module Gargantext.Components.PhyloExplorer.Layout ( layout ) where import Gargantext.Prelude import DOM.Simple (document, window) import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\)) import Gargantext.Components.PhyloExplorer.Draw (drawPhylo, highlightSource, setGlobalD3Reference, setGlobalDependencies, unhide) import Gargantext.Components.PhyloExplorer.Types (PhyloDataSet(..), Source(..), sortSources) import Gargantext.Utils (nbsp) import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2 import Graphics.D3.Base (d3) import Reactix as R import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H import Toestand as T here :: R2.Here here = "Gargantext.Components.PhyloExplorer" type Props = ( phyloDataSet :: PhyloDataSet ) layout :: R2.Component Props layout = R.createElement layoutCpt layoutCpt :: R.Component Props layoutCpt = here.component "layout" cpt where cpt { phyloDataSet: (PhyloDataSet o) } _ = do -- States sources /\ sourcesBox <- R2.useBox' (mempty :: Array Source) R.useEffectOnce' $ do (sortSources >>> flip T.write_ sourcesBox) o.sources unhide document setGlobalD3Reference window d3 setGlobalDependencies window (PhyloDataSet o) drawPhylo o.branches o.periods o.groups o.links o.ancestorLinks o.branchLinks -- Render pure $ H.div { className: "phylo" } [ -- <!-- row 1 --> H.div { className: "phylo-title font-bold" } [ H.text "Mèmiescape" ] , H.div { className: "phylo-folder" } [ -- <!-- title bar (static mode) --> H.label { id: "phyloName" , className: "phylo-name" } [] , -- <!-- folder bar --> -- H.label -- { id: "file-label" -- , for: "file-path" -- , className: "input-file" -- } -- [ H.text "load a phylomemy →" ] -- , -- H.input -- { id: "file-path" -- , type: "file" -- , maxLength: "10" -- } -- , -- H.label -- { id: "file-name" -- , className: "input-name" -- } -- [] -- , -- H.button -- { id: "draw" -- , className: "button draw" -- } -- [ H.text "draw" ] -- , -- <!-- source selector --> { id: "checkSource" , className: "select-source" , defaultValue: "" , on: { change: \e -> highlightSource window } } $ [ H.option { disabled: true , value: "" } [ H.text "select a source ↴" ] , H.option { value: "unselect" } [ H.text "unselect source ✕" ] ] <> flip map sources ( \(Source { id, label }) -> H.option { value: id } [ H.text label ] ) , -- <!-- search bar --> H.label { id: "search-label" , className: "search-label" } [ H.text "find a term →" ] , H.input { id: "search-box" , type: "text" , className: "search" } , H.input { id: "search-autocomplete" , text: "text" , className: "autocomplete" , disabled: true , value: "" } ] , -- <!-- row 2 & 3 --> phyloCorpus {} [] , phyloCorpusInfo { nbDocs : o.nbDocs , nbFoundations : o.nbFoundations , nbPeriods : o.nbPeriods } [] , phyloHow {} [] , phyloPhylo {} [] , phyloPhyloInfo { nbTerms : o.nbTerms , nbGroups : o.nbGroups , nbBranches : o.nbBranches } [] , H.div { id: "phyloIsoLine" , className: "phylo-isoline" } [] , H.div { id: "phyloIsolineInfo" , className: "phylo-isoline-info" } [ H.div { className: "btn-group" } [ H.button { id: "reset" , className: "button reset" } [ H.i { className: "fa fa-arrows-alt" } [] ] , H.button { id: "label" , className: "button label" } [ H.i { className: "fa fa-dot-circle-o" } [] ] , H.button { id: "heading" , className: "button heading" } [ H.i { className: "fa fa-sort-alpha-asc" } [] ] , H.button { id: "export" , className: "button export" } [ H.i { className: "fas fa-camera" } [] ] ] ] , -- <!-- row 4 --> H.div { id: "phyloScape" , className: "phylo-scape" } [] , H.div { id: "phyloTimeline" , className: "phylo-timeline" } [] , H.div { id: "phyloGraph" , className: "phylo-graph" } [] ] -------------------------------------------------------- phyloCorpus :: R2.Component () phyloCorpus = R.createElement phyloCorpusCpt phyloCorpusCpt :: R.Component () phyloCorpusCpt = here.component "phyloCorpus" cpt where cpt _ _ = do -- Render pure $ H.div { id: "phyloCorpus" , className: "phylo-corpus" } [ H.text "corpus" ] --------------------------------------------------------- phyloHow :: R2.Component () phyloHow = R.createElement phyloHowCpt phyloHowCpt :: R.Component () phyloHowCpt = here.component "phyloHow" cpt where cpt _ _ = do -- Render pure $ H.div { id: "phyloHow" , className: "phylo-how" } [ H.a { id: "phyloSearch" , href: "" , target: "_blank" } [ H.div { className: "switch" } [ H.i { className: "far fa-question-circle how" } [] , H.i { className: "fa fa-question-circle how" } [ H.span { className: "tooltip" } [ H.text "click to see how the phylomemy was built" ] ] ] ] ] --------------------------------------------------------- phyloPhylo :: R2.Component () phyloPhylo = R.createElement phyloPhyloCpt phyloPhyloCpt :: R.Component () phyloPhyloCpt = here.component "phyloPhylo" cpt where cpt _ _ = do -- Render pure $ H.div { id: "phyloPhylo" , className: "phylo-phylo" } [ H.text "phylomemy" ] --------------------------------------------------------- type PhyloCorpusInfoProps = ( nbDocs :: Int , nbFoundations :: Int , nbPeriods :: Int ) phyloCorpusInfo :: R2.Component PhyloCorpusInfoProps phyloCorpusInfo = R.createElement phyloCorpusInfoCpt phyloCorpusInfoCpt :: R.Component PhyloCorpusInfoProps phyloCorpusInfoCpt = here.component "phyloCorpusInfo" cpt where cpt props _ = do -- Render pure $ H.div { id: "phyloCorpusInfo" , className: "phylo-corpus-info" } [ H.span {} [ H.b {} [ H.text $ show props.nbDocs ] , H.text $ nbsp 1 <> "docs" ] , H.span {} [ H.b {} [ H.text $ show props.nbFoundations ] , H.text $ nbsp 1 <> "foundations" ] , H.span {} [ H.b {} [ H.text $ show props.nbPeriods ] , H.text $ nbsp 1 <> "periods" ] ] --------------------------------------------------------- type PhyloPhyloInfoProps = ( nbTerms :: Int , nbGroups :: Int , nbBranches :: Int ) phyloPhyloInfo :: R2.Component PhyloPhyloInfoProps phyloPhyloInfo = R.createElement phyloPhyloInfoCpt phyloPhyloInfoCpt :: R.Component PhyloPhyloInfoProps phyloPhyloInfoCpt = here.component "phyloPhyloInfo" cpt where cpt props _ = do -- Render pure $ H.div { id: "phyloPhyloInfo" , className: "phylo-phylo-info" } [ H.span {} [ H.b { id: "phyloTerms" } [ H.text $ show props.nbTerms ] , H.text $ nbsp 1 <> "terms" ] , H.span {} [ H.b { id: "phyloGroups" } [ H.text $ show props.nbGroups ] , H.text $ nbsp 1 <> "groups" ] , H.span {} [ H.b { id: "phyloBranches" } [ H.text $ show props.nbBranches ] , H.text $ nbsp 1 <> "branches" ] ]