Commit 6256e2ee authored by delanoe's avatar delanoe

Merge branch 'refactoring-rom' into refactoring

parents daca4e31 d566e4a8
......@@ -4,13 +4,14 @@ API views for advanced operations on ngrams and ngramlists
- retrieve several lists together ("family")
- retrieve detailed list infos (ngram_id, term strings, scores...)
- modify NodeNgram lists (PUT/DEL an ngram to a MAINLIST OR MAPLIST...)
- modify NodeNgramNgram groups (POST a list of groupings like {"767":[209,640],"779":[436,265,385]}")
from gargantext.util.http import APIView, get_parameters, JsonHttpResponse,\
ValidationException, Http404
from gargantext.util.db import session, aliased, desc
from gargantext.util.db_cache import cache
from gargantext.models import Ngram, NodeNgram, NodeNodeNgram
from gargantext.util.db import session, aliased, desc, bulk_insert
from gargantext.util.db_cache import cache, or_
from gargantext.models import Ngram, NodeNgram, NodeNodeNgram, NodeNgramNgram
from gargantext.util.lists import UnweightedList, Translations
......@@ -62,6 +63,43 @@ def _query_list(list_id,
def _query_grouped_ngrams(groupings_id, details=False, scoring_metric_id=None):
Listing of "hidden" ngram_ids from the groups
Works only for grouplists
- details: if False, send just the array of ngram_ids
if True, send triples with (ngram_id, term, scoring)
- scoring_metric_id: id of a scoring metric node (TFIDF or OCCS)
(for details and sorting)
if not details:
# simple contents
query = session.query(NodeNgramNgram.ngram2_id)
# detailed contents (terms and some NodeNodeNgram for score)
query = (session
.join(Ngram, NodeNgramNgram.ngram2_id ==
.join(NodeNodeNgram, NodeNgramNgram.ngram2_id == NodeNodeNgram.ngram_id)
.filter(NodeNodeNgram.node1_id == scoring_metric_id)
# main filter
# -----------
query = query.filter(NodeNgramNgram.node_id == groupings_id)
return query
class List(APIView):
see already available API query api/nodes/<list_id>?fields[]=ngrams
......@@ -69,6 +107,94 @@ class List(APIView):
class GroupChange(APIView):
Modification of some groups
(typically new subform nodes under a mainform)
group node
to modify
We use POST HTTP method to send group data with structure like:
mainform_A: [subform_A1],
mainformB: [subform_B1,subform_B2,subform_B3]
Chained effect:
NB: request.user is also checked for current authentication status
def initial(self, request):
Before dispatching to post()
Checks current user authentication to prevent remote DB manipulation
if not request.user.is_authenticated():
raise Http404()
# can't use return in initial() (although 401 maybe better than 404)
# can't use @requires_auth because of positional 'self' within class
def post(self, request):
Rewrites the group node **selectively**
=> removes couples where newly reconnected ngrams where involved
=> adds new couples from GroupsBuffer of terms view
TODO see use of util.lists.Translations
TODO benchmark selective delete compared to entire list rewrite
group_node = get_parameters(request)['node']
all_nodes_involved = []
links = []
print([i for i in request.POST.lists()])
for (mainform_key, subforms_ids) in request.POST.lists():
mainform_id = mainform_key[:-2] # remove brackets '543[]' -> '543'
for subform_id in subforms_ids:
# remove selectively all groupings with these nodes involved
# TODO benchmark
old_links = (session.query(NodeNgramNgram)
.filter(NodeNgramNgram.node_id == group_node)
n_removed = old_links.count()
print('n_removed', n_removed)
print("links", links)
[i for i in ((group_node, mainform, subform, 1.0) for (mainform,subform) in links)]
('node_id', 'ngram1_id', 'ngram2_id', 'weight'),
((group_node, mainform, subform, 1.0) for (mainform,subform) in links)
return JsonHttpResponse({
'count_removed': n_removed,
'count_added': len(links),
}, 200)
class ListChange(APIView):
Any ngram action on standard NodeNgram lists (MAIN, MAP, STOP)
......@@ -270,10 +396,17 @@ class ListFamily(APIView):
pagination_limit = glance_limit,
scoring_metric_id= scores_id)
# infos for all ngrams
# infos for all ngrams from mainlist
mainlist_query = _query_list(mainlist_id, details=True,
scoring_metric_id= scores_id)
# infos for grouped ngrams, absent from mainlist
hidden_ngrams_query = _query_grouped_ngrams(groups_id, details=True,
scoring_metric_id= scores_id)
# and for the other lists (stop and map)
# no details needed here, just the member ids
# - maplist ngrams will already be in ngraminfos b/c of mainlist
# - stoplist ngrams will not be shown in detail
for li in other_list_ids:
li_elts = _query_list(other_list_ids[li], details=False
......@@ -286,11 +419,14 @@ class ListFamily(APIView):
linkinfo = links.groups
# the output form
for ng in mainlist_query.all():
for ng in mainlist_query.all() + hidden_ngrams_query.all():
ng_id = ng[0]
# id => [term, weight]
ngraminfo[ng_id] = ng[1:]
# NB the client js will sort mainlist ngs from hidden ngs after ajax
# using linkinfo (otherwise needs redundant listmembers for main)
return JsonHttpResponse({
'ngraminfos' : ngraminfo,
'listmembers' : listmembers,
......@@ -16,6 +16,11 @@ urlpatterns = [
# rm <=> DEL ngramlists/change?list=42&ngrams=1,2
url(r'^ngramlists/change$', ngramlists.ListChange.as_view()),
# modify grouping couples of a group node
# ex: POST ngramlists/groups?node=43
# post data looks like : {"767":[209,640],"779":[436,265,385]}"
url(r'^ngramlists/groups$', ngramlists.GroupChange.as_view()),
# get entire combination of lists from a corpus
# (or any combination of lists that go together :
# - a mainlist
......@@ -30,21 +30,37 @@ th a {
/* notes under table titles */
th p.note {
th .note {
color: #ccc;
td .note {
color: #444;
span.note {
font-size: 10px;
color: #333;
p.note {
font-size: 0.6em;
margin: 1em 0 0 0 ;
th p.note > input {
p.note > input {
float: left;
margin: 0 .2em 0 0 ;
th p.note > label {
p.note > label {
float: left;
.note.greyed {
opacity: 0.2;
tr:hover {
cursor: pointer;
font-weight: bold;
......@@ -69,19 +85,34 @@ tr:hover {
cursor: default;
/* group box with + */
.group_box {
/* group box row on top of table with + */
#group_box {
font-size: 90%;
border: 1px solid blue;
.group_box .header {
font-size: 120%;
#group_flag {
font-size: 0.7em;
margin-top: 3em;
margin-bottom: 1em;
.group_box .content {
border: 1px solid yellow;
#group_box_mainform {
margin-bottom: 0;
line-height: 1 ;
margin-left: .05em ;
#group_flag {
#group_box_content {
line-height: 1 ;
margin-bottom: 1em;
.oldsubform {
color: #777 ;
.usersubform {
color: blue ;
.dynatable-record-count {
......@@ -5,21 +5,22 @@
* - the ngrams groupings
* - the score chart
* Main_test() is the entry point. A dynatable is the main UI element.
* MainTableAndCharts() is the entry point. A dynatable is the main UI element.
* Dynatable uses <thead> for columns and ulWriter() for row formatting.
* Here, the user can modify DB lists by toggling Ngrams states and
* save to DB via the API in the functions SaveLocalChanges() and CRUD()
* Local persistence of states is in AjaxRecord[tableId].state
* (access by table ids, *not* ngram ids)
* Local persistence of states is in AjaxRecord[ngramId].state
* (access by ngram ids)
* Local persistence of groups is in GroupsBuffer (result of modification)
* Their values are initialized in the functions AfterAjax() and Refresh().
