module Gargantext.Components.Charts.Options.ECharts where

import CSS.Common (normal)
import CSS.FontStyle (FontStyle(..))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Nullable (toMaybe)
import Effect (Effect)
import Gargantext.Components.Charts.Options.Color (transparent, violet, black)
import Gargantext.Components.Charts.Options.Data (DataLegend, dataSerie)
import Gargantext.Components.Charts.Options.Font (IconOptions(..), Shape(..), TextStyle, chartFontStyle, chartFontWeight, icon, mkTooltip, Tooltip, mkToolBox)
import Gargantext.Components.Charts.Options.Legend (legendType, LegendMode(..), PlainOrScroll(..), selectedMode, Orientation(..), orient)
import Gargantext.Components.Charts.Options.Position (Align(..), LeftRelativePosition(..), TopRelativePosition(..), numberPosition, percentPosition, relativePosition)
import Gargantext.Components.Charts.Options.Series (Series, seriesPieD1)
import Gargantext.Components.Charts.Options.Type (DataZoom, EChartsInstance, Echarts, Legend, MouseEvent, Option, Title, XAxis, YAxis, EChartRef, xAxis, yAxis)
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
import Prelude
import React (ReactClass, unsafeCreateElementDynamic)
import Reactix as R
import Record.Extra as RX
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)

foreign import eChartsClass :: ReactClass Echarts
foreign import listenerFn1 :: forall evt. (evt -> Effect Unit) -> Effect Unit
-- |
foreign import dispatchAction :: forall payload. EChartsInstance -> payload -> Effect Unit

chart :: Options -> R.Element
chart = echarts <<< chartWith

chartWith :: Options -> Echarts
chartWith options =
  { option    : opts options
--, className : Nothing
--, style     : Nothing
--, theme     : Nothing
--, group     : Nothing
--, initOpts  : Nothing
--, notMerge  : Nothing
--, lazyUpdate: Nothing
--, loading   : Nothing
--, optsLoading: Nothing
--, onReady    : Nothing
--, resizable  : Nothing
  , onEvents  : getEvents options
  , ref       : refListener options
      getEvents (Options { onClick }) =
        { click: listenerFn1 \e -> case onClick of
            -- sanitize parsing (see MouseEvent comment)
            Just fn -> RX.pick (e :: MouseEvent) # fn
            Nothing -> pure unit

      refListener (Options { onInit }) = case onInit of
        Nothing -> pure unit
        Just fn -> listenerFn1 (execOnInit fn)

      execOnInit fn = toMaybe >>> case _ of
        Nothing                        -> pure unit
        -- Just (ref :: Record EChartRef) -> fn =<< ref.getEchartsInstance
        -- ^ this line can break for some reasons... (see Issue #312)
        Just (ref :: Record EChartRef) -> do
          i <- ref.getEchartsInstance
          fn i

echarts :: Echarts -> R.Element
echarts c = R2.buff $ unsafeCreateElementDynamic (unsafeCoerce eChartsClass) c []

type MainTitle = String
type SubTitle  = String

title :: MainTitle -> SubTitle -> Title
title mainTitle subTitle =
    id: ""
   ,show: true
   ,text: mainTitle
   ,link: ""
   ,target: "blank"
   ,textStyle: textStyle
   ,subtext: subTitle
   ,sublink: ""
   ,subtarget: "blank"
   ,subtextStyle: textStyle2
   ,padding: 10.0
   ,itemGap: 0.0
   ,zlevel: 2.0
   ,z: 2.0
   ,left: relativePosition (Relative RightPos)
   ,top: relativePosition (Relative Top)
   ,right: numberPosition 60.0
   ,bottom: percentPosition 40.0
   ,backgroundColor: transparent
   ,borderColor: transparent
   ,borderWidth: 0.0
   ,borderRadius: 0.0
   ,shadowBlur: 0.0
   ,shadowColor: transparent
   ,shadowOffsetX: 0.0
   ,shadowOffsetY: 0.0

legend :: Legend
legend =
    id: "Muda"
   ,"type": legendType Plain
   , show: true
   , zlevel: 0.0
   , z: 2.0
   , left: relativePosition Auto
   , top: relativePosition Auto
   , right: relativePosition Auto
   , bottom: relativePosition Auto
   , width: relativePosition Auto
   , height: relativePosition Auto
   , orient: orient Horizontal
   , align: relativePosition Auto
   , padding: 5.0
   , itemGap: 10.0
   , itemWidth: 25.0
   , itemHeight: 14.0
 --, formatter: Nothing
   , selectedMode: selectedMode $ Bool true
   , inactiveColor: violet
 --- selected: Nothing
   , textStyle: textStyle
   , "data": [data1]

data1 :: DataLegend
data1 = {name: "Map terms coverage", icon: icon $ Shape Circle, textStyle: textStyle'}

data2 :: DataLegend
data2 = {name: "Favorites", icon: icon $ Shape Circle, textStyle: textStyle'}

data3 :: DataLegend
data3 = {name: "Test", icon: icon $ Shape Diamond, textStyle: textStyle'}

yAxisVoid :: YAxis
yAxisVoid = yAxis
  { "type": ""
  , name: ""
  , min: 0
  , position: ""
  , axisLabel: {formatter: ""}
  , show: false

xAxis' :: Array String -> XAxis
xAxis' [] = unsafeCoerce {show:false}
xAxis' xs = xAxis
            { "data": xs
            , "type": "category"
            , axisTick: {alignWithLabel: true}
            , show: true
            , axisLabel: {formatter: "{value}"}

