Hide corpusState and tabviewState

parent 3dde046d
......@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ module Gargantext.Pages.Corpus where
import Prelude hiding (div)
import Data.Array (fold)
import Gargantext.Components.Charts.Options.ECharts (chart)
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Doc.Facets.Dashboard (globalPublis)
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Doc.Facets as Tab
......@@ -10,10 +9,6 @@ import React.DOM (div, h3, hr, i, p, text)
import React.DOM.Props (className, style)
import Thermite (Render, Spec, defaultPerformAction, simpleSpec)
type State = Tab.State
type Action = Tab.Action
type Corpus = { title :: String
, desc :: String
, query :: String
......@@ -21,19 +16,14 @@ type Corpus = { title :: String
, authors :: String
initialState :: State
initialState = Tab.initialState
spec' :: Spec Tab.State {} Tab.Action
spec' = fold [ corpusSpec
, Tab.tab1
spec' :: Spec {} {} Void
spec' = corpusSpec <> Tab.pureTab1
corpusSpec :: Spec Tab.State {} Tab.Action
corpusSpec :: Spec {} {} Void
corpusSpec = simpleSpec defaultPerformAction render
render :: Render Tab.State {} Tab.Action
render dispatch _ state _ =
render :: Render {} {} Void
render _ _ _ _ =
[ div [className "row"]
[ div [className "col-md-3"] [ h3 [] [text corpus.title] ]
, div [className "col-md-9"] [ hr [style {height : "2px",backgroundColor : "black"}] ]
......@@ -2,12 +2,11 @@ module Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Doc.Facets.Specs where
import Prelude hiding (div)
import Data.Lens (Lens', Prism', lens, prism)
import Data.List (fromFoldable)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Doc.Facets.States (State(..), _doclens, _sourcelens, _authorlens, _termslens, _tablens)
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Doc.Facets.Actions (Action(..), _docAction, _sourceAction, _authorAction, _termsAction, _tabAction)
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Doc.Facets.States (State(), _doclens, _sourcelens, _authorlens, _termslens, _tablens, initialState)
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Doc.Facets.Actions (Action(), _docAction, _sourceAction, _authorAction, _termsAction, _tabAction)
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Doc.Facets.Documents as DV
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Doc.Facets.Sources as SV
......@@ -15,12 +14,15 @@ import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Doc.Facets.Authors as AV
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Doc.Facets.Terms as TV
import Gargantext.Components.Tab as Tab
import Thermite (Spec, focus)
import Thermite (Spec, focus, hide)
pureTab1 :: Spec {} {} Void
pureTab1 = hide initialState statefulTab1
tab1 :: Spec State {} Action
tab1 = Tab.tabs _tablens _tabAction $ fromFoldable [ Tuple "Doc View" docPageSpec
statefulTab1 :: Spec State {} Action
statefulTab1 =
Tab.tabs _tablens _tabAction $ fromFoldable [ Tuple "Doc View" docPageSpec
, Tuple "Author View" authorPageSpec
, Tuple "Source View" sourcePageSpec
, Tuple "Terms View" termsPageSpec
......@@ -10,9 +10,7 @@ import Effect.Console (log)
import Gargantext.Components.Login as LN
import Gargantext.Components.Modals.Modal (modalShow)
import Gargantext.Components.Tree as Tree
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus as CA
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Doc.Annotation as D
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Doc.Facets as TV
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Doc.Facets.Dashboard as Dsh
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Doc.Facets.Documents as DV
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Doc.Facets.Graph as GE
......@@ -37,12 +35,10 @@ data Action
| UserPageA U.Action
| DocAnnotationViewA D.Action
| TreeViewA Tree.Action
| TabViewA TV.Action
| GraphExplorerA GE.Action
| DashboardA Dsh.Action
| Search String
| Go
| CorpusAnalysisA CA.Action
| ShowLogin
| ShowAddcorpus
| NgramsA NG.Action
......@@ -105,11 +101,9 @@ performAction (SearchA _) _ _ = pure unit
performAction (UserPageA _) _ _ = pure unit
performAction (DocAnnotationViewA _) _ _ = pure unit
performAction (TreeViewA _) _ _ = pure unit
performAction (TabViewA _) _ _ = pure unit
performAction (GraphExplorerA _) _ _ = pure unit
performAction (DashboardA _) _ _ = pure unit
performAction (NgramsA _) _ _ = pure unit
performAction (CorpusAnalysisA _) _ _ = pure unit
......@@ -167,18 +161,6 @@ _treeAction = prism TreeViewA \action ->
TreeViewA caction -> Right caction
_-> Left action
_tabviewAction :: Prism' Action TV.Action
_tabviewAction = prism TabViewA \action ->
case action of
TabViewA caction -> Right caction
_-> Left action
_corpusAction :: Prism' Action CA.Action
_corpusAction = prism CorpusAnalysisA \action ->
case action of
CorpusAnalysisA caction -> Right caction
_-> Left action
_graphExplorerAction :: Prism' Action GE.Action
_graphExplorerAction = prism GraphExplorerA \action ->
case action of
......@@ -18,15 +18,15 @@ import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Doc.Facets.Graph as GE
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Doc.Facets.Terms.NgramsTable as NG
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.User.Users as U
import Gargantext.Pages.Home as L
import Gargantext.Pages.Layout.Actions (Action(..), _LandingA, _NgramsA, _addCorpusAction, _corpusAction, _dashBoardAction, _docAnnotationViewAction, _docViewAction, _graphExplorerAction, _loginAction, _searchAction, _tabviewAction, _treeAction, _userPageAction, performAction)
import Gargantext.Pages.Layout.Actions (Action(..), _LandingA, _NgramsA, _addCorpusAction, _dashBoardAction, _docAnnotationViewAction, _docViewAction, _graphExplorerAction, _loginAction, _searchAction, _treeAction, _userPageAction, performAction)
import Gargantext.Pages.Layout.Specs.AddCorpus as AC
import Gargantext.Pages.Layout.Specs.Search as S
import Gargantext.Pages.Layout.States (AppState, _addCorpusState, _corpusState, _dashBoardSate, _docAnnotationViewState, _docViewState, _graphExplorerState, _landingState, _loginState, _ngramState, _searchState, _tabviewState, _treeState, _userPageState)
import Gargantext.Pages.Layout.States (AppState, _addCorpusState, _dashBoardSate, _docAnnotationViewState, _docViewState, _graphExplorerState, _landingState, _loginState, _ngramState, _searchState, _treeState, _userPageState)
import Gargantext.Router (Routes(..))