* The stateIds are described by the System object.
* - columns use stateId [0..2] (miam aka normal, map aka keep, stop aka delete)
* - stateId 3 is for grouped items (TODO clarify use)
* @author
* Samuel Castillo (original 2015 work)
......@@ -34,55 +35,34 @@
function pr(msg) {
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
function getCookie(name) {
var cookieValue = null;
if (document.cookie && document.cookie != '') {
var cookies = document.cookie.split(';');
for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
var cookie = jQuery.trim(cookies[i]);
// Does this cookie string begin with the name we want?
if (cookie.substring(0, name.length + 1) == (name + '=')) {
cookieValue = decodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(name.length + 1));
return cookieValue;
// ngram infos (<-> row data)
// --------------------------
// from /api/ngramlists/lexmodel?corpus=312
// with some expanding in AfterAjax
var AjaxRecords = [] ;
var latest,oldest;
var TheBuffer = false
// table element (+config +events)
// -------------------------------
var MyTable ;
var PossibleActions = [
"name": "Delete",
"name": "Keep",
// {
// "id":"to_group",
// "name": "Group",
// "color":"blue"
// }
var GState = 0
// definition of switching statuses for the 3 lists
// --------------------------------------------------
// mainlist (+ maplist)
// vs
// stoplist
var GState = 0 // do we have an open group
var System = {
// 1: {
// },
0: {
"states" : [ "normal" , "keep" , "delete" , "group"] ,
"states" : [ "normal" , "keep" , "delete"] ,
"statesD" : {} , // will be inverted map of states
"dict" : {
"normal": {
......@@ -99,44 +79,69 @@ var System = {
"name": "Keep",
"group": {
"name": "MainForm",
// States : [ "normal" , "keep" , "delete"]
* inverted mapping useful for state_id lookup
* System[GState]["statesD"] = {'normal':0,'keep':1,'delete':2,'group':3}
* inverted mapping useful for state_id lookup
* System[GState]["statesD"] = {'normal':0,'keep':1,'delete':2}
for(var i in System[GState]["states"] ) {
System[GState]["statesD"][ System[GState]["states"][i] ] = Number(i)
// System[0]["statesD"]
// { "normal" , "keep" , "delete" }
// 0 1 2
// ----------------------------------------------
var FlagsBuffer = {}
// 3 main buffers per state (and later additional per target)
for(var i in System[GState]["states"]) {
FlagsBuffer[System[GState]["states"][i]] = {}
var corpusesList = {}
var MyTable;
var AjaxRecords = []
// + 1 for groups
GroupsBuffer = {}
// ----------------
// keeps track of seeGroup() opened frames
var vizopenGroup = {} ;
// (if currently this group is under modification)
// ngramId of mainform + oldSubNgramIds + newSubNgramIds
var activeGroup = {'now_mainform_id':undefined, 'were_mainforms':{}} ;
// -----------------
// D3.js: Interactive timerange variables.
var LineChart = dc.lineChart("#monthly-move-chart");
var volumeChart = dc.barChart("#monthly-volume-chart");
// volumeChart chart limits actualized on dc "filtered" event
var latest,oldest;
var TheBuffer = false
// width of the table in columns, updated after main
var tableSpan ;
// if "print portfolio" (TODO clarify use)
var corpusesList = {}
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
// Get all projects and corpuses of the user
function GetUserPortfolio() {
......@@ -250,29 +255,7 @@ function printCorpuses() {
// }
// }
var result = Main_test(sub_ngrams_data , NGrams["main"].scores.initial , "filter_all")
// var sub_ngrams_data = {
// "ngrams":[],
// "scores": $.extend({}, NGrams["main"].scores)
// }
// if(whichlist=="stop") {
// for(var r in results) {
// var a_ngram = results[r]
// a_ngram["state"] = System[0]["statesD"]["delete"]
// sub_ngrams_data["ngrams"].push( a_ngram )
// }
// var result = Main_test(sub_ngrams_data , NGrams["main"].scores.initial , "filter_stop-list")
// }
// if(whichlist=="miam") {
// for(var i in NGrams["main"].ngrams) {
// var local_ngram = NGrams["main"].ngrams[i]
// console.log( local_ngram )
// }
// var result = Main_test(sub_ngrams_data , NGrams["main"].scores.initial , "filter_all")
// }
var result = MainTableAndCharts(sub_ngrams_data , NGrams["main"].scores.initial , "filter_all")
......@@ -350,10 +333,10 @@ function Final_UpdateTable( action ) {
pr("\tfrom ["+dataini+"] to ["+datafin+"]")
TimeRange = []
for (var i in AjaxRecords) {
if(AjaxRecords[i].score>=dataini && AjaxRecords[i].score<=datafin){
// pr( AjaxRecords[i].date+" : "+AjaxRecords[i].id )
for (var ngramId in AjaxRecords) {
if(AjaxRecords[ngramId].score>=dataini && AjaxRecords[ngramId].score<=datafin){
// pr( AjaxRecords[ngramId].date+" : "+ngramId )
......@@ -377,209 +360,370 @@ function Final_UpdateTable( action ) {'dynatable').process();
function getRecord(rec_id) {
// return AjaxRecords[rec_id]
function getRecord(ngramId) {
// return AjaxRecords[ngramId]
function getRecords() {
function save_groups() {
var groupdiv = "#group_box"
var gcontent = groupdiv+"_content"
var count = 0
var mainform = -1
var writeflag = ($("#group_box_content").children('span').length>1)?true:false
$(gcontent).children('span').each(function () {
var nid = $(this).data("id");
if (count==0) {
if(writeflag) {
// AjaxRecords[nid].name += "*"
FlagsBuffer["group"][ nid ] = []
mainform = nid
AjaxRecords[nid].state = 1
var label = AjaxRecords[nid].name
AjaxRecords[nid].name = (label[0]=="*") ? label : ("*"+label)
} else {
AjaxRecords[nid].state = 0;
// var label = AjaxRecords[nid].name
// AjaxRecords[nid].name = (label[0] == '*') ? label.slice(1) :;
// ------------------
function saveActiveGroup() {
var mainform = activeGroup.now_mainform_id
// pr("saving mainform to GroupsBuffer: " + mainform)
// the new array to save is in now_links -------------
GroupsBuffer[mainform] = activeGroup.now_links
// ---------------------------------------------------
// also we prefix "*" to the name
AjaxRecords[mainform].name = "*" + AjaxRecords[mainform].name
// TODO check if necessary to update
// the previous mainforms that became subforms can't stay in the main records
for (downgradedNgramId in activeGroup.were_mainforms) {
if (downgradedNgramId != mainform) {
AjaxRecords[downgradedNgramId].state = -1
// they go to nodesmemory
// = AjaxRecords[downgradedNgramId]
// delete AjaxRecords[downgradedNgramId]
} else {
if(writeflag) {
FlagsBuffer["group"][ mainform ].push( nid )
AjaxRecords[nid].state = -1
// TODO posttest
// the previous "old" links are now in GroupsBuffer so from now on
// they'll be searched in AjaxRecords by updateActiveGroupInfo()
for (i in activeGroup.now_links) {
newLink = activeGroup.now_links[i] ;
