module Gargantext.Config where import Data.Array as A import Data.Array.NonEmpty as AN import Data.Maybe (Maybe) import Data.NonEmpty (NonEmpty, (:|), head) import Data.String (Pattern(..), Replacement(..), replace) as S import Data.String.Utils (startsWith) as S import Effect (Effect) import Gargantext.Ends import Gargantext.Prelude (bind, pure, ($)) import Gargantext.Types (ApiVersion(..)) import Gargantext.Utils (href) defaultBackends :: NonEmpty Array Backend defaultBackends = backend' "Demo" "Public Show room" "" :| [ backend' "Education" "Class Rooms" "" , backend' "Organization" "CNRS/ISCPIF Unit" "" , backend' "Organization" "Mines Telecom Institute" "" , backend' "Organization" "Hello Word Company" "" , backend' "Networking" "Complex Systems Community" "" , backend' "Networking" "Digeing European Project" "" , backend' "Development" "Main SandBox" "" , backend' "Private" "Offline Bunker" "http://localhost:8008" ] where backend' t n u = backend t n V10 "/api/" u matchCurrentLocation :: Effect (Maybe Backend) matchCurrentLocation = do href <- href let starts = AN.filter (\(Backend { baseUrl }) -> S.startsWith baseUrl href) $ AN.fromNonEmpty defaultBackends pure $ A.head starts -- | public Backend -- When user is not logged, use the location of the window publicBackend :: Backend publicBackend = backend "Private" "local" V10 "/api/" "http://localhost:8008" publicBackend' :: Effect Backend publicBackend' = do href <- href pure $ Backend { name : "Public Backend" , baseUrl : href , prePath : "api/" , version : V10 , backendType : "Public home" } defaultApps :: NonEmpty Array Frontend defaultApps = relative :| [prod, dev, demo, haskell, python, caddy] where relative = frontend "/#/" "" "Relative" prod = frontend "/#/" "" "" dev = frontend "/#/" "" " (dev)" demo = frontend "/#/" "" " (demo)" haskell = frontend "/#/" "http://localhost:8008" "localhost.gargantext" python = frontend "/#/" "http://localhost:8000" "localhost.python" caddy = frontend "/#/" "http://localhost:2015" "localhost.caddy" defaultStatics :: NonEmpty Array Frontend defaultStatics = relative :| [] where relative = frontend "" "/" "relative" defaultApp :: Frontend defaultApp = head defaultApps defaultStatic :: Frontend defaultStatic = head defaultStatics defaultFrontends :: Frontends defaultFrontends = Frontends { app: defaultApp, static: defaultStatic } changePort :: String -> String changePort = S.replace (S.Pattern "http://localhost:8000/") (S.Replacement "http://localhost:8008/")