delete
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Data.Either (Either)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action (Action(..))
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Tools (submitButton, panel)
import Gargantext.Config.REST (RESTError)
import Gargantext.Routes (SessionRoute(..))
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session, delete, put_)
import Gargantext.Types as GT
import Gargantext.Types (NodeType(..))
import Gargantext.Types as GT
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
here :: R2.Here
......@@ -21,7 +23,7 @@ here = "Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Delete"
-- TODO Delete with asyncTaskWithType
deleteNode :: Session -> NodeType -> GT.ID -> Aff GT.ID
deleteNode :: Session -> NodeType -> GT.ID -> Aff (Either RESTError GT.ID)
deleteNode session nt nodeId = delete session $ NodeAPI GT.Node (Just nodeId) ""
......@@ -32,7 +34,7 @@ deleteNode session nt nodeId = delete session $ NodeAPI GT.Node (Just nodeId) ""
type ParentID = GT.ID
unpublishNode :: Session -> Maybe ParentID -> GT.ID -> Aff GT.ID
unpublishNode :: Session -> Maybe ParentID -> GT.ID -> Aff (Either RESTError GT.ID)
unpublishNode s p n = put_ s $ NodeAPI GT.Node p ("unpublish/" <> show n)
module Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Link where
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Data.Either (Either)
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Show.Generic (genericShow)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype)
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\))
import Data.Show.Generic (genericShow)
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import Simple.JSON as JSON
import Toestand as T
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action (Action(..))
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Tools (submitButton, panel)
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Tools.SubTree (subTreeView, SubTreeParamsIn)
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Config.REST (RESTError)
import Gargantext.Routes (SessionRoute(..))
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session, post)
import Gargantext.Types as GT
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import Simple.JSON as JSON
import Toestand as T
here :: R2.Here
here = "Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Link"
......@@ -31,11 +31,11 @@ derive newtype instance JSON.ReadForeign LinkNodeReq
derive newtype instance JSON.WriteForeign LinkNodeReq
linkNodeReq :: Session -> Maybe GT.NodeType -> GT.ID -> GT.ID -> Aff GT.AsyncTaskWithType
linkNodeReq :: Session -> Maybe GT.NodeType -> GT.ID -> GT.ID -> Aff (Either RESTError GT.AsyncTaskWithType)
linkNodeReq session nt fromId toId = do
task <- post session (NodeAPI GT.Node (Just fromId) "update")
eTask :: Either RESTError GT.AsyncTask <- post session (NodeAPI GT.Node (Just fromId) "update")
(LinkNodeReq { nodeType: linkNodeType nt, id: toId })
pure $ GT.AsyncTaskWithType {task, typ: GT.UpdateNode }
pure $ (\task -> GT.AsyncTaskWithType { task, typ: GT.UpdateNode }) <$> eTask
linkNodeType :: Maybe GT.NodeType -> GT.NodeType
linkNodeType (Just GT.Corpus) = GT.Annuaire
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ linkNode = R.createElement linkNodeCpt
linkNodeCpt :: R.Component SubTreeParamsIn
linkNodeCpt = here.component "linkNode" cpt
cpt p@{dispatch, subTreeParams, id, nodeType, session, handed} _ = do
cpt { boxes, dispatch, id, nodeType, session, subTreeParams } _ = do
action <- T.useBox (LinkNode { nodeType: Nothing, params: Nothing})
action' <- T.useLive T.unequal action
......@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ linkNodeCpt = here.component "linkNode" cpt
pure $ panel [
subTreeView { action
, boxes
, dispatch
, handed
, id
, nodeType
, session
module Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Merge where
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Data.Either (Either)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Set as Set
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
......@@ -10,7 +13,7 @@ import Toestand as T
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action (Action(..))
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Tools (submitButton, panel, checkbox, checkboxesListGroup)
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Tools.SubTree (subTreeView, SubTreeParamsIn)
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Config.REST (RESTError)
import Gargantext.Routes (SessionRoute(..))
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session, put_)
import Gargantext.Types as GT
......@@ -19,7 +22,7 @@ import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
here :: R2.Here
here = "Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Merge"
mergeNodeReq :: Session -> GT.ID -> GT.ID -> Aff (Array GT.ID)
mergeNodeReq :: Session -> GT.ID -> GT.ID -> Aff (Either RESTError (Array GT.ID))
mergeNodeReq session fromId toId =
put_ session $ NodeAPI GT.Node (Just fromId) ("merge/" <> show toId)
......@@ -28,7 +31,7 @@ mergeNode = R.createElement mergeNodeCpt
mergeNodeCpt :: R.Component SubTreeParamsIn
mergeNodeCpt = here.component "mergeNode" cpt
cpt p@{dispatch, subTreeParams, id, nodeType, session, handed} _ = do
cpt { boxes, dispatch, id, nodeType, session, subTreeParams } _ = do
action <- T.useBox (MergeNode { params: Nothing })
action' <- T.useLive T.unequal action
......@@ -43,8 +46,8 @@ mergeNodeCpt = here.component "mergeNode" cpt
pure $ panel
[ subTreeView { action
, boxes
, dispatch
, handed
, id
, nodeType
, session
module Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Move where
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Data.Either (Either)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import Toestand as T
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action (Action(..))
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Tools (submitButton, panel)
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Tools.SubTree (subTreeView, SubTreeParamsIn)
import Gargantext.Config.REST (RESTError)
import Gargantext.Routes (SessionRoute(..))
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session, put_)
import Gargantext.Types as GT
......@@ -19,7 +21,7 @@ import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
here :: R2.Here
here = "Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Move"
moveNodeReq :: Session -> GT.ID -> GT.ID -> Aff (Array GT.ID)
moveNodeReq :: Session -> GT.ID -> GT.ID -> Aff (Either RESTError (Array GT.ID))
moveNodeReq session fromId toId =
put_ session $ NodeAPI GT.Node (Just fromId) ("move/" <> show toId)
......@@ -28,7 +30,7 @@ moveNode = R.createElement moveNodeCpt
moveNodeCpt :: R.Component SubTreeParamsIn
moveNodeCpt = here.component "moveNode" cpt
cpt { dispatch, handed, id, nodeType, session, subTreeParams } _ = do
cpt { boxes, dispatch, id, nodeType, session, subTreeParams } _ = do
action :: T.Box Action <- T.useBox (MoveNode {params: Nothing})
action' <- T.useLive T.unequal action
......@@ -41,8 +43,8 @@ moveNodeCpt = here.component "moveNode" cpt
pure $
panel [ subTreeView { action
, boxes
, dispatch
, handed
, id
, nodeType
, session
module Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Rename where
import Data.Either (Either)
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype)
......@@ -8,14 +10,15 @@ import Simple.JSON as JSON
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action
import Gargantext.Types as GT
import Gargantext.Types (ID)
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action (Action(..))
import Gargantext.Config.REST (RESTError)
import Gargantext.Routes as GR
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session, put)
import Gargantext.Types (ID)
import Gargantext.Types as GT
rename :: Session -> ID -> RenameValue -> Aff (Array ID)
rename :: Session -> ID -> RenameValue -> Aff (Either RESTError (Array ID))
rename session renameNodeId =
put session $ GR.NodeAPI GT.Node (Just renameNodeId) "rename"
module Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Search where
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Data.Maybe (Maybe)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, launchAff)
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import Toestand as T
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Components.App.Data (Boxes)
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action (Action(..))
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Add (NodePopup)
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Search.SearchBar (searchBar)
......@@ -18,13 +15,17 @@ import Gargantext.Sessions (Session)
import Gargantext.Types (ID)
import Gargantext.Types as GT
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import Toestand as T
here :: R2.Here
here = "Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Search"
type Props =
( dispatch :: Action -> Aff Unit
( boxes :: Boxes
, dispatch :: Action -> Aff Unit
, id :: Maybe ID
, nodePopup :: Maybe NodePopup
, session :: Session )
......@@ -35,12 +36,13 @@ actionSearch = R.createElement actionSearchCpt
actionSearchCpt :: R.Component Props
actionSearchCpt = here.component "actionSearch" cpt
cpt { dispatch, id, nodePopup, session } _ = do
cpt { boxes: { errors }, dispatch, id, nodePopup, session } _ = do
search <- T.useBox $ defaultSearch { node_id = id }
pure $ R.fragment [ H.p { className: "action-search" }
[ H.text $ "Search and create a private "
<> "corpus with the search query as corpus name." ]
, searchBar { langs: allLangs
, searchBar { errors
, langs: allLangs
, onSearch: searchOn dispatch nodePopup
, search
, session
......@@ -3,24 +3,24 @@ module Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Search.SearchBar
, searchBar
) where
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\))
import Effect (Effect)
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import Toestand as T
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Search.SearchField (searchField)
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Search.Types -- (Database, SearchQuery(..), defaultSearchQuery, performSearch, Lang(..))
