.table $row-min-height: 48px tr td height: $row-min-height /////////////////////// .page-paint-raw &--selected td:first-child position: relative &::before @include fit-positions content: "" width: 3px background-color: $info position: absolute /////////////////////// .page-paint-row &--active // font-weight: bold &--trash text-decoration: line-through /////////////////////// .doc-chooser $offset-top: 3px // flex alignment won't work, hence empirical value padding-top: $offset-top text-align: center /////////////////////// .rating-group $offset-top: 3px // flex alignment won't work, hence empirical value display: flex padding-top: $offset-top &__action // @XXX Glyphicon icons lack of homogeneous width width: 14px margin-right: space-x(1) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////: .loaded-ngrams-table-header display: flex margin-top: space-x(4) &__search flex-basis: 380px flex-grow: 0 flex-shrink: 1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////: .ngrams-table-search-button .input-group-text // @XXX Glyphicon icons lack of homogeneous width width: 41px // @XXX Bootstrap adding unwanted `z-index` on "_input-group.scss" z-index: initial ///////////////////////////////////////////////////: .ngrams-table-container &__navigation display: flex justify-content: space-between align-items: center margin-top: space-x(2) margin-bottom: space-x(2) &__add-term margin-top: space-x(1.5) margin-left: space-x(1.5) display: flex align-items: center gap: space-x(1) font-size: 14px &::before $offset-y: 1px content: "└" color: $gray-400 font-size: 18px line-height: 0 position: relative top: $offset-y padding-right: space-x(1) &__selection-cta margin-left: space-x(1.5) display: flex align-items: center gap: space-x(1) font-size: 15px &__table-wrapper // @XXX: reset "main-page__main-route" wrapper margin // see Gargantext.Components.Router) margin-left: - space-x(2) margin-right: - space-x(2) margin-bottom: - space-x(4) // (+ another trimmed gutter) &__actions display: flex align-items: center justify-content: space-between background-color: $body-bg position: sticky top: $topbar-height z-index: z-index('main', 'topbar') padding: $card-spacer-y space-x(2) border-bottom: 2px solid $border-color &__table display: flex gap: space-x(2) .ngrams-tree-edit-real $width: 416px $min-width: 264px $empirical-action-row-height: 64px $offset-y: space-x(2) width: $width min-width: $min-width flex-grow: 0 flex-shrink: 1 align-self: flex-start position: sticky margin-top: $offset-y margin-bottom: $offset-y top: calc( #{$topbar-height} + #{$empirical-action-row-height} + #{$offset-y} ) // reduce top border → due to the "__actions" bottom one thead th border-top-width: 0 tbody padding-left: $card-spacer-x padding-right: $card-spacer-x &__table $select-column-width: 100px $score-column-width: 25% $score-column-min-width: 280px /// as of now (one-based index): /// nth(1) → "Select" /// nth(2) → "Score" /// nth(3) → "Terms" // (header) th:nth-child(1) width: $select-column-width padding-left: space-x(4) input @include clickable th:nth-child(2) width: $score-column-width min-width: $score-column-min-width // (rows) td:nth-child(1) padding: initial div $offset-y: 14px @include clickable height: 100% padding-left: space-x(4) padding-top: $offset-y td:nth-child(2) padding-left: space-x(4) margin-left: space-x(1.5) td:nth-child(3) .tree-loaded-plus $offset-y: 1px visibility: hidden position: relative top: $offset-y margin-left: space-x(1) .fa-plus-minus:before font-size: .85rem line-height: .85rem tr:hover .tree-loaded-plus visibility: unset ///////////////////////////////////////////////////: .ngrams-tree-edit-real border-color: $primary &__actions display: flex margin-top: space-x(2) .b-button margin-right: space-x(1) .ngrams-tree-loaded-node a:hover text-decoration: line-through ////////////////////////////////////////////////// .ngrams-tree-loaded-node &--first-child::before, &--grand-child::before color: $gray-400 font-size: 11px margin-right: space-x(0.5) @include right-handed content: "└" @include left-handed content: "┘" &--first-child // empirical value where the child separator aligns with its parent text $child-offset: -2px margin-left: -2px &--grand-child // empirical value where the child separator aligns with its parent text $child-offset: 13px margin-left: 13px //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// .table-header-rename margin-bottom: space-x(1) &__title display: flex align-items: center &__text font-size: $h3-font-size font-family: $headings-font-family &__line // (?) This is a peculiar line directly coming from the legacy style // It originaly was a solid 2px black one, that added to much // emphasize comparing to the surrounding gray border and lighter // element (font, icon, etc) // // As far as it goes, we kept it for inheritance, but without more // previous decision on it, we can only make assumption here. Maybe // the line was intended to bring the page title out, as we can see // on the likes on some academing print paper border-bottom: 1px solid $gray-200 border-top: none // (?) strange behavior where browser engine add it by itself height: 0 flex-grow: 1 margin-left: space-x(4) margin-right: space-x(4) &__cache-toolbar width: $topbar-fixed-button-width margin-left: $topbar-item-margin margin-right: $topbar-item-margin .table-header-rename-edition margin-top: space-x(1) padding: $card-spacer-y $card-spacer-y .form-group display: flex align-items: baseline margin-bottom: space-x(0.75) // remove "bootstrap" not-needed-here rule flex-wrap: initial .form-group__label .b-icon // @XXX Glyphicon icons lack of homogeneous width $icon-width: 16px margin-right: space-x(1) width: $icon-width font-size: 14px text-align: center