Commit 471419c2 authored by Romain Loth's avatar Romain Loth

[FEAT] removable subforms in groups + simplified group management in js

parent 996bf406
......@@ -34,24 +34,36 @@ def _query_list(list_id,
if not details:
# simple contents
query = session.query(NodeNgram.ngram_id)
query = session.query(NodeNgram.ngram_id).filter(NodeNgram.node_id == list_id)
# detailed contents (terms and some NodeNodeNgram for score)
# NB: score can be undefined (eg ex-subform that now became free)
# ==> we need outerjoin
# and the filter needs to have scoring_metric_id so we do it before
ScoresTable = (session
.query(NodeNodeNgram.score, NodeNodeNgram.ngram_id)
.filter(NodeNodeNgram.node1_id == scoring_metric_id)
query = (session
.join(Ngram, NodeNgram.ngram_id ==
.join(NodeNodeNgram, NodeNgram.ngram_id == NodeNodeNgram.ngram_id)
.filter(NodeNodeNgram.node1_id == scoring_metric_id)
# main filter
# -----------
query = query.filter(NodeNgram.node_id == list_id)
# main filter ----------------------
.filter(NodeNgram.node_id == list_id)
# scores if possible
ScoresTable.c.ngram_id == NodeNgram.ngram_id)
if pagination_limit:
query = query.limit(pagination_limit)
......@@ -128,13 +140,18 @@ class GroupChange(APIView):
Chained effect:
any previous group under mainformA or B will be overwritten
The DELETE HTTP method also works, with same url
(and simple array in the data)
NB: request.user is also checked for current authentication status
def initial(self, request):
Before dispatching to post()
Before dispatching to post() or delete()
Checks current user authentication to prevent remote DB manipulation
......@@ -150,28 +167,29 @@ class GroupChange(APIView):
=> removes couples where newly reconnected ngrams where involved
=> adds new couples from GroupsBuffer of terms view
TODO recalculate scores after new groups
TODO see use of util.lists.Translations
TODO benchmark selective delete compared to entire list rewrite
POST data:
<QueryDict: {'1228[]': ['891', '1639']}> => creates 1228 - 891
and 1228 - 1639
request.POST.lists() iterator where each elt is like :('1228[]',['891','1639'])
group_node = get_parameters(request)['node']
all_nodes_involved = []
all_mainforms = []
links = []
for (mainform_key, subforms_ids) in request.POST.lists():
mainform_id = mainform_key[:-2] # remove brackets '543[]' -> '543'
for subform_id in subforms_ids:
# remove selectively all groupings with these nodes involved
# TODO benchmark
# remove selectively all groupings with these mainforms
# using IN is correct in this case: list of ids is short and external
# see
old_links = (session.query(NodeNgramNgram)
.filter(NodeNgramNgram.node_id == group_node)
n_removed = old_links.delete(synchronize_session=False)
......@@ -189,6 +207,40 @@ class GroupChange(APIView):
}, 200)
def delete(self, request):
Deletes some groups from the group node
Send in data format is simply a json { 'keys':'["11492","16438"]' }
==> it means removing any synonym groups having these 2 as mainform
(within the url's groupnode_id)
NB: At reception here it becomes like:
<QueryDict: {'keys[]': ['11492', '16438']}>
# from the url
group_node = get_parameters(request)['node']
# from the data in body
all_mainforms = request.POST.getlist('keys[]')
links_to_remove = (session.query(NodeNgramNgram)
.filter(NodeNgramNgram.node_id == group_node)
n_removed = links_to_remove.delete(synchronize_session=False)
return JsonHttpResponse({
'count_removed': n_removed
}, 200)
class ListChange(APIView):
......@@ -22,6 +22,30 @@
* The stateIds are described by the System object.
