{- Welcome to a Spago project! You can edit this file as you like. Need help? See the following resources: - Spago documentation: https://github.com/purescript/spago - Dhall language tour: https://docs.dhall-lang.org/tutorials/Language-Tour.html When creating a new Spago project, you can use `spago init --no-comments` or `spago init -C` to generate this file without the comments in this block. -} { name = "gargantext" , dependencies = [ "aff" , "aff-promise" , "affjax" , "affjax-web" , "argonaut" , "argonaut-codecs" , "argonaut-core" , "arraybuffer-types" , "arrays" , "bifunctors" , "colors" , "console" , "control" , "convertable-options" , "css" , "d3" , "datetime" , "dom-filereader" , "dom-simple" , "effect" , "either" , "enums" , "exceptions" , "ffi-simple" , "foldable-traversable" , "foreign" , "foreign-object" , "form-urlencoded" , "formatters" , "formula" , "functions" , "graphql-client" , "heterogeneous" , "http-methods" , "integers" , "js-timers" , "lists" , "markdown-it" , "maybe" , "media-types" , "milkis" , "newtype" , "nonempty" , "now" , "nullable" , "numbers" , "ordered-collections" , "orders" , "parallel" , "partial" , "prelude" , "profunctor-lenses" , "psci-support" , "random" , "react" , "reactix" , "record" , "record-extra" , "routing" , "sequences" , "simple-json" , "simple-json-generics" , "simplecrypto" , "string-search" , "strings" , "strings-extra" , "stringutils" , "these" , "toestand" , "transformers" , "tuples" , "tuples-native" , "typelevel" , "typelevel-prelude" , "unfoldable" , "unordered-collections" , "unsafe-coerce" , "uri" , "uuid" , "validation" , "web-file" , "web-html" , "web-storage" , "web-url" , "web-xhr" ] , packages = ./packages.dhall , sources = [ "src/**/*.purs" ] }