Author: Corneliu S. (github.com/upphiminn)

This is a javascript implementation of the Louvain
community detection algorithm (http://arxiv.org/abs/0803.0476)
Based on https://bitbucket.org/taynaud/python-louvain/overview

export const _jLouvain = (function(){
        return function(){
                var __PASS_MAX = -1
                var __MIN 	 = 0.0000001

                //Local vars
                var original_graph_nodes;
                var original_graph_edges;
                var original_graph = {};
                var partition_init;

                function make_set(array){
                        var set = {};
                                set[d] = true;
                        return Object.keys(set);

                function obj_values(obj){
                        return Object.values(obj);
                         var vals = [];
                         for( var key in obj ) {
                             if ( obj.hasOwnProperty(key) ) {
                         return vals;

                function get_degree_for_node(graph, node){
                        var neighbours = get_neighbours_of_node(graph, node);
                        var weight = 0;
                                var value = graph._assoc_mat[node][neighbour] || 1;
                                if(node == neighbour)
                                        value *= 2;
                                weight += value;
                        return weight;

                function get_neighbours_of_node(graph, node){
                        if(typeof graph._assoc_mat[node] == 'undefined')
                                return [];

                        return Object.keys(graph._assoc_mat[node]);

                function get_edge_weight(graph, node1, node2){
                        return graph._assoc_mat[node1] ? graph._assoc_mat[node1][node2] : undefined;

                function get_graph_size(graph){
                        var size = 0;
                                size += edge.weight;
                        return size;

                function add_edge_to_graph(graph, edge){
                        update_assoc_mat(graph, edge);

                        var edge_index = graph.edges.map(function(d){
                                return d.source+'_'+d.target;

                        if(edge_index != -1)
                                graph.edges[edge_index].weight = edge.weight;

                function make_assoc_mat(edge_list){
                        var mat = {};
                        edge_list.forEach(function(edge, i){
                                mat[edge.source] = mat[edge.source] || {};
                                mat[edge.source][edge.target] = edge.weight;
                                mat[edge.target] = mat[edge.target] || {};
                                mat[edge.target][edge.source] = edge.weight;

                        return mat;

                function update_assoc_mat(graph, edge){
                        graph._assoc_mat[edge.source] = graph._assoc_mat[edge.source] || {};
                        graph._assoc_mat[edge.source][edge.target] = edge.weight;
                        graph._assoc_mat[edge.target] = graph._assoc_mat[edge.target] || {};
                        graph._assoc_mat[edge.target][edge.source] = edge.weight;

                function clone(obj){
                    if(obj == null || typeof(obj) != 'object')
                        return obj;

                    var temp = obj.constructor();

                    for(var key in obj)
                        temp[key] = clone(obj[key]);
                    return temp;

                //Core-Algorithm Related
                function init_status(graph, status, part){
                        status['nodes_to_com'] = {};
                        status['total_weight'] = 0;
                        status['internals'] = {};
                        status['degrees'] = {};
                        status['gdegrees'] = {};
                        status['loops'] = {};
                        status['total_weight'] = get_graph_size(graph);

                        if(typeof part == 'undefined'){
                                        status.nodes_to_com[node] = i;
                                        var deg = get_degree_for_node(graph, node);
                                        if (deg < 0)
                                                throw 'Bad graph type, use positive weights!';
                                        status.degrees[i] = deg;
                                        status.gdegrees[node] = deg;
                                        status.loops[node] = get_edge_weight(graph, node, node) || 0;
                                        status.internals[i] = status.loops[node];
                                        var com = part[node];
                                        status.nodes_to_com[node] = com;
                                        var deg = get_degree_for_node(graph, node);
                                        status.degrees[com] = (status.degrees[com] || 0) + deg;
                                        status.gdegrees[node] = deg;
                                        var inc = 0.0;

                                        var neighbours  = get_neighbours_of_node(graph, node);
                                        neighbours.forEach(function(neighbour, i){
                                                var weight = graph._assoc_mat[node][neighbour];
                                                if (weight <= 0){
                                                        throw "Bad graph type, use positive weights";

                                                if(part[neighbour] == com){
                                                        if (neighbour == node){
                                                                inc += weight;
                                                                inc += weight/2.0;
                                        status.internals[com] = (status.internals[com] || 0) + inc;

                function __modularity(status){
                        var links = status.total_weight;
                        var result = 0.0;
                        var communities = make_set(obj_values(status.nodes_to_com));

                                var in_degree = status.internals[com] || 0 ;
                                var degree = status.degrees[com] || 0 ;
                                if(links > 0){
                                        result = result + in_degree / links - Math.pow((degree / (2.0*links)), 2);
                        return result;

                function __neighcom(node, graph, status){
                        // compute the communities in the neighb. of the node, with the graph given by
                        // node_to_com

                        var weights = {};
                        var neighboorhood = get_neighbours_of_node(graph, node);//make iterable;

                        neighboorhood.forEach(function(neighbour, i){
                                if(neighbour != node){
                                        var weight = graph._assoc_mat[node][neighbour] || 1;
                                        var neighbourcom = status.nodes_to_com[neighbour];
                                        weights[neighbourcom] = (weights[neighbourcom] || 0) + weight;