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Search.Types (Search, allDatabases)
import Gargantext.Components.Lang (Lang)
import Gargantext.Prelude (Unit, pure, ($))
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session)
import Gargantext.Types (FrontendError)
import Gargantext.Types as GT
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import Toestand as T
here :: R2.Here
here = "Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Search.SearchBar"
type Props = ( langs :: Array Lang
type Props = ( errors :: T.Box (Array FrontendError)
, langs :: Array Lang
, onSearch :: GT.AsyncTaskWithType -> Effect Unit
, search :: T.Box Search
, session :: Session
......@@ -28,14 +28,14 @@ type Props = ( langs :: Array Lang
searchBar :: R2.Component Props
searchBar = R.createElement searchBarCpt
searchBarCpt :: R.Component Props
searchBarCpt = here.component "searchBar" cpt
cpt { langs, onSearch, search, session } _ = do
cpt { errors, langs, onSearch, search, session } _ = do
--onSearchChange session s
pure $ H.div { className: "search-bar" }
[ searchField { databases:allDatabases
[ searchField { databases: allDatabases
, errors
, langs
, onSearch
, search
module Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Search.SearchField where
import Gargantext.Prelude
import DOM.Simple.Console (log, log2)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe, fromMaybe)
import Data.Nullable (null)
import Data.Newtype (over)
import Data.Nullable (null)
import Data.Set as Set
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (launchAff_)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import Toestand as T
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Search.Frame (searchIframes)
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Search.Types (DataField(..), Database(..), IMT_org(..), Org(..), SearchQuery(..), allIMTorgs, allOrgs, dataFields, defaultSearchQuery, doc, performSearch, datafield2database, Search)
import Gargantext.Components.InputWithEnter (inputWithEnter)
import Gargantext.Components.Lang (Lang)
import Gargantext.Config.Utils (handleRESTError)
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session)
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Search.Frame (searchIframes)
import Gargantext.Types (FrontendError)
import Gargantext.Types as GT
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import Toestand as T
here :: R2.Here
here = "Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Search.SearchField"
......@@ -38,6 +39,7 @@ defaultSearch = { databases: Empty
type Props =
-- list of databases to search, or parsers to use on uploads
( databases :: Array Database
, errors :: T.Box (Array FrontendError)
, langs :: Array Lang
-- State hook for a search, how we get data in and out
, onSearch :: GT.AsyncTaskWithType -> Effect Unit
......@@ -47,11 +49,10 @@ type Props =
searchField :: R2.Component Props
searchField = R.createElement searchFieldCpt
searchFieldCpt :: R.Component Props
searchFieldCpt = here.component "searchField" cpt
cpt props@{ onSearch, search } _ = do
cpt props@{ errors, onSearch, search, session } _ = do
search' <- T.useLive T.unequal search
iframeRef <- R.useRef null
let params =
......@@ -86,7 +87,7 @@ searchFieldCpt = here.component "searchField" cpt
let button = submitButton {onSearch, search, session: props.session} []
let button = submitButton { errors, onSearch, search, session } []
pure $
......@@ -103,7 +104,6 @@ type ComponentProps =
componentIMT :: R2.Component ComponentProps
componentIMT = R.createElement componentIMTCpt
componentIMTCpt :: R.Component ComponentProps
componentIMTCpt = here.component "componentIMT" cpt
......@@ -242,7 +242,6 @@ type LangNavProps =
langNav :: R2.Component LangNavProps
langNav = R.createElement langNavCpt
langNavCpt :: R.Component LangNavProps
langNavCpt = here.component "langNav" cpt
......@@ -267,7 +266,6 @@ type DataFieldNavProps =
dataFieldNav :: R2.Component DataFieldNavProps
dataFieldNav = R.createElement dataFieldNavCpt
dataFieldNavCpt :: R.Component DataFieldNavProps
dataFieldNavCpt = here.component "dataFieldNav" cpt
......@@ -306,7 +304,6 @@ type DatabaseInputProps = (
databaseInput :: R2.Component DatabaseInputProps
databaseInput = R.createElement databaseInputCpt
databaseInputCpt :: R.Component DatabaseInputProps
databaseInputCpt = here.component "databaseInput" cpt
......@@ -347,7 +344,6 @@ type OrgInputProps =
orgInput :: R2.Component OrgInputProps
orgInput = R.createElement orgInputCpt
orgInputCpt :: R.Component OrgInputProps
orgInputCpt = here.component "orgInput" cpt
......@@ -390,7 +386,6 @@ type SearchInputProps =
searchInput :: R2.Component SearchInputProps
searchInput = R.createElement searchInputCpt
searchInputCpt :: R.Component SearchInputProps
searchInputCpt = here.component "searchInput" cpt
......@@ -429,39 +424,40 @@ searchInputCpt = here.component "searchInput" cpt
-- setSearch $ _ { term = value }
type SubmitButtonProps =
( onSearch :: GT.AsyncTaskWithType -> Effect Unit
( errors :: T.Box (Array FrontendError)
, onSearch :: GT.AsyncTaskWithType -> Effect Unit
, search :: T.Box Search
, session :: Session
submitButton :: R2.Component SubmitButtonProps
submitButton = R.createElement submitButtonComponent
submitButtonComponent :: R.Component SubmitButtonProps
submitButtonComponent = here.component "submitButton" cpt
cpt { onSearch, search, session } _ = do
cpt { errors, onSearch, search, session } _ = do
search' <- T.useLive T.unequal search
pure $
H.button { className: "btn btn-primary"
, "type" : "button"
, on : { click: doSearch onSearch session search' }
, on : { click: doSearch onSearch errors session search' }
, style : { width: "100%" }
} [ H.text "Launch Search" ]
doSearch os s q = \_ -> do
doSearch os errors s q = \_ -> do
log2 "[submitButton] searching" q
triggerSearch os s q
triggerSearch os errors s q
--case search.term of
-- "" -> setSearch $ const defaultSearch
-- _ -> setSearch $ const q
triggerSearch :: (GT.AsyncTaskWithType -> Effect Unit)
-> T.Box (Array FrontendError)
-> Session
-> Search
-> Effect Unit
triggerSearch os s q =
triggerSearch os errors s q =
launchAff_ $ do
liftEffect $ do
let here' = "[triggerSearch] Searching "
......@@ -473,8 +469,8 @@ triggerSearch os s q =
case q.node_id of
Nothing -> liftEffect $ log "[triggerSearch] node_id is Nothing, don't know what to do"
Just id -> do
task <- performSearch s id $ searchQuery q
liftEffect $ do
eTask <- performSearch s id $ searchQuery q
handleRESTError errors eTask $ \task -> liftEffect $ do
log2 "[triggerSearch] task" task
os task
module Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Search.Types where
import Data.Array (concat)
import Data.Either (Either)
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe, maybe)
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype)
......@@ -11,13 +12,14 @@ import Data.Tuple (Tuple)
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\))
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Simple.JSON as JSON
import Simple.JSON.Generics as JSONG
import URI.Extra.QueryPairs as QP
import URI.Query as Q
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Components.Lang
import Gargantext.Components.Lang (Lang)
import Gargantext.Config.REST (RESTError)
import Gargantext.Ends (class ToUrl, backendUrl)
import Gargantext.Routes as GR
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session(..), post)
......@@ -359,16 +361,16 @@ instance GT.ToQuery SearchQuery where
pair k = maybe [] $ \v ->
[ QP.keyFromString k /\ Just (QP.valueFromString $ show v) ]
instance JSON.WriteForeign SearchQuery where
writeImpl (SearchQuery { datafield, databases, lang, node_id, query }) =
writeImpl (SearchQuery { databases, lang, node_id, query }) =
JSON.writeImpl { query: String.replace (String.Pattern "\"") (String.Replacement "\\\"") query
, databases: databases
, lang: maybe "EN" show lang
, node_id: fromMaybe 0 node_id
performSearch :: Session -> Int -> SearchQuery -> Aff GT.AsyncTaskWithType
performSearch :: Session -> Int -> SearchQuery -> Aff (Either RESTError GT.AsyncTaskWithType)
performSearch session nodeId q = do
task <- post session p q
pure $ GT.AsyncTaskWithType {task, typ: GT.Query}
eTask :: Either RESTError GT.AsyncTask <- post session p q
pure $ (\task -> GT.AsyncTaskWithType { task, typ: GT.Query }) <$> eTask
p = GR.NodeAPI GT.Corpus (Just nodeId) $ GT.asyncTaskTypePath GT.Query
module Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Share where
import Data.Either (Either)
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Show.Generic (genericShow)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Show.Generic (genericShow)
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
......@@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action (Action)
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action as Action
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Tools as Tools
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Tools.SubTree (subTreeView, SubTreeParamsIn)
import Gargantext.Prelude (class Eq, class Show, bind, pure, Unit)
import Gargantext.Config.REST (RESTError)
import Gargantext.Routes as GR
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session, post)
import Gargantext.Types (ID)
......@@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ here :: R2.Here
here = "Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Share"
shareReq :: Session -> ID -> ShareNodeParams -> Aff ID
shareReq :: Session -> ID -> ShareNodeParams -> Aff (Either RESTError ID)
shareReq session nodeId =
post session $ GR.NodeAPI GT.Node (Just nodeId) "share"
......@@ -70,7 +71,7 @@ publishNode = R.createElement publishNodeCpt
publishNodeCpt :: R.Component SubTreeParamsIn
publishNodeCpt = here.component "publishNode" cpt
cpt p@{dispatch, subTreeParams, id, nodeType, session, handed} _ = do
cpt { boxes, dispatch, id, nodeType, session, subTreeParams } _ = do
action <- T.useBox (Action.SharePublic { params: Nothing })
action' <- T.useLive T.unequal action
......@@ -82,8 +83,8 @@ publishNodeCpt = here.component "publishNode" cpt
pure $ Tools.panel
[ subTreeView { action
, boxes
, dispatch
, handed
, id
, nodeType
, session
module Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Update where
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Update.Types
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Reactix as R
......@@ -11,7 +10,9 @@ import Toestand as T
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action (Action(..))
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Update.Types
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Tools (formChoiceSafe, submitButton, panel)
import Gargantext.Config.REST (RESTError)
import Gargantext.Routes as GR
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session, post)
import Gargantext.Types (NodeType(..), ID)
......@@ -21,10 +22,12 @@ import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
here :: R2.Here
here = "Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Update"
updateRequest :: UpdateNodeParams -> Session -> ID -> Aff GT.AsyncTaskWithType
updateRequest :: UpdateNodeParams -> Session -> ID -> Aff (Either RESTError GT.AsyncTaskWithType)
updateRequest updateNodeParams session nodeId = do
task <- post session p updateNodeParams
pure $ GT.AsyncTaskWithType {task, typ: GT.UpdateNode }
eTask :: Either RESTError GT.AsyncTask <- post session p updateNodeParams
case eTask of
Left err -> pure $ Left err
Right task -> pure $ Right $ GT.AsyncTaskWithType { task, typ: GT.UpdateNode }
p = GR.NodeAPI GT.Node (Just nodeId) "update"
......@@ -37,11 +40,11 @@ update :: R2.Component UpdateProps
update = R.createElement updateCpt
updateCpt :: R.Component UpdateProps
updateCpt = here.component "update" cpt where
cpt props@{ dispatch, nodeType: Dashboard } _ = pure $ updateDashboard props []
cpt props@{ dispatch, nodeType: Graph } _ = pure $ updateGraph props []
cpt props@{ dispatch, nodeType: NodeList } _ = pure $ updateNodeList props []
cpt props@{ dispatch, nodeType: Texts } _ = pure $ updateTexts props []
cpt props@{ dispatch, nodeType: _ } _ = pure $ updateOther props []
cpt props@{ nodeType: Dashboard } _ = pure $ updateDashboard props []
cpt props@{ nodeType: Graph } _ = pure $ updateGraph props []
cpt props@{ nodeType: NodeList } _ = pure $ updateNodeList props []
cpt props@{ nodeType: Texts } _ = pure $ updateTexts props []
cpt props@{ nodeType: _ } _ = pure $ updateOther props []
updateDashboard :: R2.Component UpdateProps
updateDashboard = R.createElement updateDashboardCpt
......@@ -99,7 +102,7 @@ updateOther :: R2.Component UpdateProps
updateOther = R.createElement updateOtherCpt
updateOtherCpt :: R.Component UpdateProps
updateOtherCpt = here.component "updateOther" cpt where
cpt { dispatch } _ = do
cpt _ _ = do
pure $ H.div {} []
-- fragmentPT $ "Update " <> show nodeType