if (activeGroup.ngraminfo[newLink].origin == 'old' || activeGroup.ngraminfo[newLink].origin == 'oldnew') {
// new AjaxRecords entry from nodesmemory
AjaxRecords[newLink] =[newLink]
// console.log('oldLinkThatBecameNew: '+AjaxRecords[newLink].name)
// clean group modification zone and buffer
function cancel_groups() {
var groupdiv = "#group_box"
var gcontent = groupdiv+"_content"
$(gcontent).children('span').each(function () {
var nid = $(this).data("id");
AjaxRecords[nid].state = 0
var label = AjaxRecords[nid].name
AjaxRecords[nid].name = (label[0] == '*') ? label.slice(1) : label;
function removeActiveGroup() {
// erases now_links and restores empty activeGroup global cache
activeGroup = {'now_mainform_id':undefined, 'were_mainforms':{}} ;
// remove the entire top row that was used as group modification zone
// we also close the open sublists in case some of them don't exist any more
vizopenGroup = {}'dynatable').dom.update();
function add2groupdiv( elem_id ) {
$('<span/>', {
"data-stuff": elem_id,
title: 'Click to remove',
text: AjaxRecords[elem_id].name,
css: {
"border": "1px solid blue",
"margin": "3px",
"padding": "3px",
// for click open/close
function toggleSeeGroup(plusicon, ngramId) {
// when already open => we close
if (ngramId in vizopenGroup) {
$("#subforms-"+ngramId).remove() ;
delete vizopenGroup[ngramId] ;
plusicon.classList.remove('glyphicon-triangle-bottom') ;
plusicon.classList.add('glyphicon-triangle-right') ;
.click(function() {
// if nothing in group div, then remove it
if( $("#group_box_content").children().length==0 ) {
else {
var subNgramHtml = seeGroup(ngramId) ;
// we target the html in the mainform term's box
$( "#box-"+ngramId).append(subNgramHtml) ;
// change icon
plusicon.classList.remove('glyphicon-triangle-right') ;
plusicon.classList.add('glyphicon-triangle-bottom') ;
AjaxRecords[elem_id].state=3;// 3: "group" state
// new
function add2group ( elem ) {
if( $("#group_box").length==0 ) {
var div_name = "#my-ajax-table > thead > tr > th:nth-child(1)"
var prctg = $(div_name).width()// / $(div_name).parent().width() * 100;
var group_html = ' <span class="group_box" style="max-width:'+prctg+'px;" id="group_box">'+'\n';
group_html += ' <span class="group_box content" id="group_box_content"></span>'+'\n';
group_html += ' </span>'+'\n';
group_html += ' <span id="group_flag"></span>'+'\n';
$(group_html).insertAfter( "#my-ajax-table > thead" )
$("#group_flag").append ('<span onclick="save_groups()"> [ Ok</span> - <span onclick="cancel_groups()">No ] </span>')
* shows the ngrams grouped under this ngram
* called at 'plusicon click' via toggleSeeGroup()
* or at table rows rewriting via transformContent()
* @param ngramId (of the mainform)
function seeGroup ( ngramId ) {
// 1/7 create new element container
var subNgramHtml = $('<p class="note">') ;
subNgramHtml.attr("id", "subforms-"+ngramId) ;
subNgramHtml.css("line-height", 1.2) ;
subNgramHtml.css('margin-left','.3em') ;
subNgramHtml.css("margin-top", '.5em') ;
// 2/7 attach flag open to global state register
vizopenGroup[ngramId] = true ;
// 3/7 retrieve names of the original (from DB) grouped ngrams
var oldlinksNames = [] ;
if( ngramId in ) {
for (var i in[ngramId]) {
var subNgramId =[ngramId][i] ;
oldlinksNames[i] =[subNgramId].name
var elem_id = $( elem ).data("stuff")
add2groupdiv( elem_id )
if( FlagsBuffer["group"][ AjaxRecords[elem_id].id ] ) {
for(var i in FlagsBuffer["group"][ AjaxRecords[elem_id].id ] ) {
var nodeid = FlagsBuffer["group"][ AjaxRecords[elem_id].id ][i]
add2groupdiv ( nodeid )
// 4/7 retrieve names of the newly created grouped ngrams
var newlinksNames = [] ;
if( ngramId in GroupsBuffer ) {
for(var i in GroupsBuffer[ ngramId ] ) {
var subNgramId = GroupsBuffer[ ngramId ][i] ;
newlinksNames[i] = AjaxRecords[subNgramId].name
delete FlagsBuffer["group"][ AjaxRecords[elem_id].id ]
// 5/7 create the "tree" from the names, as html lines
var htmlMiniTree = drawSublist(oldlinksNames.concat(newlinksNames))
// 6/7 add a "modify group" button
var changeGroupsButton = '<button style="float:right"' ;
changeGroupsButton += 'onclick="modifyGroup('+ngramId+')">' ;
changeGroupsButton += 'modify group' ;
changeGroupsButton += '</button>' ;
subNgramHtml.append(changeGroupsButton) ;
// 7/7 return html snippet (ready for rendering)
* click red, click keep, click normal...
* @param elem - the table row that contains the term cell
* Creates an "ASCIIart" tree from subforms names
* Exemple:
* ├── bee
* ├── honey bee
* └── honey bees
function clickngram_action ( elem ) {
// local id
var elem_id = $( elem ).data("stuff") ;
// console.log("click: state before: "+ AjaxRecords[elem_id].state) ;
function drawSublist (linkNamesArray) {
var sublistHtml = "" ;
var last_i = linkNamesArray.length - 1 ;
for(var i in linkNamesArray) {
var subNgramName = linkNamesArray[i] ;
if (i != last_i) {
sublistHtml += ' ├─── ' + subNgramName + '<br>' ;
else {
sublistHtml += ' └─── ' + subNgramName ;
return sublistHtml
// cycle the statuses (omitting status 3 = group)
AjaxRecords[elem_id].state = (AjaxRecords[elem_id].state==(System[0]["states"].length-2))?0:(AjaxRecords[elem_id].state+1);
function drawActiveSublist (tgtElementId, linkIdsArray, ngInfos) {
var sublistHtml = "" ;
var last_i = linkIdsArray.length - 1 ;
for(var i in linkIdsArray) {
var subNgramId = linkIdsArray[i] ;
if (i != last_i) {
sublistHtml += ' ├── ' + subformSpan(ngInfos[subNgramId]) + '<br>' ;
else {
sublistHtml += ' └── ' + subformSpan(ngInfos[subNgramId]) ;
// State <=> term color <=> checked colums
// write html
// console.log("\n\nRECORD visible on click --- " + JSON.stringify(AjaxRecords[elem_id])) ;
// makes each subform's html
function subformSpan( subNgramInfo ) {
// each item is a new ngram under the group
span = $('<span/>', {
id: 'active-subform-' +
if (subNgramInfo.origin == 'old') {
else if (subNgramInfo.origin == 'new' || subNgramInfo.origin == 'oldnew'){
// £TODO remove Button has a bug when mainform doesn't reappear in its row
// var removeButton = '&nbsp;<span class="note glyphicon glyphicon-minus-sign"'
// removeButton += ' onclick="removeSubform('+ +')"></span>'
// span.append(removeButton)
var ngramId = AjaxRecords[elem_id].id ;
function removeSubform(ngramId) {
if (activeGroup.now_links.length == 1) {
else {
var i = activeGroup.now_links.indexOf(ngramId)
// if (activeGroup.ngraminfo[ngramId].origin == 'new') {
// AjaxRecords[ngramId].state = 0 ;
// }
// console.log("click: state after: "+ AjaxRecords[elem_id].state) ;
// redraw active group_box_content
// and update'dynatable').dom.update();
* Works for ulWriter. Connects a record's state with table UI outcome.
