-- | The ContextMenu component renders a generic context menu
module Gargantext.Components.ContextMenu.ContextMenu where
  -- (MenuProps, Action(..), separator) where

import Prelude hiding (div)
import Data.Maybe ( Maybe(..) )
import Data.Nullable ( Nullable, null, toMaybe )
import Data.Tuple.Nested ( (/\) )
import Data.Traversable ( traverse_ )
import DOM.Simple as DOM
import DOM.Simple.Event as DE
import DOM.Simple.EventListener ( Callback, callback )
import DOM.Simple.Element as Element
import DOM.Simple.Window ( window )
import DOM.Simple.Document ( document )
import DOM.Simple.Types ( DOMRect )
import Effect (Effect)
import FFI.Simple ((..))
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as HTML

import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2

type Props t = ( x :: Number, y :: Number, setMenu :: R2.Setter (Maybe t) )

contextMenu :: forall t. Record (Props t) -> Array R.Element -> R.Element
contextMenu = R.createElement contextMenuCpt

contextMenuCpt :: forall t. R.Component (Props t)
contextMenuCpt = R.hooksComponent "ContextMenu" cpt
    cpt menu children = do
      host <- R2.getPortalHost
      root <- R.useRef null
      rect /\ setRect <- R.useState $ \_ -> Nothing
      R.useLayoutEffect1 (R.readRef root) $ do
          (\r -> setRect (\_ -> Just (Element.boundingRect r)))
          (toMaybe $ R.readRef root)
        pure $ pure unit
      R.useLayoutEffect2 root rect (contextMenuEffect menu.setMenu root)
      let cs = [
            HTML.div { className: "popover-content" }
            [ HTML.div { className: "panel panel-default" }
              [ HTML.ul { className: "list-group" }
      pure $ R.createPortal [ elems root menu rect $ cs ] host
    elems ref menu (Just rect) = HTML.div
        { ref
        , className: "context-menu"
        , style: position menu rect
        , data: {toggle: "popover", placement: "right"}
    elems ref _ _ = HTML.div
        { ref
        , className: "context-menu"
        , data: {toggle: "popover", placement: "right"}

  :: forall t
  .  R2.Setter (Maybe t)
  -> R.Ref (Nullable DOM.Element)
  -> Effect (Effect Unit)
contextMenuEffect setMenu rootRef =
  case R.readNullableRef rootRef of
    Just root -> do
      let onClick = documentClickHandler setMenu root
      let onScroll = documentScrollHandler setMenu
      DOM.addEventListener document "click" onClick
      DOM.addEventListener document "scroll" onScroll
      pure $ do
        DOM.removeEventListener document "click" onClick
        DOM.removeEventListener document "scroll" onScroll
    Nothing -> pure R.nothing

documentClickHandler :: forall t. R2.Setter (Maybe t) -> DOM.Element -> Callback DE.MouseEvent
documentClickHandler hide menu =
  R2.named "hideMenuOnClickOutside" $ callback $ \e ->
    if Element.contains menu (DE.target e)
      then pure unit
      else hide (const Nothing)

documentScrollHandler :: forall t. R2.Setter (Maybe t) -> Callback DE.MouseEvent
documentScrollHandler hide =
  R2.named "hideMenuOnScroll" $ callback $ \e -> hide (const Nothing)

position :: forall t. Record (Props t) -> DOMRect -> { left :: Number, top :: Number }
position mouse {width: menuWidth, height: menuHeight} = {left, top}
  where left = if isRight then mouse.x else mouse.x - menuWidth
        top = if isAbove then mouse.y else mouse.y - menuHeight
        isRight = screenWidth - mouse.x > menuWidth -- is there enough space to show above
        isAbove = screenHeight - mouse.y > menuHeight -- is there enough space to show to the right?
        screenWidth = window .. "innerWidth"
        screenHeight = window .. "innerHeight"

contextMenuItem :: Array R.Element -> R.Element
contextMenuItem = R.createElement contextMenuItemCpt {}

contextMenuItemCpt :: R.Component ()
contextMenuItemCpt = R.hooksComponent "ContextMenuItem" cpt
    cpt _props children = pure $ HTML.li { className: "context-menu-item" } children

-- -- CSS Classes

-- menuClass :: String
-- menuClass = "context-menu"

-- menuShownClass :: String
-- menuShownClass = "context-menu-shown"

-- menuHiddenClass :: String
-- menuHiddenClass = "context-menu-hidden"

-- itemClass :: String
-- itemClass = "context-menu-item"

-- separatorClass :: String
-- separatorClass = "context-menu-item"