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import Toestand as T
import Gargantext.Components.App.Data (Boxes)
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action (Action)
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Add (NodePopup(..), addNodeView)
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Contact as Contact
......@@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Settings (NodeAction(..), Settings
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Status (Status(..), hasStatus)
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Tools (fragmentPT, textInputBox)
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session)
import Gargantext.Types (Name, ID, prettyNodeType)
import Gargantext.Types (FrontendError, ID, Name, prettyNodeType)
import Gargantext.Types as GT
import Gargantext.Utils.Glyphicon (glyphicon, glyphiconActive)
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
......@@ -36,11 +37,12 @@ import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
here :: R2.Here
here = "Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Box"
type CommonProps = ( dispatch :: Action -> Aff Unit, session :: Session )
type CommonProps =
( dispatch :: Action -> Aff Unit
, session :: Session )
nodePopupView :: Record NodePopupProps -> R.Element
nodePopupView p = R.createElement nodePopupCpt p []
nodePopupCpt :: R.Component NodePopupProps
nodePopupCpt = here.component "nodePopupView" cpt where
cpt p@{ id, name, nodeType } _ = do
......@@ -102,9 +104,16 @@ nodePopupCpt = here.component "nodePopupView" cpt where
else []
mPanelAction :: Record NodePopupS -> Record NodePopupProps -> R.Element
mPanelAction { action: Just action }
{ dispatch, id, name, nodeType, session, handed } =
panelAction { action, dispatch, id, name, nodeType, session
, handed, nodePopup: Just NodePopup }
{ boxes, dispatch, id, name, nodeType, session } =
panelAction { action
, boxes
, dispatch
, id
, name
, nodePopup: Just NodePopup
, nodeType
, session
mPanelAction { action: Nothing } _ =
H.div { className: "card-footer" }
[ H.div {className:"center fa-hand-pointer-o"}
......@@ -160,42 +169,41 @@ type NodeProps =
type PanelActionProps =
( id :: ID
, action :: NodeAction
( action :: NodeAction
, boxes :: Boxes
, id :: ID
, dispatch :: Action -> Aff Unit
, name :: Name
, nodePopup :: Maybe NodePopup
, nodeType :: GT.NodeType
, session :: Session
, handed :: GT.Handed
panelAction :: Record PanelActionProps -> R.Element
panelAction :: R2.Leaf PanelActionProps
panelAction p = R.createElement panelActionCpt p []
panelActionCpt :: R.Component PanelActionProps
panelActionCpt = here.component "panelAction" cpt
cpt {action: Documentation nodeType} _ = pure $ actionDoc { nodeType } []
cpt {action: Download, id, nodeType, session} _ = pure $ actionDownload { id, nodeType, session } []
cpt {action: Upload, dispatch, id, nodeType, session} _ = pure $ actionUpload { dispatch, id, nodeType, session } []
cpt {action: Delete, nodeType, dispatch} _ = pure $ actionDelete { dispatch, nodeType } []
cpt {action: Add xs, dispatch, id, name, nodeType} _ =
pure $ addNodeView {dispatch, id, name, nodeType, nodeTypes: xs} []
cpt {action: Refresh , dispatch, id, nodeType, session} _ = pure $ update { dispatch, nodeType } []
cpt {action: Config , dispatch, id, nodeType, session} _ =
cpt { action: Documentation nodeType } _ = pure $ actionDoc { nodeType } []
cpt { action: Download, id, nodeType, session } _ = pure $ actionDownload { id, nodeType, session } []
cpt { action: Upload, dispatch, id, nodeType, session } _ = pure $ actionUpload { dispatch, id, nodeType, session } []
cpt { action: Delete, dispatch, nodeType } _ = pure $ actionDelete { dispatch, nodeType } []
cpt { action: Add xs, dispatch, id, name, nodeType } _ =
pure $ addNodeView {dispatch, id, name, nodeType, nodeTypes: xs } []
cpt { action: Refresh , dispatch, nodeType } _ = pure $ update { dispatch, nodeType } []
cpt { action: Config, nodeType } _ =
pure $ fragmentPT $ "Config " <> show nodeType
-- Functions using SubTree
cpt {action: Merge {subTreeParams}, dispatch, id, nodeType, session, handed} _ =
pure $ mergeNode {dispatch, id, nodeType, session, subTreeParams, handed} []
cpt {action: Move {subTreeParams}, dispatch, id, nodeType, session, handed} _ =
pure $ moveNode { dispatch, id, nodeType, session, subTreeParams, handed } []
cpt {action: Link {subTreeParams}, dispatch, id, nodeType, session, handed} _ =
pure $ linkNode {dispatch, id, nodeType, session, subTreeParams, handed} []
cpt {action : Share, dispatch, id, name } _ = pure $ Share.shareNode { dispatch, id } []
cpt {action : AddingContact, dispatch, id, name } _ = pure $ Contact.actionAddContact { dispatch, id } []
cpt {action : Publish {subTreeParams}, dispatch, id, nodeType, session, handed} _ =
pure $ Share.publishNode { dispatch, handed, id, nodeType, session, subTreeParams } []
cpt props@{action: SearchBox, id, session, dispatch, nodePopup} _ =
pure $ actionSearch { dispatch, id: (Just id), nodePopup, session } []
cpt { action: Merge {subTreeParams}, boxes, dispatch, id, nodeType, session } _ =
pure $ mergeNode { boxes, dispatch, id, nodeType, session, subTreeParams } []
cpt { action: Move {subTreeParams}, boxes, dispatch, id, nodeType, session } _ =
pure $ moveNode { boxes, dispatch, id, nodeType, session, subTreeParams } []
cpt { action: Link {subTreeParams}, boxes, dispatch, id, nodeType, session } _ =
pure $ linkNode { boxes, dispatch, id, nodeType, session, subTreeParams } []
cpt { action : Share, dispatch, id } _ = pure $ Share.shareNode { dispatch, id } []
cpt { action : AddingContact, dispatch, id } _ = pure $ Contact.actionAddContact { dispatch, id } []
cpt { action : Publish {subTreeParams}, boxes, dispatch, id, nodeType, session } _ =
pure $ Share.publishNode { boxes, dispatch, id, nodeType, session, subTreeParams } []
cpt { action: SearchBox, boxes, dispatch, id, nodePopup, session } _ =
pure $ actionSearch { boxes, dispatch, id: (Just id), nodePopup, session } []
cpt _ _ = pure $ H.div {} []
......@@ -4,8 +4,9 @@ import DOM.Simple as DOM
import Data.Maybe (Maybe)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Settings (NodeAction)
import Gargantext.Components.App.Data (Boxes)
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action (Action)
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Settings (NodeAction)
import Gargantext.Prelude (Unit)
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session)
import Gargantext.Types (ID, Name)
......@@ -14,11 +15,11 @@ import Gargantext.Types as GT
type CommonProps =
( dispatch :: Action -> Aff Unit
, session :: Session
, handed :: GT.Handed
type NodePopupProps =
( id :: ID
( boxes :: Boxes
, id :: ID
, name :: Name
, nodeType :: GT.NodeType
, onPopoverClose :: DOM.Element -> Effect Unit
module Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Tools where
import Gargantext.Prelude
( class Ord, class Read, class Show, Unit
, bind, const, discard, map, not, pure, read, show, when, mempty
, ($), (<), (<<<), (<>), (<$>), (<*>) )
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, Maybe(..))
import Data.Nullable (null)
import Data.Set (Set)
......@@ -12,19 +8,20 @@ import Data.String as S
import Data.String.CodeUnits as DSCU
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, launchAff, launchAff_)
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import Toestand as T
import Gargantext.Components.App.Data (Boxes)
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action (Action, icon, text)
import Gargantext.Components.InputWithEnter (inputWithEnter)
import Gargantext.Ends (Frontends, url)
import Gargantext.Prelude (class Ord, class Read, class Show, Unit, bind, const, discard, map, not, pure, read, show, when, mempty, ($), (<), (<<<), (<>), (<$>), (<*>))
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session, sessionId)
import Gargantext.Types as GT
import Gargantext.Utils (toggleSet)
import Gargantext.Utils.Glyphicon (glyphicon)
import Gargantext.Utils.ReactTooltip as ReactTooltip
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import Toestand as T
here :: R2.Here
here = "Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Tools"
......@@ -58,7 +55,6 @@ type TextInputBoxProps =
textInputBox :: R2.Component TextInputBoxProps
textInputBox = R.createElement textInputBoxCpt
textInputBoxCpt :: R.Component TextInputBoxProps
textInputBoxCpt = here.component "textInputBox" cpt where
cpt { boxAction, boxName, dispatch, id, isOpen, text } _ =
......@@ -258,9 +254,9 @@ tooltipId id = "node-link-" <> show id
-- START node link
type NodeLinkProps = (
frontends :: Frontends
boxes :: Boxes
, folderOpen :: T.Box Boolean
, handed :: GT.Handed
, frontends :: Frontends
, id :: Int
, isSelected :: Boolean
, name :: GT.Name
......@@ -270,13 +266,12 @@ type NodeLinkProps = (
nodeLink :: R2.Component NodeLinkProps
nodeLink = R.createElement nodeLinkCpt
nodeLinkCpt :: R.Component NodeLinkProps
nodeLinkCpt = here.component "nodeLink" cpt
cpt { folderOpen
cpt { boxes: { handed }
, folderOpen
, frontends
, handed
, id
, isSelected
, name
......@@ -310,23 +305,23 @@ nodeLinkCpt = here.component "nodeLink" cpt
type NodeTextProps =
( isSelected :: Boolean
, handed :: GT.Handed
, handed :: T.Box GT.Handed
, name :: GT.Name
nodeText :: R2.Component NodeTextProps
nodeText = R.createElement nodeTextCpt
nodeTextCpt :: R.Component NodeTextProps
nodeTextCpt = here.component "nodeText" cpt where
cpt { isSelected, handed, name } _ =
cpt { isSelected, handed, name } _ = do
handed' <- T.useLive T.unequal handed
pure $ if isSelected then
H.u { className }
[ H.b {}
[ H.text ("| " <> name15 name <> " | ") ]
GT.flipHanded l r handed where
GT.flipHanded l r handed' where
l = H.text "..."
r = H.text (name15 name)
name_ len n =
module Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Tools.ProgressBar where
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Data.Either (Either)
import Data.Int (fromNumber)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, launchAff_)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Timer (clearInterval, setInterval)
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import Toestand as T
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Config.REST (RESTError)
import Gargantext.Config.Utils (handleRESTError)
import Gargantext.Routes (SessionRoute(..))
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session, get)
import Gargantext.Types (FrontendError)
import Gargantext.Types as GT
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import Toestand as T
here :: R2.Here
here = "Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Tools.ProgressBar"
......@@ -26,6 +29,7 @@ data BarType = Bar | Pie
type Props = (
asyncTask :: GT.AsyncTaskWithType
, barType :: BarType
, errors :: T.Box (Array FrontendError)
, nodeId :: GT.ID
, onFinish :: Unit -> Effect Unit
, session :: Session
......@@ -34,13 +38,12 @@ type Props = (
asyncProgressBar :: R2.Component Props
asyncProgressBar = R.createElement asyncProgressBarCpt
asyncProgressBarCpt :: R.Component Props
asyncProgressBarCpt = here.component "asyncProgressBar" cpt
cpt props@{ asyncTask: (GT.AsyncTaskWithType {task: GT.AsyncTask {id}})
, barType
, nodeId
, errors
, onFinish
} _ = do
progress <- T.useBox 0.0
......@@ -49,8 +52,9 @@ asyncProgressBarCpt = here.component "asyncProgressBar" cpt
R.useEffectOnce' $ do
intervalId <- setInterval 1000 $ do
launchAff_ $ do
asyncProgress@(GT.AsyncProgress {status}) <- queryProgress props
liftEffect do
eAsyncProgress <- queryProgress props
handleRESTError errors eAsyncProgress $ \asyncProgress -> liftEffect $ do
let GT.AsyncProgress { status } = asyncProgress
T.write_ (min 100.0 $ GT.progressPercent asyncProgress) progress
if (status == GT.IsFinished) || (status == GT.IsKilled) || (status == GT.IsFailure) then do
_ <- case R.readRef intervalIdRef of
......@@ -104,7 +108,7 @@ progressIndicatorCpt = here.component "progressIndicator" cpt
Nothing -> 0
Just x -> x
queryProgress :: Record Props -> Aff GT.AsyncProgress
queryProgress :: Record Props -> Aff (Either RESTError GT.AsyncProgress)
queryProgress { asyncTask: GT.AsyncTaskWithType { task: GT.AsyncTask {id}
, typ
module Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Tools.SubTree where
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Data.Array as A
import Data.Either (Either)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\))
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import React.SyntheticEvent as E
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import Record as Record
import Toestand as T
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Components.App.Data (Boxes)
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action (Props, Action, subTreeOut, setTreeOut)
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Tools.SubTree.Types (SubTreeParams(..), SubTreeOut(..))