* - columns use stateId [0..2] (miam aka normal, map aka keep, stop aka delete)
* These states are stored in 3 places :
* Original (in *OriginalNG*)
* Current (in *AjaxRecords*)
* Changes to make (in "FlagsBuffer")
* (the crud operations create FlagsBuffer at the last moment by
* inspecting the diff of original vs current and infering changes)
* For the groups it's a little different with only 2 main vars:
* Current (in CurrentGroups)
* Changes to make (in "GroupsBuffer")
* (each user action is enacted in Current and at the same time carried
* over to GroupsBuffer)
* NB for groups removal: there is a case when user clicks "cancel" in group modifs
* but some modifications will already be triggered:
* it happens when an entire group A is attached to a new
* group B, and then later an ex-element of A is removed
* from the new group
* => even if the new group B is canceled, it will mark
* the entire old group A for destruction
* @author
* Samuel Castillo (original 2015 work)
* Romain Loth
......@@ -44,12 +68,19 @@
// =============================================================================
// ngram infos (<-> row data)
// --------------------------
// current ngram infos (<-> row data)
// ----------------------------------
// from /api/ngramlists/lexmodel?corpus=312
// with some expanding in AfterAjax
var AjaxRecords = [] ;
// current groups
// --------------
// links and subforms (reverse index)
var CurrentGroups = {"links":{}, "subs":{}}
// table element (+config +events)
// -------------------------------
var MyTable ;
......@@ -108,7 +139,15 @@ for(var i in System[GState]["states"] ) {
var FlagsBuffer = {}
// + 1 for groups
GroupsBuffer = {}
var GroupsBuffer = {'_to_add':{}, '_to_del':{}}
// to_add will have structure like this { mainformid1 : [array1 of subformids],
// mainformid2 : [array2 of subformids]}
// to_del is simple array of mainforms : [mainform3, mainform4]
// because deleting "the group of mainform3" is deleting all DB rows of
// couples having mainform3 on the left-hand-side ( <=> no need to know the subform)
......@@ -239,22 +278,22 @@ function printCorpuses() {
if(Object.keys( results ).length>0) {
var sub_ngrams_data = {
"scores": $.extend({}, NGrams["main"].scores)
"scores": $.extend({}, OriginalNG.scores)
for(var i in NGrams["main"].ngrams) {
if( results[ NGrams["main"].ngrams[i].id] ) {
var a_ngram = NGrams["main"].ngrams[i]
sub_ngrams_data["ngrams"].push( a_ngram )
for(var i in OriginalNG["records"].ngrams) {
if( results[ OriginalNG["records"].ngrams[i].id] ) {
var a_ngram = OriginalNG["records"].ngrams[i]
sub_ngrams_data["records"].push( a_ngram )
// if( results[ NGrams["main"].ngrams[i].id] && NGrams["main"].ngrams[i].name.split(" ").length==1 ) {
// if( NGrams["map"][ NGrams["main"].ngrams[i].id] ) {
// var a_ngram = NGrams["main"].ngrams[i]
// if( results[ OriginalNG["records"][i].id] && OriginalNG["records"][i].name.split(" ").length==1 ) {
// if( OriginalNG["map"][ i ] ) {
// var a_ngram = OriginalNG["records"][i]
// // a_ngram["state"] = System[0]["statesD"]["delete"]
// sub_ngrams_data["ngrams"].push( a_ngram )
// }
// }
var result = MainTableAndCharts(sub_ngrams_data , NGrams["main"].scores.initial , "filter_all")
var result = MainTableAndCharts(sub_ngrams_data , OriginalNG.scores.initial , "filter_all")
......@@ -362,40 +401,30 @@ function saveActiveGroup() {
var mainform = activeGroup.now_mainform_id
// pr("saving mainform to GroupsBuffer: " + mainform)
// the new array to save is in now_links -------------
GroupsBuffer[mainform] = activeGroup.now_links
// ---------------------------------------------------
// the new array of tgt forms to save is in now_links
addInCurrentGroups(mainform, activeGroup.now_links) // -> current status
GroupsBuffer._to_add[mainform] = activeGroup.now_links // -> changes to make
// console.log(AjaxRecords[mainform])
// -----------------------------------------------------
// various consequences
// also we prefix "*" to the name if not already there
if (AjaxRecords[mainform].name[0] != '*') {
AjaxRecords[mainform].name = "*" + AjaxRecords[mainform].name
// the previous mainforms that became subforms can't stay in the main records
for (downgradedNgramId in activeGroup.were_mainforms) {
if (downgradedNgramId != mainform) {
AjaxRecords[downgradedNgramId].state = -1
// they go to nodesmemory
// = AjaxRecords[downgradedNgramId]
// delete AjaxRecords[downgradedNgramId]
// all subforms old and new become deactivated in AjaxRecords
for (var i in activeGroup.now_links) {
