module Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Corpus where import Data.Array as A import Data.Either (Either(..)) import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic) import Data.Eq.Generic (genericEq) import Data.Show.Generic (genericShow) import Data.List as List import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe) import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..)) import DOM.Simple.Console (log2) import Effect (Effect) import Effect.Aff (Aff, launchAff_, throwError) import Effect.Class (liftEffect) import Effect.Exception (error) import Reactix as R import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H import Simple.JSON as JSON import Toestand as T import Gargantext.AsyncTasks as GAT import Gargantext.Components.CodeEditor as CE import Gargantext.Components.FolderView as FV import Gargantext.Components.InputWithEnter (inputWithEnter) import Gargantext.Components.Node (NodePoly(..), HyperdataList) import Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Corpus.Types (CorpusData, Hyperdata(..)) import Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Types (FTField, FTFieldList(..), FTFieldWithIndex, FTFieldsWithIndex(..), Field(..), FieldType(..), Hash, Index, defaultField, defaultHaskell', defaultJSON', defaultMarkdown', defaultPython') import Gargantext.Data.Array as GDA import Gargantext.Hooks.Loader (useLoader) import Gargantext.Prelude (class Eq, class Show, Unit, bind, discard, pure, show, unit, ($), (+), (-), (<), (<$>), (<<<), (<>), (==), (>)) import Gargantext.Routes (SessionRoute(Children, NodeAPI)) import Gargantext.Sessions (Session, get, put, sessionId) import Gargantext.Types (AffTableResult, NodeType(..)) import Gargantext.Utils.Crypto as Crypto import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2 import Gargantext.Utils.Toestand as T2 here :: R2.Here here = "Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Corpus" type Props = ( nodeId :: Int, session :: Session, tasks :: T.Box GAT.Storage, reloadForest :: T2.ReloadS ) corpusLayout :: R2.Leaf Props corpusLayout props = R.createElement corpusLayoutCpt props [] corpusLayoutCpt :: R.Component Props corpusLayoutCpt = here.component "corpusLayout" cpt where cpt { nodeId, session, tasks, reloadForest } _ = do pure $ corpusLayoutMain { key, nodeId, session, tasks, reloadForest } where key = show (sessionId session) <> "-" <> show nodeId type KeyProps = ( nodeId :: Int , key :: String , session :: Session , tasks :: T.Box GAT.Storage , reloadForest :: T2.ReloadS ) corpusLayoutMain :: R2.Leaf KeyProps corpusLayoutMain props = R.createElement corpusLayoutMainCpt props [] corpusLayoutMainCpt :: R.Component KeyProps corpusLayoutMainCpt = here.component "corpusLayoutMain" cpt where cpt { nodeId, key, session, tasks, reloadForest } _ = do viewType <- T.useBox Folders pure $ H.div {} [ H.div {} [ H.div { className: "row" } [ H.div { className: "col-1" } [ viewTypeSelector {state: viewType} ] , H.div { className: "col-1" } [ FV.homeButton ] ] ] , H.div {} [corpusLayoutSelection {state: viewType, key, session, nodeId, tasks, reloadForest}] ] type SelectionProps = ( nodeId :: Int , key :: String , session :: Session , state :: T.Box ViewType , tasks :: T.Box GAT.Storage , reloadForest :: T2.ReloadS ) corpusLayoutSelection :: R2.Leaf SelectionProps corpusLayoutSelection props = R.createElement corpusLayoutSelectionCpt props [] corpusLayoutSelectionCpt :: R.Component SelectionProps corpusLayoutSelectionCpt = here.component "corpusLayoutSelection" cpt where cpt { nodeId, session, key, state, tasks, reloadForest} _ = do state' <- T.useLive T.unequal state viewType <- state pure $ renderContent viewType nodeId session key tasks reloadForest renderContent Folders nodeId session key tasks reloadForest = FV.folderView { nodeId, session, backFolder: true, tasks, reloadForest } renderContent Code nodeId session key tasks _ = corpusLayoutWithKey { key, nodeId, session } type CorpusKeyProps = ( nodeId :: Int , key :: String , session :: Session ) corpusLayoutWithKey :: R2.Leaf CorpusKeyProps corpusLayoutWithKey props = R.createElement corpusLayoutWithKeyCpt props [] corpusLayoutWithKeyCpt :: R.Component CorpusKeyProps corpusLayoutWithKeyCpt = here.component "corpusLayoutWithKey" cpt where cpt { nodeId, session } _ = do reload <- T.useBox T2.newReload reload' <- T.useLive T.unequal reload useLoader { nodeId, reload: reload', session } loadCorpusWithReload $ \corpus -> corpusLayoutView { corpus, nodeId, reload, session } type ViewProps = ( corpus :: NodePoly Hyperdata , nodeId :: Int , reload :: T2.ReloadS , session :: Session ) corpusLayoutView :: Record ViewProps -> R.Element corpusLayoutView props = R.createElement corpusLayoutViewCpt props [] corpusLayoutViewCpt :: R.Component ViewProps corpusLayoutViewCpt = here.component "corpusLayoutView" cpt where cpt {corpus: (NodePoly {hyperdata: Hyperdata {fields: FTFieldList fields}}), nodeId, reload, session} _ = do let fieldsWithIndex = FTFieldsWithIndex $ List.mapWithIndex (\idx -> \ftField -> { idx, ftField }) fields fieldsS <- T.useBox fieldsWithIndex fields' <- T.useLive T.unequal fieldsS fieldsRef <- R.useRef fields -- handle props change of fields R.useEffect1' fields $ do if R.readRef fieldsRef == fields then pure unit else do R.setRef fieldsRef fields T.write_ fieldsWithIndex fieldsS pure $ H.div {} [ H.div { className: "row" } [ H.div { className: "btn btn-primary " <> (saveEnabled fieldsWithIndex fields') , on: { click: onClickSave {fields: fields', nodeId, reload, session} } } [ H.span { className: "fa fa-floppy-o" } [ ] ] ] , H.div {} [ fieldsCodeEditor { fields: fieldsS , nodeId , session } [] ] , H.div { className: "row" } [ H.div { className: "btn btn-primary" , on: { click: onClickAdd fieldsS } } [ H.span { className: "fa fa-plus" } [ ] ] ] ] saveEnabled :: FTFieldsWithIndex -> FTFieldsWithIndex -> String saveEnabled fs fsS = if fs == fsS then "disabled" else "enabled" onClickSave :: forall e. { fields :: FTFieldsWithIndex , nodeId :: Int , reload :: T2.ReloadS , session :: Session } -> e -> Effect Unit onClickSave {fields: FTFieldsWithIndex fields, nodeId, reload, session} _ = do launchAff_ do saveCorpus $ { hyperdata: Hyperdata {fields: FTFieldList $ (_.ftField) <$> fields} , nodeId , session } liftEffect $ T2.reload reload onClickAdd :: forall e. T.Box FTFieldsWithIndex -> e -> Effect Unit onClickAdd fieldsS _ = do T.modify_ (\(FTFieldsWithIndex fs) -> FTFieldsWithIndex $ List.snoc fs $ { idx: List.length fs, ftField: defaultField }) fieldsS type FieldsCodeEditorProps = ( fields :: T.Box FTFieldsWithIndex | LoadProps ) fieldsCodeEditor :: R2.Component FieldsCodeEditorProps fieldsCodeEditor = R.createElement fieldsCodeEditorCpt fieldsCodeEditorCpt :: R.Component FieldsCodeEditorProps fieldsCodeEditorCpt = here.component "fieldsCodeEditorCpt" cpt where cpt { fields, nodeId, session } _ = do (FTFieldsWithIndex fields') <- T.useLive T.unequal fields masterKey <- T.useBox T2.newReload masterKey' <- T.useLive T.unequal masterKey let editorsMap { idx, ftField } = fieldCodeEditorWrapper { canMoveDown: idx < (List.length fields' - 1) , canMoveUp: idx > 0 , field: ftField , key: (show masterKey') <> "-" <> (show idx) , onChange: onChange idx , onMoveDown: onMoveDown masterKey idx , onMoveUp: onMoveUp masterKey idx , onRemove: onRemove idx , onRename: onRename idx } pure $ H.div {} $ List.toUnfoldable (editorsMap <$> fields') where onChange :: Index -> FieldType -> Effect Unit onChange idx typ = do T.modify_ (\(FTFieldsWithIndex fs) -> FTFieldsWithIndex $ fromMaybe fs $ List.modifyAt idx (\{ ftField: Field f} -> { idx, ftField: Field $ f { typ = typ } }) fs) fields onMoveDown :: T2.ReloadS -> Index -> Unit -> Effect Unit onMoveDown masterKey idx _ = do T2.reload masterKey T.modify_ (\(FTFieldsWithIndex fs) -> recomputeIndices $ FTFieldsWithIndex $ GDA.swapList idx (idx + 1) fs) fields onMoveUp :: T2.ReloadS -> Index -> Unit -> Effect Unit onMoveUp masterKey idx _ = do T2.reload masterKey T.modify_ (\(FTFieldsWithIndex fs) -> recomputeIndices $ FTFieldsWithIndex $ GDA.swapList idx (idx - 1) fs) fields onRemove :: Index -> Unit -> Effect Unit onRemove idx _ = do T.modify_ (\(FTFieldsWithIndex fs) -> FTFieldsWithIndex $ fromMaybe fs $ List.deleteAt idx fs) fields onRename :: Index -> String -> Effect Unit onRename idx newName = do T.modify_ (\(FTFieldsWithIndex fs) -> FTFieldsWithIndex $ fromMaybe fs $ List.modifyAt idx (\{ ftField: Field f } -> { idx, ftField: Field $ f { name = newName } }) fs) fields recomputeIndices :: FTFieldsWithIndex -> FTFieldsWithIndex recomputeIndices (FTFieldsWithIndex lst) = FTFieldsWithIndex $ List.mapWithIndex (\idx -> \{ ftField } -> { idx, ftField }) lst hash :: FTFieldWithIndex -> Hash hash { idx, ftField } = Crypto.hash $ "--idx--" <> (show idx) <> "--field--" <> (show ftField) type FieldCodeEditorProps = ( canMoveDown :: Boolean , canMoveUp :: Boolean , field :: FTField , key :: String , onChange :: FieldType -> Effect Unit , onMoveDown :: Unit -> Effect Unit , onMoveUp :: Unit -> Effect Unit , onRemove :: Unit -> Effect Unit , onRename :: String -> Effect Unit ) fieldCodeEditorWrapper :: Record FieldCodeEditorProps -> R.Element fieldCodeEditorWrapper props = R.createElement fieldCodeEditorWrapperCpt props [] fieldCodeEditorWrapperCpt :: R.Component FieldCodeEditorProps fieldCodeEditorWrapperCpt = here.component "fieldCodeEditorWrapperCpt" cpt where cpt props@{canMoveDown, canMoveUp, field: Field {name, typ}, onMoveDown, onMoveUp, onRemove, onRename} _ = do pure $ H.div { className: "row card" } [ H.div { className: "card-header" } [ H.div { className: "code-editor-heading row" } [ H.div { className: "col-4" } [ inputWithEnter { onBlur: onRename , onEnter: \_ -> pure unit , onValueChanged: onRename , autoFocus: false , className: "form-control" , defaultValue: name , placeholder: "Enter file name" , type: "text" } ] , H.div { className: "col-7" } [] , H.div { className: "buttons-right col-1" } ([ H.div { className: "btn btn-danger" , on: { click: \_ -> onRemove unit } } [ H.span { className: "fa fa-trash" } [ ] ] ] <> moveButtons) ] ] , H.div { className: "card-body" } [ fieldCodeEditor props ] ] where moveButtons = [] <> (if canMoveDown then [moveDownButton] else []) <> (if canMoveUp then [moveUpButton] else []) moveDownButton = H.div { className: "btn btn-primary" , on: { click: \_ -> onMoveDown unit } } [ H.span { className: "fa fa-arrow-down" } [ ] ] moveUpButton = H.div { className: "btn btn-primary" , on: { click: \_ -> onMoveUp unit } } [ H.span { className: "fa fa-arrow-up" } [ ] ] type RenameableProps = ( onRename :: String -> Effect Unit , text :: String ) renameable :: Record RenameableProps -> R.Element renameable props = R.createElement renameableCpt props [] renameableCpt :: R.Component RenameableProps renameableCpt = here.component "renameableCpt" cpt where cpt {onRename, text} _ = do isEditing <- T.useBox false state <- T.useBox text textRef <- R.useRef text -- handle props change of text R.useEffect1' text $ do if R.readRef textRef == text then pure unit else do R.setRef textRef text T.write_ text state pure $ H.div { className: "renameable" } [ renameableText { isEditing, onRename, state } ] type RenameableTextProps = ( isEditing :: T.Box Boolean , onRename :: String -> Effect Unit , state :: T.Box String ) renameableText :: Record RenameableTextProps -> R.Element