Commit f4c7379e authored by Abinaya Sudhir's avatar Abinaya Sudhir
parents fa37a6b5 b81a66c8
......@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ loginSpec = simpleSpec performAction render
a [ className "btn btn-success btn-lg spacing-class", href "", target "blank", title "Fill the form to sign up" ]
[ span [ aria {hidden : true}, className "glyphicon glyphicon-hand-right" ]
, text "Documentation"
, text " Get's started"
, span [ aria {hidden : true}, className "glyphicon glyphicon-warning-sign" ]
......@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ import Login as LN
import Network.HTTP.Affjax (AJAX)
import PageRouter (Routes(..))
import Prelude hiding (div)
import React.DOM (a, div, i, img, li, span, text, ul)
import React (ReactElement)
import React.DOM (a, div, i, img, li, span, text, ul, map')
import React.DOM.Props (_data, _id, aria, className, href, role, src, style, tabIndex, target, title)
import Thermite (PerformAction, Render, Spec, _render, defaultRender, focus, modifyState, simpleSpec, withState)
import DocView as DV
......@@ -147,12 +148,12 @@ pagesComponent s =
selectSpec Home
selectSpec :: Routes -> Spec (ajax :: AJAX, console :: CONSOLE, dom :: DOM | eff) AppState props Action
selectSpec Home = wrap $ focus _landingState _landingAction L.loginSpec
selectSpec Login = focus _loginState _loginAction LN.renderSpec
selectSpec AddCorpus = wrap $ focus _addCorpusState _addCorpusAction AC.addcorpusviewSpec
selectSpec DocView = wrap $ focus _docViewState _docViewAction DV.spec
selectSpec SearchView = wrap $ focus _searchState _searchAction S.searchSpec
selectSpec UserPage = wrap $ focus _userPageState _userPageAction UP.userPageSpec
selectSpec Login = focus _loginState _loginAction LN.renderSpec
selectSpec Home = wrap $ focus _landingState _landingAction L.loginSpec
selectSpec AddCorpus = wrap $ focus _addCorpusState _addCorpusAction AC.addcorpusviewSpec
selectSpec DocView = wrap $ focus _docViewState _docViewAction DV.spec
selectSpec SearchView = wrap $ focus _searchState _searchAction S.searchSpec
selectSpec UserPage = wrap $ focus _userPageState _userPageAction UP.userPageSpec
routingSpec :: forall props eff. Spec (dom :: DOM |eff) AppState props Action
routingSpec = simpleSpec performAction defaultRender
......@@ -173,6 +174,45 @@ wrap spec =
data LiNav = LiNav { title :: String
, href :: String
, icon :: String
, text :: String
liNav :: LiNav -> ReactElement
liNav (LiNav { title:tit
, href :h
, icon:i
, text: txt
) = li [] [ a [ tabIndex (-1)
, target "blank"
, title tit
, href h
[ span [ className i ] []
, text $ " " <> txt
divLogo :: ReactElement
divLogo = div [ className "navbar-inner" ]
[ a [ className "navbar-brand logoSmall"
, href "/index.html"
[ img [ src "images/logoSmall.png"
, title "Back to home." ]
--divDropdownLeft :: ReactElement
--divDropdownLeft = undefined
sidebarnavSpec :: forall props eff. Spec (dom :: DOM |eff) AppState props Action
sidebarnavSpec = simpleSpec performAction render
......@@ -181,83 +221,110 @@ sidebarnavSpec = simpleSpec performAction render
div [ _id "dafixedtop", className "navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top", role "navigation"]
[ div [className "container"]
div [ className "navbar-inner" ]
[ a [ className "navbar-brand logoSmall", href "/index.html" ]
[ img [ src "images/logoSmall.png", title "Back to home." ]
[ divLogo
-- divDropdownLeft
-- here is divDropDowLeft--------------------------------------------------
-- FIXME : divDropDownLeft and divDropDownRight seems to be intricated in dropdown?
