module Gargantext.Components.Themes where import Gargantext.Prelude import Data.Array as A import Data.Eq.Generic (genericEq) import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic) import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe) import Effect (Effect) import FFI.Simple ((.=)) import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix (getElementById, (~~)) import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2 import Reactix as R import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H import Toestand as T here :: R2.Here here = "Gargantext.Components.Themes" stylesheetElId :: String stylesheetElId = "bootstrap-css" newtype Theme = Theme { location :: String , name :: String } derive instance Generic Theme _ instance Eq Theme where eq = genericEq themeName :: Theme -> String themeName (Theme { name }) = name defaultTheme :: Theme defaultTheme = Theme { name: "default" , location: "styles/bootstrap-default.css" } greysonTheme :: Theme greysonTheme = Theme { name: "greyson" , location: "styles/bootstrap-greyson.css" } monotonyTheme :: Theme monotonyTheme = Theme { name: "monotony" , location: "styles/bootstrap-monotony.css" } herbieTheme :: Theme herbieTheme = Theme { name: "herbie" , location: "styles/bootstrap-herbie.css" } darksterTheme :: Theme darksterTheme = Theme { name: "darkster" , location: "styles/bootstrap-darkster.css" } allThemes :: Array Theme allThemes = [ defaultTheme, greysonTheme, monotonyTheme, herbieTheme, darksterTheme] switchTheme :: Theme -> Effect Unit switchTheme (Theme { location }) = do mEl <- R2.getElementById stylesheetElId case mEl of Nothing -> pure unit Just el -> do _ <- pure $ (el .= "href") location pure unit markThemeToDOMTree :: Theme -> Effect Unit markThemeToDOMTree (Theme { name }) = do let setTheme el = pure $ (el ~~ "setAttribute") [ "data-theme", name ] getElementById "app" >>= maybe R.nothing (setTheme) getElementById "portal" >>= maybe R.nothing (setTheme) type ThemeSwitcherProps = ( theme :: T.Box Theme , themes :: Array Theme ) themeSwitcher :: R2.Component ThemeSwitcherProps themeSwitcher = R.createElement themeSwitcherCpt themeSwitcherCpt :: R.Component ThemeSwitcherProps themeSwitcherCpt = here.component "themeSwitcher" cpt where cpt { theme, themes } _ = do currentTheme <- T.useLive T.unequal theme let option (Theme { name }) = H.option { value: name } [ H.text name ] let options = map option themes R.useEffectOnce' $ markThemeToDOMTree currentTheme pure $ { className: "form-control" , defaultValue: themeName currentTheme , on: { change: onChange theme } } options where onChange box e = do let value = R.unsafeEventValue e let mTheme = A.head $ A.filter (\(Theme { name }) -> value == name) themes case mTheme of Nothing -> pure unit Just t -> do switchTheme t markThemeToDOMTree t T.write_ t box