-- | A module for authenticating to create sessions and handling them
module Gargantext.Sessions where

import DOM.Simple.Console (log2)
import Data.Argonaut (class DecodeJson, decodeJson, class EncodeJson, encodeJson, (:=), (~>), (.:))
import Data.Argonaut.Core (Json, fromArray, jsonEmptyObject, stringify)
import Data.Argonaut.Parser (jsonParser)
import Data.Array as A
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Generic.Rep.Eq (genericEq)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Traversable (traverse)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Gargantext.Components.Login.Types (AuthData(..), AuthInvalid(..), AuthRequest(..), AuthResponse(..), TreeId)
import Gargantext.Config.REST as REST
import Gargantext.Ends (class ToUrl, Backend(..), backendUrl, sessionPath, toUrl)
import Gargantext.Routes (SessionRoute)
import Gargantext.Types (NodePath, SessionId(..), nodePath)
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix (getls)
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
import Prelude (class Eq, class Show, Unit, const, otherwise, pure, show, unit, ($), (*>), (<*), (<$>), (<>), (==), (/=), (>>=), (<<<), bind)
import Reactix as R
import Web.Storage.Storage (getItem, removeItem, setItem)

-- | A Session represents an authenticated session for a user at a
-- | backend. It contains a token and root tree id.
newtype Session = Session
  { backend  :: Backend
  , username :: String
  , token    :: String
  , treeId   :: TreeId

-- | Main instances

derive instance genericSession :: Generic Session _

instance eqSession :: Eq Session where
  eq = genericEq

instance showSession :: Show Session where
  show (Session {backend, username}) = username <> "@" <> show backend

instance toUrlSessionRoute :: ToUrl Session SessionRoute where
  toUrl (Session {backend}) r = backendUrl backend (sessionPath r)

instance toUrlSessionNodePath :: ToUrl Session NodePath where
  toUrl (Session {backend}) np = backendUrl backend (nodePath np)

sessionUrl :: Session -> String -> String
sessionUrl (Session {backend}) = backendUrl backend

sessionId :: Session -> SessionId
sessionId = SessionId <<< show

-- | JSON instances
instance encodeJsonSession :: EncodeJson Session where
  encodeJson (Session {backend, username, token, treeId})
    =  "backend"  := encodeJson backend
    ~> "username" := username
    ~> "token"    :=  token
    ~> "treeId"   := treeId
    ~> jsonEmptyObject

instance decodeJsonSession :: DecodeJson Session where
  decodeJson json = do
    obj      <- decodeJson json
    backend  <- obj .: "backend"
    username <- obj .: "username"
    token    <- obj .: "token"
    treeId   <- obj .: "treeId"
    pure $ Session { backend, username, token, treeId}


data Sessions = Sessions { sessions :: (Seq Session)}

derive instance genericSessions :: Generic Sessions _

instance eqSessions :: Eq Sessions where
  eq = genericEq

instance decodeJsonSessions :: DecodeJson Sessions where
  decodeJson json = do
    ss <- decodeSessions json
    pure (Sessions {sessions:Seq.fromFoldable ss})

      decodeSessions :: Json -> Either String (Array Session)
      decodeSessions json2 = decodeJson json2
                          >>= \obj -> obj .: "sessions"
                          >>= traverse decodeJson

instance encodeJsonSessions :: EncodeJson Sessions where
  encodeJson (Sessions {sessions:ss}) = "sessions" := (encodeSessions ss)
                           ~> jsonEmptyObject
      encodeSessions :: Seq Session -> Json
      encodeSessions ss2 = fromArray $ encodeJson <$> (Seq.toUnfoldable ss2)

unSessions :: Sessions -> Array Session
unSessions (Sessions {sessions:s}) = A.fromFoldable s

useSessions :: R.Hooks (R2.Reductor Sessions Action)
useSessions = R2.useReductor actAndSave (const loadSessions) unit
    actAndSave :: R2.Actor Sessions Action
    actAndSave a s = act s a >>= saveSessions

lookup :: SessionId -> Sessions -> Maybe Session
lookup sid (Sessions {sessions:ss}) = Seq.head (Seq.filter f ss) where
  f s = sid == sessionId s

cons :: Session -> Sessions -> Sessions
cons s (Sessions {sessions:ss}) = Sessions {sessions:(Seq.cons s ss)}

tryCons :: Session -> Sessions -> Either Unit Sessions
tryCons s ss = try (lookup sid ss) where
  sid = sessionId s
  try Nothing = Right (cons s ss)
  try _ = Left unit

remove :: SessionId -> Sessions -> Sessions
remove sid (Sessions {sessions:ss}) = Sessions {sessions: Seq.filter f ss} where
  f s = sid /= sessionId s

tryRemove :: SessionId -> Sessions -> Either Unit Sessions
tryRemove sid old@(Sessions ss) = ret where
  new = remove sid old
    | new == old = Left unit
    | otherwise =  Right new