subformId = activeGroup.now_links[i]
AjaxRecords[subformId].state = -1
// TODO posttest
// the previous "old" links are now in GroupsBuffer so from now on
// they'll be searched in AjaxRecords by updateActiveGroupInfo()
for (i in activeGroup.now_links) {
newLink = activeGroup.now_links[i] ;
if (activeGroup.ngraminfo[newLink].origin == 'old' || activeGroup.ngraminfo[newLink].origin == 'oldnew') {
// new AjaxRecords entry from nodesmemory
AjaxRecords[newLink] =[newLink]
// console.log('oldLinkThatBecameNew: '+AjaxRecords[newLink].name)
// the previous mainforms have old groupings to be marked for deletion
for (downgradedNgramId in activeGroup.were_mainforms) {
// (except the one we just saved)
if (downgradedNgramId != mainform) {
GroupsBuffer._to_del[downgradedNgramId] = true
deleteInCurrentGroups(downgradedNgramId, false) // "false" <=> no need to change subform states
......@@ -404,6 +433,9 @@ function saveActiveGroup() {
function removeActiveGroupFrame() {
// no need to restore records: everything from the frame
// was in temporary var activeGroup
// erases now_links and restores empty activeGroup global cache
activeGroup = {'now_mainform_id':undefined, 'were_mainforms':{}} ;
......@@ -447,7 +479,7 @@ function toggleSeeGroup(plusicon, ngramId) {
* @param ngramId (of the mainform)
function seeGroup ( ngramId , allowChangeFlag) {
// 1/7 create new element container
// 1/6 create new element container
var subNgramHtml = $('<p class="note">') ;
subNgramHtml.attr("id", "subforms-"+ngramId) ;
subNgramHtml.css("line-height", 1.2) ;
......@@ -455,32 +487,24 @@ function seeGroup ( ngramId , allowChangeFlag) {
subNgramHtml.css("margin-top", '.5em') ;
// 2/7 attach flag open to global state register
// 2/6 attach flag open to global state register
vizopenGroup[ngramId] = true ;
// 3/7 retrieve names of the untouched (from DB) grouped ngrams (aka "old")
var oldlinksNames = [] ;
if( ngramId in ) {
for (var i in[ngramId]) {
var subNgramId =[ngramId][i] ;
oldlinksNames[i] =[subNgramId].name
// 3/6 retrieve names of the grouped ngrams
var linksNames = [] ;
if( ngramId in CurrentGroups["links"] ) {
var thisGroup = CurrentGroups["links"][ngramId]
for (var i in thisGroup) {
var subNgramId = thisGroup[i] ;
linksNames[i] = AjaxRecords[subNgramId].name
// 4/7 retrieve names of the newly created grouped ngrams (aka "new" + "oldnew")
var newlinksNames = [] ;
if( ngramId in GroupsBuffer ) {
for(var i in GroupsBuffer[ ngramId ] ) {
var subNgramId = GroupsBuffer[ ngramId ][i] ;
newlinksNames[i] = AjaxRecords[subNgramId].name
// 5/7 create the "tree" from the names, as html lines
var htmlMiniTree = drawSublist(oldlinksNames.concat(newlinksNames))
// 4/6 create the "tree" from the names, as html lines
var htmlMiniTree = drawSublist(linksNames)
// 6/7 add a "modify group" button
// 5/6 add a "modify group" button
if (allowChangeFlag) {
var changeGroupsButton = '<button style="float:right"' ;
changeGroupsButton += ' title="add/remove contents of groups"' ;
......@@ -490,7 +514,7 @@ function seeGroup ( ngramId , allowChangeFlag) {
subNgramHtml.append(changeGroupsButton) ;
// 7/7 return html snippet (ready for rendering)
// 6/6 return html snippet (ready for rendering)
......@@ -562,27 +586,21 @@ function subformSpan( subNgramInfo ) {
span = $('<span/>', {
id: 'active-subform-' +
id: 'active-subform-' +,
class: 'subform'
if (subNgramInfo.origin == 'old') {
else if (subNgramInfo.origin == 'new' || subNgramInfo.origin == 'oldnew'){
// remove button
// var removeButton = '&nbsp;<span class="note glyphicon glyphicon-minus-sign"'
// removeButton += ' title="remove from group (/!\\ bug: will be unattached if was previously a subform)"' ;
// removeButton += ' onclick="removeSubform('+ +')"></span>'
// span.append(removeButton)
var removeButton = '<span class="note glyphicon glyphicon-minus-sign"'
removeButton += ' title="remove from group"' ;
removeButton += ' onclick="removeSubform('+ +')"></span> &nbsp;'
// makes this subform become the mainform
// var mainformButton = '&nbsp;<span class="note glyphicon glyphicon-circle-arrow-up"'
// var mainformButton = '<span class="note glyphicon glyphicon-circle-arrow-up"'
// mainformButton += ' title="upgrade to mainform of this group"'
// mainformButton += ' onclick="makeMainform('+ +')"></span>'
// span.append(mainformButton)
// mainformButton += ' onclick="makeMainform('+ +')"></span>&nbsp;'
// span.prepend(mainformButton)
......@@ -610,7 +628,6 @@ function makeMainform(ngramId) {
activeGroup.now_links[i] = previousMainformId