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Tools.FTree (FTree, LNode(..), NTree(..))
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Tools (nodeText)
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Tools.FTree (FTree, LNode(..), NTree(..))
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Tools.SubTree.Types (SubTreeParams(..), SubTreeOut(..))
import Gargantext.Config.REST (RESTError)
import Gargantext.Hooks.Loader (useLoader)
import Gargantext.Routes as GR
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session(..), get)
import Gargantext.Types as GT
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
import React.SyntheticEvent as E
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import Record as Record
import Toestand as T
here :: R2.Here
here = "Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Tools.SubTree"
type SubTreeParamsIn =
( handed :: GT.Handed
( boxes :: Boxes
, subTreeParams :: SubTreeParams
| Props
......@@ -42,9 +43,9 @@ subTreeView = R.createElement subTreeViewCpt
subTreeViewCpt :: R.Component SubTreeParamsProps
subTreeViewCpt = here.component "subTreeView" cpt
cpt params@{ action
cpt { action
, boxes
, dispatch
, handed
, id
, nodeType
, session
......@@ -55,24 +56,28 @@ subTreeViewCpt = here.component "subTreeView" cpt
-- (valAction /\ setAction) = action
-- _ <- pure $ setAction (const $ setTreeOut valAction Nothing)
useLoader session (loadSubTree showtypes) $
\tree ->
useLoader { errorHandler
, loader: loadSubTree showtypes
, path: session
, render: \tree ->
subTreeViewLoaded { action
, boxes
, dispatch
, handed
, id
, nodeType
, session
, subTreeParams
, tree
} []
} [] }
errorHandler err = here.log2 "RESTError" err
loadSubTree :: Array GT.NodeType -> Session -> Aff FTree
loadSubTree :: Array GT.NodeType -> Session -> Aff (Either RESTError FTree)
loadSubTree nodetypes session = getSubTree session treeId nodetypes
Session { treeId } = session
getSubTree :: Session -> Int -> Array GT.NodeType -> Aff FTree
getSubTree :: Session -> Int -> Array GT.NodeType -> Aff (Either RESTError FTree)
getSubTree session treeId showtypes = get session $ GR.NodeAPI GT.Tree (Just treeId) nodeTypes
nodeTypes = A.foldl (\a b -> a <> "type=" <> show b <> "&") "?" showtypes
......@@ -88,11 +93,12 @@ subTreeViewLoaded = R.createElement subTreeViewLoadedCpt
subTreeViewLoadedCpt :: R.Component CorpusTreeProps
subTreeViewLoadedCpt = here.component "subTreeViewLoaded" cpt
cpt p@{ dispatch, handed, id, nodeType, session, tree } _ = do
cpt p@{ boxes: { handed } } _ = do
handed' <- T.useLive T.unequal handed
let pRender = Record.merge { render: subTreeTreeView } p
pure $ H.div {className:"tree"}
[ H.div { className: if handed == GT.RightHanded
[ H.div { className: if handed' == GT.RightHanded
then "righthanded"
else "lefthanded"
......@@ -108,13 +114,13 @@ subTreeTreeView = R2.ntCreateElement subTreeTreeViewCpt
subTreeTreeViewCpt :: R2.NTComponent CorpusTreeRenderProps
subTreeTreeViewCpt = here.ntComponent "subTreeTreeView" cpt where
cpt (CorpusTreeRenderProps p@{ action
, dispatch
, handed
, boxes: { handed }
, id
, render
, subTreeParams
, tree: NTree (LNode { id: targetId, name, nodeType }) ary }) _ = do
action' <- T.useLive T.unequal action
handed' <- T.useLive T.unequal handed
let click e = do
let action'' = if not validNodeType then Nothing else Just $ SubTreeOut { in: id, out: targetId }
......@@ -124,7 +130,7 @@ subTreeTreeViewCpt = here.ntComponent "subTreeTreeView" cpt where
children = (map (\ctree -> render (CorpusTreeRenderProps (p { tree = ctree })) []) sortedAry) :: Array R.Element
pure $ H.div {} $ GT.reverseHanded handed
pure $ H.div {} $ GT.reverseHanded handed'
[ H.div { className: nodeClass validNodeType }
[ H.span { className: "text"
, on: { click } }
......@@ -142,7 +148,6 @@ subTreeTreeViewCpt = here.ntComponent "subTreeTreeView" cpt where
sortedAry = A.sortWith (\(NTree (LNode {id:id'}) _) -> id')
$ A.filter (\(NTree (LNode {id:id'}) _) -> id'/= id) ary
validNodeType = (A.elem nodeType valitypes) && (id /= targetId)
clickable = if validNodeType then "clickable" else ""
isSelected n action' = case (subTreeOut action') of
Nothing -> false
(Just (SubTreeOut {out})) -> n == out
module Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer where
import Gargantext.Prelude hiding (max, min)
import Data.Array as A
import Data.Either (Either)
import Data.FoldableWithIndex (foldMapWithIndex)
import Data.Int (toNumber)
import Data.Map as Map
......@@ -19,13 +22,12 @@ import Record as Record
import Record.Extra as RX
import Toestand as T
import Gargantext.Prelude hiding (max,min)
import Gargantext.Components.App.Data (Boxes)
import Gargantext.Components.Graph as Graph
import Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.Controls as Controls
import Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.Sidebar.Types as GEST
import Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.Types as GET
import Gargantext.Config.REST (RESTError)
import Gargantext.Data.Louvain as Louvain
import Gargantext.Hooks.Loader (useLoader)
import Gargantext.Hooks.Sigmax.Types as SigmaxT
......@@ -67,8 +69,12 @@ explorerLayoutCpt = here.component "explorerLayout" cpt where
cpt props@{ boxes: { graphVersion }, graphId, session } _ = do
graphVersion' <- T.useLive T.unequal graphVersion
useLoader graphId (getNodes session graphVersion') handler
useLoader { errorHandler
, loader: getNodes session graphVersion'
, path: graphId
, render: handler }
errorHandler err = here.log2 "[explorerLayout] RESTError" err
handler loaded@(GET.HyperdataGraph { graph: hyperdataGraph }) =
explorerWriteGraph (Record.merge props { graph, hyperdataGraph: loaded, mMetaData' }) []
......@@ -105,7 +111,7 @@ explorerCpt = here.component "explorer" cpt
, session
} _ = do
{ mMetaData } <- GEST.focusedSidePanel sidePanelGraph
graphVersion' <- T.useLive T.unequal graphVersion
_graphVersion' <- T.useLive T.unequal graphVersion
handed' <- T.useLive T.unequal handed
mMetaData' <- T.useLive T.unequal mMetaData
......@@ -115,7 +121,7 @@ explorerCpt = here.component "explorer" cpt
then SigmaxT.InitialRunning
else SigmaxT.InitialStopped
dataRef <- R.useRef graph
_dataRef <- R.useRef graph
graphRef <- R.useRef null
controls <- Controls.useGraphControls { forceAtlasS
, graph
......@@ -285,7 +291,7 @@ modeGraphType Types.Sources = "star"
modeGraphType Types.Terms = "def"
getNodes :: Session -> T2.Reload -> GET.GraphId -> Aff GET.HyperdataGraph
getNodes :: Session -> T2.Reload -> GET.GraphId -> Aff (Either RESTError GET.HyperdataGraph)
getNodes session graphVersion graphId =
get session $ NodeAPI Types.Graph
(Just graphId)
......@@ -305,8 +311,7 @@ transformGraph graph { edgeConfluence'
, edgeWeight'
, nodeSize'
, removedNodeIds'
, selectedNodeIds'
, showEdges' } = SigmaxT.Graph {nodes: newNodes, edges: newEdges}
, selectedNodeIds' } = SigmaxT.Graph {nodes: newNodes, edges: newEdges}
edges = SigmaxT.graphEdges graph
nodes = SigmaxT.graphNodes graph
......@@ -325,18 +330,10 @@ transformGraph graph { edgeConfluence'
newNodes = Seq.filter nodeFilter $ (nodeMarked <<< nodeHideSize) nodes
newEdges = Seq.filter (edgeInGraph $ Set.fromFoldable $ newNodes) newEdges'
edgeFilter e = true
edgeFilter _e = true
nodeFilter n = nodeRemovedFilter n
nodeSizeFilter :: Record SigmaxT.Node -> Boolean
nodeSizeFilter node@{ size } = Range.within nodeSize' size
nodeRemovedFilter node@{ id } = not $ Set.member id removedNodeIds'
edgeConfluenceFilter :: Record SigmaxT.Edge -> Boolean
edgeConfluenceFilter edge@{ confluence } = Range.within edgeConfluence' confluence
edgeWeightFilter :: Record SigmaxT.Edge -> Boolean
edgeWeightFilter edge@{ weightIdx } = Range.within edgeWeight' $ toNumber weightIdx
nodeRemovedFilter { id } = not $ Set.member id removedNodeIds'
edgeHideConfluence :: Record SigmaxT.Edge -> Record SigmaxT.Edge
edgeHideConfluence edge@{ confluence } =
......@@ -352,13 +349,6 @@ transformGraph graph { edgeConfluence'
edge { hidden = true }
edgeShowFilter :: Record SigmaxT.Edge -> Record SigmaxT.Edge
edgeShowFilter edge =
if SigmaxT.edgeStateHidden showEdges' then
edge { hidden = true }
edgeInGraph :: SigmaxT.NodeIds -> Record SigmaxT.Edge -> Boolean
edgeInGraph nodeIds e = (Set.member e.source nodeIds) && (Set.member nodeIds)
module Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.API where
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe)
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.Types as GET
import Gargantext.Components.NgramsTable.Core as NTC
import Gargantext.Config.REST (RESTError)
import Gargantext.Hooks.Sigmax.Types as SigmaxT
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Routes as GR
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session, get, post)
import Gargantext.Types as GT
......@@ -20,10 +22,10 @@ type GraphAsyncUpdateParams =
, version :: NTC.Version
graphAsyncUpdate :: Record GraphAsyncUpdateParams -> Aff GT.AsyncTaskWithType
graphAsyncUpdate :: Record GraphAsyncUpdateParams -> Aff (Either RESTError GT.AsyncTaskWithType)
graphAsyncUpdate { graphId, listId, nodes, session, termList, version } = do
task <- post session p q
pure $ GT.AsyncTaskWithType { task, typ: GT.GraphRecompute }
eTask <- post session p q
pure $ (\task -> GT.AsyncTaskWithType { task, typ: GT.GraphRecompute }) <$> eTask
p = GR.GraphAPI graphId $ GT.asyncTaskTypePath GT.GraphRecompute
q = { listId
......@@ -37,10 +39,10 @@ type GraphAsyncRecomputeParams =
, session :: Session
graphAsyncRecompute :: Record GraphAsyncRecomputeParams -> Aff GT.AsyncTaskWithType
graphAsyncRecompute :: Record GraphAsyncRecomputeParams -> Aff (Either RESTError GT.AsyncTaskWithType)
graphAsyncRecompute { graphId, session } = do
task <- post session p q
pure $ GT.AsyncTaskWithType { task, typ: GT.GraphRecompute }
eTask <- post session p q
pure $ (\task -> GT.AsyncTaskWithType { task, typ: GT.GraphRecompute }) <$> eTask
p = GR.GraphAPI graphId $ GT.asyncTaskTypePath GT.GraphRecompute
q = {}
......@@ -51,7 +53,7 @@ type QueryProgressParams =
