module Gargantext.Sessions.Types
  ( Session(..), Sessions(..), OpenNodes(..), NodeId, mkNodeId
  , sessionUrl, sessionId
  , empty, null, unSessions, lookup, cons, tryCons, update, remove, tryRemove
  , useOpenNodesMemberBox, openNodesInsert, openNodesDelete
  , cleanBackendUrl
  ) where

import Gargantext.Prelude

import Data.Array as A
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Eq.Generic (genericEq)
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Int as Int
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe)
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype)
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Set as Set
import Data.Show.Generic (genericShow)
import Data.String as DST
import Data.Tuple (Tuple)
import Foreign.Object as Object
import Gargantext.Components.Login.Types (TreeId, UserId)
import Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Lists.Types as NT
import Gargantext.Ends (class ToUrl, Backend(..), backendUrl, sessionPath)
import Gargantext.Routes (SessionRoute)
import Gargantext.Types (NodePath, SessionId(..), nodePath)
import Gargantext.Utils.JSON as GJSON
import Gargantext.Utils.Tuple as GUT
import Reactix as R
import Simple.JSON as JSON
import Toestand as T

-- | A Session represents an authenticated session for a user at a
-- | backend. It contains a token and root tree id.
newtype Session = Session
  { backend  :: Backend
  , caches   :: Map Int NT.CacheState  -- whether cache is turned on for node id
  , token    :: String
  , treeId   :: TreeId
  , username :: String
  , userId   :: UserId

-- | Main instances

derive instance Generic Session _
derive instance Newtype Session _
instance JSON.ReadForeign Session where
  readImpl f = do
    r <- JSON.readImpl f
    let objTuple = Object.toUnfoldable r.caches :: Array (Tuple String NT.CacheState)
    let rUp = r { caches = Map.fromFoldable (GUT.mapFst (fromMaybe 0 <<< Int.fromString) <$> objTuple) }
    pure $ Session rUp
instance JSON.WriteForeign Session where
  writeImpl (Session { backend, caches, token, treeId, username, userId}) =
      JSON.writeImpl { backend, caches: caches', token, treeId, username, userId }
      caches' = JSON.writeImpl $ Object.fromFoldable (GUT.mapFst show <$> Map.toUnfoldable caches :: Array (Tuple String NT.CacheState))

instance Eq Session where eq = genericEq

instance Show Session where
  show (Session {backend, username}) = username <> "@" <> (cleanBackendUrl backend)

cleanBackendUrl :: Backend -> String
cleanBackendUrl (Backend {baseUrl}) = 
     DST.replace (DST.Pattern "http://")  (DST.Replacement "")
   $ DST.replace (DST.Pattern "https://") (DST.Replacement "") baseUrl

instance ToUrl Session SessionRoute where toUrl (Session {backend}) r = backendUrl backend (sessionPath r)

instance ToUrl Session NodePath where toUrl (Session {backend}) np = backendUrl backend (nodePath np)
instance ToUrl Session String where toUrl = sessionUrl

sessionUrl :: Session -> String -> String
sessionUrl (Session {backend}) = backendUrl backend

sessionId :: Session -> SessionId
sessionId = SessionId <<< show

newtype Sessions = Sessions { sessions :: Seq Session }

derive instance Generic Sessions _
derive instance Newtype Sessions _
instance JSON.ReadForeign Sessions where
  readImpl f = do
    sessions <- GJSON.readSequence f
    pure $ Sessions { sessions }
instance JSON.WriteForeign Sessions where
  writeImpl (Sessions { sessions }) = GJSON.writeSequence sessions
instance Eq Sessions where eq = genericEq
instance Show Sessions where show = genericShow

empty :: Sessions
empty = Sessions { sessions: Seq.empty }

-- True if there are no sessions stored
null :: Sessions -> Boolean
null (Sessions { sessions: seq }) = Seq.null seq

unSessions :: Sessions -> Array Session
unSessions (Sessions {sessions:s}) = A.fromFoldable s

lookup :: SessionId -> Sessions -> Maybe Session
lookup sid (Sessions {sessions:ss}) = Seq.head (Seq.filter f ss) where
  f s = sid == sessionId s

cons :: Session -> Sessions -> Sessions
cons s (Sessions {sessions:ss}) = Sessions {sessions:(Seq.cons s ss)}

tryCons :: Session -> Sessions -> Either Unit Sessions
tryCons s ss = try $ lookup sid ss
    sid = sessionId s
    try Nothing = Right (cons s ss)
    try _ = Left unit

update :: Session -> Sessions -> Sessions
update s ss = up $ lookup sid ss
    sid = sessionId s
    up Nothing = cons s ss
    up _ = cons s $ remove sid ss

remove :: SessionId -> Sessions -> Sessions
remove sid (Sessions {sessions:ss}) = Sessions {sessions: Seq.filter f ss} where
  f s = sid /= sessionId s

tryRemove :: SessionId -> Sessions -> Either Unit Sessions
tryRemove sid old@(Sessions ss) = ret where
  new = remove sid old
    | new == old = Left unit
    | otherwise =  Right new

-- open tree nodes data
newtype OpenNodes = OpenNodes (Set NodeId)

derive instance Generic OpenNodes _
derive instance Newtype OpenNodes _
instance JSON.ReadForeign OpenNodes where
  readImpl f = do
    inst :: Array NodeId <- JSON.readImpl f
    pure $ OpenNodes $ Set.fromFoldable inst
instance JSON.WriteForeign OpenNodes where
  writeImpl (OpenNodes ns) = JSON.writeImpl $ (Set.toUnfoldable ns :: Array NodeId)

openNodesInsert :: NodeId -> OpenNodes -> OpenNodes
openNodesInsert nodeId (OpenNodes set) = OpenNodes $ Set.insert nodeId set

openNodesDelete :: NodeId -> OpenNodes -> OpenNodes
openNodesDelete nodeId (OpenNodes set) = OpenNodes $ Set.delete nodeId set

-- | Creates a cursor which presents a Boolean over whether the member
-- | is in the set. Adjusting the value will toggle whether the value
-- | is in the underlying set.
  :: forall box. T.ReadWrite box OpenNodes
  => NodeId -> box -> R.Hooks (T.Box Boolean)
useOpenNodesMemberBox val box = T.useFocused (\(OpenNodes ns) -> Set.member val ns) (toggleSet val) box

-- utility for useOpenNodesMemberBox
toggleSet :: NodeId -> Boolean -> OpenNodes -> OpenNodes
toggleSet val true  (OpenNodes ns) = OpenNodes $ Set.insert val ns
toggleSet val false (OpenNodes ns) = OpenNodes $ Set.delete val ns

type NodeId =
  { treeId :: TreeId  -- Id of the node
  , baseUrl :: String -- the baseUrl of the backend

mkNodeId :: Session -> TreeId -> NodeId
mkNodeId (Session {backend: Backend {baseUrl}}) treeId = { treeId, baseUrl }