* @param rec_id - the local id for this ngram record in AjaxRecords
function transformContent(rec_id) {
// debug
// console.log("\nFUN transformContent() !!!!")
var ngram_info = AjaxRecords[rec_id];
function modifyGroup ( mainFormNgramId ) {
// create modification dialog
var group_html = ' <tr class="group_box" id="group_box">\n';
group_html += ' <td colspan='+tableSpan+'>\n';
// mainform
group_html += ' <p id="group_box_mainform">\n';
group_html += ' '+subformSpan(AjaxRecords[mainFormNgramId])+'\n'
group_html += ' <br> │<br>';
group_html += ' </p>\n';
// sublist
group_html += ' <p id="group_box_content"></p>\n';
// save/cancel buttons
group_html += ' <p id="activeGroupButtons"></p>\n';
group_html += ' </td>\n';
group_html += ' </tr>\n';
$( "#my-ajax-table > thead" ).append(group_html)
// Ok - No
var cancelGroupButton = '<button onclick="removeActiveGroup()">' ;
cancelGroupButton += 'cancel' ;
cancelGroupButton += '</button>' ;
var tempoSaveGroupButton = '<button onclick="saveActiveGroup()">' ;
tempoSaveGroupButton += 'finish' ;
tempoSaveGroupButton += '</button>' ;
// set global 'grouping in progress' states
GState = 1 ;
activeGroup.now_mainform_id = mainFormNgramId ;
activeGroup.were_mainforms[mainFormNgramId] = true ;
activeGroup.now_links = [] ;
activeGroup.ngraminfo = {} ; // standard rec info + 'origin' property
// add relevant information from old & new links to activeGroup.now_links
updateActiveGroupInfo (mainFormNgramId, false)
// groupBox rendering
// ex: ngram_info = {
// "id":2349,"name":"failure","score":1,"flag":false,
// "group_plus":true,"group_blocked":false,"state":0
// }'dynatable').dom.update();
// console.log(
// "transformContent got ngram_info no " + rec_id + ": "
// + JSON.stringify(ngram_info)
// )
// result {} contains instanciated column html for dynatables
var result = {}
var atts = System[0]["dict"][ System[0]["states"][ngram_info.state] ]
// avec System[0]["dict"] contenant {"normal":{"id":"normal","name":"Normal","color":"black"},"delete":{"id":"delete","name":"Delete","color":"red"}...}
var plus_event = ""
// add new ngramid (and any present subforms) to currently modified group
function add2group ( ngramId ) {
console.log("FUN add2group(" + AjaxRecords[ngramId].name + ")")
// GState = 1 if previously had add_group
// it influences state lookup
if(GState==0 && ngram_info.state!=System[0]["statesD"]["delete"] ) // if deleted, no + button
plus_event = " <a class=\"plusclass\" onclick=\"add2group(this.parentNode.parentNode)\">(+)</a>"
if(GState==1 ) {
if(ngram_info.state!=System[0]["statesD"]["delete"] && ngram_info.state!=System[0]["statesD"]["group"]) { // if deleted and already group, no Up button
plus_event = " <a class=\"plusclass\" onclick=\"add2group(this.parentNode.parentNode)\">(▲)</a>"
var toOther = true ;
activeGroup.were_mainforms[ngramId] = true ;
if (GState == 1) {
// add this mainform as a new subform
activeGroup.ngraminfo[ngramId] = AjaxRecords[ngramId]
activeGroup.ngraminfo[ngramId].origin = 'new'
// also add all its subforms as new subforms
updateActiveGroupInfo (ngramId, toOther)
// redraw active group_box_content
else {
console.warn("ADD2GROUP but no active group")
// uncomment if column ngramId (here and in Main_test)
result["ngramId"] = ngram_info["id"] ;
// uncomment if column state (here and in Main_test)
// result["state"] = AjaxRecords[rec_id].state
* subforms from DB have their info in a separate
* so here and in saveActiveGroup we need to take it into account
* TODO: remove this mecanism
* @param ngramId
* @param toOtherMainform = flag if ngram was a subform of another mainform
* @param (global) activeGroup = current state struct of modify group dialog
function updateActiveGroupInfo (ngramId, toOtherMainform) {
// console.log("FUN updateActiveGroupInfo(" + AjaxRecords[ngramId].name + ")")
// console.log(activeGroup)
// -------------------------------------------
// check box state columns 'will_be_map' and 'will_be_stop'
// fill active link info
if( ngramId in ) {
for (var i in[ngramId]) {
var subId =[ngramId][i] ;
// ----------- old links (already in DB)
activeGroup.ngraminfo[subId] =[subId]
activeGroup.ngraminfo[subId].origin = toOtherMainform ? 'oldnew' : 'old'
if( ngramId in GroupsBuffer ) {
for(var i in GroupsBuffer[ ngramId ] ) {
var subId = GroupsBuffer[ ngramId ][i] ;
// ----------- new links (not in DB)
activeGroup.ngraminfo[subId] = AjaxRecords[subId]
activeGroup.ngraminfo[subId].origin = 'new'
map_flag = (AjaxRecords[rec_id].state == 1) ; // 1 = System[0]["statesD"]["keep"]
stop_flag = (AjaxRecords[rec_id].state == 2) ; // 2 = System[0]["statesD"]["delete"]
// ----------------------------
result["will_be_map"] = '<input type="checkbox" onclick="checkBox(\'keep\',this.parentNode.parentNode)" '
result["will_be_stop"] = '<input type="checkbox" onclick="checkBox(\'delete\', this.parentNode.parentNode)" '
// possible todo: 3 way switch ??
// par exemple
// -------------------------------------------
* click red, click keep, click normal...
* @param ngramId - the record's id
function clickngram_action ( ngramId ) {
// cycle the statuses (0 => 1 => 2 => 0 => etc) (we are omitting status 3 = group)
AjaxRecords[ngramId].state = (AjaxRecords[ngramId].state==(System[0]["states"].length-2))?0:(AjaxRecords[ngramId].state+1);
// (ex: "normal" or "delete" etc)
result["score"] = '<span class="''">'+ngram_info["score"]+'</span>'
result["name"] = "<span class=\""
"\" onclick=\"clickngram_action(this.parentNode.parentNode)\">"+ngram_info["name"]+"</span>"+
return result;
// State <=> term color <=> checked colums
// console.log("click: state after: "+ AjaxRecords[ngramId].state) ;'dynatable').dom.update();
......@@ -587,17 +731,13 @@ function transformContent(rec_id) {
* Click on a checkbox in a row
* @boxType : 'keep' or 'delete' (resp. maplist and stoplist)
* @elem : entire element row with attribute 'data-stuff' (= rec_id)
* @ngramId : corresponding record's id for record.state modifications
function checkBox(boxType, elem) {
console.log ('CLICK on check box') ;
var elemId = elem.getAttribute("data-stuff") ;
var ngramId = AjaxRecords[elemId].id ;
var currentState = AjaxRecords[elemId].state ;
// alert('ELEMENT: ' + elemId + '\n'
// + 'NGRAM: ' + ngramId + '\n'
function checkBox(boxType, ngramId) {
// console.log ('CLICK on check box (ngramId = '+ngramId+')') ;
var currentState = AjaxRecords[ngramId].state ;
// alert('NGRAM: ' + ngramId + '\n'
// + 'CURRENT STATE: ' + currentState) ;
// find out which box
......@@ -614,11 +754,133 @@ function checkBox(boxType, elem) {
targetState = 0 ;
// set old state and color
AjaxRecords[elemId].state = targetState ;
// replace old state and color
AjaxRecords[ngramId].state = targetState ;'dynatable').dom.update();
// ------------------------
* Works for ulWriter. Connects a record's state with table UI outcome.