// if it was previously a subform then:
// -> it had no entry in AjaxRecords
// -> it was not in any of the lists
if (! (mainform in activeGroup.were_mainforms)) {
// update records
......@@ -640,21 +657,47 @@ function makeMainform(ngramId) {
function removeSubform(ngramId) {
// no need to restore AjaxRecords[ngramId] because it's untouched
// NB removeSubform has a side effect for subforms that were previously
// in another group see comment at the top of script
// special case: if removed form already was a subform it becomes independant
// (because the old mainform may be remaining in the new group, we set a
// convention: entire previous group goes "to_delete" at 1st sub remove)
if (CurrentGroups["subs"][ngramId]) {
var oldMainFormId = CurrentGroups["subs"][ngramId]
// it must break the old group, mark for deletion
GroupsBuffer._to_del[oldMainFormId] = true
// consequences:
deleteInCurrentGroups(oldMainFormId, true)
// => they are all removed from CurrentGroups
// => the removed subform and all others from the old group
// get a state (map/del/normal)
// ==========================================
// core of the function for any type of ngram
// ==========================================
if (activeGroup.now_links.length == 1) {
// close the frame if last subform
else {
// clean were_mainforms dict
delete activeGroup.were_mainforms[ngramId]
// clean now_links array
var i = activeGroup.now_links.indexOf(ngramId)
// if (activeGroup.ngraminfo[ngramId].origin == 'new') {
// AjaxRecords[ngramId].state = 0 ;
// }
// clean were_mainforms dict (if key existed)
delete activeGroup.were_mainforms[ngramId]
// redraw active group_box_content
......@@ -668,6 +711,59 @@ function removeSubform(ngramId) {
* Effects of deleting a mainform from the current groups
* => updates the global var CurrentGroups
* @param ngramId of a mainform
* @param inheritState boolean => updates the AjaxRecords[subformId].state
function deleteInCurrentGroups(ngramId, inheritState) {
if (inheritState) {
// ex-subforms can inherit state from their previous mainform
var implicitState = AjaxRecords[ngramId].state
if (CurrentGroups.links[ngramId]) {
var oldGroup = CurrentGroups.links[ngramId]
// deleting in reverse index
for (var i in oldGroup) {
var subformId = oldGroup[i]
delete CurrentGroups.subs[subformId]
if (inheritState) {
AjaxRecords[subformId].state = implicitState
// consequence:
// now OriginalNG.records[subformId].state
// is != AjaxRecords[subformId].state
// therefore the newly independant forms
// will be added to their new wordlist
// deleting in "links"
delete CurrentGroups.links[ngramId]
* Adding links to the current groups
* => updates the global var CurrentGroups
* @param mainformId
* @param subforms array of subNgramIds
function addInCurrentGroups(mainformId, subforms) {
console.log("addInCurrentGroups: "+mainformId+"("+JSON.stringify(subforms)+")")
CurrentGroups["links"][mainformId] = subforms
for (var i in subforms) {
var subformId = subforms[i]
CurrentGroups["subs"][subformId] = mainformId
function modifyGroup ( mainFormNgramId ) {
// create modification container
......@@ -706,9 +802,9 @@ function modifyGroup ( mainFormNgramId ) {
// add new ngramid (and any present subforms) to currently modified group
function add2group ( ngramId ) {
function addToGroup ( ngramId ) {
// console.log("FUN add2group(" + AjaxRecords[ngramId].name + ")")
// console.log("FUN addToGroup(" + AjaxRecords[ngramId].name + ")")
var toOther = true ;
activeGroup.were_mainforms[ngramId] = true ;
......@@ -718,7 +814,6 @@ function add2group ( ngramId ) {
// add this mainform as a new subform
activeGroup.ngraminfo[ngramId] = AjaxRecords[ngramId]
activeGroup.ngraminfo[ngramId].origin = 'new'
// also add all its subforms as new subforms
updateActiveGroupInfo (ngramId, toOther)
......@@ -736,14 +831,13 @@ function add2group ( ngramId ) {
else {
console.warn("ADD2GROUP but no active group")
* subforms from DB have their info in a separate
* so here and in saveActiveGroup we need to take it into account
* subforms from DB have their info in AjaxRecords like everyone, and state = -1
* TODO: remove this mecanism
* here all current infos are copied to activeGroup temporary var
* (copy will remain until user cancel/finishes group modif)
* @param ngramId
* @param toOtherMainform = flag if ngram was a subform of another mainform
......@@ -754,23 +848,11 @@ function updateActiveGroupInfo (ngramId, toOtherMainform) {
// console.log(activeGroup)
// fill active link info
if( ngramId in ) {
for (var i in[ngramId]) {
