[CHARTS] rename DataV into DataAxis

parent 480b3a61
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ type DataN =
, textStyle :: TextStyle
type DataV =
type DataAxis =
{ value :: String
, textStyle :: TextStyle
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import CSS.Common (normal)
import Data.Array (length)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Gargantext.Components.Charts.Options.Color (transparent, violet, black)
import Gargantext.Components.Charts.Options.Data (DataN, DataS, DataV)
import Gargantext.Components.Charts.Options.Data (DataN, DataS, DataAxis)
import Gargantext.Components.Charts.Options.Font (IconOptions(..), Shape(..), TextStyle, chartFontStyle, chartFontWeight, icon)
import Gargantext.Components.Charts.Options.Legend (legendType, LegendMode(..), PlainOrScroll(..), selectedMode, Orientation(..), orient)
import Gargantext.Components.Charts.Options.Position (Align(..), LeftRelativePosition(..), TopRelativePosition(..), numberPosition, percentPosition, relativePosition)
......@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ xAxis' xs = xAxis
, show: length xs /= 0
xData :: Array String -> Array DataV
xData :: Array String -> Array DataAxis
xData = map (\x -> {value : x, textStyle : textStyle'})
-- TODO try to use Optional
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import Prelude
import Data.Maybe (Maybe)
import Gargantext.Components.Charts.Options.Color (Color)
import Gargantext.Components.Charts.Options.Data (DataN, DataV)
import Gargantext.Components.Charts.Options.Data (DataN, DataAxis)
import Gargantext.Components.Charts.Options.Font (TextStyle)
import Gargantext.Components.Charts.Options.Legend (LegendType, Orient, SelectedMode)
import Gargantext.Components.Charts.Options.Position (LeftRelativePosition, Position, TopRelativePosition)
......@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ type AxisTick =
data XAxis
type XAxisOptional =
( "data" :: Array DataV
( "data" :: Array DataAxis
, "type" :: String
, axisTick :: AxisTick
, name :: String
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