import React (ReactElement)
import React.DOM (a, button, div, footer, hr', img, input, li, p, span, text, ul)
import React.DOM.Props (_data, _id, _type, aria, className, href, onChange, onClick, placeholder, role, src, style, tabIndex, target, title)
import Thermite (Render, Spec, _render, defaultPerformAction, defaultRender, focus, simpleSpec, withState)
import Thermite (Render, Spec, _render, defaultPerformAction, defaultRender, focus, simpleSpec, withState, noState)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
layoutSpec :: Spec AppState {} Action
......@@ -53,14 +53,14 @@ pagesComponent s =
Nothing -> selectSpec Home
selectSpec :: Routes -> Spec AppState {} Action
selectSpec CorpusAnalysis = layout0 $ focus _corpusState _corpusAction CA.spec'
selectSpec CorpusAnalysis = layout0 $ noState CA.spec'
selectSpec Login = focus _loginState _loginAction LN.renderSpec
selectSpec Home = layout0 $ focus _landingState _LandingA (L.layoutLanding EN)
selectSpec AddCorpus = layout0 $ focus _addCorpusState _addCorpusAction AC.layoutAddcorpus
selectSpec DocView = layout0 $ focus _docViewState _docViewAction DV.layoutDocview
selectSpec (UserPage i) = layout0 $ focus _userPageState _userPageAction U.layoutUser
selectSpec (DocAnnotation i) = layout0 $ focus _docAnnotationViewState _docAnnotationViewAction D.docview
selectSpec Tabview = layout0 $ focus _tabviewState _tabviewAction TV.tab1
selectSpec Tabview = layout0 $ noState TV.pureTab1
-- To be removed
selectSpec SearchView = layout0 $ focus _searchState _searchAction S.searchSpec
selectSpec NGramsTable = layout0 $ focus _ngramState _NgramsA NG.ngramsTableSpec
......@@ -6,9 +6,7 @@ import Data.Lens (Lens', lens)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(Just))
import Gargantext.Components.Login as LN
import Gargantext.Components.Tree as Tree
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus as CA
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Doc.Annotation as D
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Doc.Facets as TV
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Doc.Facets.Dashboard as Dsh
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Doc.Facets.Documents as DV
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Doc.Facets.Graph as GE
......@@ -29,9 +27,7 @@ type AppState =
, userPageState :: U.State
, docAnnotationState :: D.State
, ntreeState :: Tree.State
, tabviewState :: TV.State
, search :: String
, corpusState :: CA.State
, showLogin :: Boolean
, showCorpus :: Boolean
, graphExplorerState :: GE.State
......@@ -51,9 +47,7 @@ initAppState =
, userPageState : U.initialState
, docAnnotationState : D.initialState
, ntreeState : Tree.exampleTree
, tabviewState : TV.initialState
, search : ""
, corpusState : CA.initialState
, showLogin : false
, showCorpus : false
, graphExplorerState : GE.initialState
......@@ -87,12 +81,6 @@ _docAnnotationViewState = lens (\s -> s.docAnnotationState) (\s ss -> s{docAnnot
_treeState :: Lens' AppState Tree.State
_treeState = lens (\s -> s.ntreeState) (\s ss -> s {ntreeState = ss})
_tabviewState :: Lens' AppState TV.State
_tabviewState = lens (\s -> s.tabviewState) (\s ss -> s {tabviewState = ss})
_corpusState :: Lens' AppState CA.State
_corpusState = lens (\s -> s.corpusState) (\s ss -> s {corpusState = ss})
_dashBoardSate :: Lens' AppState Dsh.State
_dashBoardSate = lens (\s -> s.dashboardState) (\s ss -> s {dashboardState = ss})
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