module Gargantext.Components.PhyloExplorer.TopBar ( topBar ) where import Gargantext.Prelude import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..)) import Effect (Effect) import Gargantext.Components.Bootstrap as B import Gargantext.Components.Bootstrap.Types (ButtonVariant(..), ComponentStatus(..), Variant(..)) import Gargantext.Components.PhyloExplorer.Store as PhyloStore import Gargantext.Components.PhyloExplorer.Types (Term(..), Source(..)) import Gargantext.Types (SidePanelState(..), toggleSidePanelState) import Gargantext.Utils ((?)) import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2 import Reactix (nothing) import Reactix as R import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H import Toestand as T type Props = ( sourceCallback :: String -> Effect Unit , searchCallback :: String -> Effect Unit , resultCallback :: Maybe Term -> Effect Unit ) here :: R2.Here here = "Gargantext.Components.PhyloExplorer.TopBar" topBar :: R2.Leaf Props topBar = R2.leaf component component :: R.Component Props component = here.component "main" cpt where cpt { sourceCallback , searchCallback , resultCallback } _ = do -- | States -- | store@ { toolBarDisplayed , sideBarDisplayed } <- PhyloStore.use toolBar' <- R2.useLive' toolBarDisplayed sideBar' <- R2.useLive' sideBarDisplayed source <- R2.useLive' store.source sources <- R2.useLive' store.sources search <- R2.useLive' result <- R2.useLive' store.result -- | Render -- pure $ H.div { className: "phylo-topbar" } [ -- Toolbar toggle B.button { className: "phylo-topbar__toolbar" , callback: \_ -> T.modify_ (not) toolBarDisplayed , variant: toolBar' ? ButtonVariant Light $ OutlinedButtonVariant Light } [ H.text $ toolBar' ? "Hide toolbar" $ "Show toolbar" ] , -- Sidebar toggle B.button { className: "phylo-topbar__sidebar" , callback: \_ -> T.modify_ (toggleSidePanelState) sideBarDisplayed , variant: sideBar' == Opened ? ButtonVariant Light $ OutlinedButtonVariant Light } [ H.text $ sideBar' == Opened ? "Hide sidebar" $ "Show sidebar" ] , -- Source H.div { className: "phylo-topbar__source"} [ B.formSelect { value: source , callback: sourceCallback } $ [ H.option { value: "" , disabled: true } [ H.text "Select a source" ] ] <> flip map sources \(Source { id, label }) -> H.option { value: id } [ H.text label ] ] , -- Search (wrapped in its form for the "enter" keyboard event submit) H.form { className: "phylo-topbar__autocomplete" } [ B.formInput { className: "phylo-topbar__suggestion" , status: Idled , value: case result of Nothing -> "" Just (Term { label }) -> label -- (?) noop: see below button , callback: const nothing } , B.formInput { className: "phylo-topbar__search" , value: search , callback: searchCallback , placeholder: "Find a term" } , B.button { callback: \_ -> resultCallback result , type: "submit" , className: "phylo-topbar__submit" } [ H.text "" ] ] ]