module Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Annuaire.User.Contact ( module Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Annuaire.User.Contacts.Types , contactLayout ) where import Gargantext.Prelude import Data.Lens (view) import Gargantext.Components.Bootstrap as B import Gargantext.Components.Bootstrap.Types (ComponentStatus(..)) import Gargantext.Components.GraphQL.Endpoints (getAnnuaireContact) import Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Annuaire.User.Contacts.Types (ContactData', HyperdataContact(..)) import Gargantext.Config.REST (logRESTError) import Gargantext.Hooks.Loader (useLoader) import Gargantext.Hooks.Session (useSession) import Gargantext.Types (NodeID) import Gargantext.Utils (nbsp) import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2 import Gargnatext.Components.GraphQL.Contact (AnnuaireContact, _ac_city, _ac_country, _ac_firstName, _ac_labTeamDeptsFirst, _ac_lastName, _ac_office, _ac_organizationFirst, _ac_role, _ac_touchMail, _ac_touchPhone, _ac_touchUrl) import Reactix as R import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H here :: R2.Here here = "Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Annuaire.User.Contact" type Props = ( annuaireId :: NodeID , nodeId :: NodeID ) contactLayout :: R2.Leaf ( key :: String | Props ) contactLayout = R2.leaf contactLayoutCpt contactLayoutCpt :: R.Component ( key :: String | Props ) contactLayoutCpt = here.component "layout" cpt where -- Helpers errorHandler = logRESTError here "[contactLayoutWithKey]" -- Component cpt { nodeId } _ = do session <- useSession -- _ /\ reload <- R2.useBox' T2.newReload useLoader { errorHandler , loader: getAnnuaireContact session , path: nodeId , render: \r -> contactForm { fdata: r } } --------------------------------------------------------- -- @NOTE: #376 temporary pages and form content -- YAGNI decision triggered by a change of API (REST to GQL) type FormProps = ( fdata :: AnnuaireContact ) contactForm :: R2.Leaf FormProps contactForm = R2.leaf contactFormCpt contactFormCpt :: R.Component FormProps contactFormCpt = here.component "form" cpt where cpt { fdata } _ = do -- Render pure $ B.wad [ "d-flex" ] [ -- Left column: contact card H.div { className: "card" } [ H.div { className: "card-header"} [ B.icon { name: "address-book-o" } , B.wad [ "ml-3", "d-inline-block" ] [ H.text $ view _ac_firstName fdata <> nbsp 1 <> view _ac_lastName fdata ] ] , H.div { className: "card-body" } [ H.div { className: "form-group" } [ H.div { className: "form-group__label" } [ B.label_ "Firstname" ] , H.div { className: "form-group__field" } [ B.formInput { status: Disabled , callback: const R.nothing , value: view _ac_firstName fdata } ] ] , H.div { className: "form-group" } [ H.div { className: "form-group__label" } [ B.label_ "Lastname" ] , H.div { className: "form-group__field" } [ B.formInput { status: Disabled , callback: const R.nothing , value: view _ac_lastName fdata } ] ] , H.div { className: "form-group" } [ H.div { className: "form-group__label" } [ B.label_ "Organisation" ] , H.div { className: "form-group__field" } [ B.formInput { status: Disabled , callback: const R.nothing , value: view _ac_organizationFirst fdata } ] ] , H.div { className: "form-group" } [ H.div { className: "form-group__label" } [ B.label_ "Lab/Team/Dept" ] , H.div { className: "form-group__field" } [ B.formInput { status: Disabled , callback: const R.nothing , value: view _ac_labTeamDeptsFirst fdata } ] ] , H.div { className: "form-group" } [ H.div { className: "form-group__label" } [ B.label_ "Office" ] , H.div { className: "form-group__field" } [ B.formInput { status: Disabled , callback: const R.nothing , value: view _ac_office fdata } ] ] , H.div { className: "form-group" } [ H.div { className: "form-group__label" } [ B.label_ "City" ] , H.div { className: "form-group__field" } [ B.formInput { status: Disabled , callback: const R.nothing , value: view _ac_city fdata } ] ] , H.div { className: "form-group" } [ H.div { className: "form-group__label" } [ B.label_ "Country" ] , H.div { className: "form-group__field" } [ B.formInput { status: Disabled , callback: const R.nothing , value: view _ac_country fdata } ] ] , H.div { className: "form-group" } [ H.div { className: "form-group__label" } [ B.label_ "Role" ] , H.div { className: "form-group__field" } [ B.formInput { status: Disabled , callback: const R.nothing , value: view _ac_role fdata } ] ] , H.div { className: "form-group" } [ H.div { className: "form-group__label" } [ B.label_ "Phone" ] , H.div { className: "form-group__field" } [ B.formInput { status: Disabled , callback: const R.nothing , value: view _ac_touchPhone fdata } ] ] , H.div { className: "form-group" } [ H.div { className: "form-group__label" } [ B.label_ "Mail" ] , H.div { className: "form-group__field" } [ B.formInput { status: Disabled , callback: const R.nothing , value: view _ac_touchMail fdata } ] ] , H.div { className: "form-group" } [ H.div { className: "form-group__label" } [ B.label_ "URL" ] , H.div { className: "form-group__field" } [ B.formInput { status: Disabled , callback: const R.nothing , value: view _ac_touchUrl fdata } ] ] ] ] , B.wad [ "align-self-flex-start", "ml-3" ] [ B.caveat {} [ B.icon { name: "rocket" } , B.wad [ "d-inline-flex", "ml-2", "text-italic" ] [ H.text " development in progress" ] ] ] ]