Commit 9073a0ba authored by Romain Loth's avatar Romain Loth

[FIX] docs view: make sort more stable for undefined values

parent eb2e5a23
......@@ -630,9 +630,23 @@ function Main_test(Data) {'dynatable').sorts.functions["signatureSort"] = makeAlphaSortFunctionOnProperty('signature')'dynatable').sorts.functions["sourceSort"] = function sourceSort (rec1,rec2, attr, direction) {
// like rawtitle but nested property
if (rec1.hyperdata && rec1.hyperdata.source
&& rec2.hyperdata && rec2.hyperdata.source) {
// the alphabetic sort
if (direction == 1) return rec1.hyperdata.source.localeCompare(rec2.hyperdata.source)
else return rec2.hyperdata.source.localeCompare(rec1.hyperdata.source)
else if (rec1.hyperdata && rec1.hyperdata.source) {
cmp = direction
else if (rec2.hyperdata && rec2.hyperdata.source) {
cmp = -direction
else {
cmp = 0
if (cmp == 0) cmp = RecDict[] < RecDict[] ? -1 : 1
// hook on page change
MyTable.bind('dynatable:page:set', tidyAfterPageSet)
......@@ -736,9 +750,20 @@ function makeAlphaSortFunctionOnProperty(property) {
return function (rec1,rec2, attr, direction) {
var cmp = null
if (rec1[property] && rec2[property]) {
// the alphabetic sort
if (direction == 1) cmp = rec1[property].localeCompare(rec2[property])
else cmp = rec2[property].localeCompare(rec1[property])
else if (rec1[property]) {
cmp = direction
else if (rec2[property]) {
cmp = -direction
else {
cmp = 0
// second level sorting on key = id in records array
// (this one volontarily not reversable by direction
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