, taskId :: String
queryProgress :: Record QueryProgressParams -> Aff GT.AsyncProgress
queryProgress :: Record QueryProgressParams -> Aff (Either RESTError GT.AsyncProgress)
queryProgress { graphId, session, taskId } = do
get session $ GR.GraphAPI graphId $ "async/" <> taskId <> "/poll"
......@@ -65,7 +67,7 @@ type GraphVersionsParams =
, session :: Session
graphVersions :: Record GraphVersionsParams -> Aff (Record GraphVersions)
graphVersions :: Record GraphVersionsParams -> Aff (Either RESTError (Record GraphVersions))
graphVersions { graphId, session } = get session $ GR.GraphAPI graphId $ "versions"
type UpdateGraphVersionsParams =
......@@ -73,7 +75,7 @@ type UpdateGraphVersionsParams =
, session :: Session
updateGraphVersions :: Record UpdateGraphVersionsParams -> Aff GET.GraphData
updateGraphVersions :: Record UpdateGraphVersionsParams -> Aff (Either RESTError GET.GraphData)
updateGraphVersions { graphId, session } = post session (GR.GraphAPI graphId $ "versions") {}
type CloneGraphParams =
......@@ -82,5 +84,5 @@ type CloneGraphParams =
, session :: Session
cloneGraph :: Record CloneGraphParams -> Aff Int
cloneGraph :: Record CloneGraphParams -> Aff (Either RESTError Int)
cloneGraph { hyperdataGraph, id, session } = post session (GR.GraphAPI id $ "clone") hyperdataGraph
......@@ -3,11 +3,13 @@ module Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.Button
import Prelude
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Enum (fromEnum)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.DateTime as DDT
import Data.DateTime.Instant as DDI
import Data.String as DS
import DOM.Simple.Console (log2)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (launchAff_)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
......@@ -19,6 +21,7 @@ import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Action.Upload (uploadArbitraryData
import Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.API (cloneGraph)
import Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.Types as GET
import Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.Utils as GEU
import Gargantext.Config.REST (RESTError)
import Gargantext.Hooks.Sigmax as Sigmax
import Gargantext.Hooks.Sigmax.Sigma as Sigma
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session)
......@@ -93,9 +96,14 @@ cameraButton { id
_ -> GET.Camera { ratio: 1.0, x: 0.0, y: 0.0 }
let hyperdataGraph' = GET.HyperdataGraph { graph: graphData, mCamera: Just camera }
launchAff_ $ do
clonedGraphId <- cloneGraph { id, hyperdataGraph: hyperdataGraph', session }
ret <- uploadArbitraryDataURL session clonedGraphId (Just $ nowStr <> "-" <> "screenshot.png") screen
eClonedGraphId <- cloneGraph { id, hyperdataGraph: hyperdataGraph', session }
case eClonedGraphId of
Left err -> liftEffect $ log2 "[cameraButton] RESTError" err
Right clonedGraphId -> do
eRet <- uploadArbitraryDataURL session clonedGraphId (Just $ nowStr <> "-" <> "screenshot.png") screen
case eRet of
Left err -> liftEffect $ log2 "[cameraButton] RESTError" err
Right _ret -> do
liftEffect $ T2.reload reloadForest
pure ret
, text: "Screenshot"
This diff is collapsed.
module Gargantext.Components.NgramsTable.API where
import Data.Either (Either)
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Gargantext.Config.REST (RESTError)
import Gargantext.Routes as GR
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session, post)
import Gargantext.Types as GT
......@@ -13,5 +16,6 @@ type UpdateNodeListParams =
, session :: Session
updateNodeList :: Record UpdateNodeListParams -> Aff Int
updateNodeList { listId, nodeId, nodeType, session } = post session (GR.RecomputeNgrams nodeType nodeId listId) {}
updateNodeList :: Record UpdateNodeListParams -> Aff (Either RESTError Int)
updateNodeList { listId, nodeId, nodeType, session } =
post session (GR.RecomputeNgrams nodeType nodeId listId) {}
......@@ -80,17 +80,15 @@ module Gargantext.Components.NgramsTable.Core
import Control.Monad.State (class MonadState, execState)
import DOM.Simple.Console (log2)
import Data.Array (head)
import Data.Array as A
import Data.Bifunctor (lmap)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Eq.Generic (genericEq)
import Data.Foldable (class Foldable, foldMap, foldl, foldr)
import Data.FoldableWithIndex (class FoldableWithIndex, foldMapWithIndex, foldlWithIndex, foldrWithIndex)
--import Data.FunctorWithIndex (class FunctorWithIndex, mapWithIndex)
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Eq.Generic (genericEq)
import Data.Ord.Generic (genericCompare)
import Data.Show.Generic (genericShow)
import Data.Lens (Iso', Lens', use, view, (%=), (%~), (.~), (?=), (^?))
import Data.Lens.At (class At, at)
import Data.Lens.Common (_Just)
......@@ -105,8 +103,10 @@ import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe, fromMaybe', isJust)
import Data.Monoid.Additive (Additive(..))
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype)
import Data.Ord.Generic (genericCompare)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Set as Set
import Data.Show.Generic (genericShow)
import Data.String as S
import Data.String.Common as DSC
import Data.String.Regex (Regex, regex, replace) as R
......@@ -118,31 +118,32 @@ import Data.Traversable (for, traverse_, traverse)
import Data.TraversableWithIndex (traverseWithIndex)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\))
import DOM.Simple.Console (log2)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, launchAff_)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, launchAff_)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Exception.Unsafe (unsafeThrow)
import FFI.Simple.Functions (delay)
import Foreign as F
import Foreign.Object as FO
import FFI.Simple.Functions (delay)
import Reactix (Component, Element, createElement) as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import Partial (crashWith)
import Partial.Unsafe (unsafePartial)
import Simple.JSON as JSON
import Toestand (Box, modify_, read, unequal, useBox, useLive, write_) as T
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.AsyncTasks as GAT
import Gargantext.Components.Table (initialParams) as T
import Gargantext.Components.Table.Types (ColumnName(..), OrderByDirection(..), Params) as T
import Gargantext.Components.Table as T
import Gargantext.Components.Table.Types as T
import Gargantext.Config.REST (RESTError)
import Gargantext.Config.Utils (handleRESTError)
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Routes (SessionRoute(..))
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session, get, post, put)
import Gargantext.Types (AsyncTaskType(..), AsyncTaskWithType(..), CTabNgramType(..), ListId, OrderBy(..), ScoreType(..), TabSubType(..), TabType(..), TermList(..), TermSize(..))
import Gargantext.Types (AsyncTask, AsyncTaskType(..), AsyncTaskWithType(..), CTabNgramType(..), FrontendError, ListId, OrderBy(..), ScoreType(..), TabSubType(..), TabType(..), TermList(..), TermSize(..))
import Gargantext.Utils.Either (eitherMap)
import Gargantext.Utils.KarpRabin (indicesOfAny)
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
import Reactix as R
import Simple.JSON as JSON
import Toestand as T
here :: R2.Here
here = "Gargantext.Components.NgramsTable.Core"
......@@ -902,7 +903,7 @@ setTermListP ngram patch_list = singletonNgramsTablePatch ngram pe
setTermListA :: NgramsTerm -> Replace TermList -> CoreAction
setTermListA ngram termList = CommitPatch $ setTermListP ngram termList
putNgramsPatches :: forall s. CoreParams s -> VersionedNgramsPatches -> Aff VersionedNgramsPatches
putNgramsPatches :: forall s. CoreParams s -> VersionedNgramsPatches -> Aff (Either RESTError VersionedNgramsPatches)
putNgramsPatches { listIds, nodeId, session, tabType } = put session putNgrams
where putNgrams = PutNgrams tabType (head listIds) Nothing (Just nodeId)
......@@ -915,7 +916,10 @@ syncPatches props state callback = do
when (isEmptyNgramsTablePatch ngramsStagePatch) $ do
let pt = Versioned { data: ngramsPatches, version: ngramsVersion }
launchAff_ $ do
Versioned { data: newPatch, version: newVersion } <- putNgramsPatches props pt
ePatches <- putNgramsPatches props pt
case ePatches of
Left err -> liftEffect $ log2 "[syncPatches] RESTError" err
Right (Versioned { data: newPatch, version: newVersion }) -> do
callback unit
liftEffect $ do
log2 "[syncPatches] setting state, newVersion" newVersion
......@@ -964,7 +968,7 @@ commitPatch tablePatch state = do
T.modify_ (\s -> s { ngramsLocalPatch = tablePatch <> s.ngramsLocalPatch }) state
-- First we apply the patches we have locally and then the new patch (tablePatch).
loadNgramsTable :: PageParams -> Aff VersionedNgramsTable
loadNgramsTable :: PageParams -> Aff (Either RESTError VersionedNgramsTable)
{ nodeId, listIds, termListFilter, termSizeFilter, session, scoreType
, searchQuery, tabType, params: {offset, limit, orderBy}}
......@@ -983,7 +987,7 @@ loadNgramsTable
type NgramsListByTabType = Map TabType VersionedNgramsTable
loadNgramsTableAll :: PageParams -> Aff NgramsListByTabType
loadNgramsTableAll :: PageParams -> Aff (Either RESTError NgramsListByTabType)
loadNgramsTableAll { nodeId, listIds, session, scoreType } = do
cTagNgramTypes =
......@@ -994,11 +998,13 @@ loadNgramsTableAll { nodeId, listIds, session, scoreType } = do
query tabType = GetNgramsTableAll { listIds, tabType } (Just nodeId)
Map.fromFoldable <$> for cTagNgramTypes \cTagNgramType -> do
ret <- Map.fromFoldable <$> for cTagNgramTypes \cTagNgramType -> do
let tabType = TabCorpus $ TabNgramType cTagNgramType
result :: VersionedNgramsTable <- get session $ query tabType
result :: Either RESTError VersionedNgramsTable <- get session $ query tabType
pure $ Tuple tabType result
pure $ eitherMap ret
convOrderBy :: T.OrderByDirection T.ColumnName -> OrderBy
convOrderBy (T.ASC (T.ColumnName "Score")) = ScoreAsc
convOrderBy (T.DESC (T.ColumnName "Score")) = ScoreDesc
......@@ -1110,19 +1116,20 @@ chartsAfterSync :: forall props discard.