* @param ngramId - the id for this ngram record in AjaxRecords
* Returns <tr> contents: an array of html contents to be each injected (by
* dynatable) into respective <td> cells of the row
function transformContent(ngramId) {
var ngram_info = AjaxRecords[ngramId];
// ex: ngram_info = {
// "id":2349,"name":"failure","score":1,"flag":false,
// "group_exists":false,"state":0
// }
// result will contain instanciated cell html for each column in dynatable
var result = {}
// debug
// ------
// console.log(
// "transformContent got ngram_info no " + ngramId + ": "
// + JSON.stringify(ngram_info)
// )
var atts = System[0]["dict"][ System[0]["states"][ngram_info.state] ]
// avec System[0]["dict"] contenant {"normal":{"id":"normal","name":"Normal","color":"black"},"delete":{"id":"delete","name":"Delete","color":"red"}...}
// -------------------------------------------
// prerequisite
var plus_event = ""
// define "plus_event" symbol depending on "grouping" status
// normal situation: button allows to see group contents
if(GState==0) {
var plusicon = '' ;
if (ngram_info["id"] in vizopenGroup) {
plusicon = "glyphicon-triangle-bottom"
} else {
plusicon = "glyphicon-triangle-right"
if (ngram_info.group_exists) {
plus_event = '<span class="note glyphicon '+plusicon+'"'
} else {
plus_event = '<span class="note glyphicon '+plusicon+' greyed"'
plus_event += ' onclick="toggleSeeGroup(this, '+ ngramId +')"></span>'
// GState = 1 situation: button allows to add to active group
// (if previously had add2group button clicked)
if(GState==1 ) {
if(ngram_info.state!=System[0]["statesD"]["delete"] && ! GroupsBuffer[ngramId]) { // if deleted and already group, no Up button
plus_event = '<span class="note glyphicon glyphicon-plus"'
plus_event += ' color="#FF530D"'
plus_event += ' onclick="add2group('+ ngramId +')"></span>'
// -------------------------------------------
// score and name column cells
// -------------------------------------------
// <td> score </td> (ex: "normal" or "delete" etc)
result["score"] = '<span class="''">'+ngram_info["score"]+'</span>\n'
// <td> name </td> aka "ngrambox"
result["name"] = '<div class="ngrambox" id="box-'+ngram_info["id"]+'">\n'
if (ngram_info["id"] != activeGroup.now_mainform_id && !(ngram_info["id"] in activeGroup.were_mainforms)) {
result["name"] += plus_event + '\n'
result["name"] += '<span title="'+ngram_info["id"]+'" class="''" '
result["name"] += 'onclick="clickngram_action('+ngram_info["id"]+')">'
result["name"] += ngram_info["name"] + '\n'
result["name"] += '</span>\n'
// if curently open we also add #subforms p with the sublist
if (ngram_info["id"] in vizopenGroup) {
result["name"] += seeGroup(ngram_info["id"])[0].outerHTML ;
result["name"] += '</div>\n'
// -------------------------------------------
// other optional column cells
// uncomment if column ngramId (here and in MainTableAndCharts)
// result["ngramId"] = ngram_info["id"] ;
// uncomment if column state (here and in MainTableAndCharts)
// result["state"] = AjaxRecords[ngramId].state
// -------------------------------------------
// 2 cells for check box state columns
// ('will_be_map' and 'will_be_stop')
map_flag = (AjaxRecords[ngramId].state == 1) ; // 1 = System[0]["statesD"]["keep"]
stop_flag = (AjaxRecords[ngramId].state == 2) ; // 2 = System[0]["statesD"]["delete"]
// <td> checkbox 1 </td>
result["will_be_map"] = '<input type="checkbox" '+(map_flag?'checked ':'')
result["will_be_map"] += 'onclick=\'checkBox("keep",this.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute("ngram-id"))\'>'
result["will_be_map"] += '</input>'
// <td> checkbox 2 </td>
result["will_be_stop"] = '<input type="checkbox" '+(stop_flag?'checked ':'')
result["will_be_stop"] += 'onclick=\'checkBox("delete",this.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute("ngram-id"))\'>'
result["will_be_stop"] += '</input>'
// possible todo: 3 way switch ??
// par exemple
// --------------------------------------------
// {"name":tdcontent1, "score":tdcontent2, ...}
return result;
* "generic enough"
......@@ -628,8 +890,7 @@ function checkBox(boxType, elem) {
* @param rowIndex: int i++
* @param record: { "id":1793,"name":"planet","score":1,"flag":false,
* "group_plus":true,"group_blocked":false,
* "state":0}
* "group_exists":false, "state":0}
* @param columns: constant array
* (with column template for cellWriter)
* (auto-built from html <thead> elements)
......@@ -662,25 +923,23 @@ function ulWriter(rowIndex, record, columns, cellWriter) {
cp_rec = transformContent(
// -----------------------------------------------------
// console.log("cp_rec" + JSON.stringify(cp_rec))
// console.log("\n----\nrecord" + JSON.stringify(record))
// grab the record's attribute for each column
for (var i = 0, len = columns.length; i < len; i++) {
tr += cellWriter(columns[i], cp_rec);
return '<tr data-stuff=''>' + tr + '</tr>';
return '<tr ngram-id=''>' + tr + '</tr>';
// --------------------------
* SelectAll: toggle all checkboxes in a column by changing their list in System
* Toggle all checkboxes in a column by changing their list in System
* @boxType : 'keep' or 'delete' (resp. maplist and stoplist)
* @elem : entire element row with attribute 'data-stuff' (= rec_id)
* @elem : entire element row with attribute 'ngram-id' (= ngramId)
* 2016-01-12: new version without the old Delete|Keep radio choice
* 2016-01-26: new version with 3-state boxes:
* 3-state boxes:
* - indeterminate (SOME del SOME map SOME normal) = original state
* - check (ALL del or map)
* - uncheck (NONE --- " ---)
......@@ -690,9 +949,9 @@ function ulWriter(rowIndex, record, columns, cellWriter) {
* of each commanded ngrams (map, stop, miam)
function SelectAll(boxType, boxElem) {
function SelectPage(boxType, boxElem) {
// debug
// console.log("\nFUN SelectAll()")
// console.log("\nFUN SelectPage()")
// real checkAll flags : SOME|ALL|NONE
var previousColumnSelection = $(boxElem).data("columnSelection") ;
......@@ -700,13 +959,13 @@ function SelectAll(boxType, boxElem) {
// we will also need the other "checkall box"
// - to uncheck "delete" when we check "map" & vice-versa
// - to make them both "indeterminate" when we restore buffered original state
// - to prevent buffering if the second column is already buffered
// - to make them both "indeterminate" when we restore cached original state
// - to prevent cacheing if the second column is already cached
if (boxType == 'keep') { otherBoxId = "delAll" ; }
else { otherBoxId = "mapAll" ; }
// did we already buffer original states ?
var columnBufferExists = null ;
// did we already cache original states ?
