Commit ff90786d authored by Mael NICOLAS's avatar Mael NICOLAS

Ugly, but it render ;^)

parent c69d4e81
......@@ -58,9 +58,12 @@ type OptsLoading =
zlevel :: Int
type OpTest =
{option :: Option}
type Option =
{ title :: Maybe Title
, legend :: Legend
, legend :: Maybe Legend
, tooltip :: Tooltip
, grid :: Grid
, xAxis :: XAxis
......@@ -83,8 +86,8 @@ type Grid =
type Legend =
{"type" :: Maybe String
, show :: Maybe Boolean
{"type" :: String
, show :: Boolean
, zlevel :: Maybe Number
, z :: Maybe Number
, left :: Maybe Number
......@@ -103,7 +106,7 @@ type Legend =
, selectedMode :: Maybe Boolean
, inactiveColor :: Maybe Color
, selected :: Maybe String -- object
, "data" :: Array Data
, "data" :: Maybe (Array Data)
type Data =
......@@ -204,13 +207,13 @@ type Rich = {}
foreign import eChartsClass :: forall props. R.ReactClass props
foreign import eChartsClass2 :: R.ReactClass Option
foreign import eChartsClass2 :: R.ReactClass OpTest
echarts :: forall eff. Array Props -> R.ReactElement
echarts p = R.createElementDynamic eChartsClass (unsafeFromPropsArray p) []
echarts' :: forall eff. Option -> R.ReactElement
echarts' chart = R.createElementDynamic eChartsClass2 chart []
echarts' chart = R.createElementDynamic eChartsClass2 {option: chart} []
-- Props
......@@ -370,27 +373,27 @@ yAxisIndex = unsafeMkProps "yAxisIndex"
legend' :: Legend
legend' =
"type": Nothing
,show: Nothing
,zlevel: Nothing
, z : Nothing
, left : Nothing
, top : Nothing
, right : Nothing
"type": "plain"
, show: true
, zlevel: Nothing
, z: Nothing
, left: Nothing
, top: Nothing
, right: Nothing
, bottom: Nothing
, width : Nothing
, width: Nothing
, height: Nothing
, orient: Nothing
, align : Nothing
, padding : Nothing
, itemGap : Nothing
, itemWidth : Nothing
, itemHeight : Nothing
, formatter : Nothing
, selectedMode : Nothing
, align: Nothing
, padding: Nothing
, itemGap: Nothing
, itemWidth: Nothing
, itemHeight: Nothing
, formatter: Nothing
, selectedMode: Nothing
, inactiveColor: Nothing
, selected : Nothing
, "data" : [data1, data2, data3]
, selected: Nothing
, "data": Nothing
data1 :: Data
......@@ -448,17 +451,15 @@ series' =
opt :: Option
opt =
title: title'
,legend: legend'
title: Nothing
,legend: Nothing
,tooltip: tooltip'
,grid: grid'
,grid: {containLabel: true}
,xAxis: xAxis'
,yAxis: yData1
,series: [series']
,dataZoom: [dz1', dz1', dz2', dz2']
where title' = Nothing
grid' = {containLabel: true}
histogram2 :: R.ReactElement
histogram2 = echarts' opt
......@@ -480,7 +481,7 @@ histogram = echarts
, dataZoom' [dz1', dz1', dz2', dz2']
, yAxis [ya1, ya2]
, series [ sd3]
, series [sd1, sd2, sd3]
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