, tabType :: TabType
| props
-> T.Box (Array FrontendError)
-> T.Box GAT.Storage
-> discard
-> Aff Unit
chartsAfterSync path'@{ nodeId } tasks _ = do
task <- postNgramsChartsAsync path'
liftEffect $ do
chartsAfterSync path'@{ nodeId } errors tasks _ = do
eTask <- postNgramsChartsAsync path'
handleRESTError errors eTask $ \task -> liftEffect $ do
log2 "[chartsAfterSync] Synchronize task" task
GAT.insert nodeId task tasks
postNgramsChartsAsync :: forall s. CoreParams s -> Aff AsyncTaskWithType
postNgramsChartsAsync :: forall s. CoreParams s -> Aff (Either RESTError AsyncTaskWithType)
postNgramsChartsAsync { listIds, nodeId, session, tabType } = do
task <- post session putNgramsAsync acu
pure $ AsyncTaskWithType { task, typ: UpdateNgramsCharts }
eTask :: Either RESTError AsyncTask <- post session putNgramsAsync acu
pure $ (\task -> AsyncTaskWithType { task, typ: UpdateNgramsCharts }) <$> eTask
acu = AsyncNgramsChartsUpdate { listId: head listIds
, tabType }
module Gargantext.Components.NgramsTable.Loader where
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Affjax (Error(..))
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe, isJust)
import Data.Tuple (fst)
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, launchAff_, throwError)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Exception (error)
import Reactix as R
import Simple.JSON as JSON
import Toestand as T
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Components.LoadingSpinner (loadingSpinner)
import Gargantext.Components.NgramsTable.Core (Version, Versioned(..))
import Gargantext.Config.REST (RESTError(..))
import Gargantext.Utils.CacheAPI as GUC
import Reactix as R
import Simple.JSON as JSON
import Toestand as T
cacheName :: String
cacheName = "ngrams-cache-api-loader"
......@@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ clearCache _ = GUC.delete $ GUC.CacheName cacheName
type LoaderWithCacheAPIProps path res ret = (
cacheEndpoint :: path -> Aff Version
cacheEndpoint :: path -> Aff (Either RESTError Version)
, errorHandler :: RESTError -> Effect Unit
, handleResponse :: Versioned res -> ret
, mkRequest :: path -> GUC.Request
, path :: path
......@@ -37,11 +38,12 @@ type LoaderWithCacheAPIProps path res ret = (
useLoaderWithCacheAPI :: forall path res ret. Eq path => JSON.ReadForeign res => Eq ret =>
Record (LoaderWithCacheAPIProps path res ret)
-> R.Hooks R.Element
useLoaderWithCacheAPI { cacheEndpoint, handleResponse, mkRequest, path, renderer } = do
useLoaderWithCacheAPI { cacheEndpoint, errorHandler, handleResponse, mkRequest, path, renderer } = do
state <- T.useBox Nothing
state' <- T.useLive T.unequal state
useCachedAPILoaderEffect { cacheEndpoint
, errorHandler
, handleResponse
, mkRequest
, path
......@@ -49,7 +51,8 @@ useLoaderWithCacheAPI { cacheEndpoint, handleResponse, mkRequest, path, renderer
pure $ maybe (loadingSpinner {}) renderer state'
type LoaderWithCacheAPIEffectProps path res ret = (
cacheEndpoint :: path -> Aff Version
cacheEndpoint :: path -> Aff (Either RESTError Version)
, errorHandler :: RESTError -> Effect Unit
, handleResponse :: Versioned res -> ret
, mkRequest :: path -> GUC.Request
, path :: path
......@@ -60,6 +63,7 @@ useCachedAPILoaderEffect :: forall path res ret. Eq path => JSON.ReadForeign res
Record (LoaderWithCacheAPIEffectProps path res ret)
-> R.Hooks Unit
useCachedAPILoaderEffect { cacheEndpoint
, errorHandler
, handleResponse
, mkRequest
, path
......@@ -78,8 +82,11 @@ useCachedAPILoaderEffect { cacheEndpoint
launchAff_ $ do
cache <- GUC.openCache $ GUC.CacheName cacheName
-- TODO Parallelize?
vr@(Versioned { version, "data": d }) <- GUC.cachedJson cache req
cacheReal <- cacheEndpoint path
vr@(Versioned { version }) <- GUC.cachedJson cache req
eCacheReal <- cacheEndpoint path
case eCacheReal of
Left err -> liftEffect $ errorHandler err
Right cacheReal -> do
val <- if version == cacheReal then
pure vr
else do
......@@ -91,7 +98,8 @@ useCachedAPILoaderEffect { cacheEndpoint
vr'@(Versioned { version: version', data: _ }) <- GUC.cachedJson cache req
if version' == cacheReal then
pure vr'
throwError $ error $ "[NgramsTable.Loader] Fetched clean cache but hashes don't match: " <> show version <> " != " <> show cacheReal
else do
liftEffect $ errorHandler $ SendResponseError $ RequestContentError $ "[useCachedAPILoaderEffect] Fetched clean cache but hashes don't match: " <> show version <> " != " <> show cacheReal
throwError $ error $"[useCachedAPILoaderEffect] Fetched clean cache but hashes don't match: " <> show version <> " != " <> show cacheReal
liftEffect $ do
T.write_ (Just $ handleResponse val) state
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Annuaire
import Data.Array as A
import Data.Either (Either)
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Eq.Generic (genericEq)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe, fromMaybe)
......@@ -23,12 +24,13 @@ import Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Annuaire.User.Contacts.Types as CT
import Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Lists.Types as NT
import Gargantext.Components.Table (defaultContainer, initialParams, makeRow, table, tableHeaderLayout) as TT
import Gargantext.Components.Table.Types (ColumnName(..), Params) as TT
import Gargantext.Config.REST (RESTError)
import Gargantext.Ends (url, Frontends)
import Gargantext.Hooks.Loader (useLoader)
import Gargantext.Routes (SessionRoute(..))
import Gargantext.Routes as Routes
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session, sessionId, get)
import Gargantext.Types (NodeType(..), AffTableResult, TableResult)
import Gargantext.Types (NodeType(..), AffETableResult, TableResult)
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
here :: R2.Here
......@@ -77,8 +79,12 @@ annuaireLayoutWithKeyCpt = here.component "annuaireLayoutWithKey" cpt where
path <- T.useBox nodeId
path' <- T.useLive T.unequal path
useLoader path' (getAnnuaireInfo session) $
\info -> annuaire { frontends, info, path, session }
useLoader { errorHandler
, loader: getAnnuaireInfo session
, path: path'
, render: \info -> annuaire { frontends, info, path, session } }
errorHandler err = here.log2 "[annuaireLayoutWithKey] RESTError" err
type AnnuaireProps =
( session :: Session
......@@ -120,7 +126,6 @@ annuaireCpt = here.component "annuaire" cpt
, pageLayout { info, session, pagePath, frontends} ]
date = "Last update: " <> date'
style = {width: "250px", display: "inline-block"}
initialPagePath nodeId = {nodeId, params: TT.initialParams}
type PagePath = { nodeId :: Int, params :: TT.Params }
......@@ -138,11 +143,15 @@ pageLayout props = R.createElement pageLayoutCpt props []
pageLayoutCpt :: R.Component PageLayoutProps
pageLayoutCpt = here.component "pageLayout" cpt
cpt { info, frontends, pagePath, session } _ = do
cpt { frontends, pagePath, session } _ = do
pagePath' <- T.useLive T.unequal pagePath
useLoader pagePath' (loadPage session) $
\table -> page { session, table, frontends, pagePath }
useLoader { errorHandler
, loader: loadPage session
, path: pagePath'
, render: \table -> page { session, table, frontends, pagePath } }
errorHandler err = here.log2 "[pageLayout] RESTError" err
type PageProps =
( session :: Session
......@@ -175,9 +184,9 @@ pageCpt = here.component "page" cpt
rows pagePath' = (row pagePath') <$> Seq.fromFoldable docs
row pagePath'@{ nodeId } contact = { row: contactCells { annuaireId: nodeId, frontends, contact, session }
row { nodeId } contact = { row: contactCells { annuaireId: nodeId, frontends, contact, session }
, delete: false }
container = TT.defaultContainer { title: "Annuaire" } -- TODO
container = TT.defaultContainer -- TODO
colNames = TT.ColumnName <$> [ "", "First Name", "Last Name", "Company", "Role"]
wrapColElts = const identity
......@@ -194,9 +203,8 @@ contactCells :: Record ContactCellsProps -> R.Element
contactCells p = R.createElement contactCellsCpt p []
contactCellsCpt :: R.Component ContactCellsProps
contactCellsCpt = here.component "contactCells" cpt where
cpt { annuaireId, frontends, session
, contact: CT.NodeContact
{ id, hyperdata: CT.HyperdataContact { who : Nothing }}} _ =
cpt { contact: CT.NodeContact
{ hyperdata: CT.HyperdataContact { who : Nothing } } } _ =
pure $ TT.makeRow
[ H.text ""
, H.span {} [ H.text "Name" ]
......@@ -224,9 +232,6 @@ contactCellsCpt = here.component "contactCells" cpt where
-- H.text $ maybe "No ContactWhereRole" contactWhereRole (A.head $ ou)
--nodepath = NodePath (sessionId session) NodeContact (Just id)
nodepath = Routes.ContactPage (sessionId session) annuaireId id
href = url frontends nodepath
contactUrl aId id' = url frontends $ Routes.ContactPage (sessionId session) aId id'
contactWhereOrg (CT.ContactWhere { organization: [] }) = "No Organization"
contactWhereOrg (CT.ContactWhere { organization: orga }) =
......@@ -234,8 +239,6 @@ contactCellsCpt = here.component "contactCells" cpt where
contactWhereDept (CT.ContactWhere { labTeamDepts : [] }) = "Empty Dept"
contactWhereDept (CT.ContactWhere { labTeamDepts : dept }) =
fromMaybe "No Dept (list)" (A.head dept)
contactWhereRole (CT.ContactWhere { role: Nothing }) = "Empty Role"
contactWhereRole (CT.ContactWhere { role: Just role }) = role
newtype HyperdataAnnuaire = HyperdataAnnuaire
{ title :: Maybe String
......@@ -278,8 +281,8 @@ instance JSON.ReadForeign AnnuaireInfo where
loadPage :: Session -> PagePath -> AffTableResult CT.NodeContact
loadPage session {nodeId, params: { offset, limit, orderBy }} =
loadPage :: Session -> PagePath -> AffETableResult CT.NodeContact
loadPage session {nodeId, params: { offset, limit }} =
get session children
-- TODO orderBy
-- where
......@@ -291,6 +294,6 @@ loadPage session {nodeId, params: { offset, limit, orderBy }} =
children = Children NodeContact offset limit Nothing {-(convOrderBy <$> orderBy)-} (Just nodeId)
getAnnuaireInfo :: Session -> Int -> Aff AnnuaireInfo
getAnnuaireInfo :: Session -> Int -> Aff (Either RESTError AnnuaireInfo)
getAnnuaireInfo session id = get session (NodeAPI Node (Just id) "")
......@@ -4,26 +4,23 @@ module Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Annuaire.Tabs where
import Prelude hiding (div)
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Show.Generic (genericShow)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Tuple (fst)
import Data.Show.Generic (genericShow)
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\))
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Gargantext.AsyncTasks as GAT
import Gargantext.Components.App.Data (Boxes)
import Gargantext.Components.DocsTable as DT
import Gargantext.Components.DocsTable.Types (Year)
import Gargantext.Components.NgramsTable as NT
import Gargantext.Components.NgramsTable.Core as NTC
import Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Annuaire.User.Contacts.Types (ContactData)
import Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Lists.Types as LTypes
import Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Texts.Types as TTypes
import Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Texts.Types as TextsT
import Gargantext.Components.Tab as Tab
import Gargantext.Ends (Frontends)
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session)
import Gargantext.Types (CTabNgramType(..), PTabNgramType(..), SidePanelState, TabType(..), TabSubType(..))
import Gargantext.Types (CTabNgramType(..), PTabNgramType(..), TabSubType(..), TabType(..))
