[nodes] fix node naming to be consistent with the backend

parent 26cb04b3
......@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import DOM.Simple as DOM
import Effect (Effect)
import Gargantext.Components.Bootstrap as B
import Gargantext.Components.Bootstrap.Types (Elevation(..))
import Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Tools (prettyNodeType)
import Gargantext.Types (ID, Name)
import Gargantext.Types as GT
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
......@@ -57,7 +56,7 @@ nodePopupViewCpt = here.component "nodePopupView" cpt where
H.span { className: GT.fldr nodeType true} [] -- TODO fix names
B.span' { className: "ml-1 h5" } $ prettyNodeType nodeType
B.span' { className: "ml-1 h5" } $ GT.prettyNodeType nodeType
......@@ -405,9 +405,3 @@ checkboxesListGroupCpt = here.component "checkboxesListGroup" cpt
pure $ R.fragment $ map one $ Set.toUnfoldable options'
prettyNodeType :: GT.NodeType -> String
= S.replace (S.Pattern "Node") (S.Replacement " ")
<<< S.replace (S.Pattern "Folder") (S.Replacement " ")
<<< show
......@@ -205,6 +205,37 @@ instance Show NodeType where
show NodeFile = "NodeFile"
prettyNodeType :: NodeType -> String
prettyNodeType (NodePublic nt) = "Public " <> prettyNodeType nt
prettyNodeType Annuaire = "Annuaire"
prettyNodeType Calc = "Calc"
prettyNodeType Context = "Context"
prettyNodeType Corpus = "Corpus"
prettyNodeType Dashboard = "Dashboard"
prettyNodeType Error = "Error"
prettyNodeType Folder = "Folder"
prettyNodeType FolderPrivate = "Private folder"
prettyNodeType FolderPublic = "Public folder"
prettyNodeType FolderShared = "Shared folder"
prettyNodeType Graph = "Graph"
prettyNodeType Individu = "Individu"
prettyNodeType Node = "Node"
prettyNodeType NodeContact = "Contact"
prettyNodeType NodeFile = "File"
prettyNodeType NodeFrameNotebook = "Notebook"
prettyNodeType NodeFrameVisio = "Visio"
prettyNodeType NodeList = "Terms"
prettyNodeType NodeTexts = "Docs"
prettyNodeType NodeUser = "User"
prettyNodeType Nodes = "Nodes"
prettyNodeType Notes = "Notes"
prettyNodeType Phylo = "Phylo"
prettyNodeType Team = "Team"
prettyNodeType Tree = "Tree"
prettyNodeType Url_Document = "Document"
instance Read NodeType where
read "NodeUser" = Just NodeUser
read "NodeFolder" = Just Folder
......@@ -789,11 +820,6 @@ progressPercent (AsyncProgress { log }) = perc
-- | GarganText Internal Sugar
prettyNodeType :: NodeType -> String
prettyNodeType nt = S.replace (S.Pattern "Node") (S.Replacement " ")
$ S.replace (S.Pattern "Folder") (S.Replacement " ")
$ show nt
data SidePanelState = InitialClosed | Opened | Closed
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