module Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Lists.Tabs where import Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Lists.Types hiding (here) import Data.Array as A import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe) import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\)) import Effect.Class (liftEffect) import Gargantext.Components.App.Data (Boxes) import Gargantext.Components.NgramsTable as NT import Gargantext.Components.NgramsTable.Core as NTC import Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Corpus.Chart.Metrics (metrics) import Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Corpus.Chart.Pie (pie, bar) import Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Corpus.Chart.Tree (tree) import Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Corpus.Chart.Utils (mNgramsTypeFromTabType) import Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Corpus.Types (CorpusData) import Gargantext.Components.Tab as Tab import Gargantext.Components.Table.Types (Params) import Gargantext.Prelude (bind, pure, unit, ($)) import Gargantext.Sessions (Session) import Gargantext.Types (CTabNgramType(..), Mode(..), TabSubType(..), TabType(..), modeTabType) import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2 import Gargantext.Utils.Toestand as T2 import Reactix as R import Record as Record import Record.Extra as RX import Toestand as T here :: R2.Here here = "Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Lists.Tabs" type Props = ( activeTab :: T.Box Int , boxes :: Boxes , cacheState :: T.Box CacheState , corpusData :: CorpusData , corpusId :: Int , session :: Session ) type PropsWithKey = ( key :: String | Props ) tabs :: Record PropsWithKey -> R.Element tabs props = R.createElement tabsCpt props [] tabsCpt :: R.Component PropsWithKey tabsCpt = here.component "tabs" cpt where cpt props@{ activeTab } _ = do pure $ Tab.tabs { activeTab , tabs: tabs' } where tabs' = [ "Terms" /\ view Terms [] , "Authors" /\ view Authors [] , "Institutes" /\ view Institutes [] , "Sources" /\ view Sources [] ] common = RX.pick props :: Record Props view mode = ngramsView $ Record.merge common { mode } type NgramsViewProps = ( mode :: Mode | Props ) ngramsView :: R2.Component NgramsViewProps ngramsView = R.createElement ngramsViewCpt ngramsViewCpt :: R.Component NgramsViewProps ngramsViewCpt = here.component "ngramsView" cpt where cpt props@{ boxes , cacheState , corpusData: { defaultListId } , corpusId , mode , session } _ = do chartsReload <- T.useBox T2.newReload path <- T.useBox $ NTC.initialPageParams props.session initialPath.corpusId [initialPath.listId] initialPath.tabType { listIds, nodeId, params } <- T.useLive T.unequal path pure $ R.fragment [ ngramsView' { mode , boxes , session , params , listIds , nodeId , corpusData: props.corpusData } [] , NT.mainNgramsTable { afterSync: afterSync chartsReload , boxes , cacheState , defaultListId , path , session , tabNgramType , tabType , withAutoUpdate: false } [] ] where afterSync chartsReload _ = do case mNgramsType of Just _ -> do -- NOTE: No need to recompute chart, after ngrams are sync this -- should be recomputed already -- We just refresh it -- _ <- recomputeChart session chartType ngramsType corpusId listId liftEffect $ T2.reload chartsReload Nothing -> pure unit tabNgramType = modeTabType mode tabType = TabCorpus (TabNgramType tabNgramType) mNgramsType = mNgramsTypeFromTabType tabType listId = defaultListId initialPath = { corpusId -- , limit: Just 1000 , listId , tabType } ---------------- -- @XXX re-render issue -> clone component type NgramsViewProps' = ( mode :: Mode , boxes :: Boxes , session :: Session , listIds :: Array Int , params :: Params , nodeId :: Int , corpusData :: CorpusData ) ngramsView' :: R2.Component NgramsViewProps' ngramsView' = R.createElement ngramsViewCpt' ngramsViewCpt' :: R.Memo NgramsViewProps' ngramsViewCpt' = R.memo' $ here.component "ngramsView_clone" cpt where cpt { mode , boxes , session , listIds , params , nodeId , corpusData: { defaultListId } } _ = do let path' = { corpusId: nodeId , limit: params.limit , listId: fromMaybe defaultListId $ A.head listIds , tabType: tabType } let chartParams = { corpusId: path'.corpusId , limit: Just path'.limit , listId: path'.listId , tabType: path'.tabType } pure $ R.fragment $ charts chartParams tabNgramType where charts _params CTabTerms = [ {- H.div {className: "row"} [ H.div {className: "col-12 d-flex justify-content-center"} [ H.img { src: "images/Gargantextuel-212x300.jpg" , id: "funnyimg" } ] ] { className: "form-control" , defaultValue: show chartType , on: { change: \e -> setChartType $ const $ fromMaybe Histo $ chartTypeFromString $ R.unsafeEventValue e } } [ H.option { value: show Histo } [ H.text $ show Histo ] , H.option { value: show Scatter } [ H.text $ show Scatter ] , H.option { value: show ChartBar } [ H.text $ show ChartBar ] , H.option { value: show ChartPie } [ H.text $ show ChartPie ] , H.option { value: show ChartTree } [ H.text $ show ChartTree ] ] ] ] , getChartFunction chartType $ { path: params, session } -} ] charts params' _ = [ chart params' mode ] chart path Authors = pie { boxes, path, session, onClick: Nothing, onInit: Nothing } chart path Institutes = tree { boxes, path, session, onClick: Nothing, onInit: Nothing } chart path Sources = bar { boxes, path, session, onClick: Nothing, onInit: Nothing } chart path Terms = metrics { boxes, path, session, onClick: Nothing, onInit: Nothing } tabType = TabCorpus (TabNgramType tabNgramType) tabNgramType = modeTabType mode