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
import Gargantext.Utils.Toestand as T2
import Reactix as R
import Record as Record
import Record.Extra as RX
......@@ -53,21 +50,17 @@ modeTabType' Books = CTabAuthors
modeTabType' Communication = CTabAuthors
type TabsProps =
( cacheState :: T.Box LTypes.CacheState
( boxes :: Boxes
, cacheState :: T.Box LTypes.CacheState
, contactData :: ContactData
, frontends :: Frontends
, nodeId :: Int
, reloadForest :: T2.ReloadS
, reloadRoot :: T2.ReloadS
, session :: Session
, sidePanel :: T.Box (Maybe (Record TextsT.SidePanel))
, sidePanelState :: T.Box SidePanelState
, tasks :: T.Box GAT.Storage
tabs :: R2.Leaf TabsProps
tabs props = R.createElement tabsCpt props []
tabsCpt :: R.Component TabsProps
tabsCpt = here.component "tabs" cpt where
cpt props _ = do
......@@ -75,7 +68,7 @@ tabsCpt = here.component "tabs" cpt where
yearFilter <- T.useBox (Nothing :: Maybe Year)
pure $ Tab.tabs { activeTab, tabs: tabs' yearFilter props }
tabs' yearFilter props@{ sidePanel, sidePanelState } =
tabs' yearFilter props@{ boxes, sidePanel } =
[ "Documents" /\ docs
, "Patents" /\ ngramsView (viewProps Patents)
, "Books" /\ ngramsView (viewProps Books)
......@@ -85,7 +78,7 @@ tabsCpt = here.component "tabs" cpt where
viewProps mode = Record.merge props { defaultListId: props.contactData.defaultListId
, mode }
totalRecords = 4736 -- TODO lol
docs = DT.docViewLayout (Record.merge { sidePanel, sidePanelState } $ Record.merge dtCommon dtExtra)
docs = DT.docViewLayout (Record.merge { boxes, sidePanel } $ Record.merge dtCommon dtExtra)
dtCommon = RX.pick props :: Record DTCommon
dtExtra =
{ chart: mempty
......@@ -113,7 +106,6 @@ type NgramsViewTabsProps =
ngramsView :: R2.Leaf NgramsViewTabsProps
ngramsView props = R.createElement ngramsViewCpt props []
ngramsViewCpt :: R.Component NgramsViewTabsProps
ngramsViewCpt = here.component "ngramsView" cpt where
cpt props@{ defaultListId, mode, nodeId, session } _ = do
......@@ -135,10 +127,8 @@ ngramsViewCpt = here.component "ngramsView" cpt where
afterSync _ = pure unit
type NTCommon =
( cacheState :: T.Box LTypes.CacheState
( boxes :: Boxes
, cacheState :: T.Box LTypes.CacheState
, defaultListId :: Int
, reloadForest :: T2.ReloadS
, reloadRoot :: T2.ReloadS
, session :: Session
, tasks :: T.Box GAT.Storage
......@@ -4,29 +4,31 @@ module Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Annuaire.User
import Gargantext.Prelude (Unit, bind, discard, pure, show, ($), (<$>), (<<<), (<>))
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Data.Either (Either)
import Data.Lens as L
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, launchAff_)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import Toestand as T
import Gargantext.AsyncTasks as GAT
import Gargantext.Components.App.Data (Boxes)
import Gargantext.Components.InputWithEnter (inputWithEnter)
import Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Annuaire.User.Contacts.Types (Contact(..), ContactData, ContactTouch(..), ContactWhere(..), ContactWho(..), HyperdataContact(..), HyperdataUser(..), _city, _country, _firstName, _labTeamDeptsJoinComma, _lastName, _mail, _office, _organizationJoinComma, _ouFirst, _phone, _role, _shared, _touch, _who, defaultContactTouch, defaultContactWhere, defaultContactWho, defaultHyperdataContact, defaultHyperdataUser)
import Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Annuaire.Tabs as Tabs
import Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Annuaire.User.Contacts.Types (Contact(..), ContactData, ContactTouch(..), ContactWhere(..), ContactWho(..), HyperdataContact(..), HyperdataUser(..), _city, _country, _firstName, _labTeamDeptsJoinComma, _lastName, _mail, _office, _organizationJoinComma, _ouFirst, _phone, _role, _shared, _touch, _who, defaultContactTouch, defaultContactWhere, defaultContactWho, defaultHyperdataContact, defaultHyperdataUser)
import Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Lists.Types as LT
import Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Texts.Types as TT
import Gargantext.Config.REST (RESTError)
import Gargantext.Ends (Frontends)
import Gargantext.Hooks.Loader (useLoader)
import Gargantext.Routes as Routes
import Gargantext.Sessions (WithSession, WithSessionContext, Session, get, put, sessionId)
import Gargantext.Types (NodeType(..), SidePanelState)
import Gargantext.Types (NodeType(..))
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
import Gargantext.Utils.Toestand as T2
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import Record as Record
import Toestand as T
here :: R2.Here
here = "Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Annuaire.User"
......@@ -35,7 +37,6 @@ type DisplayProps = ( title :: String )
display :: R2.Component DisplayProps
display = R.createElement displayCpt
displayCpt :: R.Component DisplayProps
displayCpt = here.component "display" cpt
......@@ -91,7 +92,6 @@ type ContactInfoItemProps =
contactInfoItem :: Record ContactInfoItemProps -> R.Element
contactInfoItem props = R.createElement contactInfoItemCpt props []
contactInfoItemCpt :: R.Component ContactInfoItemProps
contactInfoItemCpt = here.component "contactInfoItem" cpt
......@@ -152,13 +152,9 @@ listElement = { className: "list-group-item justify-content-between" }
type LayoutNoSessionProps =
( frontends :: Frontends
( boxes :: Boxes
, frontends :: Frontends
, nodeId :: Int
, reloadForest :: T2.ReloadS
, reloadRoot :: T2.ReloadS
, sidePanel :: T.Box (Maybe (Record TT.SidePanel))
, sidePanelState :: T.Box SidePanelState
, tasks :: T.Box GAT.Storage
type LayoutProps = WithSession LayoutNoSessionProps
......@@ -172,70 +168,48 @@ type KeyLayoutProps = (
userLayout :: R2.Component LayoutProps
userLayout = R.createElement userLayoutCpt
userLayoutCpt :: R.Component LayoutProps
userLayoutCpt = here.component "userLayout" cpt
cpt { frontends
, nodeId
, reloadForest
, reloadRoot
, session
, sidePanel
, sidePanelState
, tasks } _ = do
cpt props@{ nodeId
, session } _ = do
let sid = sessionId session
pure $ userLayoutWithKey {
, key: show sid <> "-" <> show nodeId
, nodeId
, reloadForest
, reloadRoot
, session
, sidePanel
, sidePanelState
, tasks
pure $ userLayoutWithKey $ Record.merge props { key: show sid <> "-" <> show nodeId }
userLayoutWithKey :: Record KeyLayoutProps -> R.Element
userLayoutWithKey :: R2.Leaf KeyLayoutProps
userLayoutWithKey props = R.createElement userLayoutWithKeyCpt props []
userLayoutWithKeyCpt :: R.Component KeyLayoutProps
userLayoutWithKeyCpt = here.component "userLayoutWithKey" cpt
cpt { frontends
userLayoutWithKeyCpt = here.component "userLayoutWithKey" cpt where
cpt { boxes: boxes@{ sidePanelTexts }
, frontends
, nodeId
, reloadForest
, reloadRoot
, session
, sidePanel
, sidePanelState
, tasks } _ = do
, session } _ = do
reload <- T.useBox T2.newReload
reload' <- T.useLive T.unequal reload
cacheState <- T.useBox LT.CacheOn
useLoader {nodeId, reload: reload', session} getUserWithReload $
\contactData@{contactNode: Contact {name, hyperdata}} ->
useLoader { errorHandler
, loader: getUserWithReload
, path: { nodeId, reload: reload', session }
, render: \contactData@{contactNode: Contact {name, hyperdata}} ->
H.ul { className: "col-md-12 list-group" } [
display { title: fromMaybe "no name" name }
(contactInfos hyperdata (onUpdateHyperdata reload))
, Tabs.tabs {
, cacheState
, contactData
, frontends
, nodeId
, reloadForest
, reloadRoot
, session
, sidePanel
, sidePanelState
, tasks
, sidePanel: sidePanelTexts
errorHandler err = here.log2 "[userLayoutWithKey] RESTError" err
onUpdateHyperdata :: T2.ReloadS -> HyperdataUser -> Effect Unit
onUpdateHyperdata reload hd = do
launchAff_ $ do
......@@ -243,9 +217,9 @@ userLayoutWithKeyCpt = here.component "userLayoutWithKey" cpt
liftEffect $ T2.reload reload
-- | toUrl to get data XXX
getContact :: Session -> Int -> Aff ContactData
getContact :: Session -> Int -> Aff (Either RESTError ContactData)
getContact session id = do
contactNode :: Contact <- get session $ Routes.NodeAPI Node (Just id) ""
eContactNode <- get session $ Routes.NodeAPI Node (Just id) ""
-- TODO: we need a default list for the pairings
--defaultListIds <- get $ toUrl endConfigStateful Back (Children NodeList 0 1 Nothing) $ Just id
--case (head defaultListIds :: Maybe (NodePoly HyperdataList)) of
......@@ -253,14 +227,14 @@ getContact session id = do
-- pure {contactNode, defaultListId}
-- Nothing ->
-- throwError $ error "Missing default list"
pure {contactNode, defaultListId: 424242}
pure $ (\contactNode -> { contactNode, defaultListId: 424242 }) <$> eContactNode
getUserWithReload :: { nodeId :: Int
, reload :: T2.Reload
, session :: Session} -> Aff ContactData
, session :: Session} -> Aff (Either RESTError ContactData)
getUserWithReload {nodeId, session} = getContact session nodeId
saveContactHyperdata :: Session -> Int -> HyperdataUser -> Aff Int
saveContactHyperdata :: Session -> Int -> HyperdataUser -> Aff (Either RESTError Int)
saveContactHyperdata session id h = do
put session (Routes.NodeAPI Node (Just id) "") h
......@@ -3,35 +3,30 @@ module Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Annuaire.User.Contact
, contactLayout
) where
import Gargantext.Prelude (Unit, bind, discard, pure, show, ($), (*>), (<$>), (<<<), (<>))
import Data.Either (Either)
import Data.Lens as L
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, launchAff_)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import Toestand as T
import Gargantext.AsyncTasks as GAT
import Gargantext.Components.App.Data (Boxes)
import Gargantext.Components.InputWithEnter (inputWithEnter)
import Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Annuaire.User.Contacts.Tabs as Tabs
import Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Annuaire.User.Contacts.Types
( Contact'(..), ContactData', ContactTouch(..), ContactWhere(..)
, ContactWho(..), HyperdataContact(..), HyperdataUser(..)