-- TODO try to use Optional
yAxis' :: { position :: String
          , show     :: Boolean
          , min      :: Int
          } -> YAxis
yAxis' {position, show, min} = yAxis
  { "type": "value"
  , name: ""
  , min: min
  , axisLabel: {formatter: "{value}"}
  , position
  , show

data Options = Options
  { mainTitle :: MainTitle
  , subTitle  :: SubTitle
  , xAxis     :: XAxis
  , yAxis     :: YAxis
  , series    :: Array Series
  , addZoom   :: Boolean
  , tooltip   :: Tooltip
  , onClick   :: Maybe (MouseEvent -> Effect Unit)
  -- (?) `onInit` custom listener
  --      * in addition of the already existing `onReady` native listener
  --        which is executed on chart mount, but does not provide any arg
  --      * the React library also contained another native listener as
  --        `ref`, which adds the React Ref of the mounted chart
  --      * this additional `onInit` is executed after the "Apache Echarts"
  --        has been "initialised" (see more details [1]),
  --        it intends to return the `eChartsInstance` used for every
  --        library actions
  -- [1]
  , onInit    :: Maybe (EChartsInstance -> Effect Unit)

tooltipTriggerAxis :: Tooltip
tooltipTriggerAxis = mkTooltip { trigger: "axis"}

opts :: Options -> Option
opts (Options { mainTitle
              , subTitle
              , xAxis
              , yAxis
              , series
              , tooltip
              , addZoom
              }) =
  { title: title mainTitle subTitle
  , legend
  , tooltip
  , grid: {containLabel: true}
  , series
  , xAxis
  , yAxis
  , dataZoom: if addZoom then [zoom Slider, zoom Inside] else []
  , children : unsafeCoerce [] -- TODO
  , toolbox: mkToolBox

data Zoom = Slider | Inside

instance Show Zoom where
  show Slider = "slider"
  show Inside = "inside"

zoom :: Zoom -> DataZoom
zoom z = {
  "type": show z
  ,xAxisIndex: 0
  ,filterMode: "empty"
  ,start: 0
  ,end: 100

seriesPie :: Series
seriesPie = seriesPieD1
  { name: "Pie name" }
  (dataSerie <$> [ {name: "t1", value: 50.0}
                 , {name: "t2", value: 45.0}
                 , {name: "t3", value: 65.0}
                 , {name: "t4", value: 15.0}
                 , {name: "t5", value: 23.0}

textStyle2 :: TextStyle
textStyle2 =
  { color: black
  , fontStyle: chartFontStyle Italic
  , fontWeight: chartFontWeight normal
  , fontFamily: "sans-serif"
  , fontSize: 11
  , align: relativePosition $ Relative RightPos
  , verticalAlign: relativePosition $ Relative Bottom
  , lineHeight: percentPosition 0.0
  , width: percentPosition 100.0
  , height: percentPosition 100.0
  , textBorderColor: black
  , textBorderWidth: 0.0
  , textShadowColor: black
  , textShadowBlur: black
  , textShadowOffsetX: 0.0
  , textShadowOffsetY: 0.0

textStyle' :: TextStyle
textStyle' =
  { color: black
  , fontStyle: chartFontStyle normal
  , fontWeight: chartFontWeight normal
  , fontFamily: "sans-serif"
  , fontSize: 15
  , align: relativePosition $ Relative LeftPos
  , verticalAlign: relativePosition $ Relative Top
  , lineHeight: percentPosition 0.0
  , width: percentPosition 100.0
  , height: percentPosition 100.0
  , textBorderColor: black
  , textBorderWidth: 1.0
  , textShadowColor: black
  , textShadowBlur: black
  , textShadowOffsetX: 0.0
  , textShadowOffsetY: 0.0

textStyle :: TextStyle
textStyle =
  { color: black
  , fontStyle: chartFontStyle normal
  , fontWeight: chartFontWeight normal
  , fontFamily: "sans-serif"
  , fontSize: 10
  , align: relativePosition $ Relative LeftPos
  , verticalAlign: relativePosition $ Relative Top
  , lineHeight: percentPosition 10.0
  , width: percentPosition 100.0
  , height: percentPosition 100.0
  , textBorderColor: black
  , textBorderWidth: 1.0
  , textShadowColor: black
  , textShadowBlur: black
  , textShadowOffsetX: 0.0
  , textShadowOffsetY: 0.0