Commit 1bb37aff authored by Romain Loth's avatar Romain Loth

occurrences with subforms counted inside mainform

parent f280e8a4
......@@ -11,57 +11,105 @@ FIXME: "having the same source" means we need to select inside hyperdata
from gargantext.models import Node, NodeNgram, NodeNodeNgram, NodeNgramNgram
from gargantext.util.db import session, bulk_insert, func # = sqlalchemy.func like sum() or count()
from sqlalchemy import text # for query from raw SQL statement
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import case # for choice if ngram has mainform or not
from math import log
# from gargantext.util.lists import WeightedContextIndex
def compute_occs(corpus, overwrite_id = None):
def compute_occs(corpus, overwrite_id = None, groupings_id = None,):
# TODO check if cumulated occs correspond to app's use cases and intention
Calculates sum of occs per ngram within corpus
Calculates sum of occs per ngram (or per mainform if groups) within corpus
(used as info in the ngrams table view)
? optimize ? OCCS here could be calculated simultaneously within TFIDF-CORPUS loop
? use cases ?
=> not the main score for users (their intuition for nb of docs having word)
=> but is the main weighting value for any NLP task
- overwrite_id: optional id of a pre-existing OCCURRENCES node for this corpus
(the Node and its previous NodeNodeNgram rows will be replaced)
- groupings_id: optional id of a GROUPLIST node for this corpus
IF absent the occurrences are the sums for each ngram
IF present they're the sums for each ngram's mainform
# 0) Get the groups
group_id = (session.query(
# simple case : no groups
# ---------
# (the occurrences are the sums for each ngram)
if not groupings_id:
# NodeNgram index
occs_q = (session
func.sum(NodeNgram.weight) # <== OCCURRENCES
# filter docs within corpus
.filter(Node.parent_id ==
.filter(Node.typename == "GROUPLIST")
.filter(Node.typename == "DOCUMENT")
# for the sum
# 1) all the doc_ids of our corpus (scope of counts for filter)
# slower alternative: [ for doc in corpus.children('DOCUMENT').all()]
docids_subquery = (session
.filter(Node.parent_id ==
.filter(Node.typename == "DOCUMENT")
# difficult case: with groups
# ------------
# (the occurrences are the sums for each ngram's mainform)
# sub-SELECT the synonyms of this GROUPLIST id (for OUTER JOIN later)
syn = (session.query(NodeNgramNgram.ngram1_id,
.filter(NodeNgramNgram.node_id == groupings_id)
# 2) our sums per ngram_id
occ_sums = (session
# NodeNgram index with additional subform => mainform replacement
occs_q = (session
# intermediate columns for debug
# -------------------------------
# NodeNgram.node_id, # document
# NodeNgram.ngram_id, # <= the occurring ngram
# NodeNgram.weight, # <= its frequency in doc
# syn.c.ngram1_id # mainform
# syn.c.ngram2_id, # subform
# ngram to count aka counted_form
# ----------------------------------
# either NodeNgram.ngram_id as before
# or mainform if it exists
case([(syn.c.ngram1_id != None, syn.c.ngram1_id)],
# the sum itself
# --------------
func.sum(NodeNgram.weight) # <== OCCURRENCES
#.join(NodeNgramNgram, NodeNgramNgram.node_id == group_id)
# this brings the mainform if NodeNgram.ngram_id has one in syn
syn.c.ngram2_id == NodeNgram.ngram_id)
# filter docs within corpus
.filter(Node.parent_id ==
.filter(Node.typename == "DOCUMENT")
# for the sum
occ_sums = occs_q.all()
# example result = [(1970, 1.0), (2024, 2.0), (259, 2.0), (302, 1.0), ... ]
# ^^^^ ^^^
# ngram_id sum_wei
# OR
# counted_form
if overwrite_id:
# overwrite pre-existing id
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