                        return weights;

                function __insert(node, com, weight, status){
                        //insert node into com and modify status
                        status.nodes_to_com[node] = +com;
                        status.degrees[com] = (status.degrees[com] || 0) + (status.gdegrees[node]||0);
                        status.internals[com] = (status.internals[com] || 0) + weight + (status.loops[node]||0);

                function __remove(node, com, weight, status){
                        //remove node from com and modify status
                        status.degrees[com] = ((status.degrees[com] || 0) - (status.gdegrees[node] || 0));
                        status.internals[com] = ((status.internals[com] || 0) - weight -(status.loops[node] ||0));
                        status.nodes_to_com[node] = -1;

                function __renumber(dict){
                        var count = 0;
                        var ret = clone(dict); //deep copy :)
                        var new_values = {};
                        var dict_keys = Object.keys(dict);
                                var value = dict[key];
                                var new_value =  typeof new_values[value] =='undefined' ? -1 : new_values[value];
                                if(new_value == -1){
                                        new_values[value] = count;
                                        new_value = count;
                                        count = count + 1;
                                ret[key] = new_value;
                        return ret;

                function __one_level(graph, status){
                        //Compute one level of the Communities Dendogram.
                        var modif = true,
                                nb_pass_done = 0,
                                cur_mod = __modularity(status),
                                new_mod = cur_mod;

                        while (modif && nb_pass_done != __PASS_MAX){
                                cur_mod = new_mod;
                                modif = false;
                                nb_pass_done += 1

                                        var com_node = status.nodes_to_com[node];
                                        var degc_totw = (status.gdegrees[node] || 0) / (status.total_weight * 2.0);
                                        var neigh_communities = __neighcom(node, graph, status);
                                        __remove(node, com_node, (neigh_communities[com_node] || 0.0), status);
                                        var best_com = com_node;
                                        var best_increase = 0;
                                        var neigh_communities_entries = Object.keys(neigh_communities);//make iterable;

                                                var incr = neigh_communities[com] - (status.degrees[com] || 0.0) * degc_totw;
                                                if (incr > best_increase){
                                                        best_increase = incr;
                                                        best_com = com;

                                        __insert(node, best_com, neigh_communities[best_com] || 0, status);

                                        if(best_com != com_node)
                                                modif = true;
                                new_mod = __modularity(status);
                                if(new_mod - cur_mod < __MIN)

                function induced_graph(partition, graph){
                        var ret = {nodes:[], edges:[], _assoc_mat: {}};
                        var w_prec, weight;
                        //add nodes from partition values
                        var partition_values = obj_values(partition);
                        ret.nodes = ret.nodes.concat(make_set(partition_values)); //make set
                                weight = edge.weight || 1;
                                var com1 = partition[edge.source];
                                var com2 = partition[edge.target];
                                w_prec = (get_edge_weight(ret, com1, com2) || 0);
                                var new_weight = (w_prec + weight);
                                add_edge_to_graph(ret, {'source': com1, 'target': com2, 'weight': new_weight});
                        return ret;

                function partition_at_level(dendogram, level){
                        var partition = clone(dendogram[0]);
                        for(var i = 1; i < level + 1; i++ )
                                        var node = key;
                                        var com  = partition[key];
                                        partition[node] = dendogram[i][com];
                        return partition;

                function generate_dendogram(graph, part_init){

                        if(graph.edges.length == 0){
                                var part = {};
                                        part[node] = node;
                                return part;
                        var status = {};

                        init_status(original_graph, status, part_init);
                        var mod = __modularity(status);
                        var status_list = [];
                        __one_level(original_graph, status);
                        var new_mod = __modularity(status);
                        var partition = __renumber(status.nodes_to_com);
                        mod = new_mod;
                        var current_graph = induced_graph(partition, original_graph);
                        init_status(current_graph, status);

                        while (true){
                                __one_level(current_graph, status);
                                new_mod = __modularity(status);
                                if(new_mod - mod < __MIN)

                                partition = __renumber(status.nodes_to_com);

                                mod = new_mod;
                                current_graph = induced_graph(partition, current_graph);
                                init_status(current_graph, status);

                        return status_list;

                var core = function(){
                        var status = {};
                        var dendogram = generate_dendogram(original_graph, partition_init);
                        return partition_at_level(dendogram, dendogram.length - 1);

                core.nodes = function(nds){
                        if(arguments.length > 0){
                                original_graph_nodes = nds;
                                return core;
                        } else {
                                return original_graph_nodes;

                core.edges = function(edgs){
                        if(typeof original_graph_nodes == 'undefined')
                                throw 'Please provide the graph nodes first!';

                        if(arguments.length > 0){
                                original_graph_edges = edgs;
                                var assoc_mat = make_assoc_mat(edgs);
                                original_graph = { 'nodes': original_graph_nodes,
                                                                   'edges': original_graph_edges,
                                                                   '_assoc_mat': assoc_mat };
                                return core;
                        } else {
                                return original_graph_edges;


                core.partition_init = function(prttn){
                        if(arguments.length > 0){
                                partition_init = prttn;
                        return core;

                return core;

export function _init(louvain, nodes, edges) {
        return Object.entries(louvain.nodes(nodes).edges(edges)());