var subId =[ngramId][i] ;
// ----------- old links (already in DB)
activeGroup.ngraminfo[subId] =[subId]
activeGroup.ngraminfo[subId].origin = toOtherMainform ? 'oldnew' : 'old'
if( ngramId in GroupsBuffer ) {
for(var i in GroupsBuffer[ ngramId ] ) {
var subId = GroupsBuffer[ ngramId ][i] ;
// ----------- new links (not in DB)
for(var i in CurrentGroups["links"][ ngramId ] ) {
var subId = CurrentGroups["links"][ ngramId ][i] ;
// ----------- links (old and new)
activeGroup.ngraminfo[subId] = AjaxRecords[subId]
activeGroup.ngraminfo[subId].origin = 'new'
......@@ -881,12 +963,12 @@ function transformContent(ngramId) {
// GState = 1 situation: button allows to add to active group
// (if previously had add2group button clicked)
// (if previously had addToGroup button clicked)
if(GState==1 ) {
if(ngram_info.state!=System[0]["statesD"]["delete"] && ! GroupsBuffer[ngramId]) { // if deleted and already group, no Up button
if(ngram_info.state!=System[0]["statesD"]["delete"] && ! GroupsBuffer._to_add[ngramId]) { // if deleted and already group, no Up button
plus_event = '<span class="note glyphicon glyphicon-plus"'
plus_event += ' color="#FF530D"'
plus_event += ' onclick="add2group('+ ngramId +')"></span>'
plus_event += ' onclick="addToGroup('+ ngramId +')"></span>'
......@@ -1219,6 +1301,19 @@ function InferCRUDFlags(id, oldState, desiredState, registry) {
// (if previously was under a group)
else if (oldState === state_skip) {
if (desiredState === state_main || desiredState === state_map) {
registry["inmain"][id] = true
// (... and one more action only if is now desired to be in MAP)
if(desiredState === state_map) {
registry["inmap"][ id ] = true
else if(desiredState === state_stop) {
registry["indel"][id] = true
// (if previously was in MAIN)
else {
if(desiredState === state_map) {
......@@ -1230,6 +1325,8 @@ function InferCRUDFlags(id, oldState, desiredState, registry) {
return registry
......@@ -1260,13 +1357,13 @@ function SaveLocalChanges() {
// LOOP on all mainforms + subforms
// --------------------------------
// we use 2 globals to evaluate change-of-state
// => NGrams for old states (as in DB)
// => OriginalNG for old states (as in DB)
// => AjaxRecords for current (desired) states
for(var id in AjaxRecords) {
var oldState = 0 ;
if (NGrams["map"][ id ] ) oldState = 1
else if (NGrams["stop"][ id ]) oldState = 2
if (OriginalNG["map"][ id ] ) oldState = 1
else if (OriginalNG["stop"][ id ]) oldState = 2
var mainNewState = AjaxRecords[id]["state"] ;
......@@ -1275,26 +1372,22 @@ function SaveLocalChanges() {
FlagsBuffer = InferCRUDFlags(id, oldState, mainNewState, FlagsBuffer)
console.log( "dont do anything" )
return "dont do anything"
// [ = = = = propagating to subforms = = = = ]
// if change in mainform list or change in groups
if(oldState != mainNewState || GroupsBuffer[id]) {
// linked nodes
var linkedNodes ;
if(oldState != mainNewState || GroupsBuffer._to_add[id]) {
// a) retrieve the untouched (from DB) grouped ngrams (aka "old")
if([id]) linkedNodes =[id]
// b) or retrieve the new linked nodes (aka "new" + "oldnew")
else if( GroupsBuffer[id] ) linkedNodes = GroupsBuffer[id]
for (var i in linkedNodes) {
var subNgramId = linkedNodes[i] ;
// linked nodes
for (var i in CurrentGroups["links"][id]) {
var subNgramId = CurrentGroups["links"][id][i] ;
// todo check (if undefined old state, should add to main too...)
var subOldState = undefined ;
if (NGrams["map"][ subNgramId ] ) subOldState = System[0]["statesD"]["keep"]
else if (NGrams["stop"][ subNgramId ]) subOldState = System[0]["statesD"]["delete"]
if (OriginalNG["map"][ subNgramId ] ) subOldState = System[0]["statesD"]["keep"]
else if (OriginalNG["stop"][ subNgramId ]) subOldState = System[0]["statesD"]["delete"]
else {
subOldState = System[0]["statesD"]["normal"] ;
// (special legacy case: subforms can have oldStates == undefined,
......@@ -1405,7 +1498,7 @@ function SaveLocalChanges() {
console.log("===> AJAX CRUD6 RmStop <===\n") ;
CRUD( stoplist_id , Object.keys(FlagsBuffer["outdel"]), "DELETE" , function(success) {
if (success) {
CRUD_7_groups() // chained AJAX 6 -> 7
CRUD_7_AddGroups() // chained AJAX 6 -> 7
else {
console.warn('CRUD error on ngrams remove from stoplist ('+stoplist_id+')')
......@@ -1413,14 +1506,28 @@ function SaveLocalChanges() {
// add to groups reading data from GroupsBuffer
function CRUD_7_groups() {
console.log("===> AJAX CRUD7 RewriteGroups <===\n") ;
GROUPCRUD(groupnode_id, GroupsBuffer, function(success) {
// (also removes previous groups with same mainforms!)