, _city, _country, _firstName, _labTeamDeptsJoinComma, _lastName
, _mail, _office, _organizationJoinComma, _ouFirst, _phone, _role
, _shared, _touch, _who, defaultContactTouch, defaultContactWhere
, defaultContactWho, defaultHyperdataContact, defaultHyperdataUser )
import Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Annuaire.User.Contacts.Types (Contact'(..), ContactData', ContactTouch(..), ContactWhere(..), ContactWho(..), HyperdataContact(..), HyperdataUser(..), _city, _country, _firstName, _labTeamDeptsJoinComma, _lastName, _mail, _office, _organizationJoinComma, _ouFirst, _phone, _role, _shared, _touch, _who, defaultContactTouch, defaultContactWhere, defaultContactWho, defaultHyperdataContact, defaultHyperdataUser)
import Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Lists.Types as LT
import Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Texts.Types as TT
import Gargantext.Config.REST (RESTError)
import Gargantext.Ends (Frontends)
import Gargantext.Hooks.Loader (useLoader)
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Routes as Routes
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session, get, put, sessionId)
import Gargantext.Types (NodeType(..), SidePanelState)
import Gargantext.Types (NodeType(..))
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
import Gargantext.Utils.Toestand as T2
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import Record as Record
import Toestand as T
here :: R2.Here
here = "Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Annuaire.User.Contact"
......@@ -40,7 +35,6 @@ type DisplayProps = ( title :: String )
display :: R2.Component DisplayProps
display = R.createElement displayCpt
displayCpt :: R.Component DisplayProps
displayCpt = here.component "display" cpt
......@@ -136,28 +130,22 @@ contactInfoItemCpt = here.component "contactInfoItem" cpt
let newHyperdata = (L.over cLens (\_ -> R.readRef valueRef) hyperdata) :: HyperdataContact
onUpdateHyperdata newHyperdata
listElement :: Array R.Element -> R.Element
listElement = { className: "list-group-item justify-content-between" }
type BasicProps =
( frontends :: Frontends
, nodeId :: Int
, sidePanelState :: T.Box SidePanelState
, sidePanel :: T.Box (Maybe (Record TT.SidePanel))
, tasks :: T.Box GAT.Storage
type ReloadProps =
( reloadForest :: T2.ReloadS
, reloadRoot :: T2.ReloadS
| BasicProps
( boxes :: Boxes
, frontends :: Frontends
, nodeId :: Int
type LayoutProps = ( session :: Session | ReloadProps )
type LayoutProps =
( session :: Session
| ReloadProps )
type KeyLayoutProps = ( key :: String, session :: Session | ReloadProps )
type KeyLayoutProps =
( key :: String
, session :: Session
| ReloadProps )
saveContactHyperdata :: Session -> Int -> HyperdataContact -> Aff Int
saveContactHyperdata :: Session -> Int -> HyperdataContact -> Aff (Either RESTError Int)
saveContactHyperdata session id = put session (Routes.NodeAPI Node (Just id) "")
type AnnuaireLayoutProps = ( annuaireId :: Int, session :: Session | ReloadProps )
......@@ -166,75 +154,52 @@ type AnnuaireKeyLayoutProps = ( annuaireId :: Int | KeyLayoutProps )
contactLayout :: R2.Component AnnuaireLayoutProps
contactLayout = R.createElement contactLayoutCpt
contactLayoutCpt :: R.Component AnnuaireLayoutProps
contactLayoutCpt = here.component "contactLayout" cpt where
cpt { annuaireId
, frontends
, nodeId
, reloadForest
, reloadRoot
, session
, sidePanel
, sidePanelState
, tasks } _ = do
cpt props@{ nodeId
, session } _ = do
let key = show (sessionId session) <> "-" <> show nodeId
pure $
{ annuaireId
, frontends
, key
, nodeId
, reloadForest
, reloadRoot
, session
, sidePanel
, sidePanelState
, tasks
contactLayoutWithKey $ Record.merge props { key }
contactLayoutWithKey :: R2.Leaf AnnuaireKeyLayoutProps
contactLayoutWithKey props = R.createElement contactLayoutWithKeyCpt props []
contactLayoutWithKeyCpt :: R.Component AnnuaireKeyLayoutProps
contactLayoutWithKeyCpt = here.component "contactLayoutWithKey" cpt where
cpt { annuaireId
, boxes: boxes@{ sidePanelTexts }
, frontends
, reloadForest
, reloadRoot
, nodeId
, session
, sidePanel
, sidePanelState
, tasks } _ = do
, session } _ = do
reload <- T.useBox T2.newReload
_ <- T.useLive T.unequal reload
cacheState <- T.useBox LT.CacheOn
useLoader nodeId (getAnnuaireContact session annuaireId) $
\contactData@{contactNode: Contact' {name, hyperdata}} ->
useLoader { errorHandler
, loader: getAnnuaireContact session annuaireId
, path: nodeId
, render: \contactData@{contactNode: Contact' {name, hyperdata}} ->
H.ul { className: "col-md-12 list-group" }
[ display { title: fromMaybe "no name" name }
(contactInfos hyperdata (onUpdateHyperdata reload))
, Tabs.tabs
{ cacheState
{ boxes
, cacheState
, contactData
, frontends
, nodeId
, session
, sidePanel
, sidePanelState
, reloadForest
, reloadRoot
, tasks } ]
, sidePanel: sidePanelTexts
} ] }
errorHandler err = here.log2 "[contactLayoutWithKey] RESTError" err
onUpdateHyperdata :: T2.ReloadS -> HyperdataContact -> Effect Unit
onUpdateHyperdata reload hd =
launchAff_ $
saveContactHyperdata session nodeId hd *> liftEffect (T2.reload reload)
getAnnuaireContact :: Session -> Int -> Int -> Aff ContactData'
getAnnuaireContact :: Session -> Int -> Int -> Aff (Either RESTError ContactData')
getAnnuaireContact session annuaireId id = do
contactNode :: Contact' <- get session $ Routes.NodeAPI Annuaire (Just annuaireId) $ show id
eContactNode <- get session $ Routes.NodeAPI Annuaire (Just annuaireId) $ show id
-- TODO: we need a default list for the pairings
--defaultListIds <- get $ toUrl endConfigStateful Back (Children NodeList 0 1 Nothing) $ Just id
--case (head defaultListIds :: Maybe (NodePoly HyperdataList)) of
......@@ -242,4 +207,4 @@ getAnnuaireContact session annuaireId id = do
-- pure {contactNode, defaultListId}
-- Nothing ->
-- throwError $ error "Missing default list"
pure {contactNode, defaultListId: 424242}
pure $ (\contactNode -> { contactNode, defaultListId: 424242 }) <$> eContactNode
This diff is collapsed.
module Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Corpus.Chart.API where
import Data.Either (Either)
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Gargantext.Config.REST (RESTError)
import Gargantext.Routes (SessionRoute(..))
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session, post)
import Gargantext.Types as T
recomputeChart :: Session -> T.ChartType -> T.CTabNgramType -> Int -> Int -> Aff (Array Int)
recomputeChart :: Session -> T.ChartType -> T.CTabNgramType -> Int -> Int -> Aff (Either RESTError (Array Int))
recomputeChart session chartType ngramType corpusId listId =
post session (RecomputeListChart chartType ngramType corpusId listId) {}
module Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Corpus.Chart.Common where
import Data.Tuple (fst)
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\))
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Reactix as R
import Simple.JSON as JSON
import Toestand as T
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Data.Array as A
import Data.Either (Either)
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\))
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Corpus.Chart.Types (MetricsProps, ReloadPath)
import Gargantext.Config.REST (RESTError)
import Gargantext.Hooks.Loader (HashedResponse, useLoader, useLoaderWithCacheAPI)
import Gargantext.Utils.Crypto (Hash)
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session)
import Gargantext.Types (FrontendError(..))
import Gargantext.Utils.CacheAPI as GUC
import Gargantext.Utils.Crypto (Hash)
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
import Reactix as R
import Simple.JSON as JSON
import Toestand as T
here :: R2.Here
here = "Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Corpus.Chart.Common"
type MetricsLoadViewProps a = (
getMetrics :: Session -> ReloadPath -> Aff a
getMetrics :: Session -> ReloadPath -> Aff (Either RESTError a)
, loaded :: Record MetricsProps -> a -> R.Element
| MetricsProps
......@@ -30,18 +32,30 @@ cacheName = "metrics"
metricsLoadView :: forall a. Eq a => Record (MetricsLoadViewProps a) -> R.Element
metricsLoadView p = R.createElement metricsLoadViewCpt p []
metricsLoadViewCpt :: forall a. Eq a => R.Component (MetricsLoadViewProps a)
metricsLoadViewCpt = here.component "metricsLoadView" cpt
cpt { getMetrics, loaded, path, reload, session, onClick, onInit } _ = do
cpt { boxes: boxes@{ errors }
, getMetrics
, loaded
, onClick
, onInit
, path
, reload
, session } _ = do
reload' <- T.useLive T.unequal reload
useLoader (reload' /\ path) (getMetrics session) $ \l ->
loaded { path, reload, session, onClick, onInit } l
useLoader { errorHandler
, loader: getMetrics session
, path: reload' /\ path
, render: \l -> loaded { boxes, path, reload, session, onClick, onInit } l }
errorHandler error = do
T.modify_ (A.cons $ FRESTError { error }) errors
here.log2 "RESTError" error
type MetricsWithCacheLoadViewProps res ret = (
getMetricsHash :: Session -> ReloadPath -> Aff Hash
type MetricsWithCacheLoadViewProps res ret =
( getMetricsHash :: Session -> ReloadPath -> Aff (Either RESTError Hash)
, handleResponse :: HashedResponse res -> ret
, loaded :: Record MetricsProps -> ret -> R.Element
, mkRequest :: ReloadPath -> GUC.Request
......@@ -52,17 +66,26 @@ metricsWithCacheLoadView :: forall res ret.
Eq ret => JSON.ReadForeign res =>
Record (MetricsWithCacheLoadViewProps res ret) -> R.Element
metricsWithCacheLoadView p = R.createElement metricsWithCacheLoadViewCpt p []
metricsWithCacheLoadViewCpt :: forall res ret.
Eq ret => JSON.ReadForeign res =>
R.Component (MetricsWithCacheLoadViewProps res ret)
metricsWithCacheLoadViewCpt = here.component "metricsWithCacheLoadView" cpt
cpt { getMetricsHash, handleResponse, loaded, mkRequest, path, reload, session, onClick, onInit } _ = do
cpt { boxes
, getMetricsHash
, handleResponse
, loaded
, mkRequest
, path
, reload
, session
, onClick
, onInit } _ = do
reload' <- T.useLive T.unequal reload
useLoaderWithCacheAPI { cacheEndpoint: (getMetricsHash session)
useLoaderWithCacheAPI { boxes
, cacheEndpoint: (getMetricsHash session)
, handleResponse
, mkRequest
, path: (reload' /\ path)
, renderer: loaded { path, reload, session, onClick, onInit } }
, renderer: loaded { boxes, path, reload, session, onClick, onInit } }
......@@ -45,4 +45,4 @@ tab frontends session query (GraphSideCorpus {corpusId: nodeId, corpusLabel, lis
dvProps = {frontends, session, nodeId, listId, query, chart, totalRecords: 0, container}
chart = mempty
container = Table.graphContainer {title: corpusLabel}
container = Table.graphContainer
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
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