  position: relative
  z-index: 0 // new stacking context "graph"
  width: 100%
  height: $layout-height

    @include fit-positions

    position: absolute
    display: flex
    z-index: z-index('graph', 'frame')
    width: 100%
    height: $sidebar-height
    justify-content: flex-end
    pointer-events: none

    @include right-handed
      flex-direction: row
    @include left-handed
      flex-direction: row-reverse

    width: $sidebar-width
    height: inherit
    flex-grow: 0
    pointer-events: all

      position: fixed
      height: inherit
      width: inherit

      @include right-handed
        border-left: 1px solid $border-color
      @include left-handed
        border-right: 1px solid $border-color

    flex-grow: 1
    pointer-events: all
    position: relative
    // (?) last resort solution to have a fixed scrollable child, with
    //     its dimension relative to its parent
    //     (flaw: no overflow)
    // contain: layout

      @include fit-positions

      position: absolute
      background-color: $body-bg

    position: absolute
    z-index: z-index('graph', 'toolbar')
    background-color: $body-bg
    width: 100%
    border-bottom: 1px solid $border-color

      background-color: $body-bg

      // @XXX Glyphicon icons lack of homogeneous width
      //  ↳ empirically value matching every button icon width
      $toolbar-atlas-button-width: 40px

      width: $toolbar-atlas-button-width

    width: 100%
    height: 100%


  @include aside-topbar

  display: flex
  padding-left: $topbar-item-margin
  padding-right: $topbar-item-margin

    width: $topbar-fixed-button-width
    margin-left: $topbar-item-margin
    margin-right: $topbar-item-margin

    width: $topbar-input-width
    margin-left: $topbar-item-margin
    margin-right: $topbar-item-margin

      display: none


  @include term-window

    // avoid overlap with document side controls
    @include right-handed
      margin-left: space-x(4)
    @include left-handed
      margin-right: space-x(4)

  // remove document header top spacing due to the already presence of
  // the inner column top teaser
    padding-top: initial


  @include term-window

  $margin-x: $sidebar-tab-margin-x
  $margin-y: space-x(2)

    padding: $margin-y $margin-x

    padding: $margin-y $margin-x

    padding: $margin-y $margin-x

    margin-top: $margin-y
    margin-bottom: $margin-y
    color: $gray-500
    text-align: center

  $legend-code-width: 24px
  $legend-code-height: 12px

    list-style: none
    margin-bottom: space-x(0.75)

    width: $legend-code-width
    height: $legend-code-height
    display: inline-block
    margin-right: space-x(2.5)
    border: 1px solid $gray-500

    vertical-align: top


    margin-bottom: space-x(3)
    font-size: 15px
    line-height: 1.5

      margin-bottom: space-x(1)

      list-style-type: circle
      padding-left: space-x(0.5)
      margin-left: space-x(3)
      line-height: 1.4

        margin-bottom: space-x(1.5)



      margin-bottom: space-x(0.5)

    font-size: $font-size-base
    white-space: normal
    word-break: break-word

    // Following <list-group-item> spacing
    $position-x: $list-group-item-padding-x
    // Empirical: fit well with icon overlay
    $position-y: 1rem

    position: absolute
    right: $position-x
    bottom: $position-y


      width: 100%
      width: 50%


    font-weight: bold

    // Following <list-group-item> spacing
    $position-x: $list-group-item-padding-x
    // Empirical: fit well with icon overlay
    $position-y: 1rem

    position: absolute
    right: $position-x
    bottom: $position-y

    white-space: normal
    word-break: break-word

      margin-bottom: space-x(0.75)

    margin-top: space-x(2)


    @include clickable

    display: flex
    align-items: flex-start
    transition: $transition-base

      background-color: $gray-50

      @include fit-positions

      content: ""
      position: absolute
      z-index: 1
      width: 2px
      background-color: $info

    // (following list group item border radius)
      border-top-left-radius: $list-group-border-radius
      border-bottom-left-radius: $list-group-border-radius

      flex-grow: 1
      padding-right: $card-spacer-x

      line-height: 1.3
      margin-bottom: space-x(0.5)

      font-size: 15px
      color: $gray-700

      font-size: 14px
      color: $gray-600



      line-height: 1.3
      margin-bottom: space-x(0.25)

      font-size: 15px
      color: $gray-700


  $self: &
  $section-margin: space-x(2)
  $item-margin: space-x(1)

  display: flex
  padding: #{ $section-margin / 2 }

    width: $item-margin
    display: inline-block

    margin: #{ $section-margin / 2 }

    // Selection settings

        display: flex

      #{ $self }__gap
        width: #{ $item-margin * 2 }

        flex-grow: 1

    // Controls

        position: relative

      #{ $self }__gap
        width: #{ $item-margin * 2 }

        flex-basis: calc(50% - #{ $item-margin * 2 })

// Atlas button animation
.on-running-animation .b-icon
  animation-name: pulse
  animation-duration: 0.5s
  animation-timing-function: ease
  animation-direction: alternate
  animation-iteration-count: infinite
  animation-play-state: running