module Gargantext.Components.PhyloExplorer.Config.ConfigForm ( configForm , FormData ) where import DOM.Simple.Console (log3) import Data.Either (Either(..)) import Data.Foldable (foldl, intercalate) import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic) import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..)) import Data.Show.Generic (genericShow) import Effect (Effect) import Gargantext.Components.Bootstrap as B import Gargantext.Components.Bootstrap.Types (ButtonVariant(..), ComponentStatus(..), Variant(..)) import Gargantext.Components.PhyloExplorer.API (CliqueFilter(..), ReflexiveClique(..), ReflexiveTimeUnit(..)) import Gargantext.Hooks.FormValidation (VForm, useFormValidation) import Gargantext.Hooks.FormValidation.Unboxed as FV import Gargantext.Hooks.StateRecord (useStateRecord) import Gargantext.Hooks.StateRecord.Behaviors (setter) import Gargantext.Prelude import Gargantext.Utils (nbsp, (?)) import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2 import Reactix as R import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H import Record (merge) import Record as Record import Record.Extra (pick) type Props = ( callback :: Record FormData -> Effect Unit , status :: ComponentStatus | Options ) type Options = ( | FormData ) data ReflexiveClusterAlgoMode = Basic_ | Expert_ derive instance Generic ReflexiveClusterAlgoMode _ derive instance Eq ReflexiveClusterAlgoMode instance Show ReflexiveClusterAlgoMode where show = genericShow instance Read ReflexiveClusterAlgoMode where read :: String -> Maybe ReflexiveClusterAlgoMode read = case _ of "Basic_" -> Just Basic_ "Expert_" -> Just Expert_ _ -> Nothing options :: Record Options options = Record.merge {} defaultData configForm :: forall r. R2.OptLeaf Options Props r configForm = R2.optLeaf component options component :: R.Component Props component = R.hooksComponent "configForm" cpt where cpt props _ = do -- Hooks { state , bindStateKey , stateBox } <- useStateRecord (pick props :: Record FormData) fv <- useFormValidation -- Behaviors let -- @onSubmit: exec whole form validation and execute callback onSubmit = do result <- fv.try (\_ -> formValidation state) case result of Left err -> log3 "configForm validation error" state err Right _ -> props.callback state let modeChoice = H.div { className: "phylo-config-form__group" } [ -- H.div -- { className: "phylo-config-form__row" } -- [ -- H.div -- { className: "phylo-config-form__col" } -- [ -- Clique type H.div { className: intercalate " " [ "form-group" , "text-center" ] } [ H.div { className: "form-group__label" } [ H.label {} [ H.text "Mode choice" ] ] , H.div { className: "form-group__field" } [ H.div { className: "btn-group" , role: "group" } [ B.button { callback: \_ -> setter stateBox "defaultMode" $ show true -- , variant: OutlinedButtonVariant Secondary , variant: ButtonVariant Light , className: state.defaultMode == show true ? "active" $ "border-gray-300" } [ H.text "Automatic" ] , B.button { callback: \_ -> setter stateBox "defaultMode" $ show false -- , variant: OutlinedButtonVariant Secondary , variant: ButtonVariant Light , className: state.defaultMode == show false ? "active" $ "border-gray-300" } [ H.text "Advanced" ] ] ] ] -- ] -- ] ] -- Render let formAdvanced = H.form { className: "phylo-config-form" } [ H.div { className: "phylo-config-form__group" } [ H.div { className: "" } [ H.div { className: "" } [ -- Time Unit B.fieldset { className: "phylo-config-form__group mx-0" , titleSlot: H.text "Time unit" } [ -- H.div -- { className: "phylo-config-form__row" } -- [ -- H.div { className: "" } -- [ -- ] -- ] -- , H.div { className: "phylo-config-form__row" } [ H.div { className: "w-auto phylo-config-form__col text-nowrap" } [ -- Granularity