module Gargantext.Components.PhyloExplorer.ConfigFormParser ( useConfigFormParser ) where import Gargantext.Prelude import Data.Either (Either(..)) import Data.Int as Int import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..)) import Data.Newtype (unwrap) import Data.Number as Number import Gargantext.Components.PhyloExplorer.API (Clique(..), CliqueFilter, ReflexiveClique(..), ReflexiveTimeUnit, TimeUnitCriteria(..), UpdateData(..), extractCriteria, fromReflexiveTimeUnit, toReflexiveTimeUnit) import Gargantext.Components.PhyloExplorer.Config.ConfigForm (FormData) import Gargantext.Types (FrontendError(..)) import Gargantext.Utils (getter) import Reactix as R import Record (merge) import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce) type Methods = -- | Parse `PhyloExplorer.API.UpdateData` to hydrate optional properties of -- | `ConfigForm.FormData` -- | -- | (!) I/O as `UpdateData` type can be changed to anything, it has been -- | chosen this way for simplification (KISS choice: API ⟷ FormData) ( toFormData :: UpdateData -> Record () -- | Parse callback returned data from `ConfigForm.FormData` into the -- | `PhyloExplorer.API.UpdateData` , fromFormData :: Record FormData -> Either FrontendError UpdateData ) useConfigFormParser :: R.Hooks (Record Methods) useConfigFormParser = do let castError :: Either String UpdateData -> Either FrontendError UpdateData castError (Left error) = Left $ FOtherError { error } castError (Right a) = pure a pure { toFormData , fromFormData: (_ # fromFormData) >>> castError } toFormData :: UpdateData -> Record () toFormData nt = let r = unwrap nt in unsafeCoerce $ { defaultMode : show r.defaultMode , proximity: show r.proximity , synchrony: show r.synchrony , quality: show r.quality , exportFilter: show r.exportFilter -- Time unit , granularity: r # (show <<< toReflexiveTimeUnit <<< _.timeUnit) , period: r # (show <<< getter _.period <<< extractCriteria <<< _.timeUnit) , step: r # (show <<< getter _.step <<< extractCriteria <<< _.timeUnit) , matchingFrame: r # (show <<< getter _.matchingFrame <<< extractCriteria <<< _.timeUnit) -- Clique } `merge` parseClique r.clique where parseClique :: Clique -> Record () parseClique (FIS o) = unsafeCoerce $ { support : show , size : show o.size , cliqueType : show FIS_ } parseClique (MaxClique o) = unsafeCoerce $ { size : show o.size , threshold : show o.threshold , cliqueFilter: show o.filter , cliqueType : show MaxClique_ } fromFormData :: Record FormData -> Either String UpdateData fromFormData r = do -- Common params defaultMode <- read r.defaultMode `orDie` "Invalid defaultMode" proximity <- Number.fromString r.proximity `orDie` "Invalid proximity" synchrony <- Number.fromString r.synchrony `orDie` "Invalid synchrony" quality <- Number.fromString r.quality `orDie` "Invalid quality" exportFilter <- Number.fromString r.exportFilter `orDie` "Invalid exportFilter" -- Time unit params (granularity :: ReflexiveTimeUnit) <- read r.granularity `orDie` "Invalid granularity" period <- Int.fromString r.period `orDie` "Invalid period" step <- Int.fromString r.step `orDie` "Invalid step" matchingFrame <- Int.fromString r.matchingFrame `orDie` "Invalid matchingFrame" criteria <- pure $ parseCriteria period step matchingFrame timeUnit <- pure $ fromReflexiveTimeUnit granularity criteria -- Clique params (cliqueType :: ReflexiveClique) <- read r.cliqueType `orDie` "Invalid cliqueType" clique <- parseClique r cliqueType -- Constructor pure $ UpdateData { defaultMode , proximity , synchrony , quality , exportFilter , timeUnit , clique } where parseCriteria :: Int -> Int -> Int -> TimeUnitCriteria parseCriteria period step matchingFrame = TimeUnitCriteria { period , step , matchingFrame } parseClique :: Record FormData -> ReflexiveClique -> Either String Clique parseClique o = case _ of FIS_ -> ado support <- Int.fromString `orDie` "Invalid support" size <- Int.fromString o.size `orDie` "Invalid size" in FIS { support, size } MaxClique_ -> ado size <- Int.fromString o.size `orDie` "Invalid size" threshold <- Number.fromString o.threshold `orDie` "Invalid threshold" (filter :: CliqueFilter) <- read o.cliqueFilter `orDie` "Invalid cliqueFilter" in MaxClique { size, threshold, filter } orDie :: forall err a. Maybe a -> err -> Either err a orDie (Just a) _ = pure a orDie Nothing err = Left err