-- open tree nodes data
type OpenNodes = Set NodeId

type NodeId =
  { treeId :: TreeId  -- Id of the node
  , baseUrl :: String -- the baseUrl of the backend

mkNodeId :: Session -> TreeId -> NodeId
mkNodeId (Session {backend: Backend {baseUrl}}) treeId = { treeId, baseUrl }

instance toUrlSessionString :: ToUrl Session String where
  toUrl = sessionUrl

data Action
  = Login Session
  | Logout Session

act :: Sessions -> Action -> Effect Sessions
act ss (Login s) =
  case tryCons s ss of
    Right new -> pure new
    _ -> pure ss <* log2 "Cannot overwrite existing session: " (sessionId s)
act old@(Sessions ss) (Logout s) =
  case tryRemove (sessionId s) old of
    Right new -> pure $ new
    _ -> pure old <* log2 "Logged out of stale session:" (sessionId s)

-- Key we will store the data under
localStorageKey :: String
localStorageKey = "garg-sessions"

empty :: Sessions
empty = Sessions {sessions:Seq.empty}

-- True if there are no sessions stored
null :: Sessions -> Boolean
null (Sessions {sessions:seq}) = Seq.null seq

-- | Will attempt to load saved sessions from localstorage. should log
-- | if decoding fails
loadSessions :: Effect Sessions
loadSessions = getls >>= getItem localStorageKey >>= handleMaybe
    -- a localstorage lookup can find nothing
    handleMaybe (Just val) = handleEither (parse val >>= decode)
    handleMaybe Nothing    = pure empty

    -- either parsing or decoding could fail, hence two errors
    handleEither (Left err) = err *> pure empty
    handleEither (Right ss) = pure ss

    parse  s = mapLeft (log2 "Error parsing serialised sessions:") (jsonParser s)
    decode j = mapLeft (log2 "Error decoding serialised sessions:") (decodeJson j)

mapLeft :: forall l m r. (l -> m) -> Either l r -> Either m r
mapLeft f (Left  l) = Left (f l)
mapLeft _ (Right r) = Right r

saveSessions :: Sessions -> Effect Sessions
saveSessions sessions = effect *> pure sessions where
  rem = getls >>= removeItem localStorageKey
  set v  = getls >>= setItem    localStorageKey v
    | null sessions = rem
    | otherwise = set (stringify $ encodeJson sessions)

postAuthRequest :: Backend -> AuthRequest -> Aff (Either String Session)
postAuthRequest backend ar@(AuthRequest {username}) =
  decode <$> REST.post Nothing (toUrl backend "auth") ar
    decode (AuthResponse ar2)
      | {inval: Just (AuthInvalid {message})}     <- ar2 = Left message
      | {valid: Just (AuthData {token, tree_id})} <- ar2 =
          Right $ Session { backend, username, token, treeId: tree_id }
      | otherwise = Left "Invalid response from server"

get :: forall a p. DecodeJson a => ToUrl Session p => Session -> p -> Aff a
get session@(Session {token}) p = REST.get (Just token) (toUrl session p)

put :: forall a b p. EncodeJson a => DecodeJson b => ToUrl Session p => Session -> p -> a -> Aff b
put session@(Session {token}) p = REST.put (Just token) (toUrl session p)

put_ :: forall a b p. DecodeJson b => ToUrl Session p => Session -> p -> Aff b
put_ session@(Session {token}) p = REST.put_ (Just token) (toUrl session p)

delete :: forall a p. DecodeJson a => ToUrl Session p => Session -> p -> Aff a
delete session@(Session {token}) p = REST.delete (Just token) (toUrl session p)

-- This might not be a good idea:
-- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14323716/restful-alternatives-to-delete-request-body
deleteWithBody :: forall a b p. EncodeJson a => DecodeJson b => ToUrl Session p => Session -> p -> a -> Aff b
deleteWithBody session@(Session {token}) p = REST.deleteWithBody (Just token) (toUrl session p)

post :: forall a b p. EncodeJson a => DecodeJson b => ToUrl Session p => Session -> p -> a -> Aff b
post session@(Session {token}) p = REST.post (Just token) (toUrl session p)

postWwwUrlencoded :: forall b p. DecodeJson b => ToUrl Session p => Session -> p -> REST.FormDataParams -> Aff b
postWwwUrlencoded session@(Session {token}) p = REST.postWwwUrlencoded (Just token) (toUrl session p)

postMultipartFormData :: forall b p. DecodeJson b => ToUrl Session p => Session -> p -> String -> Aff b
postMultipartFormData session@(Session {token}) p = REST.postMultipartFormData (Just token) (toUrl session p)