var columnCacheExists = null ;
// console.log("-------------INCOMING----------------")
// console.log(
......@@ -719,16 +978,16 @@ function SelectAll(boxType, boxElem) {
switch (previousColumnSelection) {
case 'ALL':
newColumnSelection = "NONE" ;
columnBufferExists = true ;
columnCacheExists = true ;
break ;
case 'NONE':
newColumnSelection = "SOME" ;
columnBufferExists = true ;
columnCacheExists = true ;
break ;
case 'SOME':
newColumnSelection = "ALL" ;
// probably no buffer, except if other column was set
columnBufferExists = ($("input#"+otherBoxId).data('columnSelection') != 'SOME') ;
// probably no cache, except if other column was set
columnCacheExists = ($("input#"+otherBoxId).data('columnSelection') != 'SOME') ;
break ;
default: alert('invalid flag for columnSelection');
......@@ -790,22 +1049,21 @@ function SelectAll(boxType, boxElem) {
// console.log("data became:" + newColumnSelection)
$("tbody tr").each(function (i, row) {
var rec_id = $(row).data('stuff'); // ids for old state system
//var ngramId = AjaxRecords[rec_id].id; // for future by ngramId
var ngramId = $(row).attr("ngram-id") ;
// a buffer to restore previous states if unchecked
if (!columnBufferExists) {
AjaxRecords[rec_id]["state_buff"] = AjaxRecords[rec_id]["state"] ;
// a cache to restore previous states if unchecked
if (!columnCacheExists) {
AjaxRecords[ngramId]["state_buff"] = AjaxRecords[ngramId]["state"] ;
if (stateId != null) {
// check all with the requested change
AjaxRecords[rec_id]["state"] = stateId ;
AjaxRecords[ngramId]["state"] = stateId ;
else {
// restore previous states, remove buffer
AjaxRecords[rec_id]["state"] = AjaxRecords[rec_id]["state_buff"] ;
AjaxRecords[rec_id]["state_buff"] = null ;
// restore previous states, remove cache
AjaxRecords[ngramId]["state"] = AjaxRecords[ngramId]["state_buff"] ;
AjaxRecords[ngramId]["state_buff"] = null ;
......@@ -817,6 +1075,37 @@ function SelectAll(boxType, boxElem) {
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------
for(var id in AjaxRecords)
AjaxRecords[id]["state"] = 0;
for(var i in FlagsBuffer)
for(var j in FlagsBuffer[i])
delete FlagsBuffer[i][j];
// $("#Clean_All, #Save_All").attr( "disabled", "disabled" );
// -----------------------------
// Save changes to all corpusA-lists
function SaveLocalChanges() {
console.log("\nFUN SaveLocalChanges()")
......@@ -830,22 +1119,22 @@ function SaveLocalChanges() {
FlagsBuffer["inmap"] = {}
for(var id in AjaxRecords) {
if( NGrams["map"][ AjaxRecords[id]["id"] ] ) {
if( NGrams["map"][ id ] ) {
if(AjaxRecords[id]["state"]==System[0]["statesD"]["normal"] || AjaxRecords[id]["state"]==System[0]["statesD"]["delete"]) {
FlagsBuffer["outmap"][ AjaxRecords[id].id ] = true
FlagsBuffer["outmap"][ id ] = true
if(AjaxRecords[id]["state"]==System[0]["statesD"]["delete"]) {
FlagsBuffer["delete"][AjaxRecords[id].id] = true
FlagsBuffer["delete"][id] = true
if(FlagsBuffer["group"][AjaxRecords[id].id] && AjaxRecords[id]["state"]==System[0]["statesD"]["keep"]) {
FlagsBuffer["inmap"][ AjaxRecords[id].id ] = true
if(GroupsBuffer[id] && AjaxRecords[id]["state"]==System[0]["statesD"]["keep"]) {
FlagsBuffer["inmap"][ id ] = true
} else {
if(AjaxRecords[id]["state"]==System[0]["statesD"]["keep"]) {
FlagsBuffer["inmap"][ AjaxRecords[id].id ] = true
FlagsBuffer["inmap"][ id ] = true
if(AjaxRecords[id]["state"]==System[0]["statesD"]["delete"]) {
FlagsBuffer["delete"][AjaxRecords[id].id] = true
FlagsBuffer["delete"][id] = true
......@@ -862,8 +1151,8 @@ function SaveLocalChanges() {
if(FlagsBuffer["inmap"][i]) {
for(var j in FlagsBuffer["group"][i] ) {
FlagsBuffer["outmap"][FlagsBuffer["group"][i][j]] = true
for(var j in GroupsBuffer[i] ) {
FlagsBuffer["outmap"][GroupsBuffer[i][j]] = true
......@@ -876,7 +1165,7 @@ function SaveLocalChanges() {
var nodes_2del = Object.keys(FlagsBuffer["delete"]).map(Number) // main => stop
var nodes_2keep = Object.keys(FlagsBuffer["keep"]).map(Number) // ??? stop => main ???
var nodes_2group = $.extend({}, FlagsBuffer["group"])
var nodes_2group = $.extend({}, GroupsBuffer)
var nodes_2inmap = $.extend({}, FlagsBuffer["inmap"]) // add to map
var nodes_2outmap = $.extend({}, FlagsBuffer["outmap"]) // remove from map
......@@ -899,14 +1188,13 @@ function SaveLocalChanges() {
var mainlist_id = $("#mainlist_id").val()
var maplist_id = $("#maplist_id" ).val()
var stoplist_id = $("#stoplist_id" ).val()
var groupnode_id = $("#groups_id" ).val()
// var corpus_id = getIDFromURL( "corpora" )
// CRUD( list_id , "" , Object.keys(FlagsBuffer["inmap"]).map(Number) , [] , "PUT", function(result) {
// console.log( result )
// });
// The AJAX CRUDs in cascade:
$("#Save_All").append('<img width="8%" src="/static/img/ajax-loader.gif"></img>')
......@@ -915,6 +1203,7 @@ function SaveLocalChanges() {
// add some ngrams to maplist
function CRUD_1_AddMap() {
console.log("===> AJAX CRUD1 AddMap <===\n") ;
CRUD( maplist_id , Object.keys(nodes_2inmap), "PUT" , function(success) {
if (success) {
CRUD_2_RmMap() // chained AJAX 1 -> 2
......@@ -926,6 +1215,7 @@ function SaveLocalChanges() {
// remove some ngrams from maplist
function CRUD_2_RmMap() {
console.log("===> AJAX CRUD2 RmMap <===\n") ;
CRUD( maplist_id , Object.keys(nodes_2outmap), "DELETE" , function(success) {
if (success) {
CRUD_3_AddStopRmMain() // chained AJAX 2 -> 3
......@@ -938,6 +1228,7 @@ function SaveLocalChanges() {
// 2 operations going together: add ngrams to stoplist and remove them from mainlist
function CRUD_3_AddStopRmMain() {
console.log("===> AJAX CRUD3a+b AddStopRmMain <===\n") ;
CRUD( stoplist_id , nodes_2del, "PUT" , function(success) {
if (success) {
// console.log("OK CRUD 3a add stop")
......@@ -957,33 +1248,20 @@ function SaveLocalChanges() {
// TODO add to groups
// add to groups reading data from GroupsBuffer
function CRUD_4() {
window.location.reload() // refresh whole page if all OK
console.log("===> AJAX CRUD4 RewriteGroups <===\n") ;
GROUPCRUD(groupnode_id, GroupsBuffer, function(success) {
if (success) {
window.location.reload() // all 4 CRUDs OK => refresh whole page
for(var id in AjaxRecords)
AjaxRecords[id]["state"] = 0;
for(var i in FlagsBuffer)
for(var j in FlagsBuffer[i])
delete FlagsBuffer[i][j];
// $("#Clean_All, #Save_All").attr( "disabled", "disabled" );
else {
console.warn('CRUD error on ngrams add to group node ('+groupings_id+')')
}) ;
} // end of SaveLocalChanges
// For list modifications (add/delete), all http-requests
function CRUD( list_id , ngram_ids , http_method , callback) {
......@@ -991,7 +1269,7 @@ function CRUD( list_id , ngram_ids , http_method , callback) {
var the_url = window.location.origin+"/api/ngramlists/change?list="+list_id+"&ngrams="+ngram_ids.join(",");
// debug
// console.log("starting CRUD AJAX => URL: " + the_url + " (" + http_method + ")")
// console.log(" ajax target: " + the_url + " (" + http_method + ")")
if(ngram_ids.length>0) {
......@@ -1010,7 +1288,7 @@ function CRUD( list_id , ngram_ids , http_method , callback) {
error: function(result) {
console.log("-- CRUD ----------")
console.log("Data not found in #Save_All");
console.log("AJAX Error on " + http_method + " " + the_url);
......@@ -1018,7 +1296,41 @@ function CRUD( list_id , ngram_ids , http_method , callback) {
} else callback(true);
// For group modifications (POST: {mainformA: [subformsA1,A2,A3], mainformB:..})
function GROUPCRUD( groupnode_id , post_data , callback) {
// ngramlists/change?node_id=42&ngram_ids=1,2
var the_url = window.location.origin+"/api/ngramlists/groups?node="+groupnode_id;
// debug
// console.log(" ajax target: " + the_url + " (" + http_method + ")")
method: 'POST',
url: the_url,
data: post_data, // currently all data explicitly in the url (like a GET)
beforeSend: function(xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-CSRFToken", getCookie("csrftoken"));
success: function(data){
console.log("-- GROUPCRUD ----------")
console.log("POST ok!!")
