/// (!) Heads up: custom web font & SVG text BBox /// /// There is a lot of inconvenience to use a non-safe web font with Chromium /// engine and SVG (for example: [1], [2], [3], [4]) /// /// Main issues are: /// - browser engine late loading: creating a race condition where the /// SVG text is rendered via another default fallback webfont than /// the one we have set /// - browser engine non compliancy with certain font file type: creating /// potential unanticipated issue /// /// Empirically, we have found that even with a safe lazy loading (ie. /// using `<Promise> document.fonts.ready`), results were not satisfying /// with the original font used in the default Memiescape ("Inter-regular") /// /// Our workaround here has been to KISS via removing every CSS rules /// created with the "Inter-regular" font. Instead it will fallback of the /// application set font ; which with our default theme worked very well /// to our need AND mimicking almost perfectly the "Inter-regular" one /// /// [1] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16426223/why-svg-bbox-method-on-text-element-gives-different-result-in-different-browser /// [2] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38270865/why-does-svg-viewed-in-chrome-51-not-position-correctly-with-added-gap-after-tex /// [3] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14789059/pixel-perfect-consistent-text-width-in-svg-or-html /// [4] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41059999/text-tag-in-svg-not-rendering-correctly-in-chrome /* Grid constants */ $graph-margin: 16px; $graph-height: calc(100vh - #{ $topbar-height } - #{ $graph-margin * 2 }); $isoline-height: 174px; $left-column-width: 10%; $center-column-width: 85%; $right-column-width: 5%; /* Colors */ $graph-background-color: $body-bg; $graph-layout-line-color: #EBE4DD; $graph-text-color: #0D1824; $graph-heading-color: #B5B5B5; $visible-peak: #0D1824; $hidden-peak: #A9A9A9; $mark-default: #4A5C70; $mark-hover: #F3BE54; $mark-focus: #F24C3D; $mark-unfocus: #FFECEC; $group-unfocus: #A9A9A9; $source-focus: #A6BDDB; $isoline-background-color: $gray-150; $isoline-stroke-color: #74B5FF; $fill-default-color: #61A3A9; $fill-idle-color: #F5EEE6; $emergence-color: #012840; $decreasing-color: #11638F; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// (?) SVG related classes (isoline, scape) .phylo { /* ---------- axis ---------- */ .x-axis path { stroke: $graph-layout-line-color; stroke-width: 1.5px; } .y-axis path { stroke:$graph-layout-line-color; stroke-width: 1.5px; } .y-highlight { stroke: $mark-hover; stroke-width: 1.5px; } .x-mark { fill: $mark-default; stroke-width: 1px; stroke: $graph-background-color; } // (!) unused class .x-mark-over { fill: $mark-hover; } // (!) unused class .x-mark-focus { fill: $mark-focus; } .tick text:hover { cursor: pointer; } .y-label { font-size: 10px; font-weight: normal; } // (!) unused class (see `Resources.js:groupOver`) .y-label-bold { font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; } .y-mark-year-inner { fill: $mark-default; } // (!) unused class (see `Resources.js:groupOver`) .y-mark-year-inner-highlight { fill: $mark-hover; } .y-mark-year-outer { fill: $graph-background-color; stroke: $mark-default; stroke-width: 1px; } // (!) unused class (see `Resources.js:groupOver`) .y-mark-year-outer-highlight { fill: $graph-background-color; stroke: $mark-hover; stroke-width: 3px; } .y-mark-month { fill: $mark-default; } /* ---------- header ---------- */ .header { fill: $emergence-color; cursor: pointer; } .header-wrapper { display: none; fill: $graph-background-color; filter: drop-shadow(0px 3px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)); &--hover { display: initial; } } /* ---------- group ---------- */ .group-outer { stroke-width: 0.8px; stroke: $graph-background-color; fill: $graph-background-color; } .group-inner { stroke-width: 0.8px; stroke: $graph-text-color; fill: $graph-text-color; /*cursor: pointer;*/ z-index: 10; } .group-heading { fill: $graph-background-color; stroke: $graph-heading-color; } .group-focus { stroke: $mark-focus; } .source-focus { stroke: $isoline-stroke-color; // @NOTE #219: single source of truth for color management (HTML attribute // style takes precedence over CSS ones) fill: $source-focus !important; } .group-unfocus { stroke: $group-unfocus; } .group-path { cursor: pointer; } /* ---------- labels ---------- */ .ngrams { visibility: hidden; } .term { cursor: pointer; } .term:hover { font-weight: bold; } // .term-unfocus { // fill: #A9A9A9; // } // .term-focus { // fill: black; // } .term-path { fill: none; stroke: $mark-focus; stroke-width: 1.5px; } .emerging { /*text-decoration: underline #F0684D;*/ /*fill:#5AA350;*/ /*fill: #5AA350;*/ fill: $mark-focus; } .decreasing { /*text-decoration: underline #74B5FF;*/ fill: $decreasing-color; } .path-focus { fill: none; stroke: $mark-focus; stroke-width: 1.5px; } .path-unfocus { stroke: $group-unfocus; } .path-heading { stroke: $graph-heading-color; } /* ---------- phylo ---------- */ .branch-hover { fill: $mark-hover; opacity: 0.5; } /* isoline */ .peak { stroke: $graph-background-color; stroke-width: 1px; font-size: 18px; text-anchor: middle; visibility: visible; } .peak-over { font-size: 18px; stroke-width: 2px; cursor: pointer; stroke: $mark-hover; z-index: 100; } .peak-focus { font-size: 18px; stroke-width: 2px; stroke: $mark-focus; } .peak-focus-source { font-size: 18px; stroke-width: 2px; stroke: $isoline-stroke-color; } .peak-label { text-align: center; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: 400; color: $graph-background-color; border-radius: 3px; border-style: solid; border-width: 2px; border-color: $graph-background-color; background: $visible-peak; padding: 5px; z-index: 10; position: absolute; visibility: hidden; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// .phylo { position: relative; z-index: 0; // new stacking context "phylo" width: 100%; height: $layout-height; &--preloading { // (!) As the drawing process need must have all its elements displayed, // the browser scrollbar will flicker during the process // So during this time (in addition to the preloader spinner), we // ensure the height of the layout does not exceed the browser height // limit, hence avoiding a flickering effect overflow: hidden; } &__spinner-wrapper { @include fit-positions; position: absolute; z-index: z-index('phylo', 'spinner'); background: $body-bg; } &__spinner { $size: 100px; $weight: 6px; position: absolute; font-size: $weight; height: $size; width: $size; // (?) `centered` mixin will not work here, due to Bootstrap process // interfering with the transform rule top: calc( 50% - #{ $size / 2 } ); left: calc( 50% - #{ $size / 2 } ); } &__frame { @include fit-positions; position: absolute; display: flex; z-index: z-index('phylo', 'frame'); width: 100%; height: $sidebar-height; justify-content: flex-end; pointer-events: none; @include right-handed { flex-direction: row; } @include left-handed { flex-direction: row-reverse; } } &__sidebar { width: $sidebar-width; height: inherit; flex-grow: 0; pointer-events: all; &__inner { position: fixed; height: inherit; width: inherit; @include right-handed { border-left: 1px solid $border-color; } @include left-handed { border-right: 1px solid $border-color; } } } &__focus { flex-grow: 1; pointer-events: all; position: relative; &__inner { @include fit-positions(); position: absolute; background-color: $body-bg; } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// .phylo-isoline { display: flex; position: relative; height: $isoline-height; background-color:$isoline-background-color; border-bottom: 1px solid $border-color; user-select: none; // @XXX: Annoying UI artefact where the SVG breaks its provided size // This might be due to the underlying ratio of the matrix placement // (ie. for a given "height", it forces a "width") // // ↳ Workaround here is to limit the size of the SVG (its only // a patch surgery, as the `Element.width` property will still // be at its wrong value) svg { max-width: 100%; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// .phylo-margin { height: $graph-margin; } .phylo-grid { position: relative; user-select: none; &__content { display: flex; height: $graph-height; position: relative; } &__blueprint { @include fit-positions(); display: flex; height: $graph-height; position: absolute; visibility: hidden; &__left { width: $left-column-width; height: inherit; } &__center { width: $center-column-width; height: inherit; } &__right { width: $right-column-width; height: inherit; } } &__content { &__scape { width: calc( #{ $left-column-width } + #{ $center-column-width }); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// .phylo-topbar { $fixed-button-width: 136px; @include aside-topbar(); padding-left: $topbar-item-margin; padding-right: $topbar-item-margin; display: flex; &__toolbar, &__sidebar { width: $topbar-fixed-button-width; margin-left: $topbar-item-margin; margin-right: $topbar-item-margin; } &__source { width: $topbar-input-width; margin-left: $topbar-item-margin; margin-right: $topbar-item-margin; } &__autocomplete { display: flex; width: $topbar-input-width; position: relative; margin-left: $topbar-item-margin; margin-right: $topbar-item-margin; } &__suggestion { // as the input is above the "search" one, and is used only as an // autocompletion term, we remove every interaction on it... pointer-events: none; // ...overriding Bootstrap native rules to just display its text node to // the user &.form-control { border-color: transparent; } } &__search { z-index: 1; position: absolute; // (see above comment about "suggestion") &.form-control { background-color: transparent; } } &__submit { display: none; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// .phylo-sidebar { @include term-window; } .phylo-details-tab { $margin-x: $sidebar-tab-margin-x; $margin-y: space-x(2); &__counter { margin: $margin-y $margin-x; &__item { margin-left: space-x(2); list-style: initial; } &__value { font-weight: bold; } } &__delimiter { margin: $margin-y $margin-x; } &__link { margin: $margin-y $margin-x; } } .phylo-selection-tab { $margin-x: $sidebar-tab-margin-x; $margin-y: space-x(2); &__highlight { margin: $margin-y $margin-x; &__badge { font-size: $font-size-base; white-space: normal; word-break: break-word; } &__type { padding: $badge-padding-y $badge-padding-x; font-weight: bold; } } &__selection { margin: $margin-y $margin-x; &__item { white-space: normal; word-break: break-word; line-height: initial; &:not(:last-child) { margin-bottom: space-x(0.75); } } &__show-more { margin-top: $margin-y; } } &__counter { &__item { margin-left: space-x(2); list-style: initial; } &__value { color: $info; } &__expand { // Following <list-group-item> spacing $position-x: $list-group-item-padding-x; // Empirical: fit well with icon overlay $position-y: 1rem; position: absolute; right: $position-x; bottom: $position-y; } } &__nil { margin: $margin-y $margin-x } &__separator { color: $gray-500; text-align: center; } &__extracted-docs { margin: $margin-y $margin-x; } } .phylo-doc-list { &__item { @include clickable(); display: flex; align-items: flex-start; transition: $transition-base; &:hover { background-color: $gray-50; } &--selected::before { @include fit-positions(); content: ""; position: absolute; z-index: 1; width: 2px; background-color: $info; } // (following list group item border radius) &--selected:first-child::before { border-top-left-radius: $list-group-border-radius; } &--selected:last-child::before { border-bottom-left-radius: $list-group-border-radius; } &__main { flex-grow: 1; padding-right: $card-spacer-x; } &__title, &__source, &__date { line-height: 1.3; margin-bottom: space-x(0.5); } &__source { font-size: 15px; color: $gray-700; } &__date { font-size: 14px; color: $gray-600; } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// .phylo-toolbar { $section-margin: space-x(2.5); $button-margin: space-x(2); display: flex; border-bottom: 1px solid $border-color; padding: $section-margin; background-color: $body-bg; &__gap { width: $button-margin; display: inline-block; } @include right-handed { flex-direction: row; &__section { margin-right: $section-margin; } } @include left-handed { flex-direction: row-reverse; &__section { margin-left: $section-margin; } } }