function CRUD_7_AddGroups() {
console.log("===> AJAX CRUD7 AddGroups <===\n") ;
GROUPCRUDS(groupnode_id, GroupsBuffer._to_add, "POST" , function(success) {
if (success) {
CRUD_8_RmGroups() // chained AJAX 7 -> 8
else {
console.warn('CRUD error on groups modification ('+groupnode_id+')')
}) ;
// add to groups reading data from GroupsBuffer
function CRUD_8_RmGroups() {
console.log("===> AJAX CRUD8 RmGroups <===\n") ;
GROUPCRUDS(groupnode_id, GroupsBuffer._to_del, "DELETE", function(success) {
if (success) {
window.location.reload() // all 7 CRUDs OK => refresh whole page
window.location.reload() // all 8 CRUDs OK => refresh whole page
else {
console.warn('CRUD error on ngrams add to group node ('+groupings_id+')')
console.warn('CRUD error on groups removal ('+groupnode_id+')')
}) ;
......@@ -1464,36 +1571,54 @@ function CRUD( list_id , ngram_ids , http_method , callback) {
// For group modifications (POST: {mainformA: [subformsA1,A2,A3], mainformB:..})
function GROUPCRUD( groupnode_id , post_data , callback) {
// ngramlists/change?node_id=42&ngram_ids=1,2
// (adds new groups for mainformA and mainformB)
// (also deletes any old group under A or B)
// (DEL: {"keys": [mainformX, mainformY]})
// (just deletes the old groups of X and Y)
function GROUPCRUDS( groupnode_id , send_object, http_method , callback) {
// ngramlists/groups?node=9
var the_url = window.location.origin+"/api/ngramlists/groups?node="+groupnode_id;
// debug
// console.log(" ajax target: " + the_url + " (" + http_method + ")")
// array of the keys
var mainformIds = Object.keys(send_object)
var send_data ;
// if DELETE we need only them keys
if (http_method == "DELETE") {
send_data = {"keys": mainformIds} ;
else {
send_data = send_object ;
if(mainformIds.length > 0) {
method: 'POST',
method: http_method,
url: the_url,
data: post_data, // currently all data explicitly in the url (like a GET)
data: send_data,
beforeSend: function(xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-CSRFToken", getCookie("csrftoken"));
success: function(data){
console.log("-- GROUPCRUD ----------")
console.log("POST ok!!")
console.log(http_method + " ok!!")
error: function(result) {
console.log("-- GROUPCRUD ----------")
console.log("AJAX Error on POST " + the_url);
console.log("AJAX Error on " + http_method + " " + the_url);
} else callback(true);
......@@ -1509,7 +1634,7 @@ function GROUPCRUD( groupnode_id , post_data , callback) {
* 3. Creates the scores distribution chart over table
* 4. Set up Search div
* @param ngdata: a response from the api/node/CID/ngrams/list/ routes
* @param ngdata: OriginalNG['records']
* @param initial: initial score type "occs" or "tfidf"
* @param search_filter: value among {0,1,2,'reset'} (see #picklistmenu options)
......@@ -1518,24 +1643,24 @@ function MainTableAndCharts( ngdata , initial , search_filter) {
// debug
// alert("refresh main")
console.log(" = = = = MainTableAndCharts: = = = = ")
console.log("initial:") //
console.log("search_filter:") // eg 'filter_all'
console.log(" = = = = / MainTableAndCharts: = = = = ")
// Expected infos in "ngdata.ngrams" should have the form:
// console.log("")
// console.log(" = = = = MainTableAndCharts: = = = = ")
// console.log("ngdata:")
// console.log(ngdata)
// console.log("initial:") //
// console.log(initial)
// console.log("search_filter:") // eg 'filter_all'
// console.log(search_filter)
// console.log(" = = = = / MainTableAndCharts: = = = = ")
// console.log("")
// Expected infos in "ngdata" should have the form:
// { "1": { id: "1", name: "réalité", score: 36 },
// "9": { id: "9", name: "pdg", score: 116 },
// "10": { id:"10", name: "infrastructure", score: 12 } etc. }
// (see filling of rec_info below)
// console.log(ngdata.ngrams)
// console.log(ngdata)
var DistributionDict = {}
for(var i in DistributionDict)
......@@ -1616,21 +1741,21 @@ function MainTableAndCharts( ngdata , initial , search_filter) {
$('#delAll').data("columnSelection", 'SOME')
$('#mapAll').data("columnSelection", 'SOME')
var div_stats = "<p>";
for(var i in ngdata.scores) {
var value = (!isNaN(Number(ngdata.scores[i])))? Number(ngdata.scores[i]).toFixed(1) : ngdata.scores[i];
div_stats += i+": "+value+" | "
div_stats += "</p>"
// var div_stats = "<p>";
// for(var i in ngscores) {
// var value = (!isNaN(Number(ngscores[i])))? Number(ngscores[i]).toFixed(1) : ngscores[i];
// div_stats += i+": "+value+" | "
// }
// div_stats += "</p>"