H.div { className: intercalate " " [ "form-group" , "mb-1" ] } [ H.div { className: "form-group__label" } [ H.label {} [ H.text "Granularity" ] ] , H.div { className: "form-group__field" } [ B.formSelect (bindStateKey "granularity") [ H.option { value: show Year_ } [ H.text "Year" ] , H.option { value: show Month_ } [ H.text "Month" ] , H.option { value: show Week_ } [ H.text "Week" ] , H.option { value: show Day_ } [ H.text "Day" ] ] ] ] ] , H.div { className: "w-10 ml-1" } [ -- Period H.div { className: intercalate " " [ "form-group" , "mb-1" , (fv.hasError' "period") ? "form-group--error" $ mempty ] } [ H.div { className: "form-group__label" } [ H.label {} [ H.text "Period" ] ] , H.div { className: "form-group__field" } [ B.formInput $ { type: "number" } `merge` bindStateKey "period" , R2.when (fv.hasError' "period") $ H.div { className: "form-group__error" } [ H.text "Please enter an `Int` value (eg. 3)" ] ] ] ] , H.div { className: "w-10 ml-1" } [ -- Step H.div { className: intercalate " " [ "form-group" , "mb-1" , (fv.hasError' "step") ? "form-group--error" $ mempty ] } [ H.div { className: "form-group__label" } [ H.label {} [ H.text "Step" ] ] , H.div { className: "form-group__field" } [ B.formInput $ { type: "number" } `merge` bindStateKey "step" , R2.when (fv.hasError' "step") $ H.div { className: "form-group__error" } [ H.text "Please enter an `Int` value (eg. 3)" ] ] ] ] , H.div { className: "w-10 ml-1 text-nowrap" } [ -- Matching frame H.div { className: intercalate " " [ "form-group" , "mb-1" , (fv.hasError' "matchingFrame") ? "form-group--error" $ mempty ] } [ H.div { className: "form-group__label" } [ H.label {} [ H.text "Matching frame" ] ] , H.div { className: "form-group__field" } [ B.formInput $ { type: "number" } `merge` bindStateKey "matchingFrame" , R2.when (fv.hasError' "matchingFrame") $ H.div { className: "form-group__error" } [ H.text "Please enter an `Int` value (eg. 3)" ] ] ] ] ] ] , -- Quality B.fieldset { className: "phylo-config-form__group mx-0" , titleSlot: H.text "Zoom" } [ H.div { className: intercalate " " [ "form-group" , "mt-0" , "mb-1" , "text-center" , (fv.hasError' "quality") ? "form-group--error" $ mempty ] } [ H.div { className: "form-group__label" } [ H.label {} [ H.text "Level of observation" ] ] , H.div { className: "form-group__field" } [ H.div { className: "range-simple" } [ H.div { className: "range-simple__field d-flex" } [ H.div { className: "col-9 p-0 mx-1 mt-1" } [ B.formInput $ { className: "range-simple__input p-0 h-auto border-0 p-0 text-center" , type: "range" , step: "0.01" , min: "0" , max: "1" } `merge` bindStateKey "quality" ] , H.div { className: "col-3 p-0 mx-1" } [ B.formInput $ { className: "range-simple__witness text-small" , type: "number" , step: "0.1" , min: "0" , max: "1" , status: Disabled -- , readOnly: Disabled } `merge` bindStateKey "quality" ] ] ] ] -- , -- B.formInput $ -- { type: "number" -- , step: "0.1" -- , min: "0" -- , max: "1" -- } `merge` bindStateKey "quality" ] ] , -- Clusterisation algo B.fieldset { className: "phylo-config-form__group mx-0" , titleSlot: H.text "Clusterisation algorithm" } [ -- Mode H.div { className: intercalate " " [ "form-group text-center mb-2" ] } [ H.div { className: "form-group__label" } [ H.label {} [ H.text "Mode" ] ] , H.div { className: "form-group__field" } [ H.div { className: "btn-group" , role: "group" } [ B.button { callback: \_ -> setter stateBox "clusterAlgoMode" $ show Basic_ -- , variant: OutlinedButtonVariant Secondary , variant: ButtonVariant Light , className: state.clusterAlgoMode == show Basic_ ? "active" $ "border-gray-300" } [ H.text "Basic" ] , B.button { callback: \_ -> setter stateBox "clusterAlgoMode" $ show Expert_ -- , variant: OutlinedButtonVariant Secondary , variant: ButtonVariant Light , className: state.clusterAlgoMode == show Expert_ ? "active" $ "border-gray-300" } [ H.text "Expert" ] ] ] ] , H.div { className: "" } [ -- Mode Basic / Basic_ R2.when (state.clusterAlgoMode == show Basic_) $ H.div { className: "clustrisation-algorythm-basic form-group" } [ -- Title FIS H.div { className: "form-group__label text-center" } [ H.label {} [ H.text "FIS" ] ] , H.div { className: "phylo-config-form__row justify-content-center" } [ -- Support H.div { className: intercalate " " [ "form-group col-4 w-10 text-center mb-0" , (fv.hasError' "support") ? "form-group--error" $ mempty ] } [ H.div { className: "" } [ H.label {} [ H.text "Support" ] ] , H.div { className: "form-group__field" } [ B.formInput $ { type: "number" , min: "1" } `merge` bindStateKey "support" , R2.when (fv.hasError' "support") $ H.div { className: "form-group__error" } [ H.text "Please enter an `Int` value (eg. 3)" ] ] ] , -- Size H.div { className: intercalate " " [ "form-group col-4 w-10 text-center mb-0" , (fv.hasError' "size") ? "form-group--error" $ mempty ] } [ H.div { className: "" } [ H.label {} [ H.text "Size" ] ] , H.div { className: "form-group__field" } [ B.formInput $ { type: "number" } `merge` bindStateKey "size" , R2.when (fv.hasError' "size") $ H.div { className: "form-group__error" } [ H.text "Please enter an `Int` value (eg. 3)" ] ] ] ] ] ] , H.div { className: "" } [ -- Mode Expert / Expert_ R2.when (state.clusterAlgoMode == show Expert_) $ H.div { className: "text-center" } [ H.div { className: "form-group__field" } [ H.div { className: "btn-group" , role: "group" } [ B.button { callback: \_ -> setter stateBox "cliqueType" $ show FIS_ -- , variant: OutlinedButtonVariant Secondary , variant: ButtonVariant Light , className: state.cliqueType == show FIS_ ? "active" $ "" } [ H.text "FIS" ] , B.button { callback: \_ -> setter stateBox "cliqueType" $ show MaxClique_ -- , variant: OutlinedButtonVariant Secondary , variant: ButtonVariant Light , className: state.cliqueType == show MaxClique_ ? "active" $ "" } [ H.text "MaxClique" ] ] ] , H.div {} [ R2.when (state.cliqueType == show FIS_) $ H.div { className: "clustrisation-algorythm-basic form-group" } [ -- Title FIS H.div { className: "form-group__label text-center" } [ H.label {} [ H.text "FIS" ] ] , H.div { className: "phylo-config-form__row justify-content-center" } [ -- Support H.div { className: intercalate " " [ "form-group col-4 w-10 text-center mb-0" , (fv.hasError' "support") ? "form-group--error" $ mempty ] } [ H.div { className: "" } [ H.label {} [ H.text "Support" ] ] , H.div { className: "form-group__field" } [ B.formInput $ { type: "number" , min: "1" } `merge` bindStateKey "support" , R2.when (fv.hasError' "support") $ H.div { className: "form-group__error" } [ H.text "Please enter an `Int` value (eg. 3)" ] ] ] , -- Size H.div { className: intercalate " " [ "form-group col-4 w-10 text-center mb-0" , (fv.hasError' "size") ? "form-group--error" $ mempty ] } [ H.div { className: "" } [ H.label {} [ H.text "Size" ] ] , H.div { className: "form-group__field" } [ B.formInput $ { type: "number" } `merge` bindStateKey "size" , R2.when (fv.hasError' "size") $ H.div { className: "form-group__error" } [ H.text "Please enter an `Int` value (eg. 3)" ] ] ] ] ] ] , H.div {} [ R2.when (state.cliqueType == show MaxClique_) $ H.div { className: "clustrisation-algorythm-expert form-group pt-1" } [ -- Title MaxClique H.div { className: "form-group__label text-center" } [ H.label {} [ H.text "MaxClique" ] ] , H.div { className: "phylo-config-form__row justify-content-center" } [ -- Size H.div { className: intercalate " " [ "form-group col-3 w-10 text-center