error: function(result) {
console.log("-- GROUPCRUD ----------")
console.log("AJAX Error on POST " + the_url);
......@@ -1037,20 +1349,20 @@ function CRUD( list_id , ngram_ids , http_method , callback) {
* @param initial: initial score type "occs" or "tfidf"
* @param search_filter: eg 'filter_all' (see SearchFilters.MODE)
function Main_test( data , initial , search_filter) {
function MainTableAndCharts( data , initial , search_filter) {
// debug
// alert("refresh main")
console.log(" = = = = MAIN_TEST: = = = = ")
console.log(" = = = = MainTableAndCharts: = = = = ")
console.log("initial:") //
console.log("search_filter:") // eg 'filter_all'
console.log(" = = = = / MAIN_TEST: = = = = ")
console.log(" = = = = / MainTableAndCharts: = = = = ")
// Expected infos in "data.ngrams" should have the form:
......@@ -1071,7 +1383,7 @@ function Main_test( data , initial , search_filter) {
var arrayd3 = []
// div_table += "\t"+"\t"+"\t"+'<input type="checkbox" id="multiple_selection" onclick="SelectAll(this);" /> Select'+"\n"
// div_table += "\t"+"\t"+"\t"+'<input type="checkbox" id="multiple_selection" onclick="SelectPage(this);" /> Select'+"\n"
......@@ -1085,10 +1397,10 @@ function Main_test( data , initial , search_filter) {
// Any <th> defined here will end up in the 'columns' arg of ulWriter
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// uncomment for column ngramId (here and in transformContent - l553)
div_table += "\t"+"\t"+'<th data-dynatable-column="ngramId" style="background-color:grey">ngramId</th>'+"\n";
// uncomment for column ngramId (here and in transformContent - l.577)
// div_table += "\t"+"\t"+'<th data-dynatable-column="ngramId" style="background-color:grey">ngramId</th>'+"\n";
// uncomment for column stateId (here and in transformContent)
// uncomment for column stateId (here and in transformContent - l.580)
// div_table += "\t"+"\t"+'<th data-dynatable-column="state" style="background-color:grey">State</th>'+"\n" ;
div_table += "\t"+"\t"+'<th data-dynatable-column="name">Terms</th>'+"\n";
......@@ -1103,7 +1415,7 @@ function Main_test( data , initial , search_filter) {
+ 'Map'
+ '<p class="note">'
+ '<input type="checkbox" id="mapAll"'
+ ' onclick="SelectAll(\'keep\',this)" title="Check to select all currently visible terms"></input>'
+ ' onclick="SelectPage(\'keep\',this)" title="Check to select all currently visible terms"></input>'
+ '<label>All</label>'
+ '</p>'
+ '</th>'+"\n" ;
......@@ -1115,7 +1427,7 @@ function Main_test( data , initial , search_filter) {
+ 'Del'
+ '<p class="note">'
+ '<input type="checkbox" id="delAll"'
+ ' onclick="SelectAll(\'delete\',this)" title="Check to select all currently visible terms"></input>'
+ ' onclick="SelectPage(\'delete\',this)" title="Check to select all currently visible terms"></input>'
+ '<label>All</label>'
+ '</p>'
+ '</th>'+"\n" ;
......@@ -1128,6 +1440,8 @@ function Main_test( data , initial , search_filter) {
div_table += '</p>';
// width of the table in columns
tableSpan = $("#div-table th").length ;
// indeterminate: only visual
$('#delAll').prop("indeterminate", true)
......@@ -1153,20 +1467,18 @@ function Main_test( data , initial , search_filter) {
// console.log(data.ngrams[i])
var le_ngram = data.ngrams[id] ;
// INIT records
// one record <=> one line in the table + ngram states
var rec_info = {
"id" :,
"score": le_ngram.score,
"group_plus": true,
"group_blocked": false,
// "state": 0,
// "state": 0
"state": (le_ngram.state)?le_ngram.state:0,
// rl: 2 new columns showing 'state == map' and 'state == del'
"will_be_map": null,
"will_be_stop": null
// properties enabling to see old and new groups
"group_exists": ( in || in GroupsBuffer),
// AjaxRecords.push(rec_info)
AjaxRecords[id] = rec_info
......@@ -1321,11 +1633,10 @@ function Main_test( data , initial , search_filter) {'dynatable').process();
// hook on page change
MyTable.bind('dynatable:page:set', function(){
// we visually uncheck both 'all' boxes
$('input#mapAll').attr('checked', false);
$('input#delAll').attr('checked', false);
MyTable.bind('dynatable:page:set', tidyAfterPageSetUpdate)
// hook on any type of update
MyTable.bind('dynatable:afterUpdate', tidyAfterUpdate)
// // // $("#score_column_id").children()[0].text = FirstScore
// // // //'dynatable').process();
......@@ -1349,7 +1660,7 @@ function SearchFilters( elem ) {
var MODE = elem.value;
if( MODE == "filter_all") {
var result = Main_test( NGrams["main"] , NGrams["main"].scores.initial , MODE)
var result = MainTableAndCharts( NGrams["main"] , NGrams["main"].scores.initial , MODE)
console.log( result )'dynatable').sorts.clear();
......@@ -1373,7 +1684,7 @@ function SearchFilters( elem ) {
var result = Main_test(sub_ngrams_data , NGrams["main"].scores.initial , MODE)
var result = MainTableAndCharts(sub_ngrams_data , NGrams["main"].scores.initial , MODE)
console.log( result )
//'dynatable').sorts.add('score', 0) // 1=ASCENDING,
......@@ -1397,13 +1708,87 @@ function SearchFilters( elem ) {
sub_ngrams_data["ngrams"].push( a_ngram )
var result = Main_test(sub_ngrams_data , NGrams["main"].scores.initial , MODE)
var result = MainTableAndCharts(sub_ngrams_data , NGrams["main"].scores.initial , MODE)
console.log( result )
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
* tidyAfterUpdate:
* -----------
* Here we clean all our vars that become obsolete when any update occurs
* (this function is bound to the dynatable event "dynatable:afterUpdate")
function tidyAfterUpdate(event) {
// debug:
// console.log("event") ;
// console.log(event) ;
// currently nothing to do
* tidyAfterPageSet:
* -------------
* Here we clean vars that become obsolete not at all updates, but only
* when page changes (bound to the dynatable event "dynatable:page:set")
function tidyAfterPageSetUpdate() {
// (1)
// SelectPage keeps cache of column states but
// a new page is new ngrams in their own lists
// we visually uncheck both 'all' boxes
$('input#delAll').attr('checked', false);
$('input#mapAll').attr('checked', false);
// indeterminate: only visual
$('#delAll').prop("indeterminate", true)
$('#mapAll').prop("indeterminate", true)
// real checkAll states : SOME|ALL|NONE
$('#delAll').data("columnSelection", 'SOME')
$('#mapAll').data("columnSelection", 'SOME')
// (2)
// page change must've closed all group's minilists so we blank open states
vizopenGroup = {}
function pr(msg) {
function getCookie(name) {
var cookieValue = null;
if (document.cookie && document.cookie != '') {
var cookies = document.cookie.split(';');
for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
var cookie = jQuery.trim(cookies[i]);
// Does this cookie string begin with the name we want?