// $("#stats").html(div_stats)
AjaxRecords = {}
for(var id in ngdata.ngrams) {
for(var id in ngdata) {
// console.log(i)
// console.log(ngdata.ngrams[i])
var le_ngram = ngdata.ngrams[id] ;
// console.log(ngdata[i])
var le_ngram = ngdata[id] ;
// INIT records
// one record <=> one line in the table + ngram states
......@@ -1643,7 +1768,7 @@ function MainTableAndCharts( ngdata , initial , search_filter) {
"state": (le_ngram.state)?le_ngram.state:0,
// properties enabling to see old and new groups
"group_exists": ( in || in GroupsBuffer),
"group_exists": ( in CurrentGroups["links"])
// AjaxRecords.push(rec_info)
AjaxRecords[id] = rec_info
......@@ -1960,12 +2085,12 @@ function GET_( url , callback ) {
// [ = = = = = = = = = = INIT = = = = = = = = = = ]
// http://localhost:8000/api/node/84592/ngrams?format=json&score=tfidf,occs&list=miam
var corpus_id = getIDFromURL( "corpora" )
var NGrams = {
"group" : {},
var OriginalNG = {
"records" : {},
"stop" : {},
"main" : {},
"map" : {},
"scores" : {}
"scores" : {},
"links" : {}
......@@ -1982,51 +2107,47 @@ var final_url = window.location.origin+"/api/ngramlists/family?corpus="+corpus_i
GET_(final_url, HandleAjax)
function HandleAjax(res, sourceUrl) {
//£TODO unify with AfterAjax
if (res && res.ngraminfos) {
main_ngrams_objects = {}
// = = = = MIAM = = = = //
OriginalNG["records"] = {}
for (var ngram_id in res.ngraminfos) {
var ngram_tuple = res.ngraminfos[ngram_id]
main_ngrams_objects[ngram_id] = {
OriginalNG["records"][ngram_id] = {
'id' : ngram_id, // redundant but for backwards compat
'name' : ngram_tuple[0],
'score' : ngram_tuple[1]
// = = = = MIAM = = = = //
NGrams["main"] = {
"ngrams": main_ngrams_objects,
"scores": {
OriginalNG["scores"] = {
} ;
// = = MAP ALSO STOP = = //
// 2x(array of ids) ==> 2x(lookup hash)
NGrams["map"] = {} ;
OriginalNG["map"] = {} ;
for (var i in res.listmembers.maplist) {
var map_ng_id = res.listmembers.maplist[i] ;
NGrams["map"][map_ng_id] = true ;
OriginalNG["map"][map_ng_id] = true ;
NGrams["stop"] = {} ;
OriginalNG["stop"] = {} ;
for (var i in res.listmembers.stoplist) {
var stop_ng_id = res.listmembers.stoplist[i] ;
NGrams["stop"][stop_ng_id] = true ;
OriginalNG["stop"][stop_ng_id] = true ;
// = = = = GROUP = = = = //
NGrams["group"] = {
"links" : res.links ,
// "nodesmemory" will be filled from "links" in AfterAjax()
"nodesmemory" : {}
// they go directly to "Current" var (we need not keep the original situation)
CurrentGroups["links"] = res.links ;
// console.log('after init NGrams["main"].ngrams')
// console.log(NGrams["main"].ngrams)
// console.log('after init OriginalNG["records"]')
// console.log(OriginalNG["records"])
// cache all DB node_ids
......@@ -2039,86 +2160,73 @@ function HandleAjax(res, sourceUrl) {
function AfterAjax(sourceUrl) {
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// console.log(JSON.stringify(NGrams))
// console.log(JSON.stringify(OriginalNG))
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
state_skip = -1 // -1
state_main = System[0]["statesD"]["normal"] // 0
state_map = System[0]["statesD"]["keep"] // 1
state_stop = System[0]["statesD"]["delete"] // 2
// ----------------------------------------- MAPLIST
// keepstateId = 1
keepstateId = System[0]["statesD"]["keep"]
if( Object.keys(NGrams["map"]).length>0 ) {
for(var ngram_id in NGrams["map"]) {
myNgramInfo = NGrams["main"].ngrams[ngram_id]
if( Object.keys(OriginalNG["map"]).length>0 ) {
for(var ngram_id in OriginalNG["map"]) {
myNgramInfo = OriginalNG["records"][ngram_id]
if (typeof myNgramInfo == "undefined") {
console.error("record of ngram " + ngram_id + " is undefined")
else {
// initialize state of maplist items
myNgramInfo["state"] = keepstateId ;
myNgramInfo["state"] = state_map ;
// ----------------------------------------- STOPLIST
// delstateId = 2
delstateId = System[0]["statesD"]["delete"]
if( Object.keys(NGrams["stop"]).length>0 ) {
for(var ngram_id in NGrams["stop"]) {
console.log('stopping ' + ngram_id)
myNgramInfo = NGrams["main"].ngrams[ngram_id]
if( Object.keys(OriginalNG["stop"]).length>0 ) {
for(var ngram_id in OriginalNG["stop"]) {
myNgramInfo = OriginalNG["records"][ngram_id]
if (typeof myNgramInfo == "undefined") {
console.error("record of ngram " + ngram_id + " is undefined")
else {
// initialize state of stoplist items
myNgramInfo["state"] = delstateId ;
myNgramInfo["state"] = state_stop ;
// Deleting subforms from the ngrams-table, clean start baby!