mb-0" , (fv.hasError' "size") ? "form-group--error" $ mempty ] } [ H.div { className: "" } [ H.label {} [ H.text "Size" ] ] , H.div { className: "form-group__field" } [ B.formInput $ { type: "number" , step: "1" , min: "0" , max: "10" } `merge` bindStateKey "size" , R2.when (fv.hasError' "size") $ H.div { className: "form-group__error" } [ H.text "Please enter an `Int` value (eg. 3)" ] ] ] , -- Treshold H.div { className: intercalate " " [ "form-group col-4 w-10 text-center mb-0" , (fv.hasError' "threshold") ? "form-group--error" $ mempty ] } [ H.div { className: "" } [ H.label {} [ H.text "Treshold" ] ] , H.div { className: "form-group__field" } [ B.formInput $ { type: "number" , step: "0.0001" , min: "0.0001" , max: "1" } `merge` bindStateKey "threshold" , R2.when (fv.hasError' "threshold") $ H.div { className: "form-group__error" } [ H.text "Please enter a `Double` value (eg. 0.5)" ] ] ] , -- Clique filter H.div { className: intercalate " " [ "form-group col-5 w-10 text-center mb-0 text-nowrap" ] } [ H.div { className: "" } [ H.label {} [ H.text "Filter type" ] ] , H.div { className: "form-group__field" } [ B.formSelect ( bindStateKey "cliqueFilter" ) [ H.option { value: show ByThreshold } [ H.text "By threshold" ] , H.option { value: show ByNeighbours } [ H.text "By neighbours" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] , H.div { className: "" } [ -- -- Mode Expert (part 2) / TYPE::MaxClique_ -- R2.when (state.cliqueType == show MaxClique_) $ H.div { className: "phylo-config-form__row" } [ -- Proximity H.div { className: intercalate " " [ "form-group col-3 w-10 text-center mb-0" , (fv.hasError' "proximity") ? "form-group--error" $ mempty ] } [ H.div { className: "form-group__label" } [ H.label {} [ H.text "Proximity" ] ] , H.div { className: "form-group__field" } [ B.formInput $ { type: "number" , step: "0.1" , min: "0.1" , max: "1" } `merge` bindStateKey "proximity" , R2.when (fv.hasError' "proximity") $ H.div { className: "form-group__error" } [ H.text "Please enter a `Double` value (eg. 0.5)" ] ] ] , -- Synchrony H.div { className: intercalate " " [ "form-group col-4 w-10 text-center mb-0" , (fv.hasError' "synchrony") ? "form-group--error" $ mempty ] } [ H.div { className: "form-group__label" } [ H.label {} [ H.text "Synchrony" ] ] , H.div { className: "form-group__field" } [ B.formInput $ { type: "number" , step: "0.1" , min: "0.1" , max: "1" } `merge` bindStateKey "synchrony" , R2.when (fv.hasError' "synchrony") $ H.div { className: "form-group__error" } [ H.text "Please enter a `Double` value (eg. 0.5)" ] ] ] , -- Minimum branch size H.div { className: intercalate " " [ "form-group col-5 w-10 text-center mb-0 text-nowrap" , (fv.hasError' "exportFilter") ? "form-group--error" $ mempty ] } [ H.div { className: "form-group__label" } [ H.label {} [ H.text "Minimum branch size" ] ] , H.div { className: "form-group__field" } [ B.formInput $ { type: "number" } `merge` bindStateKey "exportFilter" , R2.when (fv.hasError' "exportFilter") $ H.div { className: "form-group__error" } [ H.text "Please enter a `Double` value (eg. 3.0)" ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] -- let -- form = -- H.form -- { className: "phylo-config-form" } -- [ H.div -- { className: "phylo-config-form__group" } -- [ -- H.div -- { className: "phylo-config-form__row" } -- [ -- H.div -- { className: "phylo-config-form__col" } -- [ -- -- Proximity -- H.div -- { className: intercalate " " -- [ "form-group" -- , (fv.hasError' "proximity") ? -- "form-group--error" $ -- mempty -- ] -- } -- [ -- H.div -- { className: "form-group__label" } -- [ -- H.label {} [ H.text "Proximity" ] -- ] -- , -- H.div -- { className: "form-group__field" } -- [ -- B.formInput $ -- { type: "number" -- } `merge` bindStateKey "proximity" -- , -- R2.when (fv.hasError' "proximity") $ -- H.div -- { className: "form-group__error" } -- [ -- H.text "Please enter a `Double` value (eg. 0.5)" -- ] -- ] -- ] -- ] -- , -- H.div -- { className: "phylo-config-form__col" } -- [ -- -- Synchrony -- H.div -- { className: intercalate " " -- [ "form-group" -- , (fv.hasError' "synchrony") ? -- "form-group--error" $ -- mempty -- ] -- } -- [ -- H.div -- { className: "form-group__label" } -- [ -- H.label {} [ H.text "Synchrony" ] -- ] -- , -- H.div -- { className: "form-group__field" } -- [ -- B.formInput $ -- { type: "number" -- } `merge` bindStateKey "synchrony" -- , -- R2.when (fv.hasError' "synchrony") $ -- H.div -- { className: "form-group__error" } -- [ -- H.text "Please enter a `Double` value (eg. 0.5)" -- ] -- ] -- ] -- ] -- ] -- , -- H.div -- { className: "phylo-config-form__row" } -- [ -- H.div -- { className: "phylo-config-form__col" } -- [ -- -- Quality -- H.div -- { className: intercalate " " -- [ "form-group" -- , (fv.hasError' "quality") ? -- "form-group--error" $ -- mempty -- ] -- } -- [ -- H.div -- { className: "form-group__label" } -- [ -- H.label {} [ H.text "Quality" ] -- ] -- , -- H.div -- { className: "form-group__field" } -- [ -- B.formInput $ -- { type: "number" -- , step: "0.1" -- , min: "0" -- , max: "1" -- } `merge` bindStateKey "quality" -- , -- R2.when (fv.hasError' "quality") $ -- H.div -- { className: "form-group__error" } -- [ -- H.text "Please enter a `Double` value (eg. 0.5)" -- ] -- ] -- ] -- ] -- , -- H.div -- { className: "phylo-config-form__col" } -- [ -- -- Export filter -- H.div -- { className: intercalate " " -- [ "form-group" -- , (fv.hasError' "exportFilter") ? -- "form-group--error" $ -- mempty -- ] -- } -- [ -- H.div -- { className: "form-group__label" } -- [ -- H.label {} [ H.text "Minimum branch size" ] -- ] -- , -- H.div -- { className: "form-group__field" } -- [ -- B.formInput $ -- { type: "number" -- } `merge` bindStateKey "exportFilter" -- , -- R2.when (fv.hasError' "exportFilter") $ -- H.div -- { className: "form-group__error" } -- [ -- H.text "Please enter a `Double` value (eg. 3.0)" -- ] -- ] -- ] -- ] -- ] -- ] -- , -- -- Time Unit -- B.fieldset -- { className: "phylo-config-form__group" -- , titleSlot: H.text "Time unit" -- } -- [ -- H.div -- { className: "phylo-config-form__row" } -- [ -- H.div -- { className: "phylo-config-form__col" } -- [ -- -- Granularity -- H.div -- { className: intercalate " " -- [ "form-group" -- ] -- } -- [ -- H.div -- { className: "form-group__label" } -- [ -- H.label {} [ H.text "Granularity" ] -- ] -- , -- H.div -- { className: "form-group__field" } -- [ -- B.formSelect -- (bindStateKey "granularity") -- [ -- H.option -- { value: show Year_ } -- [ H.text "Year" ] -- , -- H.option -- { value: show Month_ } -- [ H.text "Month" ] -- , -- H.option -- { value: show Week_ } -- [ H.text "Week" ] -- , -- H.option -- { value: show Day_ } -- [ H.text "Day" ] -- ] -- ] -- ] -- ] -- , -- H.div -- { className: "phylo-config-form__col" } -- [ -- -- Period -- H.div -- { className: intercalate " " -- [ "form-group" -- , (fv.hasError' "period") ? -- "form-group--error" $ -- mempty -- ] -- } -- [ -- H.div -- { className: "form-group__label" } -- [ -- H.label {} [ H.text "Period" ] -- ] -- , -- H.div -- { className: "form-group__field" } -- [ -- B.formInput $ -- { type: "number" -- } `merge` bindStateKey "period" -- , -- R2.when (fv.hasError' "period") $ -- H.div -- { className: "form-group__error" } -- [ -- H.text "Please enter an `Int` value (eg. 3)" -- ] -- ] -- ] -- , -- -- Step -- H.div -- { className: intercalate " " -- [ "form-group" -- , (fv.hasError' "step") ? -- "form-group--error" $ -- mempty -- ] -- } -- [ -- H.div -- { className: "form-group__label" } -- [ -- H.label {} [ H.text "Step" ] -- ] -- , -- H.div -- { className: "form-group__field" } -- [ -- B.formInput $ -- { type: "number" -- } `merge` bindStateKey "step" -- , -- R2.when (fv.hasError' "step") $ -- H.div -- { className: "form-group__error" } -- [ -- H.text "Please enter an `Int` value (eg. 3)" -- ] -- ] -- ] -- , -- -- Matching frame -- H.div -- { className: intercalate " " -- [ "form-group" -- , (fv.hasError' "matchingFrame") ? -- "form-group--error" $ -- mempty -- ] -- } -- [ -- H.div -- { className: "form-group__label" } -- [ -- H.label {} [ H.text "Matching frame" ] -- ] -- , -- H.div -- { className: "form-group__field" } -- [ -- B.formInput $ -- { type: "number" -- } `merge` bindStateKey "matchingFrame" -- , -- R2.when (fv.hasError' "matchingFrame") $ -- H.div -- { className: "form-group__error" } -- [ -- H.text "Please enter an `Int` value (eg. 3)" -- ] -- ] -- ] -- ] -- ] -- ] -- , -- -- Clique -- B.fieldset -- { className: "phylo-config-form__group" -- , titleSlot: H.text "Clique algorithm" -- } -- [ -- H.div -- { className: "phylo-config-form__row" } -- [ -- H.div -- { className: "phylo-config-form__col" } -- [ -- -- Clique type -- H.div -- { className: intercalate " " -- [ "form-group" -- ] -- } -- [ -- H.div -- { className: "form-group__label" } -- [ -- H.label {} [ H.text "Type" ] -- ] -- , -- H.div -- { className: "form-group__field" } -- [ -- H.div -- { className: "btn-group" -- , role: "group" -- } -- [ -- B.button -- { callback: \_ -> setter stateBox "cliqueType" $ show FIS_ -- -- , variant: OutlinedButtonVariant Secondary -- , variant: ButtonVariant Light -- , className: state.cliqueType == show FIS_ ? -- "active" $ -- "" -- } -- [ -- H.text "FIS" -- ] -- , -- B.button -- { callback: \_ -> setter stateBox "cliqueType" $ show MaxClique_ -- -- , variant: OutlinedButtonVariant Secondary -- , variant: ButtonVariant Light -- , className: state.cliqueType == show MaxClique_ ? -- "active" $ -- "" -- } -- [ -- H.text "MaxClique" -- ] -- ] -- ] -- ] -- ] -- , -- -- TYPE::FIS_ -- R2.when (state.cliqueType == show FIS_) $ -- H.div -- { className: "phylo-config-form__col" } -- [ -- -- Support -- H.div -- { className: intercalate " " -- [ "form-group" -- , (fv.hasError' "support") ? -- "form-group--error" $ -- mempty -- ] -- } -- [ -- H.div -- { className: "form-group__label" } -- [ -- H.label {} [ H.text "Support" ] -- ] -- , -- H.div -- { className: "form-group__field" } -- [ -- B.formInput $ -- bindStateKey "support" -- , -- R2.when (fv.hasError' "support") $ -- H.div -- { className: "form-group__error" } -- [ -- H.text "Please enter an `Int` value (eg. 3)" -- ] -- ] -- ] -- , -- -- Size -- H.div -- { className: intercalate " " -- [ "form-group" -- , (fv.hasError' "size") ? -- "form-group--error" $ -- mempty -- ] -- } -- [ -- H.div -- { className: "form-group__label" } -- [ -- H.label {} [ H.text "Size" ] -- ] -- , -- H.div -- { className: "form-group__field" } -- [ -- B.formInput $ -- bindStateKey "size" -- , -- R2.when (fv.hasError' "size") $ -- H.div -- { className: "form-group__error" } -- [ -- H.text "Please enter an `Int` value (eg. 3)" -- ] -- ] -- ] -- ] -- , -- -- TYPE::MaxClique_ -- R2.when (state.cliqueType == show MaxClique_) $ -- H.div -- { className: "phylo-config-form__col" } -- [ -- -- Size -- H.div -- { className: intercalate " " -- [ "form-group" -- , (fv.hasError' "size") ? -- "form-group--error" $ -- mempty -- ] -- } -- [ -- H.div -- { className: "form-group__label" } -- [ -- H.label {} [ H.text "Size" ] -- ] -- , -- H.div -- { className: "form-group__field" } -- [ -- B.formInput $ -- { type: "number" -- } `merge` bindStateKey "size" -- , -- R2.when (fv.hasError' "size") $ -- H.div -- { className: "form-group__error" } -- [ -- H.text "Please enter an `Int` value (eg. 3)" -- ] -- ] -- ] -- , -- -- Treshold -- H.div -- { className: intercalate " " -- [ "form-group" -- , (fv.hasError' "threshold") ? -- "form-group--error" $ -- mempty -- ] -- } -- [ -- H.div -- { className: "form-group__label" } -- [ -- H.label {} [ H.text "Treshold" ] -- ] -- , -- H.div -- { className: "form-group__field" } -- [ -- B.formInput $ -- { type: "number" -- } `merge` bindStateKey "threshold" -- , -- R2.when (fv.hasError' "threshold") $ -- H.div -- { className: "form-group__error" } -- [ -- H.text "Please enter a `Double` value (eg. 0.5)" -- ] -- ] -- ] -- , -- -- Clique filter -- H.div -- { className: intercalate " " -- [ "form-group" -- ] -- } -- [ -- H.div -- { className: "form-group__label" } -- [ -- H.label {} [ H.text "Filter type" ] -- ] -- , -- H.div -- { className: "form-group__field" } -- [ -- B.formSelect -- ( bindStateKey "cliqueFilter" ) -- [ -- H.option -- { value: show ByThreshold } -- [ H.text "By threshold" ] -- , -- H.option -- { value: show ByNeighbours } -- [ H.text "By neighbours" ] -- ] -- ] -- ] -- ] -- ] -- ] -- ] let warningMessage = H.div { className: "alert alert-info text-small mx-auto mt-1 w-min-content min-w-75" } [ H.p { className: "text-bold text-small" } [ B.icon { name: "warning" , className: "mr-1" } , H.text "Warning!" ] , H.p { className: "text-small" } [ H.text "Please note that the phylomemy reconstruction process consumes a lot of machine resources. If your corpus is < 2000 docs and if your list of terms is < 300 terms then the process will end quickly. If your corpus is < 5000 docs and if your list of terms is < 500 terms then the process will end in less than 30 minutes. If your corpus is > 5000 docs and if your list of terms is > 500 terms then the process can last hours." ] ] let submit = H.div { className: "phylo-config-form__submit" } [ B.button { callback: \_ -> onSubmit , status: props.status == Deferred ? Deferred $ Enabled , variant: ButtonVariant Primary , type: "submit" } [ B.icon { name: "cogs" } , H.text $ nbsp 1 , H.text "Reconstruct the phylomemy!" ] ] pure $ H.div {} [ modeChoice , R2.when (state.defaultMode == show false) formAdvanced -- , R2.when (state.defaultMode == show false) form , warningMessage , submit ] type FormData = ( defaultMode :: String , proximity :: String , synchrony :: String , quality :: String , exportFilter :: String -- TimeUnit , granularity :: String , period :: String , step :: String , matchingFrame :: String -- Clique , clusterAlgoMode :: String , cliqueType :: String , support :: String , size :: String , threshold :: String , cliqueFilter :: String ) defaultData :: Record FormData defaultData = { defaultMode : show true , proximity : "1.0" , synchrony : "1.0" , quality : "1.0" , exportFilter : "3.0" , granularity : show Year_ , period : "1" , step : "1" , matchingFrame : "1" , clusterAlgoMode : show Basic_ , cliqueType : show FIS_ , support : "2" , size : "1" , threshold : "1" , cliqueFilter : show ByThreshold } formValidation :: Record FormData -> Effect VForm formValidation r = foldl append mempty rules where rules = [ FV.number "quality" r.quality -- Time unit , "period" r.period , "step" r.step , "matchingFrame" r.matchingFrame ] -- Clique <> if (r.clusterAlgoMode == show Basic_) then -- Basic_ (Basic mode) [ -- "support" -- , "size" r.size ] else -- Expert_ (Expert mode) [ -- "size" r.size -- , FV.number "threshold" r.threshold ] <> if (r.cliqueType == show FIS_) then -- FIS_ (Basic mode) [ "support" , "size" r.size ] else -- MaxClique_ (Expert mode) [ "size" r.size , FV.number "threshold" r.threshold ] <> [ FV.number "proximity" r.proximity , FV.number "synchrony" r.synchrony , FV.number "exportFilter" r.exportFilter ]