renameableText props = R.createElement renameableTextCpt props [] renameableTextCpt :: R.Component RenameableTextProps renameableTextCpt = here.component "renameableTextCpt" cpt where cpt { isEditing, onRename, state } _ = do isEditing' <- T.useLive T.unequal isEditing state' <- T.useLive T.unequal state pure $ if isEditing' then H.div { className: "input-group" } [ inputWithEnter { autoFocus: false , className: "form-control text" , defaultValue: state' , onBlur: \st -> T.write_ st state , onEnter: submit state' , onValueChanged: \st -> T.write_ st state , placeholder: "" , type: "text" } , H.div { className: "btn input-group-append" , on: { click: submit state' } } [ H.span { className: "fa fa-floppy-o" } [] ] ] else H.div { className: "input-group" } [ H.input { className: "form-control" , defaultValue: state' , disabled: 1 , type: "text" } , H.div { className: "btn input-group-append" , on: { click: \_ -> T.write_ true isEditing } } [ H.span { className: "fa fa-pencil" } [] ] ] where submit text _ = do T.write_ false isEditing onRename text fieldCodeEditor :: Record FieldCodeEditorProps -> R.Element fieldCodeEditor props = R.createElement fieldCodeEditorCpt props [] fieldCodeEditorCpt :: R.Component FieldCodeEditorProps fieldCodeEditorCpt = here.component "fieldCodeEditorCpt" cpt where cpt {field: Field {typ: typ@(Haskell {haskell})}, onChange} _ = do pure $ CE.codeEditor {code: haskell, defaultCodeType: CE.Haskell, onChange: changeCode onChange typ} cpt {field: Field {typ: typ@(Python {python})}, onChange} _ = do pure $ CE.codeEditor {code: python, defaultCodeType: CE.Python, onChange: changeCode onChange typ} cpt {field: Field {typ: typ@(JSON j)}, onChange} _ = do pure $ CE.codeEditor {code, defaultCodeType: CE.JSON, onChange: changeCode onChange typ} where code = R2.stringify (JSON.writeImpl j) 2 cpt {field: Field {typ: typ@(Markdown {text})}, onChange} _ = do pure $ CE.codeEditor {code: text, defaultCodeType: CE.Markdown, onChange: changeCode onChange typ} -- Performs the matrix of code type changes -- (FieldType -> Effect Unit) is the callback function for fields array -- FieldType is the current element that we will modify -- CE.CodeType is the editor code type (might have been the cause of the trigger) -- CE.Code is the editor code (might have been the cause of the trigger) changeCode :: (FieldType -> Effect Unit) -> FieldType -> CE.CodeType -> CE.Code -> Effect Unit changeCode onc (Haskell hs) CE.Haskell c = onc $ Haskell $ hs { haskell = c } changeCode onc (Haskell hs) CE.Python c = onc $ Python $ defaultPython' { python = c } changeCode onc (Haskell {haskell}) CE.JSON c = onc $ JSON $ defaultJSON' { desc = haskell } changeCode onc (Haskell {haskell}) CE.Markdown c = onc $ Markdown $ defaultMarkdown' { text = haskell } changeCode onc (Python hs) CE.Python c = onc $ Python $ hs { python = c } changeCode onc (Python hs) CE.Haskell c = onc $ Haskell $ defaultHaskell' { haskell = c } changeCode onc (Python {python}) CE.JSON c = onc $ JSON $ defaultJSON' { desc = python } changeCode onc (Python {python}) CE.Markdown c = onc $ Markdown $ defaultMarkdown' { text = python } changeCode onc (Markdown md) CE.Haskell c = onc $ Haskell $ defaultHaskell' { haskell = c } changeCode onc (Markdown md) CE.Python c = onc $ Python $ defaultPython' { python = c } changeCode onc (Markdown md) CE.JSON c = onc $ Markdown $ defaultMarkdown' { text = c } changeCode onc (Markdown md) CE.Markdown c = onc $ Markdown $ md { text = c } changeCode onc (JSON j@{desc}) CE.Haskell c = onc $ Haskell $ defaultHaskell' { haskell = haskell } where haskell = R2.stringify (JSON.writeImpl j) 2 changeCode onc (JSON j@{desc}) CE.Python c = onc $ Python $ defaultPython' { python = toCode } where toCode = R2.stringify (JSON.writeImpl j) 2 changeCode onc _ CE.JSON c = do case JSON.readJSON c of Left err -> log2 "[fieldCodeEditor'] cannot parse json" c Right j' -> onc $ JSON j' -- case jsonParser c of -- Left err -> log2 "[fieldCodeEditor'] cannot parse json" c -- Right j' -> case decodeJson j' of -- Left err -> log2 "[fieldCodeEditor'] cannot decode json" j' -- Right j'' -> onc $ JSON j'' changeCode onc (JSON j) CE.Markdown _ = onc $ Markdown $ defaultMarkdown' { text = text } where text = R2.stringify (JSON.writeImpl j) 2 type LoadProps = ( nodeId :: Int , session :: Session ) loadCorpus' :: Record LoadProps -> Aff (NodePoly Hyperdata) loadCorpus' {nodeId, session} = get session $ NodeAPI Corpus (Just nodeId) "" -- Just to make reloading effective loadCorpusWithReload :: { reload :: T2.Reload | LoadProps } -> Aff (NodePoly Hyperdata) loadCorpusWithReload {nodeId, session} = loadCorpus' {nodeId, session} type SaveProps = ( hyperdata :: Hyperdata | LoadProps ) saveCorpus :: Record SaveProps -> Aff Unit saveCorpus {hyperdata, nodeId, session} = do _id <- (put session (NodeAPI Corpus (Just nodeId) "") hyperdata) :: Aff Int pure unit loadCorpus :: Record LoadProps -> Aff CorpusData loadCorpus {nodeId, session} = do -- fetch corpus via lists parentId (NodePoly {parentId: corpusId} :: NodePoly {}) <- get session nodePolyRoute corpusNode <- get session $ corpusNodeRoute corpusId "" defaultListIds <- (get session $ defaultListIdsRoute corpusId) :: forall a. JSON.ReadForeign a => AffTableResult (NodePoly a) case (A.head :: Maybe (NodePoly HyperdataList)) of Just (NodePoly { id: defaultListId }) -> pure {corpusId, corpusNode, defaultListId} Nothing -> throwError $ error "Missing default list" where nodePolyRoute = NodeAPI Corpus (Just nodeId) "" corpusNodeRoute = NodeAPI Corpus <<< Just defaultListIdsRoute = Children NodeList 0 1 Nothing <<< Just loadCorpusWithChild :: Record LoadProps -> Aff CorpusData loadCorpusWithChild { nodeId: childId, session } = do -- fetch corpus via lists parentId (NodePoly {parentId: corpusId} :: NodePoly {}) <- get session $ listNodeRoute childId "" corpusNode <- get session $ corpusNodeRoute corpusId "" defaultListIds <- (get session $ defaultListIdsRoute corpusId) :: forall a. JSON.ReadForeign a => AffTableResult (NodePoly a) case (A.head :: Maybe (NodePoly HyperdataList)) of Just (NodePoly { id: defaultListId }) -> pure { corpusId, corpusNode, defaultListId } Nothing -> throwError $ error "Missing default list" where corpusNodeRoute = NodeAPI Corpus <<< Just listNodeRoute = NodeAPI Node <<< Just defaultListIdsRoute = Children NodeList 0 1 Nothing <<< Just type LoadWithReloadProps = ( reload :: T2.Reload | LoadProps ) -- Just to make reloading effective loadCorpusWithChildAndReload :: Record LoadWithReloadProps -> Aff CorpusData loadCorpusWithChildAndReload {nodeId, reload, session} = loadCorpusWithChild {nodeId, session} data ViewType = Code | Folders derive instance Generic ViewType _ instance Eq ViewType where eq = genericEq instance Show ViewType where show = genericShow type ViewTypeSelectorProps = ( state :: T.Box ViewType ) viewTypeSelector :: Record ViewTypeSelectorProps -> R.Element viewTypeSelector p = R.createElement viewTypeSelectorCpt p [] viewTypeSelectorCpt :: R.Component ViewTypeSelectorProps viewTypeSelectorCpt = here.component "viewTypeSelector" cpt where cpt {state} _ = do state' <- T.useLive T.unequal state pure $ H.div { className: "btn-group" , role: "group" } [ viewTypeButton Folders state' state , viewTypeButton Code state' state ] viewTypeButton viewType state' state = H.button { className: "btn btn-primary" <> active , on: { click: \_ -> T.write viewType state } , type: "button" } [ H.i { className: "fa " <> (icon viewType) } [] ] where active = if viewType == state' then " active" else "" icon Folders = "fa-folder" icon Code = "fa-code"