if( Object.keys(NGrams["group"].links).length>0 ) {
// subforms inventory { "main":{ all mainform ids } , "sub":{ all subform ids} }
var _forms = { "main":{} , "sub":{} }
for(var ngramId in NGrams["group"].links) {
_forms["main"][ngramId] = true
for(var i in NGrams["group"].links[ngramId]) {
var subformId = NGrams["group"].links[ngramId][i]
// for each subform: true
_forms["sub"][ subformId ] = true
// Deactivating subforms from the ngrams-table, clean start baby!
if( Object.keys(CurrentGroups["links"]).length>0 ) {
// init global actualized subform inventory (reverse index of links)
// (very useful to find what to change if group is split)
for(var ngramId in CurrentGroups["links"]) {
for(var i in CurrentGroups["links"][ngramId]) {
var subformId = CurrentGroups["links"][ngramId][i]
// for each subform: mainform
CurrentGroups["subs"][ subformId ] = ngramId
// ------------------------------------------- MAINLIST
// ngrams_data_ will update NGrams.main.ngrams (with subforms removed)
var ngrams_data_ = {}
for(var ngram_id in NGrams["main"].ngrams) {
// use it to deactivate <=> hidden state for all them subforms
for (var subNgramId in CurrentGroups["subs"]) {
// if ngram is subform of another
if(_forms["sub"][ngram_id]) {
// move subform info into
// ------------------------------------------
// (subform goes away from new list but info preserved)
// (useful if we want to see/revive subforms in future)[ngram_id] = NGrams["main"].ngrams[ngram_id]
// debug:
// console.log(ngram_id + " ("+NGrams["main"].ngrams[ngram_id].name+") is a subform")
// will allow us to distinguish it from mainlist items that
// have original state undefined (in InferCRUDFlags)
OriginalNG['records'][subNgramId]['state'] = state_skip
// normal case
else {
// we keep the info untouched in the new obj
ngrams_data_[ngram_id] = NGrams["main"].ngrams[ngram_id]
// the new hash of ngrams replaces the old main
NGrams["main"].ngrams = ngrams_data_;
// NB: this miamlist will eventually become AjaxRecords
// debug:
// console.log('NGrams["main"]')
// console.log( NGrams["main"] )
// Building the Score-Selector //NGrams["scores"]
var FirstScore = NGrams["main"].scores.initial
// Building the Score-Selector //OriginalNG["scores"]
var FirstScore = OriginalNG.scores.initial
// TODO scores_div
// Recreate possible_scores from some constants (tfidf, occs)
// and not from ngrams[0], to keep each ngram's info smaller
// var possible_scores = Object.keys( NGrams["main"].ngrams[0].scores );
// var possible_scores = Object.keys( OriginalNG["main"].ngrams[0].scores );
// var scores_div = '<br><select style="font-size:25px;" class="span1" id="scores_selector">'+"\n";
// scores_div += "\t"+'<option value="'+FirstScore+'">'+FirstScore+'</option>'+"\n"
// for( var i in possible_scores ) {
......@@ -2131,22 +2239,11 @@ function AfterAjax(sourceUrl) {
termsfilter = (sourceUrl == final_url) ? "reset" : "1"
// Initializing the Charts and Table ---------------------------------------
var result = MainTableAndCharts( NGrams["main"] , FirstScore , termsfilter) ;
var result = MainTableAndCharts(OriginalNG["records"], FirstScore , termsfilter) ;
console.log( result ) // OK
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// see TODO scores_div
// Listener for onchange Score-Selector
// scores_div += "<select>"+"\n";
// $("#ScoresBox").html(scores_div)
// $("#scores_selector").on('change', function() {
// console.log( this.value )
// var result = MainTableAndCharts( NGrams["main"] , this.value , "filter_all")
// console.log( result )
// });
$(".nav-tabs a").click(function(e){
......@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ span.note {
span.note.glyphicon {
color: #555;
p.note {
......@@ -129,14 +130,10 @@ tr:hover {
margin-bottom: 1em;
.oldsubform {
.subform {
color: #777 ;
.usersubform {
color: blue ;
.dynatable-record-count {
font-size: 0.7em;
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