if (cookie.substring(0, name.length + 1) == (name + '=')) {
cookieValue = decodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(name.length + 1));
return cookieValue;
function getIDFromURL( item ) {
var pageurl = window.location.href.split("/")
var cid;
......@@ -1431,6 +1816,9 @@ function GET_( url , callback ) {
// ######################### AJAX && INIT #########################
// [ = = = = = = = = = = INIT = = = = = = = = = = ]
// http://localhost:8000/api/node/84592/ngrams?format=json&score=tfidf,occs&list=miam
var corpus_id = getIDFromURL( "corpora" )
......@@ -1458,7 +1846,6 @@ GET_(new_url, function(res) {
main_ngrams_objects = {}
for (var ngram_id in res.ngraminfos) {
var ngram_tuple = res.ngraminfos[ngram_id]
// TODO remove k
main_ngrams_objects[ngram_id] = {
'id' : ngram_id, // redundant but for backwards compat
'name' : ngram_tuple[0],
......@@ -1467,6 +1854,8 @@ GET_(new_url, function(res) {
console.log("===> AJAX INIT <===\n" + "source: " + new_url)
// = = = = MIAM = = = = //
NGrams["main"] = {
"ngrams": main_ngrams_objects,
"scores": {
......@@ -1474,25 +1863,28 @@ GET_(new_url, function(res) {
} ;
// map & stop: 2x(array of ids) ==> 2x(lookup hash)
// = = MAP ALSO STOP = = //
// 2x(array of ids) ==> 2x(lookup hash)
NGrams["map"] = {} ;
for (var i in res.listmembers.maplist) {
var map_ng_id = res.listmembers.maplist[i] ;
NGrams["map"][map_ng_id] = true ;
NGrams["stop"] = {} ;
for (var i in res.listmembers.stoplist) {
var stop_ng_id = res.listmembers.stoplist[i] ;
NGrams["stop"][stop_ng_id] = true ;
NGrams["group"] = {"links" : res.links , "nodes" : {}};
for (var parent_ng_id in res.links) {
NGrams["group"]["nodes"][parent_ng_id] = false ;
for (var i in res.links[parent_ng_id]) {
child_ng_id = res.links[parent_ng_id][i]
NGrams["group"]["nodes"][child_ng_id] = false
// = = = = GROUP = = = = //
NGrams["group"] = {
"links" : res.links ,
// "nodesmemory" will be filled from "links" in AfterAjax()
"nodesmemory" : {}
// console.log('after init NGrams["main"].ngrams')
// console.log(NGrams["main"].ngrams)
......@@ -1506,94 +1898,45 @@ GET_(new_url, function(res) {
AfterAjax() ;
// The AJAX's in cascade:
// GET_( url[0] , function(result) {
// // = = = = MIAM = = = = //
// if(result!=false) {
// NGrams["main"] = {
// "ngrams": [],
// "scores": {
// "initial":"occs",
// "nb_docs":result.length,
// "orig_nb_ngrams":1,
// "nb_ngrams":result.length,
// }
// }
// var occs_sum = 0
// for(var i in result) {
// NGrams["main"].ngrams.push(result[i])
// occs_sum += result[i].scores.occs
// }
// if(occs_sum==0)
// NGrams["main"]["scores"]["initial"] = "tfidf";
// }
// // = = = = /MIAM = = = = //
// GET_( url[1] , function(result) {
// // = = = = MAP = = = = //
// if(result!=false) {
// NGrams["map"] = result
// }
// // = = = = /MAP = = = = //
// GET_( url[2] , function(result) {
// // = = = = GROUP = = = = //
// if(result!=false) {
// NGrams["group"] = result
// }
// // = = = = /GROUP = = = = //
// AfterAjax()
// GET_( url[3] , function(result) {
// // = = = = STOP = = = = //
// for(var i in result) {
// NGrams["stop"][result[i].id] = result[i]
// }
// // = = = = /STOP = = = = //
// });
// });
// });
// });
function AfterAjax() {
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// dbg: Ngrams structure is too large
// console.log(JSON.stringify(NGrams))
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Deleting subforms from the ngrams-table, clean start baby!
if( Object.keys(NGrams["group"].links).length>0 ) {
// subforms inventory { "main":{ all mainform ids } , "sub":{ all subform ids} }
var _forms = { "main":{} , "sub":{} }
// subforms inventory
for(var i in NGrams["group"].links) {
_forms["main"][i] = true
for(var j in NGrams["group"].links[i]) {
// for each subform {subform_ngramid : true}
_forms["sub"][ NGrams["group"].links[i][j] ] = true
for(var ngramId in NGrams["group"].links) {
_forms["main"][ngramId] = true
for(var i in NGrams["group"].links[ngramId]) {
var subformId = NGrams["group"].links[ngramId][i]
// for each subform: true
_forms["sub"][ subformId ] = true
// console.log('_forms["sub"]')
// console.log( _forms["sub"] )
// debug:
// console.log('~~~~~~~~~~~~~> (sub) _forms')
// console.log( _forms )
// ngrams_data_ will update NGrams.main (with subforms removed)
// ------------------------------------------- MAINLIST
// ngrams_data_ will update NGrams.main.ngrams (with subforms removed)
var ngrams_data_ = {}
for(var ngram_id in NGrams["main"].ngrams) {
// if ngram is subform of another
if(_forms["sub"][ngram_id]) {
// subform info storage into
// ---------------------------------------------
// move subform info into
// ------------------------------------------
// (subform goes away from new list but info preserved)
// (useful if we want to see/revive subforms in future)
NGrams["group"]["nodes"][ngram_id] = NGrams["main"].ngrams[i][ngram_id] = NGrams["main"].ngrams[ngram_id]
// debug:
// console.log(ngram_id + " ("+NGrams["main"].ngrams[ngram_id].name+") is a subform")
// normal case
else {
......@@ -1606,30 +1949,29 @@ function AfterAjax() {
NGrams["main"].ngrams = ngrams_data_;
// console.log('NGrams["group"]["nodes"]')
// console.log( NGrams["group"]["nodes"] )
// NB: this miamlist will eventually become AjaxRecords
// debug:
// console.log('NGrams["main"]')
// console.log( NGrams["main"] )
// console.log('after subforms deletion NGrams["main"].ngrams')
// console.log(NGrams["main"].ngrams)
// initialize state of maplist items
// ----------------------------------------- MAPLIST
if( Object.keys(NGrams["map"]).length>0 ) {
for(var ngram_id in NGrams["main"].ngrams) {
myMiamNgram = NGrams["main"].ngrams[ngram_id]
if(NGrams["map"][ngram_id]) {
// keepstateId = 1
keepstateId = System[0]["statesD"]["keep"]
// initialize state of maplist items
myMiamNgram["state"] = keepstateId ;
// console.log('NGrams["main"]')
// console.log( NGrams["main"] )
// Building the Score-Selector //NGrams["scores"]
var FirstScore = NGrams["main"].scores.initial
// £TODO scores_div
// TODO scores_div
// Recreate possible_scores from some constants (tfidf, occs)
// and not from ngrams[0], to keep each ngram's info smaller
......@@ -1642,9 +1984,10 @@ function AfterAjax() {
// }
// }
// Initializing the Charts and Table
var result = Main_test( NGrams["main"] , FirstScore , "filter_all")
// Initializing the Charts and Table ---------------------------------------
var result = MainTableAndCharts( NGrams["main"] , FirstScore , "filter_all")
console.log( result ) // OK
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// see TODO scores_div
// Listener for onchange Score-Selector
......@@ -1652,7 +1995,7 @@ function AfterAjax() {
// $("#ScoresBox").html(scores_div)
// $("#scores_selector").on('change', function() {
// console.log( this.value )
// var result = Main_test( NGrams["main"] , this.value , "filter_all")
// var result = MainTableAndCharts( NGrams["main"] , this.value , "filter_all")
// console.log( result )
// });
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