Commit 6a172480 authored by sim's avatar sim


parent 0be8f66f
from gargantext.datasource import Scraper
__all__ = ['CernScraper']
class CernScraper(Scraper):
name = 'cern'
from gargantext.datasource import Scraper
__all__ = ['IsidoreScraper']
class IsidoreScraper(Scraper):
name = 'isidore'
from gargantext.datasource import Scraper
__all__ = ['IstexScraper']
class IstexScraper(Scraper):
name = 'istex'
from gargantext.datasource import Scraper
__all__ = ['MultivacScraper']
class MultivacScraper(Scraper):
name = 'multivac'
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