module Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Tools.ProgressBar where import Data.Int (fromNumber) import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..)) import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\)) import Effect (Effect) import Effect.Aff (Aff, launchAff_) import Effect.Class (liftEffect) import Effect.Timer (clearInterval, setInterval) import Reactix as R import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H import Gargantext.Prelude import Gargantext.Routes (SessionRoute(..)) import Gargantext.Sessions (Session, get) import Gargantext.Types as GT import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2 thisModule = "Gargantext.Components.Forest.Tree.Node.Tools.ProgressBar" data BarType = Bar | Pie type Props = ( asyncTask :: GT.AsyncTaskWithType , barType :: BarType , corpusId :: GT.ID , onFinish :: Unit -> Effect Unit , session :: Session ) asyncProgressBar :: Record Props -> R.Element asyncProgressBar p = R.createElement asyncProgressBarCpt p [] asyncProgressBarCpt :: R.Component Props asyncProgressBarCpt = R.hooksComponentWithModule thisModule "asyncProgressBar" cpt where cpt props@{ asyncTask: (GT.AsyncTaskWithType {task: GT.AsyncTask {id}}) , barType , corpusId , onFinish } _ = do (progress /\ setProgress) <- R.useState' 0.0 intervalIdRef <- R.useRef Nothing R.useEffectOnce' $ do intervalId <- setInterval 1000 $ do launchAff_ $ do asyncProgress@(GT.AsyncProgress {status}) <- queryProgress props liftEffect do setProgress \p -> min 100.0 $ GT.progressPercent asyncProgress if (status == GT.Finished) || (status == GT.Killed) || (status == GT.Failed) then do _ <- case R.readRef intervalIdRef of Nothing -> pure unit Just iid -> clearInterval iid onFinish unit else pure unit R.setRef intervalIdRef $ Just intervalId pure unit pure $ progressIndicator { barType, label: id, progress: toInt progress } toInt :: Number -> Int toInt n = case fromNumber n of Nothing -> 0 Just x -> x type ProgressIndicatorProps = ( barType :: BarType , label :: String , progress :: Int ) progressIndicator :: Record ProgressIndicatorProps -> R.Element progressIndicator p = R.createElement progressIndicatorCpt p [] progressIndicatorCpt :: R.Component ProgressIndicatorProps progressIndicatorCpt = R.hooksComponentWithModule thisModule "progressIndicator" cpt where cpt { barType: Bar, label, progress } _ = do pure $ H.div { className: "progress" } [ H.div { className: "progress-bar" , role: "progressbar" , style: { width: (show $ progress) <> "%" } } [ H.text label ] ] cpt { barType: Pie, label, progress } _ = do pure $ H.div { className: "progress-pie" } [ H.div { className: "progress-pie-segment" , style: { "--over50": if progress < 50 then "0" else "1" , "--value": show $ progress } } [ ] ] queryProgress :: Record Props -> Aff GT.AsyncProgress queryProgress { asyncTask: GT.AsyncTaskWithType { task: GT.AsyncTask {id} , typ } , corpusId , session } = get session (p typ) where -- TODO refactor path p GT.UpdateNode = NodeAPI GT.Node (Just corpusId) $ path <> id <> "/poll?limit=1" p _ = NodeAPI GT.Corpus (Just corpusId) $ path <> id <> "/poll?limit=1" path = GT.asyncTaskTypePath typ -- TODO wait route: take the result if failure then message