, div [className "navbar-collapse collapse"]
ul [className "nav navbar-nav"]
ul [className "nav navbar-nav pull-left"] [
li [className "dropdown"]
a [
className "dropdown-toggle navbar-text", _data {toggle: "dropdown"}, href "#", role "button", title "Informations about Gargantext" ]
[ span [ aria {hidden : true}, className "glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign" ]
, text "Info"
, ul [className "dropdown-menu"]
[ li []
[ a [tabIndex (-1), target "blank", title "Documentation and tutorials", href ""]
[text "Documentation"]
, li [className "divider"] []
, li []
a [ tabIndex (-1), target "blank", title "About", href "/about/", title "More informations about the project, its sponsors and its authors"]
[ text "About"]
, ul [className "nav navbar-nav pull-right"]
li [className "dropdown"]
a [ className "dropdown-toggle navbar-text", _data {toggle : "dropdown"}, href "#", role "button", title "That is your username" ]
[ i [ className "" ]
, span [ aria {hidden : true}, className "glyphicon glyphicon-user", style {color:"white"} ]
, ul [className "dropdown-menu"]
li []
[ a [tabIndex (-1), target "blank", title "Send us a message (bug, thanks, congrats...)", href ""]
span [ className "glyphicon glyphicon-bullhorn" ,aria {hidden : true}] []
, text " Report Feedback"
[ ul [className "nav navbar-nav"]
[ ul [className "nav navbar-nav pull-left"]
[ li [className "dropdown"]
[ a [ className "dropdown-toggle navbar-text"
, _data {toggle: "dropdown"}
, href "#", role "button"
, title "Informations about Gargantext"
, li [ className"divider"]
, li []
[ a [tabIndex (-1), href "/auth/login" ]
[ span [className "glyphicon glyphicon-log-in",aria {hidden : true}] []
, text " Login"
[ span [ aria {hidden : true}, className "glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign" ] []
, text " Info"
, ul [className "dropdown-menu"]
(( map liNav [ LiNav { title : "Documentation and tutorials"
, href : ""
, icon : "fas fa-book"
, text : "Documentation"
, LiNav { title : "Report bug here"
, href : ""
, icon : "glyphicon glyphicon-bullhorn"
, text : "Feedback"
, LiNav { title : "Interactive chat"
, href : ""
, icon : "fab fa-rocketchat"
, text : "Chat"
, LiNav { title : "Asynchronous discussions"
, href : ""
, icon : "fab fa-discourse"
, text : "Forum"
<> [li [className "divider"] []] <>
[ liNav (LiNav { title : "About"
, href : ""
, icon : "fas fa-question-circle"
, text : "About"
, divDropdownRight
divDropdownRight :: ReactElement
divDropdownRight = ul [className "nav navbar-nav pull-right"]
-- TODO if logged in : enable dropdown
--li [className "dropdown"]
a [
className "dropdown-toggle navbar-text"
, _data {toggle : "dropdown"}
, href "#", role "button"
, title "Username"
-- FIXME not sure about the className "login"
[ i [ className "login" ] []
, span [ aria {hidden : true}
-- TODO if logged in
--, className "glyphicon glyphicon-user"
-- else
, className "glyphicon glyphicon-log-in"
, style {color:"white"}
-- TODO if logged in
--, text " username"
-- else
, text " Login / Signup"
-- , ul [className "dropdown-menu"]
-- [
-- , li [ className"divider"]
-- []
-- , li []
-- -- TODO if logged in show logout
-- [ a [tabIndex (-1), href "/auth/login" ]
-- [ span [className "glyphicon glyphicon-log-in",aria {hidden : true}] []
-- , text " Logout"
-- ]
-- ]
-- ]
layoutSpec :: forall eff props. Spec (E eff) AppState props Action
layoutSpec =
......@@ -302,3 +369,8 @@ dispatchAction dispatcher _ UserPage = do
_ <- dispatcher $ SetRoute $ UserPage
_ <- dispatcher $ UserPageA $ UP.NoOp
pure unit
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